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RE: =MtAK= True Mortal [Is watchin' you]

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4/23/2011 11:18:10   

Hi TM!
I have a quick question...
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
... what?
One more question...
What color are my underwear?
White with red hearts
Ok bye!
PS: I'm in your pocket eating your cookiez.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 5/21/2011 19:04:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 201
4/23/2011 11:38:42   

New page, New questions!
You will be judged! *Slowly holds up a...cookie? And then points to a pink firey pit.*
A mortal...but not a mortal... Untrue Mortal?
Something like that
*You start to get sucked into the ground, your options are listed below:*
A. Explode the ground, and have a cool pose when the smoke clears.
B. Blame it on Cysero!
C. Call the Hero and blame it on him, and push him in instead of you.
D. Go down! Exploring underground might be fun.
If you could live forever, what would you live for?
For.. forever?
What do you consider to be your best drawing so far?
I don't know // Probably the staff weapons
Any Awesome Catchphrases?
Yeah!.. eh.. no sorry
Did you expect to earn the Archknight title?
Maybe *shifty eyes*
Did you expect me to ask that?
.. nope
*A Dragon appears 1,500 times the size of a normal dragon...options:*
A. Tell the Dragon you have some Hero-food for him.
B. Jump all the way up to his head and smack him down, making him fall on the forest.
C. I BLAME CYERSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *enter RAGE mode*
D. Explode the Dragon in a blue fire and yawn.
...You passed! *You obtain one Arch cookie that weighs exactly 9999 pounds and is 1,000 feet high.
and a glass of milk that weighs the same as the cookie and is as tall.
A toast! *holds up glass* Are you sure you can lift that?...
*lifts it with ease*
*fade to black...then a earthquake happens!...then silence.*
PS: I stole all your spiritfire and made it into three cookies that constantly regenerate. I gave Thorn one...
I have one... and...I had to pay the mailman (Ash Dragonblade) something... Spirit Fire cookies rule!

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 5/21/2011 19:06:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 202
4/23/2011 11:45:48   
Doom Desirer

Hiyas! (liking the twilly intro)
Time for the questions!
Oh noes
But they're easy.
So don't worry.
I won't
Would this be considered spam?
... Tough one. YES!
Are you mad at the Soul Weavers that stole the Spirit Warden initials?
No, I'll make mine sPirit WardeN
Or did you steal theirs?
I am the pure manifestation of randomness and doom, not a good mix.
Sorry if you don't know me.(late timing)
Am I allowed to be using blue?
If you keep that blue, yes :P
Thats all. Bye, I might or might not come back.

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 5/21/2011 19:07:35 >
Post #: 203
4/23/2011 13:34:20   

Hi again TM! I will try to keep this round of questions torture and laughter serious.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Sorry, just thinking that that will be a bit impossible for me to do. Seriously, I think you will find at least one thing in this post which is not very serious...
Oh really?
Anyway, how does it feel to be an AK?
My hands start to hurt, along with my arms. Stewpid chains!
Can I pet Thorn?
On your own risk ;-)
If no, or if it would result in a hand bitten off, would it help if I put on a ton of high-protective armor if I wanted to pet him?
Mmh.. he could still munch a chunck out of your spirit D:
If still no, would it help if I gave him a steak?
Yes! Spirit fire flavour
And now, a little experiment: Try looking into my soul. What do you see. (WARNING: CAN NOT UNSEE, IT IS HORRIBLE IN ALL ITS WICKEDNESS! ALSO, SOME OF IT IS PINK!)
What do you think is your best piece of art? Can you post it so I can see it?
I'm still working on it right now... You will see sooner or later :P
If you were allowed to redesign the BoA, how would it look? Try to make a quick drawing of your idea. (If you choose to do so, you get a miximum time of 1 minute. It does not need to look accurate at all, but just accurate enough to get an idea of it.)
I'm really busy, but the basic idea would be the same. Just some update shading, design some pieces again.
In front of you, you find 2 bananas. If you do not eat any of the bananas within the next minute, you and the universe, including all of the parallell universes to implode, leaving nothing to exist. One of the bananas will instantly kill you, and the universes will still implode. The other banana will leave you all to survive. There is no way to know which banana to eat, except for two persons standing in front of you. One of them always lies, one of them always tells the truth, but you do not know who always lies or who always tells the truth, and there is no way to find out. You can ask one questions, and you can choose yourself who you wanna ask the question to. What question would you ask to get the right banana?
Random fake fact: Due to Black Ops, the rate of teenage pregnancy have dropped by 20%
Very random fake fact indeed.
Random fact: You LOL'd when reading the Random fake fact above.
Not really D:
Another random fact: The next random fact that I will say is false.
Good to know
Yet another random fact: The random fact I mentioned before this is true.
Confusing, but okay.
Last random fact: The two random facts I mentioned before this is a paradox. Also, I am at the 15. question now, so I must say: BAI! (For now!)

< Message edited by True Mortal -- 5/29/2011 13:33:35 >
DF AQW  Post #: 204
4/23/2011 23:24:55   

Ah! It's TM!


Let's see if I can come up with anything worthwhile.

Or whether I'll just end up wasting your time.

Probably the latter.

So... um... Thorn. What kind of wolf is he?

I'm not sure if this has been asked or if you've said it or anything, but what race were you before you became a Spirit Warden?

Erm... I think that's it for me for now. When are you going to shut this operation down anyway?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 205
4/23/2011 23:27:19   

FYI I stole your cookies.

What are you gonna do about it?

Hmm...Does the AK AEF look different? CCan you show me?

I'm out, bai! This was shorter than my 2 past ones.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 206
4/24/2011 2:33:31   
Silver Xoven

Haidere and greetings. ^-^


I thought so.

Will you get Thorn to eat me?

I thought so.

Baidere and ungreetings. V-V

< Message edited by Silver Xoven -- 4/24/2011 10:44:48 >
DF  Post #: 207
4/24/2011 3:53:29   


Question is thorn in a pack or ever been in a pack

Question does thorn have any brother/sisters

Question whats thorns favorite food

< Message edited by kwilson -- 4/24/2011 3:54:08 >
MQ  Post #: 208
4/24/2011 6:29:50   

Heil, TM

This is the 1st time we met

Congratz on your AK-hood!

Now, the questions ^_^

What's the Ficus? I forgot it.

If we had a festival about you, what would you say?

Does Thorn play fetch?

What does he play it with?

Random question time ^__^

Have you met your altered ego, False Immortal?

Thanks for answering!


AQ DF  Post #: 209
4/24/2011 6:44:48   
Eric Greydawn

Did you?


*Sigh* ok, I'll look.


So that's what's behind that door?!?!

No wonder they keep it locked.

Okies. Off to write and do research!

...*Points to TMs left* Where did that forge come from?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 210
4/24/2011 13:44:52   



2: What is your favorite comic since you don't watch cartoons?

3: How do you like the idea of a picnic?

4: What if I told you it was in Doomwood?

5: This counts as a question because it ends in a question mark?

6: Told you?


8: Have you ever been a scout (boy, cub, eagle, etc.)?

9: If you favorite food and fruit is spirit fire and you don't know what a vegetable is, what is your favorite MEAT?

10: Will you eat this mysterious soup i just gave you?

11: It has spirit fire, schnozzberries, healing essance, cinnamon, and a secret ingredient...

12: poisen...

13: bubblegum, bacon, and chocolate flavored non-poisenous poisen


15: I endz with a haidere. HAIDERE!

Have fun with mental insanity caused by everyone's questions!

*world's largest pie falls from the sky onto me then i take i huge bite out of the middle then hop in the hollow middle and roll away, followed by an animated computer and a piece of animated styrofoam*

< Message edited by popinloopy -- 4/24/2011 13:55:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 211
4/24/2011 19:01:43   

Hey I'm Riprose Soulweaver,Dragonlord,And hero of Falconreach.

You should know me as I'm listed in the dictionary as the defintion of pure awesomness!:)

I want to ask u pointless questions.

Here they come.



U totally sure?

K assuming all the awnsers were yes here I go...

Will there ever be way we could get Tomix's cape or a item similar to it?

*Wonders why he keeps staring into my soul seeing as my soul consists of two things Justice and a love for waffles*

Could there be special weapons say swords and the like made only for Soulweavers?(the claws get old after a while.);)

That's all and congrats.

*uses his enslave skill on TM,steals his coockies,and disappears epicly*


Naw just kidin*cookies fall randomly out of air but TM still enslaved so he can't move. Orb disappears.*

< Message edited by Riprose123 -- 4/24/2011 22:36:20 >
DF MQ  Post #: 212
4/24/2011 21:04:45   
Jet Silver

Back again.

Sorry about stealing your color/font for that one question last page.

Never owned a Sock Monkey!? WHO ARE YOU!? Other than Letalis/True Mortal/Epic Spirit Warden with a Dire Wolf named Thorn/Artist, I mean.

How do we know your not a puppet controlled by your Dire Wolf Thorn?

I thought black Dire Wolves only appear in Darkovia once every thousand years?

And WHERE did you find him? Hmm...?

Do you like the spirit fire of ChickenCows?

Are there any Soul Wardens? If so, are you going to sue?

Also I liked the BoA replicas. Are they suppose to be the same as the Staff/Dagger/Spear of Awe in AQ?

< Message edited by Jet Silver -- 4/26/2011 22:30:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 213
4/24/2011 21:23:08   

hai again!!!!!!

Can i be the false mortal?

DF  Post #: 214
4/25/2011 9:27:36   

Hello again! It's me, again!

Just 3 quick questions for ya...

Do you explore the suggestions section much?

And if you do, have you seen my sponge weapons?

And if you have, do you like them? :D

Alright, I'm done. See you 'round!
DF  Post #: 215
4/25/2011 17:27:49   

Hey again!

Heres your money back, it doesn't work in the mortal world *mutters about spirit money*

could you make a weapon type called, gauntlets

like we wear special gloves that can hit people!


I also made a gun, I havent drawn it yet, but I can tel you about it!

It has a revolver type body, with a long barrel & a knife under it, it uses those bottles of mana on the mana gauntlet as ammo, 6 shots per vial, pull back the hammer to reload, the vial in the top barrel will go into this tube, which drops it into he barrel, allowing the gun to shoot

what do you think?


< Message edited by Epic Dragonlord -- 4/25/2011 17:28:59 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 216
4/26/2011 14:20:30   

Just a few more questions.

How much Spirit Fire DOES it take to make Mega Spirit Fire?

What does Mega Spirit Fire taste like?

It might be worth an experiment. You know, see if you can create Ultra Sprit Fire or something. You know, something to do while you guard the portal. That basket I gave you might be a good start.

Tell me how it goes.

In response to an earlier question and answer, you know how you said something slong the lines of Spirit Fire is made by extracting it from people and it hurts? Would that not mean that the Spirit Wardens are evil in eating something extracted from people that makes them hurt, or is there like a non painfull version you actualy use? And if so, does it tastwe as good as the pain one or is is it like a low fat thing that tastes worse?

Can normal people eat Spirit Fire?


...One day that'll work.

Bye (Fades into shadow)

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 4/26/2011 14:21:25 >
DF  Post #: 217
4/26/2011 14:39:41   
epic pie

Hey True Mortal

Doest thou enjoyest yea pies?

what is you favorite pie?


I'm amazed


what is your NPC's opinion on the hero (our character)

does the Doomknight armor have any visible effects on our soul?

does paladin?

thankies!, BIA
DF MQ  Post #: 218
4/27/2011 12:07:01   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

Greetings True Mortal.

If you haven't figured it out by now, you don't allow people to post 3+ times on an MtAK as it stands equal to suicide-by-questions-avalanch. (Especially for a place as well-visited as DFGD.)

If you have read my L&L I've got a quiz, if you didn't you're off the hook.
(By answering all questions correctly, you unlock the next chapter for ALL people. That is to say, not just for yourself.)

What is the name of the main protagonist?

Who raised the main protagonist?

How many (subtle) references to other players did you spot are there? (You are allowed to have this one wrong.)

Which main characters from Dragonfable are mentioned in the story?

How does the story end?


FYI, that last question was to see if you were cheating by secretly reading my soul.


< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 4/27/2011 12:08:55 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 219
4/28/2011 13:01:36   

Baidere! ...Fail.

TM: Do you think I should convert to Kathool?

Why not?

I am a DoomLord. Or am I?

Your soul are pink.

Do you like Beleen´s outfit?

Who is best? Spirit Warden or SoulWeaver?

Shall I ever stop create questions?
Er... No.

Seppy´s eviiil.


You are blue. I´m blind. Or not.


Haidere! ...Fail. Again.


Me - I´ll be back.

You -

< Message edited by GalaXyVenom -- 5/5/2011 11:32:29 >
AQW  Post #: 220
4/28/2011 14:10:38   

Hi True Mortal!!

Okay, you definitely don't know me because I only play AQW. In fact I don't even have a DF account and this is my very first time posting in the DF forums!

Anyhow, getting off topic there. So let the games questions begin!

1. Okay, are you a boy or a girl?

2. Do ever wish you were the other gender?

3. Are you ever disappointed with the various decisions the AE Staff make?

4. Do you wish YOU could be in charge of Artix Entertainment?

5. Favorite AE game?

6. Do you despise the newest member(HS)?

7. What time do you go to sleep?

8. Finish this sentence: I, True Mortal will never ____ because it is against ____

9. Do you hope to one day meet me in real life?

10. Do you like fish or ice cream better?

11. Do you think you'll quit playing AE games one day?

12. What is the purpose of AQW?

13. Is its purpose better than DF's purpose?

14. Will you answer my next question?

15. What was your favorite question out of all of these questions?

Well, congratulations!! Don't take it for granted like others do.



AQW  Post #: 221
4/29/2011 7:23:15   

Hello TM, Why don't we let the ... what do they call it, questions to begin. I will begin with easy questions to check you are you, to hard ones.

Are you True Mortal?

Are you sure you are True Mortal?

So you like Science?

If you like science answer this question without cheating and looking it up. If you were in empty space, there is no air resistance. So, will you accelerate infinitely?

I think that is all for now

But be warned there will be more Muahahaha

PS Congratulations.

< Message edited by agent212 -- 4/29/2011 7:24:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 222
4/29/2011 10:45:29   
~Cursed Hero~

Hello There :O

We Never met :D

Congratz on AK-ing

Questions :

What does your face look like? :O

Magic or SCIENCE!?


Cool Story Bro.

Cookiez or Pancakes?


Pokémon or Super mario?

Do You hate our Hero?

Why T_T

AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 223
4/29/2011 18:24:57   

True Mortal, do you have a True Mortal plushie?????

DF  Post #: 224
4/29/2011 18:28:13   
Highlord Sendai

Bwhahahahaha! I return with more EEEEEVIL! Questio-ooph! *Javelin flies through head, you can hear cries of sorry from Athlete's on a field nearby*
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 225
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