Almost $300 now. I'm not really active, so I've bought some packages to get the credits from them to buy anything new I want at the time. While I don't play as much as I used to when I heard about it through the merger, I still enjoy popping in and seeing what's available almost every update. I'm sitting on like 12k Varium atm, because of how I have chosen to "keep up" It really depends on who the person is that's playing the game. In my eyes... it's a game.. you spend money on it, just like any console game that you would like DLC after buying the game itself. So in the end I'll pay for whatever form of entertainment I'm wishing to garner out of the game that will possibly keep my playing or coming back. It won't always be around no, but what game is before another game that catches one's eyes pulls us away for a time. I'm the player, only I decide how much I want to spend. I've only myself to blame if I go overboard in spending. I might miss out on something good, but we can't all have what we want. Am I an "Epicholic?" in some way yes, in some way no.