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RE: Players should trade or sell to other players

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4/27/2011 9:01:47   

ok so guys i got the best idea for u :)
===> selling items so if u want an item from someone else u can buy it from him for x2 its price or x1.5 its price (dont ask for less cz if its gona be a 100% no from the devs if ure going to pay the same price ) and the owner gets half what the buyer paid and the other half goes to the game :D and maybe the ultra rares cant be sold :D (and the dragon items bcz u cant have a dragon item without the achievment )
:) what do you think ?
Epic  Post #: 51
4/27/2011 18:35:59   

Ok so I was reading some of the posts, and I really like the auction thing.

Auction Room

One player auctions whatever he may be wanting to get rid of, set a deadline.
  • Maybe set a minimum price as well? Or specific item?

    Players then submit their item/price they're willing to trade for that.

    The player who auctioned then returns and chooses the best item/price he sees.

  • And there can be a search system as well, maybe you want Founder's Armor(just an example) you then go into the Auction Room and there you would find a search bar and search the armor you want and several armors will show up that are currently being auctioned.

    This is just an idea of how to trade; obviously before every trade password or confirmation shall be set.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 52
    4/27/2011 19:41:41   
    Atomic garden

    What if you had a seperate code like a four digit/character pin that is a separate password that cannot be recovered for when either your trading and also we could implement a banking system? with interest? But no loans!
    Post #: 53
    4/27/2011 19:46:22   

    I would like to have a Pin number just for when you want to buy or sell something that cost Varium. But to have one for a trading system would be a good idea also.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 54
    4/27/2011 23:01:29   

    It would work just fine, with an auction mode.

    You put the item you ask for minimum bid, buy out price, and time to auction 1-7 days (the person who sell choose from 1-7 days).
    To ensure no ridiculous low price, the buy out feature only appear after 24hrs of the posted items, so many ppl can bid. (no hacker)

    There is a fee you pay, that goes to ED, if not sold in the specify time, the item come back to your inventory.
    (like 10% of the minimum bid goes to ED, even if the item is not sold, if sold, than 10% of the sell price goes to ED).

    All player can see all items that are in auction.

    here an example:


    Here is a free game, that have this system, it 100% hack proof it extremely popular and scam free.
    Post #: 55
    4/28/2011 2:21:47   
    The UnleaShedWolfZ

    I Suggest an Achievements Exchange System , and Not Weapons.

    EDIT : BTW We Need an Achievement Arrange System , So We Could Put The Same Colors Achievs. Next To Each Other Or Something Like That :D

    e.g : NPCs Achievs Next To Each Other , Halloween/Frost Next To Each Other , Like The Alpha Elite Founder Beta Gama :D

    Nice Organisation ;) :P

    < Message edited by The UnleaShedWolfZ -- 4/28/2011 2:26:49 >
    Epic  Post #: 56
    4/28/2011 2:55:03   

    "Secretly bids 2,500 on the Bouncing Sing-Along Ball"
    AQW Epic  Post #: 57
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