Sorry, I had to skip it till the middle. Too much writing. Lol. I do agree, since I feel that nothings improving with arguments, also that the dev's are kind of pressured into thinking they have such little time (because of the arguments). People aren't patient, and when they think that there's an Op'd build they don't bother figuring out a build to defeat it. 2vs2 if you don't like ending up with a noob partner and lose a few wins, you can just do npc to gain the wins back (in a different way, counting in total wins) instead of having to argue bout it over the forums. It's also exactly why Archknights keep having to delete your posts, because it's usually about flaming or arguments. I agree with what you have said so far. -I'm done, I'm out. Peace! =D
ED~ Inception X HS~ Chromium AQW~ Deathblad AQ3D~ Violent