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RE: Are founders greedy players

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4/28/2011 3:25:38   

like that but 2 make it lvl 28. no enhancement further on you just get plus 9 and cost you guys 1500 varium.

< Message edited by xxmirxx -- 4/28/2011 3:28:52 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 76
4/28/2011 5:13:39   

Yeah founders are greedy. Not all, I'm not. Even though I complain, I complain about how much varium I've wasted cause of the over-priced releases.

I would rather have the ED Team dicuss more stuff with us than just to hand over 1,000 varium free.
(I'm happy with the 1,000 varium though. Dev's still know the we are here complaining & there listening, so maybe this would help us all in the future)

Also, founders have the right to be greedy. We've poured money into this game & alot of founders are still doing this now.
It's not really greedy, it's just something founders deserve seeing how most of the income came from us.


@Mirv, might be better if you change the title to "Are SOME Founders greedy players." You're title just means us all.

< Message edited by LambO -- 4/28/2011 5:15:03 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 77
4/28/2011 5:16:17   

most are, but there are some really nice ones out there like syfy and jzaanu (i think jzaanu is one?)
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 78
4/28/2011 5:20:57   

Well since founders are the hot topic. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18915004&mpage=2?

Are founders greedy HELL Yeah! Man we are so greedy that we take all the food at dinner time from the whole family in case theirs is better than ours. lol

How greedy are we? *yawns*

Get back on your bikes kiddies and enjoy the ride. :)

< Message edited by Shadronica -- 4/28/2011 5:22:07 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 79
4/28/2011 5:25:14   

I know you guys are just jealous! Am I right?
Post #: 80
4/28/2011 5:51:15   
Silent Scream

I would like the title changed aswell please..

I wouldnt consider myself to be greedy, im happy to be getting 1k varium aswell.. Alot of Founders already get enough stick from players when in battle about buying Varium and about having the Armor as i have been for the last few weeks and its starting to get very annoying

We payed alot of money for the game over the last few years and helped the game progress very far and the respect we get for that by most is 0

And now we're being called "Greedy"

I still think the Founder armor deserves a buff.. Its the best looking armor in the game and a large part of ED's history

I just hope the Founder armor design does not become wasted by slowly dieing in our invents once more stronger armors come out


Thats all im going to say on the matter, because im getting tired of this debate and getting tired of Founders name being thrown in the mud by a ton of players who have never payed any money towards the game

You may be the larger player base and its great to have you guys in game.. But without money this game can not survive, so think that through before you go bashing people who do pay

- Silent

< Message edited by Silent Scream -- 4/28/2011 5:58:32 >
Epic  Post #: 81
4/28/2011 5:51:55   
Silver Sky Magician


Some, perhaps. But there is a valid point. Unlimited rewards (completely free, at that) for a one-time purchase of varium makes no sense, even if the founders did purchase varium at a time when it was 'risky' to do so. Many other players keep EpicDuel running, not just the founders. All player groups, both varium players and non-varium players, contribute to EpicDuel.

The devs have acknowledged founders' contribution to EpicDuel, through the multitude of privileges and buffs given to them. Additionally the devs have absolutely no obligation to do so; they did so out of goodwill. I don't think it is right for founders to abuse this goodwill by demanding buffs and additional (by extension, unlimited) privileges from the devs, even flaming the devs so liberally when their 'rights' appeared to be 'infringed'. Thus founders should be satisfied with what they have.

As to the 'greed' of the founders, I feel that a few may be so, some others jumping on the bandwagon since freebies are always welcome, and the rest not. Player personalities cannot be generalised across and within status denominations.

Do founders gain any respect as a group? Very little. But that is only natural; the founders did not initially buy varium with the intention of helping EpicDuel, but with the aim of helping themselves. That is not worthy of respect. If founders want respect, they have to earn it. How have founders been conducting themselves? I would imagine that a substantial amount have mocked other players, calling them 'noob' on account of their superiority. Because they invoked the name of 'founder' to do so, founders were subsequently disrespected. Those that are respected, like Fay Beee, have popular support due to their positive contributions and characters. Should any founder or player desire respect, he/she should emulate them.

EDIT: I hope that someone can read this -.- Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible.

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 4/28/2011 5:58:50 >
Post #: 82
4/28/2011 5:53:21   

AGGGGRH! Why do you people keep complaining? I have heard so many complaint threads in the past week alone it's not even funny! This part of the fourm needs some serious cleaning up as does this game so we can reach a standerd where every second thread is not about complaints!
DF  Post #: 83
4/28/2011 6:11:05   
Silent Scream


How have founders been conducting themselves? I would imagine that a substantial amount have mocked other players, calling them 'noob' on account of their superiority.

I have not mocked anyone because of my "superiority" superiority? this is a game..

I spend alot of time talking to lowerd lvl players, free to play players, helping them with there builds and just the game in general and how to make them do better against there opponents

When i walk by in game i get alot of people saying "Wait" or "Help please?" to me and i always stop and help them if i can for e.g with there builds and most of them are very new to the game

So i would appreciate if you would knock of the bashing of people you say have "superiority" just because of an armor and some varium

If anything people who buy Varium, not just Founders take an ever bigger bashing by a ton of players who think we're noobs just because we "have" to buy varium to play

But thats not the case.. The first and biggest reason i buy varium is because i like this game.. i dont buy varium to be superior to anyone and i certainly dont buy varium because i cant play the game without it

I get insults thrown my way daily just for the fact i have varium.. if i screenshotted even half the people who did it, i would need a new hardive because ide run out of space

- Silent

< Message edited by Silent Scream -- 4/28/2011 6:19:09 >
Epic  Post #: 84
4/28/2011 6:15:05   

Nobody asked for varium though, lol. (Well, didn't see anyone do so)

We're not even asking for much. I didn't ask for any of this all I wanted was the prices of varium to be changed. Every week it was varium based & was too expensive for nerfing the players & releasing enhancements for gun's & zooka's so we would have to pay again.
I also wanted the Dev's to be more involved with the ED community. Not just to release a release when they can & only here from them when a Design note pops up. I would take the Dev's being involved with the community over free varium anyday.

@Silver, you can't say that. I payed for this game to help ED & to help myself. I could care less if I have respect of no respect as a 'Founder' I know I'm worthy of it because I kept on paying for this game to support ED & to support myself.
You would imagine that founders called people noobs cause of their status, but you would be wrong. It's the founders themselfs who get called noobs, no life & such. If anything the founders themselfs help more people than any other person even though they get called names.

I've been with AE for over 7 years. If I didn't support the games here I would of left along time ago.


< Message edited by LambO -- 4/28/2011 6:16:01 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 85
4/28/2011 6:22:17   
Silent Scream

I would also like ED Staff to be more involved with its players like the good old days.. but i understand that the game has become very time consuming lately

I do like the fact we will be getting DN posts by Cinderella now tho

- Silent
Epic  Post #: 86
4/28/2011 7:57:03   
Silver Sky Magician

@Silent and Lambo

It is sad but true that some black sheep can ruin the reputation of the whole flock. I acknowledge and reiterate that the general founder population has been helpful and courteous, however the black sheep I'm referring to are who people remember as the 'founders'. The helpful founders, like you and many more, are not remembered as founders, but as 'Silent Scream', 'Fay Beee', etc. Add that to natural jealousy and founders as a group lack the respect of the general player base.

Let me compare the founder status to varium players. Both support EpicDuel, founders debatably (but for the purposes of further discussion I shall assume so) more than normal varium players. But do varium users get respect because they have bought varium to support EpicDuel? No. Instead, they get flamed by the more immature non-varium users. The same principle is true of founders, just that they can too get flamed by more immature varium users.

Now, not only founders but all players get some level of disrespect. Non-variums are assumed as 'noobs' because they are inherently weaker without the varium advantage, variums as 'noobs' because they torture non-varium players, and founders even more so. All this, of course, are the viewpoints of immature players, who unfortunately seem to constitute a large portion of the playerbase. All players in terms of their status are discriminated against by other players of different status.

Silent, the people who have flamed you are people who do not truly know you. While you may feel extremely indignant at this, remember that everyone starts out being discriminated against, and only those who can build their personal reputation through the means you have described can break out of the stigma. Don't lose faith and keep it up :) Duel on!

On a side note, if you were referring to me as a person when you told me to 'stop bashing', I have not done anything of the sort.

Lambo, in my address regarding a community I inevitably have to make generalisations (i.e. founders buy varium for themselves, not EpicDuel), and my current understanding of human nature makes me believe so, though I do recognise that there are some exceptions. Great that you support AE games (AE rulez!).

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 4/28/2011 8:04:07 >
Post #: 87
4/28/2011 8:16:27   
Spectating from the Sidelines

There is a way in which the players might be rewarded.

It goes
Alpha > Elite > Founder > Beta > Gamma

Beta will be rewarded firstly, before Gamma I presume, and Gamma will most likely be rewarded when the next stage of EpicDuel comes out (Ex: It was Alpha, then Beta, now gamma, whatever is next)
When Beta became Gamma,
the Founder, Elite, and Alpha players got a buff on their achievement by 500 rating points, and the Beta Achievement that was worth nothing, was buffed up to being worth 3500 rating points. The next stage of ED will probably be the same: Alphas, Elites, and Founders will get there achievement buffed by another 500 rating points, bringing their total to 6000 rating points. Then the beta testers will be buffed another 500, bringing it up to 4000 rating points, and the Gamma Achievement will probably be put as 3500 rating points.

So in a sense, they do get rewarded, but this is a special occasion for saying "Thank you for believing in EpicDuel the first month we got with AE"

DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 88
4/28/2011 10:16:03   

to act like founders was here before most of us is joke. I really think none of you guys devsevre nothing in game. I think you guys are only think of yourself here. Your not getting picture non founders have pay more then most of you founders. How is fair to keep buffing level 25 armor when of us have to keep getting buy armor just to match your armor.
AQ Epic  Post #: 89
4/28/2011 10:21:23   

thing is founders are important and are first class and better than gamma players.

gamma players are 2nd class and usually whine alot.

hence founders should get more.

p.s non variums are 3rd class and should be grateful they are allowed to play this game.

they whine the most too.

< Message edited by sk1tz -- 4/28/2011 10:24:17 >
Post #: 90
4/28/2011 10:32:37   

gamma players have right to whine. look at special treatment founders are getting and still wanted more. I am no noob here I have here just as long founders have and most of my friends. so far as whinning goes we have dam right to be upset.
AQ Epic  Post #: 91
4/28/2011 10:47:36   

I am a founder I appreciate the 1000 but I was hoping for a boost to at least +8
AQW Epic  Post #: 92
4/28/2011 10:49:16   

I don't see why Founders are first class and Gamma are second...

Shure Founders paid earlier than Gamma but they still pay for it.

Like I said, give someone your finger and they'll want your arm.
besides aren't like Alpha's and Elites before Founder, if anything they deserve something
way more than founders


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 93
4/28/2011 10:57:23   

founders and elites are what got this game up and running with payments.

gamma players wouldnt be playing this game if it wasnt for founders and elites.

so founders and elites deserve a little extra than the gamma player.

1000 varium is good token of appreciation and i appreciate it.

the only people who are moaning are greedy founders and gamma players.

sorry gamma people, but your just middleclass, sorry but it had to be said.

Post #: 94
4/28/2011 11:08:12   

I miss the old days. The old days were the epic days of ED, now its just money, money, money. People have no respect anymore
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 95
4/28/2011 11:29:50   


I miss the old days. The old days were the epic days of ED, now its just money, money, money. People have no respect anymore

I agree.
Post #: 96
4/28/2011 11:34:31   

Man it was so much fun back then faction wars were fought with honor and its pretty exciting back then.

I miss my friends who already left most of them founders. I was part of three stars and sun back then most of them are gone.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 97
4/28/2011 12:29:55   


Like I said, give someone your finger and they'll want your arm. besides aren't like Alpha's and Elites before Founder, if anything they deserve something way more than founders

I agree with you on that and RKC you have just turn to same as these new players. I to miss the old days too I hate fighting players that use robots. like I said I was here when founder armor was out and same with most my friends. But all you doing here is being selfish. Instead of complaining you should just buy new armor just move on. beta and founder are same its just badge if you think your for gotten your dead wrong. We beta players tell stories of once great age of older genation players. My point here is even without armor you guys aren't for gotten. I make point by remember those who came before us.
AQ Epic  Post #: 98
4/28/2011 12:32:26   

Alphas did not pay you know.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 99
4/28/2011 12:37:19   


I agree with you on that and RKC you have just turn to same as these new players. I to miss the old days too I hate fighting players that use robots. like I said I was here when founder armor was out and same with most my friends. But all you doing here is being selfish. Instead of complaining you should just buy new armor just move on. beta and founder are same its just badge if you think your for gotten your dead wrong. We beta players tell stories of once great age of older genation players. My point here is even without armor you guys aren't for gotten. I make point by remember those who came before us.

you say you was here when the armor was out?
so u didnt support the game at that time which was the most needed time for support and now your calling the people who DID support the game selfish?

i also find it funny that non varium players complain so much that variums are oped.
maybey instead of complaining, they should emmm buy varium!.

< Message edited by sk1tz -- 4/28/2011 12:39:40 >
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