I've already Pmed cinderella saying this: quote:
Hey, Could you suggest to Nightwraith, Titan and Charfade to make some seasonal "friday the 13th" rares along with a RARE armor and SEASONAL RARE achievment? It could be an opportunity for the April Fools day weps to go rare as well. I would be happy with just an armor,anything else is just a bonus. If you want a suggestion for the armor, maybe it could be a grim reaper armor. A black cloak that looks cool with a hood. If it has good stat modifiers and looks cool and is rare, non founders will be happy and the game can move on. If it was non rare It could disrupt balance I guess. Reply: quote:
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be passing it along- I'm not sure what exactly we have planned since we don't really want to directly compete with AQW's live event. -Cinderella