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RE: This is ridiculous

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5/10/2011 2:44:42   

just gotta add 1 more thing. power hour. during power hour a player get 2x EXP and 2X credits.so logically more people woule get on during this timings. the suddend inflow of people cause such a big lag sometimes. lags affect 2v2 player more than a 1v1 player if the lags cause your partner to go poofy u r basically doomed. laggy battles in 2v2 is way worse than in 1v1 because mind u there are 4 diffrent people in 2v2 compared to in 1v1 when there r just 2 people. if a person dc in 1v1 the person u are fighting gets dced u get a instant win while in 2v2 if your partner dc or one of the people u are fighting get dced there is still no win yet the battle still continue and sometimes people have teh never say die spirit in them and never give up no mater how bad the situation is not having a parter does not mean a lose to them so the laggy battle just drags and drags u will get what i mean if u play loads of 2v2. Thta is why i really hate to do 2v2 during power hour because power hour= laggy hour in 2v2.

2v2 is a slow place to be in u can chat talk bout things and basically have fun. that is why i like 2v2. but since it is so unfair and there is no more doom 2v2ing( ah really want to doom 2v2 with a bunch of 33) it seem i m getting futher and further away from liking 2v2.

< Message edited by Luna_moonraider -- 5/10/2011 2:47:25 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 26
5/10/2011 3:22:31   


this whole game is just booboo they need to change evrything back to the way it was on betathat seemed like the best time in this game

what does booboo mean? and yeah beta was awesome! i want it back, maybe a different server for it?
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 27
5/10/2011 3:52:23   

There were 3 reasons I quit ED for 8 months.
1) My character was so messed up by fail builds, I have failed to accumulate enough credits to play at all.
2) For some reason, I could not buy the 10k varium package at the time so I could get the Beta weapons. Those would have saved my character (who was a Tech Mage), but alas, as fate would have it, I missed out on them.
3) Somehow, I predicted that the game would be so much worse as soon as Gamma was released. I come back with a Mecenary and what do you know, I was right.


I am Gold, for I am many.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
5/10/2011 7:35:31   

High Priority
Improvement for the current battle mode 2-2 has bean broken for ever (3lv instead of 5 lv difference, also take in account stats bonus when making team in 2-2, to make more balanced team).
Improvement for 1-1 (also 3 lv apart instead of 5)
We want a retraining revamp.
New battle modes.

Medium Priority
More non varium weapon (just take old varium weapon and remove the varium cost).
New Lv 33 Physical staff, Mace, claw. (varium & non varium)
New lv 33 gun (varium & non varium)

Low Priority
New mission
New unrelated PVP stuff

You keep giving us Low priority.

We would like Epic duel to publish a list of what coming on next.
Post #: 29
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