There needs to be something to fix this Varium users. I have never payed nor will I because of this over powered varium users. I'm a level 33 on my main name and I have never bought varium yet a level 29 can come across me with a HORRIBLE build yet have varium, robots, +40 stats on his tech and dex and stuff and he can beat me. This game isn't fun for free users at high levels anymore. I'm not standing for it. Hopefully someone from forums will agree. Please do not reply to this thread if you bought varium because your opinion is obsolete. Varium players should only play other varium players after level 23. FRee users should have a option to "play varium users" or play regular users. Because until this is done, I'm leaving the games everytime i see varium weapons, robots or anything. This is also why we need run button back because I'll just abuse server list option. Alpha was fun, Beta was fun but was starting to lose it, Gamma is where it went down hill.