The fanciest of moustaches
I'm not really looking for feedback, though. All I care about is writing for the fun of it. I don't mind if no one sees it, if no one cares for it. What matters to me is the thrill of writing, pounding out page after page of my imagination, putting it into writing and painting pictures with my words. If people like it, that's just a bonus for me. Though I'm getting tempted to create my own thread so I don't have to sift through the posts here every time, it's also really nice to have a collaboration with a bunch of people. I'll put Cataclsym's backstory in a separate thread, though. Been meaning to retype that up. What's the character limit on posts, anyway? I may be running into that soon... I'm at almost 22000 words, and sitting at ~105,000 characters, no spaces, or ~125,000 characters, with spaces.