Here's an interesting fact. When class change was released for the first time, many players spent 1,500 varium just to get the achievement, some of them even changed back to their original class afterword (3000 varium). What did they get out of that? They got to try out a new class, and new builds, some only got the achievement and nothing more. How does that effect this release? With this new release players spent 1,200 varium to try the new battle mode. What did they get out of that? They got to try a new mode, they get the achievement, they get rarity score, and they get a head start over all the other players in wins. The achievement + rarity is worth 1,200 varium, if you think about it. Not every player want's an achievement...however what you want personally does not make it any less worth it for the ones that do want it. You can't make everyone happy, however it's possible to satisfy the majority, if they gave weapons/armor, then the players that didn't (or couldn't) get the card would complain that it was unfair. And if they made the armor/weapon better than the best ones out now (including founder) that would cause even more complaints by founders and Bunny Borg users who couldn't afford the card. However by making the reward an achievement + rarity score it satisfies the majority since a lot of players like achievements (the numbers from class change proves it), and many players like rarity (some even spend extra varium on the same weapons to get extra rarity). Also since the reward doesn't help card purchasers in battle anyone that didn't get the card has no real reason to complain, since it doesn't hurt them in any way (beyond them missing an achievement). In summery: You can't please everyone, however by satisfying the majority you minimize player unrest. Hope that makes sense.
< Message edited by Wiseman -- 5/17/2011 16:04:07 >