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RE: Why So Quiet?

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5/20/2011 22:06:25   

I have seen many constructive posts that are followed by rants. This completely negates the effectiveness of the original post.
I'm tired of seeing complaints after complaints that have little to no explanation behind their reasoning.

Blatantly stating you hate this feature and that it makes the greedy dev's so much money is not at all constructive. (Just an example, not referring to a specific person)

Just asking for this and this to happen is more easy said than achieved. We, as the players, don't know any struggles ED may be facing, thus we ask for more and more.
And frankly after what we asked for has been released, we complain even more since it wasn't how we pictured it.

Maybe we should have been more detailed in our posts, just a suggestion.

Even if it seems that I am on their side, I still have complaints. I feel that there is a lack of communication between the players and staff.
This I can't just blame on the staff, but on us as well.

I feel that the staff, not just Charfade and Cinderella, needs to communicate with us on each weekly update so the players can evaluate and respond appropriately to what we feel should be subject to change. This won't be achieved if each update continues to be a complete surprise to us, regardless of Design Notes, and if we keep flaming each feature we're upset over.

DF Epic  Post #: 26
5/20/2011 22:14:34   
extreme wizard

@Celestine: Exactly. The Staff are building a new game, they can't be pressured to be perfect with every release, they do the best they can. We the players could help by guiding the Staff toward what we want, not slapping the Staff with a fish and saying "GIVE ME NOW!!" I think EpicDuel is pretty good for a newer game. Mercenaries are terrifyingly over-powered and Varium weapons are priced high, but have you noticed that EpicDuel does not have a Dragon Amulet or Guardian-like option? They have to get all their money from Varium sales, so of course Varium will be used more in-game! As I said in a previous comment, give the staff a chance the get this game on its feet.


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
5/20/2011 22:16:52   

LambO I agree with you on post 18.Dev's your going to lose your all times If you keep this up. I feel you treat the all times with no respect.
AQ Epic  Post #: 28
5/20/2011 22:24:37   

guys im just glad they reply i remember a time when no one would even talk to us -.-
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 29
5/20/2011 22:25:47   


Here is an example of a nice constructive post. No flaming no nada, and their are several like this each day :) keep your eyes open.

Epic  Post #: 30
5/20/2011 22:39:51   

Ha. All you defenders coming at us "flamers" with your holier-than-thou posts. Do us all a favor: Save it.

What exactly is "constructive criticsim" anyway?

In this game, it's just the devs asking us how to do their freaking job. I'm sorry, they get paid to do that, not me.

I'll stick to being brutally honest, thank you.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 31
5/20/2011 22:51:16   

Thank you for the link. Very good suggestions, and I agree with most of those. Though, have you seen the daily threads filled with flames?
Threads such as:


And This..

And This..

As well as this one..

On top of this one..

With this one..

The flame threads eclipse the positive suggestions and those are just on the first page.
I am not saying that players should not complain, after all we do have the right.
We just do it in a disrespectful baseless way. (Not all of us, but a few)

Constructive Criticism: Criticism performed with a compassionate attitude towards the person qualified for criticism.

DF Epic  Post #: 32
5/20/2011 22:52:23   
extreme wizard

Brutal honesty is the best kind of honesty, keep it up. I'm not trying to be "holier-than-thou", and neither are the other defenders. I'm just saying that the game isn't hopelessly lost; it can still be adjusted where all players can be satisfied. The staff can't do their job if they don't know what the players want, that's why they need "constructive criticism". Constructive criticism is criticising what the staff are doing, but being polite about it and suggesting a practical way to repair the issue.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
5/20/2011 23:09:44   

Bah. You can quote me a Dictionary.com definition all you want. This is ED, where compassion has run its course for most of us. (You are familiar with the history of ED, right?) Here's a quick summary: When the devs decided that evolving the game took a back seat to making money is when they lost a lot of us.

But that process took time. In the begining, there was plenty of constructive criticism. The old Forum was chock full of it. But, like I said, that time is over. There are consequences to actions, you know.

Lastly, the links to the threads you cited, and the posts therien, are just as valid as Nexus' ideas. Perhaps some are more visceral and unformed, but in no way are they any less valid than the more "constructive" posts.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 34
5/20/2011 23:19:47   
extreme wizard

You may be right about the history of ED, because I have not been watching these forums for as long as you have, and I only started posting on them recently. The "Flaming" posts can be effective as well, but they are degrading to the staff. If anything is taken from my posts, remember this: The staff will work more efficiently and effectively if us players can be constructive when criticising them. Who knows? Maybe a second(or third? Or fourth? I don't know how long this has gone on) chance given to the staff could revive the game.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
5/20/2011 23:26:46   

Well, with the 300 bucks I spent in 1 year, I could have bought a 6 year mem in aqw...
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
5/20/2011 23:32:11   

I agree with you, Wizard, in principle. I'm a big believer in forgiveness, believe it or not. Just watch out that you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome!

But the reality of the situation is that we're all individuals with different thresholds for pain. For some, the pain has become unbearable.

I suppose our choices are to 1) silently endure the pain 2) be vocal about the pain, 3) ask for more! or 4) just quit and go away (as some would like us to, lol).

But the reality of the situation is that we're all individuals with different thresholds for pain. For some, the pain has become unbearable. Others are just stepping in to ED and wondering "What in the world is going on?!"

Anyway, on we go. :)

< Message edited by frogbones -- 5/20/2011 23:38:32 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
5/21/2011 1:32:45   
Moving Mountains

I am appalled by this thread. It is readily apparent that it was meant to be nothing but a taunt. It serves no purpose but to antagonize, expressly against our forum rules. And believe what you will, I can certainly tell you that this sort of response will result in NOTHING positive like you seem to believe it will. It needs to stop, or you will be banned from the forums. We will not put up with this sort of behavior any longer. If you disagree with the direction of the game, do so, but personal insults solve nothing and in fact only antagonize the situation further.

Your choice, but be aware they will have consequences. You may think those consequences are worth the punishment; evidence that the staff is only trying to shut you up because you're saying something they don't want to spread. Let me reassure you that is not the case. Nothing saddens me more than banning a member of these forums. The staff were players once, the same as you. We know what it's like to care about a game, to want to enjoy it as much as possible. However, it does not excuse any behavior in which you feel like indulging. Play the blame game if you want, but you are responsible for your own behavior; your choices will result in both the receptiveness of your ideas and, to put it plainly, your ability to post here.

I'm locking this now. For those of you who wrote constructive posts, we appreciate them, and they will be considered. For others, you have a choice you need to make.

< Message edited by Everest -- 5/21/2011 1:38:36 >
Post #: 38
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