okay... but how is it unfair? It is a 50 50 chance. a lv 30 support merc would like lose 1/4 of its help just by a robot. A lv 25 nooby guy would die from a aux and a robot hit. One question i have never play ed juggernaut so i want to find out something. Is it jugg turn-noob turn, jugg turn, average turn or it is jugg turn,noob turn, average t urn jugg turn. or noob turn,average turn,jugg turn, or noob turn,jugg turn, adverage turn, or adfverage turn, jugg turn noo turn, adverage tunr or is it jugg turn adverage turn, jugg turn, nooob turn Or is it osmething else? the "underdogs" go first, its one of them goes first, then u go, then one of them goes, then another one of them goes, then u go, then the other 2 go, then u go or sometimes both of them go first and then u go, then them 2 and then u.