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The next move? (GAME OF LUCK OR SKILLS) ^^;

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5/26/2011 15:39:42   

Okay so now that there is side arm (gun) with special effect (5% Stun)
Will there be special effects on auxiliary?
and if there is would the game move further into a game of luck?
or should they leave out the effects on the Auxiliary

< Message edited by CloseYourEyes -- 5/26/2011 15:40:10 >


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AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/26/2011 15:40:39   

No the auxiliary has not 5 % stun and we can't know if they're gonna do it or not. PLease think before you are posting.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
5/26/2011 15:42:52   

what I am saying is what IF they do...
I'm not saying that it already has...
and obviously no one knows what's goings to happen next...
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
5/26/2011 15:50:02   

@CloseYourEyes dont care 5rr5 , he always give no sense answers to threads.


Pls understand the thread before posting.

On topic:
In future im 100% sure that admins will put a luck factor to auxs , so this game is not PvP anymore LvL( Luck VS Luck) , every match there is atleast 1 block,crit or deflect its annoying.

My newest video explain more effective : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hftIUyozc24

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 5/26/2011 15:57:13 >


Epic  Post #: 4
5/27/2011 10:14:01   

You know Turkish, lately when I see you post something, I usually disagree, our view points just don't seem tpo mesh, but on this I agree with you more than 100%. Guns that give a chance to stun?!!!? I can't wait for the devs to implement the "if you have greater support than your opponent, you have a greater chance to stun them" upgrade that was talked about a few upgrades ago. If a gun (which is UNBLOCKABLE) will always at least have a chance to stun each time with an attack, there is no doubt in my mnind that this will lead to at least one kind of wep getting the same thing, or at least an aux and a sword. The point being that all classes will eventually get a full wepon build of a chance to stun, and now with the ability to enhance everything you can wear in battle, it won't matter how janky the stat boosts are (but I dont think the devs will even attempt even that, just go look at the stat boosts the guns give (not only lvl 33, but decent boosts FOR a lvl 33 gun). This game is going down the hill to a plain of pure luck since before these guns came out, and with it's coming out, we have stoped sliding, gotten in a car and are accelerating down-hill now.


Carpe Dium--grab a carp, slap him around XD
Epic  Post #: 5
5/27/2011 10:27:01   

Jeez... it is a 5% of stun.... :l ... what is wrong with them doing what the community asked? If the luck factor is that much important why not take the crappy support power away.. Make it less important, i mean. That way.. it might not make the players so much overpowered.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/27/2011 10:44:53   

I think it will be fine because as easy as it is to add luck factors it's just as easy to add anti luck ones as well, the celtic wepons are a clear example of this as they lower block rate thus causing the game to be based less on luck, im hoping the devs add just as many anti luck bonus's as they do luck ones on things like wepons but also robots and thier special abialtys.
Epic  Post #: 7
5/27/2011 13:26:55   

They gonna keep doing this to make more money
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
5/27/2011 15:19:35   

This game is turning into who has the better weapons.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
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