Dwelling Dragonlord
ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
*A projection of a cloaked figure appears in front of Melissa4Bella as she's flying up a tree. Startled, she nearly falls out of the air.* Whoah! Greetings once more. Hello there DD! *waves* Did Drake Amatsu redeem himself? I dare not watch out of fear he did not. Drake had to redeem himself? I must have been staring at shinies at the time Are you closer to the age of the deft minx fairies you come across on the forest paths or that to Queen Maeve? Deft Minx Fairies are of a different clan; I age differently When two fairies meet in the forest, one yellow, one purple and the purple one attacks Mritha. Which fairy lives? Neither! That one purple fairy was an imposter! As you are of the Beacons of Light, I presume you must be very busy indeed with the global Shadowscythe invasion. Always busy, and I like it that way! Bored fairies get into way too much mischief! If all of Lore were to fall and you could only save ONE of your friends and allies, who would you save? The warmongers can handle themselves. Hmm.. that's a touch question. But I'm leaning towards ... Twilly! Did you ever get fairy dust in your eyes? All of the time, but it doesn't affect me! Would you care to pull a prank on "Prince" Slugwrath or "Sir" Dragonblade? Muahahaha! Yes. spoiler:
*The projection of the cloaked figure makes an arcane symbol in the air and a gust of wind blasts fairy dust all over Melissa4Bella.* That will do .... *A frog with fairy wings looks at the projection of the cloaked figure.* Now tell the person of your choice that you are a princess that was cursed and only can be returned to her own form by a kiss. It will turn you into a fearsome violet Gorrilaphant with fairy wings, lest you cross your wings. After that, just crossing your wings will restore you to your own form. No. *sprinkles DD with "WakeUp" dust! You fell asleep and was dreaming all sorts of wild things Just how do you sprinkle a projection? *The projection of the cloaked figure bows before fading.* *waves by to DD*
< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 6/3/2011 7:31:49 >