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RE: No more features, we want Balance!

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5/30/2011 20:26:11   

^ it cant be completly balanced. A robot merc that has desert cyborg or bunny armor with a eggkilling bazooka and frostbane funny enhanced vs another merc that has founder armor arazel bane with arazels bane and a stun gun with a penergy bunny killer zook would be even. A merc with bunny armor celtic cleaver and stun again vs a person with lv 6 armor, a 34 damage zook a 31 damage gun, and a non varium sword would be called uneven. FInd some way to balanc that out.
Post #: 26
5/30/2011 21:55:53   
Hun Kingq

edwardvulture, yes it is that is why I use it at level 10 because when I take energy I want to take as much as I can but defense and resistance we got nothing so I propose for the mage class only for us to combine a physical and energy armor enhancements and stat modifiers stay the same unless it is two different lvls then it would go with the higher level higher stat modifiers and the added bonus points would go towards defense and resistance so take the space warrior P and the warbot E then it would look like this

Space Warbot CA
Special effects color Players choice
Enhancements +8
strength +6
Dex +4
Tech +6
Support +4

defense +16
resistance +16

Only works with combining physical and energy not two physical or two energy and once combined it can not be undone and another armor cannot be combined with it or two combine armors can't be combined so the players should make sure they are combining the armors they want. If you enhanced the armors then you don't loose the enhancements.

As mages we have a choice between physical and energy armor if you choose energy you get destroyed by physical attacks if you choose physical you get destroyed by energy attacks or the physical bot which should be labeled as Physical/Energy, that robot is another reason why I came up with this idea. this can be made available for credit or varium.

Players will not understand this example and will say it will make the mage class overpowered but it is just one example and will make the mage have better defense/resistance without messing up the other classes, messing with the skill trees, and screwing up the stats again. Defense and resistance between all classes are so off balance it is not good. Blood lust and cheap shot I blocked before but now they don't even have to smoke you to take you down with just those moves.

Since players want to use just the bot for battle then the bot attacks be made a 4 round warmup and cool down reduce from 6x damage to 2x damage but the energy debuff left alone.
Epic  Post #: 27
5/30/2011 22:05:08   

@Hun King Must all your ideas be made to make Mages OPed?
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
5/30/2011 22:06:33   

@ Celestine:
I agree with all your points except this one

3.) Variety of Powerful Weapons to Specific Powerful Weapons

before, you basically had to have Frostbane, imperial APC and Cupids ( or cadens wrath/ mjonril/ dark heartbreaker sword, desert blaster and ballistic cannon for nonvars. ) now there is a huge variety of weapons to choose from
Epic  Post #: 29
5/31/2011 1:23:09   

aw (omg so hard to refrain from using swearing) beep no. 16 points to sepnd on physical and resistence. Then as we reach the bot you were talkin about that would be the gamma bot. Unless your saying that that laser on him is his primary i suggest that you change your mind. The fist is his primary the lasere is the special affect which means that it is physical. By saying that it is physical/energy means that he has three total moves. 2 primarys one special. The laser=the other robot nerfing debuffs. Get it?
Post #: 30
5/31/2011 9:31:27   
Hun Kingq

frosty123, You will see by the description it is a physical (punches)/energy (laser) bot,
Gamma Bot
Nuclear powered assault!
Physical Robot
11-15 + (Technology Bonus) + (Focus Level x 6)
Improves with:
Technology (2+ points each)
Special Abilities:
Nuclear Powered Assault! (Energy Attack)
+6x Focus Damage
Varium Required:
Titan (The Bazaar)
Nightwraith (Mine Tower)
Purchase the largest Varium package during the Gamma Phase of EpicDuel.
Credit Price:
Varium Price:
Varies upon seller.*

Instead of focusing on just one point or the numbers read the whole post you will see it is an example of combining the Space Warrior P and the Warbot E Armors. Take the Seraph Armor combine the physical and energy then you would get +12 for defense and resistance. Take the Shock Trooper P M (Level 25) combine the physical and energy armor you would get +8 for defesnse and resistance, WOW, +8 (for defense and resistance) that is overpowering that mage. Let us going even lower Shock Trooper P M (Level 15) when combines would get +2 for defense and resistance, WOW, +2 (for defense and resistance) would even make the mage the most powerful class in Epic Duel.

"Players will not understand this example and will say it will make the mage class overpowered but it is just one example "

So we have two that do not undestand the example let us see who will be next?
Epic  Post #: 31
6/1/2011 8:18:15   

Well said Waras
Epic  Post #: 32
6/1/2011 8:27:45   

I swear JZaanu and I don't conspire before we posts. I have to, none the less, agree with her. Balance is a never fully attainable goal and what we really need to keep this game interesting and viable is MORE FEATURES and INTERESTING QUESTS. If there was just something interesting to do, I would play ED every waking minute of the day. Only a few rare players thrive on the endless battling this PVP game centers on. That's why there is such a large loss of top players, they just get bored and leave.



I feel more features are needed to broaden the player base.

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 6/1/2011 8:28:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
6/1/2011 8:37:22   

Hun Kingq, that is an example of a quick fix type solution (Which is actually not a fix, it would cause significantly more balance problems) rather than a long term future-proof solution that would not scale out of proportion as the level cap rises.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 34
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