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Where's the love? Not enough balance! :/

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6/3/2011 4:30:05   

Well, we noobs (yea I am one..) are hopeless when it comes to battlin' unfair battles... it'd be nice if there were more 'balance' on 1v1 battles.. and more and easier NPC perhaps?

What do you think guys?
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/3/2011 5:33:50   

i dont see any unfair battles in 1vs1 , Lucky side always win


Epic  Post #: 2
6/3/2011 5:40:42   

It takes skill to win match you always got think 5 moves a head of your opponent at least for mage but other then that 1vs1 is fair.
AQ Epic  Post #: 3
6/3/2011 6:12:50   

5 moves a head is too much. Most I have gotten to think is 3 moves a head and I usually already know from experience what to do after certain situations. For example strength merc I intimidate, only energy mage change my hybrid and I attack energy or physical depending on my opponents defense or resistance. Which one is weaker I attack. Also there is a time when your health is 40-50 and a bounty will do massacre on you then you must decide to heal and lose some health points or wait and hope that he won't kill on his massacre. Basically all you need is really good strategy or varium to win 1vs1. As for 1vs 1 being unbalanced the balance is pretty good right now. Only maybe 5 focus bountys are really rampaging, but I don't see them that much lately, maybe they are doing Juggernaut.
Epic  Post #: 4
6/3/2011 6:37:47   

It would be nice if they make it instead of 5 Levels from your level.. it would be better if it's 2-3.. Right? x.x
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
6/3/2011 7:21:42   


Your complaining for nothing. When I was a noob, I could not acces high level level weapons like you can now. Also, we didn't have PowerHour to help us.

These were the hard times....

Stop complaining and be gratefull.


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 6
6/3/2011 10:11:23   

I agree GoldNeo 2-3 Levels is good 5 levels ahead is to much.
@Dbag Your the only one I see complaining. Also your arguement is flawed.
1. Sure you can weapon 4 levels higher yet theirs a damage penalty.
2. Yeah but not everyone can use powerhour because its at different times across the globe. These are flaws you didnt mention. He has the right to speak his mind your complainging because lower levels these days get more features then you when you where a low level. The way you came on this blog makes you appear as jealous.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
6/3/2011 10:52:15   

lol Isaaah the mage

Always trying to be the big man in these forums..

All i was saying is that it was harder for new players than it is now. Can't you read between the lines ?
Epic  Post #: 8
6/3/2011 12:01:26   

If you are a smart player u can always win but if it's a full varium u fight, always hope for the best :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
6/3/2011 13:47:30   

@Dbag Always trying to be the big man on the forums? I am not understand what you are trying to say.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
6/3/2011 14:57:27   
.Sir Lazarus.

Wow.... This is just geting too hard to read. Low level players keep on complaining and complaining...

The funny thing is, if you all stop complaining and just play the game you will realize how fast you can get to high levels. So that makes me think that you just dont play the game that much to have any right to say something bad about it. When you stop whining and get to high levels with using your brain you will get your right to request a change.

This game is a buissness just like every other and i for once am sick of listening people who dont support this game with the least thing they can do... PLAY!!!


AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
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