Custodian (DF)
*grins* Again, congratulations, well deserved. *grins back* Thank you :D Now, I have questions, but not the usual type. Do you remember what they are? Please don't be riddles *crosses fingers* Hah! You just looked further down. No I didn't *looks down while elryn is distracted* Let us begin shall we? If you insist Four riddles are before you. Four answers you must pursue. Now could you be so kind as to answer all in rhymes? I'll try my best We met that day, till death do us part Though impossible to remember, our bond secure A bond without thread, though stronger than steel How often we see each other, though never introduced I watch you eat, though you'll let me starve I live as long, as healthy as you do We'll depart, when you find, dust under the earth Who am I? A soul? From the beginning of this riddle to the very last You will not find me in what has past. Just search for the answer, It’s not quite so hard Show that keen zeal for playing your part. *Blinks twice* No clue I give up You will find me in winter, You will find in a bowl, I am both hot and cold. Who am I? I'm inclined to say Porridge? What question can you ask a man who knows everything about the past, the future and the present that he cannot answer? I knew the answer to this riddle years ago but I have long since forgotten it, I'll say what's my shoe size? Good luck and fare well. Thank you and see you around. P.S. mind letting me know what the actual answers are I'm curious to know.
< Message edited by BlackAces -- 6/3/2011 23:33:40 >