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Enhancements affect game too much

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6/6/2011 17:52:11   

Ok let me at this again. THis time I won't even hint a suggestion.
So Do you think enhancements affect the game too much?
When it was only used in primaries it made builds a little more flexible. Now you need it to win. Do you think this is going the right direction or not? Much of varium spent if on enhancements. Do you think the devs need to think of a better way to spend varium?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
6/6/2011 17:55:15   
He Who Lurks

They don't need to change package pricing, they need to change in-game pricing. It seems that this is a controversial topic which I believe they'd rather go around than speak about with the community.
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
6/6/2011 18:01:10   

Enhancements are awesome the only problem is it needs to be cheaper.
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/6/2011 18:04:41   
Epic Pwnser

Make enhancements cheaper and increase the value of the packages, while not inflating the prices in ED.


Epic  Post #: 4
6/6/2011 18:53:07   

Why did they nerf stat points then make enhancements its crazy. Mercs Support builds are still the same crazy way as before.

eggzooka: +6 support with 8 slots

stun blaster with +9 support and 8 enhancements -.-
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
6/6/2011 19:43:01   

^Except they crit more often now. I feel the balance update failed and backfired. As a nonvarium, my chances are even lower now.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
6/6/2011 22:15:43   
ur going to fail

Guys chill EVERYTHING will be fixed in epic duel delta; but a heads up to the devs and mods you will hear so many complains that you will quit your job. It will be basically x2 the complaining we have now (mainly from the lower levels not being good enough for the classes). I am 100000000% sure the classes will be varium only for first few weeks just to test it out; just like the skull cards. Eventually 2v1 will be added and cost nothing
Epic  Post #: 7
6/6/2011 22:26:11   
king julian

I dont find enhancement wrong at all it gave people more freedom to make more builds and it also gave people the ability to spam stats either way u look at it its all the same it just increased the amount of builds usable.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
6/6/2011 22:59:07   

^But how much builds has it killed when we required the balance update? NEEDED to try to nerf OP builds caused by enhancemetns.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
6/7/2011 4:05:50   

I agree enhacemnts have affected to much and mainly in a negative way, i think they should remove all enhacements expet that on armour as armour seems to be the least chaged around peice of equipment.
Epic  Post #: 10
6/7/2011 5:45:37   

True, about 10-12 would already be enough, let alone the 25+ most Varium Users have now.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 11
6/7/2011 7:44:40   

Everything is fine people just relax
Epic  Post #: 12
6/7/2011 17:50:12   

^U fell for the scam and enhanced everything single item to the max? Enhancements are just used to one up another person.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
6/7/2011 19:24:54   

Maybe I am mistaken but can you buy enhancements with credits ??

If so, why you non-varium complaining ? Fight and win credits instead of spending your time complaing in forums.

< Message edited by Dbag -- 6/7/2011 19:25:01 >
Epic  Post #: 14
6/7/2011 20:00:21   
The Shadow Dragon

@DBag, Because there expensive as hell, i mean, 3500 credit's for 1 stat point, who in the right mind would do that?
Post #: 15
6/7/2011 20:04:55   

Well Shadow, if you follow that train of though, who in their right mind spend hundreds of dollards on a flash game.

I think the ehancements prices are fine. If you spend a lot of credits on a weapon you will keep it longer. This will prevent everybody to jump on the next promo and having alomst everybody with the same gear. Take the Eggzookas for example.
Epic  Post #: 16
6/7/2011 20:34:54   

No the point of this discussion is that enhancements were an option. Now it is a necessity to win and I don't find that right.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
6/7/2011 21:23:40   

I've said it once,and I'll say it again, enhancements is the reason Gamma is such a horrible phase. As soon as Gamma came out so did Enhancements, varium never went up in price, it just went down in value BY ALLOT
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
6/8/2011 3:22:18   

Here's the reply Cinderella sent me after I asked her about enhancements on guns and zookas.


Looking back, we didn't time it the best we could have. However, both of these features were planned independent of one another, and we honestly felt that projectile enhancements would have made things less fair if we hadn't introduced diminishing returns first. It was not to screw up you personally, and yes- looking back we didn't use the most prudent timing. I apologize for the inconvenience we have obviously caused you.

Battle On!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
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