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RE: =HS= HeroSmash Expectations

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6/14/2011 15:06:42   
delta blitz

@sir night: So what about my idea of having both magical and scientific elements to the game? Both science and magic compliment eachother anyway.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 101
6/14/2011 15:06:45   
Pirate King

And you're free to ignore the "occult" aspects of HeroSmash if you like, but they're not going to go away.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 102
6/14/2011 15:15:55   
Sir Night


So what about my idea of having both magical and scientific elements to the game? Both science and magic compliment eachother anyway.

My personal preference on that would be no, but it isn't my decision to make and I do suspect that that will end up happening.
Post #: 103
6/14/2011 15:23:47   


So made-up nonsense is okay as long as it sounds "scientific"?

<Lol, that's almost science fiction to a tee X3

Although most of it is based on actual scientific theories or possible ones.

< Message edited by Jae10 -- 6/14/2011 15:36:18 >
AQW  Post #: 104
6/17/2011 10:40:56   

I know HS is trying to be original with the 'superhero theme' and make the game different from aqw... BUT... I really think that this game will flourish a lot more if more elements of similar to that of aqw was implemented into HS. Here are a few ideas:

1: PVP (a team PVP with heroes vs villians) and ofcourse a 1on1 PVP.
2: More NPC's in the game (including the devs) with missions, special shops.
3: More maps or maps linked to current maps to create a bigger world with way more missions, monsters, bosses.

4: MOST IMPORTANT I THINK!! Although every week there are updates (theatre and the occasional new map with quests and bosses), i think there needs to be alot more put into every release each week. The new maps are too small and are fairly repetative with 1 boss (no mini bosses) and either 1 or 2 different monsters. There also needs to be more storylines included like in aqw, (doomwood, sandsea, skyguard etc... each offer differnt aspects and make the game more interesting and diverse.

I really enjoy this game and I KNOW it is still very new, but i feel that for this game to grow and become as popular or even more so than aqw, much more in depth, item packed, story packed releases (to the extent of aqw releases) each week.

Im sure there are millions of ideas AE have up there sleeve, but why not put them in-game now, and begin to branch off from them to create multiple stories or side quests to make the game more interesting and increase the world.
Post #: 105
6/17/2011 11:08:22   
Crystal Lion

Think there will be any powers where you can create things and bring them to life? Something like the "enchanted paintbrush?"

Although HS seems to take place on Earth, so magic isn't going to be as strong, most likely.
Post #: 106
6/17/2011 11:21:51   

Aaaanywho... Generally, all superpowers that are not explicitly stated as being a result of magic will either have a scientific, or pseudo-scientific at least, explaination, and if it doesn't it will genrally be assumed not to be magical, unless that is the theme of the story, or circumstances point towards it being magic...

There have been exceptions, like the Scarlet Witch's "magical" powers actually being a result of mutant powers which caused her wishes to alter reality... exceptions like that generally don't happen though, and based on the story so far, all our powers are based on science-fictional explainations, do to aplied phlebotinum (the Pandoran Malachite, or whatever it turns out to be that caused them).

I would be somewhat sad if magic were put into into this game, but I already know it almost certainly will, because magical ellements tend to exist in the same universes superpowers do, in the form of the occasional sorceror or in-universe gods, who don't tend to be all powerful, as I have said before. This is an acceptable addition, IMO, but I really hope they do not force it down our throats, or put it in excessive amounts.

I would, for example probably save the Asgard from the an invasion from Jötunheimr (if it was a storyline, or whatever... Thor's equivalent has already been stated to exist in this game's universe), but I would neither want to use magic to accomplish it, or to have myself or my clan members be brought to Valhalla (if any of us die), because of the religious implications... they probably wouldn't include that in the storyline anyway, because it's supposed to be an eternal resting place, but you know what I mean... I'd be completely fine with them mentioning it, for example, in their battle cries, or dialog, but I wouldn't want it to be actually put in-game...

I would be willing to have certain things like that in-game, but in certain ammounts, and with discretion, so as not to insult anyone.

Besides, this game is supposed to be set aside from AQW, and have considerable differences, so they'd want to avoid too much magic, anyway...
DF  Post #: 107
6/17/2011 11:58:59   
Pirate King

Personally, I'd consider the Pandoran whatnot more magical than pseudo-scientific. Ultimately, I suppose there's a very thin line between the two and it's mostly down to personal interpretation.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 108
6/17/2011 13:29:22   

I guess i kinda agree with @above about the game being completely centered around magic being
wrong but i really dont mind its presence that much.

I guess when it comes to my christianity im not as
zealous as u guys are that I would stop playing the game entirely because of a bit of magic,
although i respect ur opinions and do suppose that those times when AE make magic the only
solution may be wrong in ur views, and i guess i can understand why you'd want to stop playing AQW because
of its strong affinity to magic but you shouldn't playing HS because even though odds are magic will be
released eventually doesn't mean it will be revolving around it, and a lot of people do like magic so there
is no other way around it. I myself find magic interesting due to my great curiosity and love of nature/
fascination of the unknown but that doesn't change who i am or what i believe in as long as the HS staff
doesnt make everything about magic(which i doubt), so i really dont mind magic's presence in HS or
the occasional wizard/sorcerer/god that much.

< Message edited by Celestin123 -- 6/17/2011 13:31:12 >
AQ  Post #: 109
6/17/2011 14:53:32   

I don't plan on quiting any time soon. XD

I've invested way too much time in it already to do that at a drop of the hat... Heck, I fought so much in the war that I was one of the few characters put into the ending cutscene...

I was just voicing my oppinions, and I probably would be reluctant to quit ever unless it becomes extremely magic-centered...
DF  Post #: 110
6/18/2011 5:18:52   

I think HeroSmash needs the advanced version of Yulgar! Its like a club area for villains/heroes doing partying, chatting, and maybe playing mini-games together if possible...

< Message edited by Qin -- 6/18/2011 5:36:27 >
Post #: 111
6/18/2011 6:49:07   

I REALLY think something should be done about current mission item drops. What I mean is, when you accept a mission and need to get a certain amount of drops, as soon as you log off or page stays at 100% you have lost all of your work towards that mission.

What NEEDS to happen is when you log out and log back in, the mission that was accepted should still be accepted and on the list with all the item drops. Rather than automatically lose all the effort you put into the mission.

If your character can load in full armour, helm, cape and whatnot, why cant a mission we have accepted also be saved and loaded when we log back in so we can continue that mission.

This would be an amazing update or fix that im sure all HS, even AQW, players would greatly appreciate!!

Please DEV's consider this possible outcome??
Post #: 112
6/18/2011 17:39:41   

Also, There should be a number keypad on skills. Its very risky to move and click every skills used. Hope this will get released as it is a must for players who are used to soloing and maybe some people as well...
Post #: 113
6/20/2011 11:23:35   

What Would I expect? How about the stuff they've been talking about on the About Page? Secret Identities, home & secret pathway to our secret lairs, and of coarse, Player Vs. Player combat! Who's up for all of those?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 114
6/20/2011 14:09:13   

what I want,is more releases like "End of War at Park",it lasted more then a hour or 2(cough aqw) heck it lasted over the weekend,great cutscene,great items,great farm place(fame farm) and decent boss fights,and new map,puzzle and great story quests,and a decent reward(armor)

if Hero Smash gets more releases like that,and not steer towards fail releases(ex:King Zong) then this game will be great,and not crash after beta

< Message edited by MarioMarioAQW -- 6/20/2011 14:10:42 >


(HS)The Marty Brothers,and plumbings there game!Were dieing of space HMPH!
http://www.herosmash.com/hs-character.asp?id=MARIOMARIOAQW (Veteran lvl 10 of HS-evil)

http://www.herosmash.com/hs-character.asp?id=MARIOMARIOAQWtwo (good-ish)
AQW  Post #: 115
6/20/2011 21:49:00   
Sir Night


What Would I expect? How about the stuff they've been talking about on the About Page? Secret Identities, home & secret pathway to our secret lairs, and of coarse, Player Vs. Player combat! Who's up for all of those?

Yeah that would all be cool. PvP especially is a must have.
Post #: 116
6/20/2011 22:00:22   

Less rares, we already have a rare collecting chatbox, I don't mind some occasionally, but focusing too much has made it the prime focus and made rare lose its meaning. Also, more features to help distinguish HS from AQW and help make it a unique game, it is in beta so there is a lot of room for it

< Message edited by Solaris -- 6/21/2011 13:29:13 >
Post #: 117
6/21/2011 1:42:04   

I agree on you Solaris. Definitely.
Post #: 118
6/21/2011 17:48:11   

if there gonna keep making rares,there gonna have to give us 10 free inventory space by the end of beta,or sooner
AQW  Post #: 119
6/21/2011 19:57:43   

I would like to see Guilds/clans introduced in game. Being able to communicate with people on your friendlist even if they're in a different sirver. Houses would be kind of neat to see in game too but I can wait for those. Able to scroll in the chatbox, unlike now where you can't when the chatbox is full.

Overall I expect to see more of what I see now, friendly staff, Unique gameplay, Movie themed releases (Nice touch to Herosmash and fits well with the whole theme of Herosmash itself).
Oh, and I couldn't forget expecting to see a Zetsu armour :3

AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 120
6/23/2011 17:00:28   

What I would like to see...

More order in HS, right now it seems that both the heroes and villains have their own separate agendas, even from fellow heroes/villains.

For villains there is usually the Mastermind, who employs/manipulates Supervillains and Heroes alike to meet his/her own ends.

Leagues, Forces, etc. Villain team ups, usually in response to an over-powerful superhero, or a superhero team-up.
---Villains don't get along well with each other, so expect betrayal, backstabbing (figurative and literal) and breakups.

from there Supervillains have minions, stooges, and lackies who may or may not have superpowers.
Heroes have teams, although they may seldom get together except in dire situations, there is usually more than one Hero on the scene to backup the main Hero.
---Heroes who spend too much time together can also develop heated arguments, leading to breakups, and possible alignment changes.

Heroes often deputize or accept Junior Heroes into their fold when they get short handed, Junior Heroes, and deputies often don't have superpowers.
Outside the two main groups (villains)

Organized crime, call it the Mafia, Yakuza, whatever you wish, primarily groups of non supers who have high standing in the criminal underworld
---Heroes and Villains alike often use organized crime to keep tabs on other Villains

Gangs, often hired by Organized crime syndicates, are mostly comprised of youths and thugs.

Disorganized crime, the random bank robbers or thieves that have no other affiliates, they often run afoul of heroes and villains alike
(Heroes) outside the box

Organized law enforcement (HS already has that covered with Police and SWAT/APBs)

Neighborhood watch, and law abiding citizens can also play a part in protecting their homes, often affiliated with organized law enforcement

Vigilantes, lone nuts crime fighters who operate outside law enforcement and Superhero teams, they are usually loose cannons who often cross the line, making it harder for Heroes to do their job.
---Often unbalanced psychologically, vigilantes will switch sides without warning.
Other elements

A mayor, or some elected official is usually present to keep the public from panicking, and the occasional kidnapping
---While the mayor is an elected official his/her power lies in the city's infrastructure and policies.

Reporters/The Media are also there to keep the public aware of impending threats and when it is "safe" to leave their homes. They often become part of whatever disaster they are filming, and have amazing resiliency.
Post #: 121
6/23/2011 17:19:11   

what he said but spice things up like
another type of Villain :
Like a villain who thinks get does good but really cause more evil and does not know it
example like bizarro from superman
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 122
6/28/2011 12:41:47   

I expect Dage the evil or nulgath ingame XD
AQW Epic  Post #: 123
6/28/2011 13:46:58   

To actually smash some heros.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 124
6/28/2011 16:38:53   

You just HAVE to do halloween this year in herosmash or else it wont be Awsome! i dont know which hero/villian doesnt attend halloween!!! :3 i need cndyz with it!
Post #: 125
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