Eternal Wanderer
Starstruck, Post #18: Cheeky or not, damaging or not, tugging Dajaal's tail without .Discipline's permission constitutes bunnying. Please bear this in mind. If such an action has been approved, post that fact in the OOC, along with a concurring post from the person giving permission. Dragonnightwolf, Post #23: Your movement of Goshen's boulder is bunnying. The boulder is not specifically a part of Goshen, but it is, however, in his possession, much like another entrant's sword or spellbook might be. This means that the boulder, while under his control, is an extension of his character, and thus cannot be utilized without its owner's permission. As an aside, I'm not sure how a wolf manages to tie notes, even with human-level intelligence. Canids lack opposable thumbs that enable fine manipulation of material. I'll but that down to magic and move on. Please see the note appended for all entrants below concerning the moss. I am uncertain as to the source of the rocks that are mentioned in your post. There are two possibilities, either Nightfall is pulling said rocks from the ground, a feat which, while possible, is not mentioned in your post, and would require some effort; or Nightfall is using rocks from Goshen's boulder, which would be a further case of bunnying. This is, perhaps, my mistake, and reading the Arena description, I realize it might not be obvious. However, there are no loose rocks or stones present in the Arena, either in the walls or on the floor. The entire thing is well-kept and masoned. Eltaka, Post #25: I have no idea where that fire spell came from. There is one competitor in the Cellar Arena, and he has yet to post. That being said, it is always a good idea to check the OOC before you post. I did request a cessation of posts for the time being. .Discipline, Post #26: I refer you in part to the note to Eltaka above. Secondly, the wording of your post skirts bunnying, as you imply that you managed to get a hold on Fenys. If your entrant's style will rely a great deal on grabs, I will suggest that you work on collaborative posts with the other RPers, either joint posts, or something along the lines of what Jerenda and Geddsmck did. All entrants: The bioluminescent moss is of a granular variety, it is not stringy or vine-like in nature. Rather, if you were to scrape it off the wall, it would come off in bursts of dusty spores that I suggest you do not inhale. As a second note, communication is your friend. You are encouraged to work together with other RPs in a collaborative fashion. Just because your entrants want to kill each other doesn't mean you can't work with the other RPers. I've seen several instances of bunnying, and borderline bunnying. Talk to other RPers to get permission for such actions. Continued use of such action will result in my awarding of free hits against your entrant to opponents. You are warned. The Arena is freed to continue.