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RE: The future of epicduel

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6/25/2011 22:36:38   
Zean Zapple

Aww, I like those stats.

Epic  Post #: 26
6/25/2011 22:44:00   

These are significantly better
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 27
6/25/2011 23:52:23   

How would you like an epicduel that focuses entirely on skill, and not luck? i would love it.
How would you like an epicduel that gives you a real opportunity to show your true potential? everyone has potential, some more than others. but yes i would like it.
How would you like an epicduel where copying a build doesn't make you good? what do u mean copy builds? there are build copying and theres then theres build variations. and yes i would like an ED that doesn't have copy builds.
How would you like an epicduel that focuses more on fun than getting 2 hit kills, fame, and racking up pointless wins? i would like an ED thats focused on strategy and luck lucky crits are blocks deciding the match.
How would you like an epicduel where you can win the daily 1v1 with any build you want while not having to rely on 2 shot kills? i already got mines. but most people who win fast use speed builds. because they get faster win but lower %

also i had a few ideas for fixing agility. idk if u would like to hear them. but PM me if u want to know.
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
6/25/2011 23:53:36   

No thanks regarding agility. In the formula me and khimera have, agility's been removed completely.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 29
6/25/2011 23:57:18   

Okay, I read just about half of the bottom half of page 1 and...what are you guys arguing about...I mean seriously.

Xendrans point is the most valid summary/criticism I have seen on this forum lately. He has every right to post it, in my mind more of a right then most people, and he seems to know what he is doing, considering Xendran is known for his fabulous builds, tactical prowess, and strategic choices. I don't see why a post like this would be critisized. His points are made even more valid by the fact that we hear almost nothing from the developers, and have given them the ENTIRE GAMMA phase to...how do I put this...sell us a bunch of Varium, and ignore balance issues, this post is more significant then ever. You have my full support, and anyone who would disagree with such changes to EpicDuel, try to hinder them, or even discount the reputation of the person presenting these ideas, should be ashamed.

Now flame me.


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 6/25/2011 23:59:36 >
Epic  Post #: 30
6/25/2011 23:58:26   

and is titan accepting no agility?
what will be ur solution if he wants to keep it?
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
6/26/2011 0:02:44   

The staff haven't necessarily been ignoring balance issues, they just didn't know how to deal with the properly, which can be seen by their previous attempts at balance.
I think the reason we havent seen large change is because they were afraid of getting another massive negative community response.
This is why we're proposing a new system to them. Currently we are just waiting for their response.
If anybody wants to see it and comment, add me on msn, ratchet_guy@hotmail.com
NOTE: Remember, this thread is NOT OFFICIAL and is NOT a guarantee for anything. It is simply informing you of what we are working on, and there is no guarantee whatsoever that it will be implemented. It is entirely up to the devs.

EDIT: Goldslayer, if our system is used, agility plain and simple can not be kept.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 6/26/2011 0:05:26 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 32
6/26/2011 0:15:28   
Silver Sky Magician

I support everything, but I have some reservations on the last point, mostly because it is a hyperbole, because surely not any build will be able to make a player win the daily 1v1. At least I hope it is a hyperbole, else something is very wrong.

The future of EpicDuel seems bright. BTW, Xendran, are you and Khimera planning to join the EpicDuel staff?

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 6/26/2011 0:19:04 >
Post #: 33
6/26/2011 0:27:59   

It's me, ChronosXVII, anyways, EpicDuel has potential, but it just needs more moderators to change it. It would be nice if Xendran, Epic, Solique, and WhiteTiger to become moderators. Because we all know moderators get to actually "interact" with the devs.
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
6/26/2011 0:30:20   

Sounds fine by me Xen. ^^

It would be nice for me to battle the way I want and the way I used to be able to do.

Not sure how you would be able to stop players copying builds though but that used to be most irritating having players steal your build and worse if they beat you with it because they got first go with luck as well.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 35
6/26/2011 0:32:52   

With our system, first turn isn't an advantage, or a disadvantage.
Going second fills your rage bar halfway ;o

@Silver Sky: Any well t hought out build played with good strategy.
Basically, any good build can win 1v1, you dont haev to use super speed fast kills low win% builds

@Shadronica: copying a build will be possible, but you'll still have to learn how to play properly with it. Currently, "playing properly" is using two skills.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 6/26/2011 0:35:37 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 36
6/26/2011 9:16:29   

I would love this! Great job Xendran! (Does your plan contain removing agility?)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
6/26/2011 9:30:48   

From the information that I know about these new formulas so far, I can say that they will be PERFECT. The fact that these were made by our beloved Xendran and Khimera gives it even more backing. I haven't seen them yet, and am not actually bothered to add Xendran (:P) but I can say that they WILL be EPIC.
So if a supp build moves second then that is considered luck for them. That's currently unheard of.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 38
6/26/2011 9:45:51   
sha 2nd mage

Hmm, agilty sucs but players have already overcome this and i guess the game is pretty balanced as low lvls are seen on the leaderboards which is great sign.

Xen`s idea is cool if it helps to make the classes better ,but have to keep in mind that how is it gona effect the new upcomming classes ?


Epic  Post #: 39
6/26/2011 10:09:24   

Remember, Khimera plays a significant part in this.
Also, its effect on upcoming classes will be the same effect is has on current ones.
Also yes, agility is removed.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 40
6/26/2011 10:12:18   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED


With our system, first turn isn't an advantage, or a disadvantage.
Going second fills your rage bar halfway ;o

I'm listening :D

But if that were the case, wouldn't that make players a bit more OP'd because then rage would come too soon i feel. To me, it just feels a little.. unbalanced.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
6/26/2011 10:53:52   

Rage works completely different than it currently is.
This system is balanced, there is no question about it.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 42
6/26/2011 11:11:20   

Does venom
strike kill in your formula?
Epic  Post #: 43
6/26/2011 11:15:20   

Skills have not been done. Venom strike will most likely be lethal.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 44
6/26/2011 11:41:22   

I wonder if my lvl 30 bh dex build from beta would work after your done fixing the ballance. Probably not but it's worth a shot :P.
Epic  Post #: 45
6/26/2011 12:12:18   


How would you like an epicduel that gives you a real opportunity to show your true potential?
How would you like an epicduel where copying a build doesn't make you good?

that would be a truly great game, but when u think about it, even if ur able to hide ur build, just by looking at ur hp/mp/dmg output, one can easily infer the build ur using and copy it
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 46
6/26/2011 12:21:32   
Zean Zapple

Xendran, I just got word from SOUP that you were working on something special, something very special. Everyone please be patient, and try not to troll Xendran. He is an EpicDuel Defender and he deserves respect.

Epic  Post #: 47
6/26/2011 12:40:53   

I don't necessarily deserve respect, but i deserve not to be trolled, which hasn't been too much of an issue.
@Zean: Add me on msn.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 6/26/2011 12:42:07 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 48
6/26/2011 14:23:52   
Zean Zapple

If these(The Stats) get passed, I will have a fit... of joy! 100% Epic, very well thought out, and perfectly organized.


< Message edited by Zean Zapple -- 6/26/2011 20:54:59 >
Epic  Post #: 49
6/27/2011 4:27:16   

Thanks for the feedback
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 50
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