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6/29/2011 18:53:59   
earth breather

Anybody Found a good build? I changed class to merc then tactical merc and now I am scared to touch anything because I do not know where to distribute stats.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 251
6/29/2011 18:55:33   
ED Prince of Shadows

Cyber Hunter is EPIC.... easy for builds too :P


AQW Epic  Post #: 252
6/29/2011 18:56:20   
Mr. Black OP

ugh another nerf
bm sux, ch is ok at best, and tac merc is OP
bh got nerfed (once again)
new must have weps that are goin to dominate everything forcing ppl to buy a 10k to stay competitive
the only 2 good things are:
the 2v1 boss
and merc artillery is nerfed (finally)
str bh
its rly annoying to have to retrain just for 4 more support -__________-
they cldve just released lv 34 so i could just lv up and put the 4 support in there? back to stasis cya when this game actually allows creativity

< Message edited by zman 2 -- 6/29/2011 19:01:07 >
Epic  Post #: 253
6/29/2011 18:56:41   

^what build u use?
Post #: 254
6/29/2011 18:56:45   

@^ doesn't that ruin the spirit of the game? mess around with the stats and skills. live and learn! its the only way to get decent at this soul-devouring game we all play. Personally i can't wait to get my hands on blood mage that thing is powerful!!

< Message edited by zippinbolts -- 6/29/2011 18:58:06 >


AQ AQW  Post #: 255
6/29/2011 19:00:59   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

Just getting help with a new build, at the moment i don't have a clue what i'm doing.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 256
6/29/2011 19:03:20   

digi: go 5 focus poison with moderate level reroute, and ep grenade, 6ish malf , and the rest on mass

Sig removed. Please only use it once per page. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 6/29/2011 22:41:37 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 257
6/29/2011 19:09:19   
earth breather

I Have No Idea what to do.... Well guess I should try and mess around with it!
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 258
6/29/2011 19:16:36   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

I don't use blades, Zippin.

Sword only.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 259
6/29/2011 19:30:47   

@Digi: Oh, well try 4 focus with malf at 7, 6 technician (power up gamma bot), 5 reroute, 4 emp grenade, 2 to 4 heal and as much as possible in SA + 1 plasma grenade,

Sig removed. Please only use it once per page. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 6/29/2011 22:41:57 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 260
6/29/2011 19:36:17   
One Winged Angel1357

really wish i had me some Varium i would love to test out Class Evo making crap up as i go is a skill of mine
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 261
6/29/2011 19:38:29   

i made a heal loop build for tactical merc. lets see how it goes i refine the build today. and go into testing tomorrow
AQW Epic  Post #: 262
6/29/2011 19:43:09   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

I have a 109hp/51mp build that works quite well. Had to dip to 30 support, but +44 on enhancements :P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 263
6/29/2011 19:44:15   

Only 37k more Till i become a Cyber hunter ._.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 264
6/29/2011 19:44:34   

to the tactical mercs out there: SPAM DEX. Thats right, DEX. :D I am undefeated so far.
DF Epic  Post #: 265
6/29/2011 21:25:25   

lol just noticed gamma guard is still here
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 266
6/29/2011 22:13:23   
Giras Wolfe

NAH....Tactical Merc isn't a problem. Hybrid Armor, Reroute, and Artillery Strike in one class? What could go wrong? :P
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 267
6/29/2011 22:21:22   

Can't you make assult bot nonvarium? The credit priced class change is insane.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 268
6/29/2011 22:23:28   

@edward: it is non-varium its called the arcade, that or u could just do for game download offers and get it that way.

Sig removed. Please only use it once per page. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 6/29/2011 22:42:25 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 269
6/29/2011 22:38:13   
My Name is Jake

I must say, the Tactical Merc build I am using for 2v2 is good.

HP: 109
Energy: 45

Strength: 30 +10
Dexterity: 44 +18
Technology: 33 +24
Support: 69 +60

Level 2 Field Medic and Max Hydrid Armour, Artillery Strike and Reroute.
AQW Epic  Post #: 270
6/29/2011 22:46:44   

You forgot about Smokescreen to increase the effectiveness of Artillery.

Why do I have the feeling that the new skills are just a distraction from adding other class skills to the new 3?
And great, now we can have heal looping TANKS that can also poison.
And don't forget how hard it's going to be for anyone who isn't one of these overpowered new classes.
Epic  Post #: 271
6/29/2011 23:20:15   
Hun Kingq

Me and my partner was about to win against the new boss when I got a message from Admin telling me I was getting kicked out of Epic Duel then connection lost, leaving my partner alone against the giant. I went back in and the top two servers were full. I have noticed this happens a lot now when the servers get full.

Instead of taking reroute from one and giving it to another they should have just been fair and gave it to all three classes.
So haow many Blood Mages will actually use intimidation or supercharge since intimidation only affects strength and let us see what improves the gamma bot, its tech not strength and artillery strike improves with support not strength.

Someone mention that the Tactical Mercenary artillery does not ignore 10% defense anymore but from the epicduelwiki "Artillery Strike: Inflicts physical damage to all enemies; ignores 10% of physical defense. " They don't even have the cyber Hunter up yet.
Epic  Post #: 272
6/29/2011 23:45:14   

Thanks for the wonderful update. I had some fun :)

Bit of banter on the forums regarding balance I see... Here's my two cents ;)

Take hybrid off Tactical Mercenary and give them defence matrix.

Take technician off Tactical Mercenary and give them energy shield.

Take Plasma Rain off Blood Mage and give them hybrid that starts on Energy.

Otherwise not too bad, should create some interesting builds and if we could figure out a way to nerf bots a bit the game could be quite good :)
Epic  Post #: 273
6/29/2011 23:53:07   

Majestic Feline of AQ3D & ED

Well, I'll comment on the positives instead of the negatives. The new 2vs1 boss is great, but a bit easy, imo. God8996555 and I beat him on our 3rd try (1st with him as a Tact. Merc) and with almost full HP left for the both of us. 

The new design for Fortune City looks awesome, aswell as Alydriah, the Armor Hazard, the new skills, and the new achievements. Personally, I'm not a fan of the Delta gear's art but I guess it's just me. 

Moving on to the new classes, I can't say I find them necessarily balanced by just looking at their skill trees, but I haven't really faced any to critisize accurately. Although I can say by looking at the BM skill tree, I'm glad I didn't have enough credits to class change. I just can't imagine a mage without reroute.

Overall, I'd say this release was good from what I've experienced so far.

< Message edited by WhiteTiger -- 6/30/2011 0:01:35 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 274
6/30/2011 0:27:28   

well my thread was locked.
so im posting here

im a bloodmage now.
AQW Epic  Post #: 275
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