Oh, what's that? You thought I was going to complain about Tactical Mercenary being overpowered? Nah. But, I am going to say this: We only need one thread, not 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. First of all, I am a Tactical Mercenary... just lettin' that float their. If something is, truly is overpowered, they'll fix it. This isn't the "International Government of Homeland Security for the Rights of the People of Earth." This is a PvP, online computer game. This is what everybody needs to realize: You don't 100 threads complaining about the same thing with 500 different people saying the same exact thing on each thread for the message to be sent to the Devs. All you need is one, civilized thread with people giving their opinions. We don't need people going at it, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth....Back and forth...At each other. Delta hasn't even been out 24 hours, and the entire forum is spammed with topics about the same thing. Bottom line: One thread is all you need, not 5,000. I wonder if this thread will even have an impact on the subject. Eh, it'll probably gone in one ear and out the other. Only time will tell.