I know it is on everyones mind, Tactical mercs are amazingly oped! (before i thought there was no such thing as "op" now im convinced) I know alot of people have posted about this already but in my post I will be posting a flexiable way in what I think needs changing. Before I start i will say the solution is although im against it is, nerf! Thier is no way any other class can match tactical mercs and I wont belive anyone who thinks they just need to buff the other classes because that would require buffing evry single class even normal mercs! Reason why: Before i post ways to fix the prblem it's important to know why, Although it should be obvious , i honestly dont know why the class testers did not pick this up. Before the new classes wre released mercs wre prberly one of the strongest simply having a focus hybrid combo, the only counter for the old merc was defence de buffing and enrgy draining attacks.... guess what tactical mercs have technician and reroute, Thier goes the strategic ways to beat them. Another prblem with the old mercs is that they wre tank although this is true they could not damage debuff other classes which aloud the tankness to be fair, NOW! they have Smoke screen their is no way you can match thier damage and to make matters worse they have a Blood lust style move! (i feel bad for the non variums versing these tac mercs as thyl prberly heal more than they can posibly consider damagin!) They can now tank to the extreme and we have literaly nothing to counter that except for the messed up luck crits system! Another possible way we could try to match up to the old mercs was to Match the merc's defence to try and have a decent run at killing them!, Now the tac mercs even have a counter for tanks(toxic) !! It is completely outrageous!!! I even remeber cyderella saying "tac mercs arnt the oped clas"..... Wow ARE YOU BLIND (no offence) But consider they possible way you can beat this class .. they only way i can think of is getting exteremly lucky or being a tactical merc yourslef. Solution: The quick simple solution would be To either take one thing from their class either , Smoke! or Reroute , together both these skills counter all possible way to beat tanks, My recomended skill to remove is smoke! and instead of smoke give them Intimidate or something tht isnt a defence de buff. Also in creating this major tank class they should not also have shields (technician) they should be swapped with something else perhaps stun grenade. EDIT: By popular demand i have added removing hybrid as a possible nerf option which I think is a brilliant idea to make this class balanced after all mages lost reroute and BH lost Blood lust why should merc get to keep their best passive :S The other classes : I think the cyber hunters should get Bloo lust back in swap for Shadow arts , as shadow arts seem more of a BH thing, plus it will allow cyber hunter to have a chance at survivng long enough to hit a tactical merc :P, As for the Blood mages giving them a defence de buff would make them oped but obviosoly no way near as oped as tactical merc. So pherhaps they should get a Toxic style attack as well to counter the Tanks, pherhaps a new skill called Dark Devoring: cast a curse on the oppenent causing 9-18 damage for 3 turns. Please tell me what You think and if you think the soultions are "fare" thank you remorse less
< Message edited by Remorse -- 6/30/2011 10:34:36 >