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RE: Blindgly obvious mistakes + Solutions

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6/30/2011 6:46:38   

Seeing that BM is the new merc - they should get hybrid armor - they cant lower DEF or RES so they cant waste a turn setting up their (weaker/passive) phys armor - just like the old merc
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 101
6/30/2011 6:53:51   

to tell you the truth....

i thought that Cyber hunters would have reroute just because they are bsicly cyborgs
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 102
6/30/2011 7:33:25   
King FrostLich

They got static charge though.
Epic  Post #: 103
6/30/2011 7:38:34   

The funny thing is that Tactical merc could easily be compared to mage and people call mages UPed...

Mages got malf and energy multi, T mercs got smoke and physical multi and so on...


Imagine a Tactical Merc Rampage.

Smokescreen-Maul-Artillery Strike


I don't think anyone will use smoke and multi in the same build.

Edit: Oh and static charge at CH should be passive.

< Message edited by 8rlx0 -- 6/30/2011 7:40:19 >
Epic  Post #: 104
6/30/2011 8:18:07   
Spectating from the Sidelines

To think you would post this with less than 24 hours of delta being around, in no way has anyone mastered that class, and just because you may not agree from the proof so far, does not mean that this class is OP
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 105
6/30/2011 8:21:56   

Bm seems like a frankenstein from what i'm hearing
Post #: 106
6/30/2011 8:31:31   


I don't think anyone will use smoke and multi in the same build.

i tried a support build like that. with 135 support
smoke + artillery is a good combo.
AQW Epic  Post #: 107
6/30/2011 8:50:53   

@8rlx0 indeed, but you forgot to remark how they have hybrid armor, which allows them a great many more builds to do because they don't have to worry about defense so much, which means they can put extra in support with no deffiencies, and please don't forget that smoke screen has been debuffed to last 2 rounds instead of 3, and while artillary strike has been nerfed, please wait a few days for the noobs of the tacticle merc society to spam artillary smoke screen then artillart strike

@the SunGuardian, you bet it does, in fact in the Delta Release 20011 post goldslayer1 has already commented on it and went on to say how easy it was

@goldslayer1, indeed, grats on the str build, but that is about the only thing BM's can do with out in buffs, I will become moderately impressed if you can come up with something else BESODES a str build for a BM
Epic  Post #: 108
6/30/2011 9:02:20   

i made a tech build. i also tried support
they were decent.
a tech and support build can be very surprising plus u have bloodlust.
and the energy bunk is pretty good. it surprises the mercs because they have the physical hybrid (weaker res compared to defense)

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 6/30/2011 9:13:31 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 109
6/30/2011 9:15:36   

@ 8rlx0

static charge is a passive

Back to topic

smoke + arty build well it is more like smoke+ arty +reroute build basically the tlc merc smokes,zooka(phy),do something until they gte enuf energy to bam finish ya off wif arty. and all classes can heal loop now very weird indeed ch can heal loop with static charge.
AQW Epic  Post #: 110
6/30/2011 9:23:22   

Its not tht TLM r being OP'ed bt look at the othr classes too....if u hv a look at ol of them u ll see a very balanced game
Not only tht BH r stil sumwhr the best in 1vs1 n lets not forget abt blood mage none of us hv changed to blood mage bt none of u knw the real power hidden inside tht class..........n not only tht class change is availabl 4 low credts too <50k isnt much> coz i didnt used variums to change myself<olthough i hv plenty of it :P>

On the othr hand Static charge gives lots of mana to CH which means they can massacre twice..

So in my opinion the game is balanced n i juz luv the new update <titan thanx 4 ol this>
Post #: 111
6/30/2011 9:29:18   

maybe trade skills between BM and TlM?

1. BM already has an energy bunker....why would we use plasma bolt? change it to defense matrix
2. overload is fine, it increases with dex, which some str builds could use
3. supercharge is very costly and with no malf and reroute, it has no real niche whereas on TM you atleast had reroute and could use it in the end for a finisher 20 damage

other than that, it looks like a fresh new class that like TM's... you have to think on your feet
Post #: 112
6/30/2011 9:31:20   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

One blindingly huge mistake people make is the fact that Tactical Merc is a STRATEGY CLASS. That means it has builds to counter multiple builds. Hybrid for tanking against str builds, Poison Grenade for fighting tanks, Smokescreen and Artillery for enemies that you need to kill quickly, Frenzy for one hit enemies that deal huge damage and have low defenses(for healing the damage away), the list goes on. The next huge mistake is that Reroute doesn't give enough energy to make up for all the high energy cost skills. You can't Maul, Smoke and Artillery without sacrificing Hybrid Armor for Reroute. Tactical Mercs don't have infinite skill points. Do you realize how much damage you need to take with Maxed Reroute to use a Maxed Artillery? Over 100 damage to get it back. Just judging from the skill tree it looks overpowered, but when you do the research, it's not.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 113
6/30/2011 9:35:10   
pinoy idols

Hmm... Reroute + Artillery Strike = Unlimited Destruction (Run for your lives!) I haven't seen the skills of other classes yet, so maybe they have their own deadly combinations.

AQW Epic  Post #: 114
6/30/2011 9:35:13   

Hello evryone,
i m becomin annoyd reading the d same things again
y u guys r acting like noobs.its juz the first day of release n stil u guys r saying tht TLM r OPed juz bcox u guys cant make a gud build or dont hv courage to fight TLM! huh!!

Stop complaining n make ur own gud build <n sorry 4 being rude bt i m seriously annoyed wid these kinf of posts>
Post #: 115
6/30/2011 9:38:39   

smoke actually still lasts for 3 turns for whoever posted this thread.(well, for me. XD)
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 116
6/30/2011 9:47:00   
midnight assassin

@pinoy idols
They just removed the ignorce 10% of the artillery strike. But I'm a lot worried on the surgical strike.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 117
6/30/2011 9:50:46   

Yeah I seen a Tac Merc in action he was teamate and he was beast without him I would not be able to beat Armor Hazard. Tac Merc is kinda Oped.
AQW Epic  Post #: 118
6/30/2011 9:59:21   

why not just get reroute with a dex requirement for tac-merc...and another requirement for that poison grenade or at least put the poison dmg a bit lower...but frenzy really needs a debuff and smokescreen SHOULD have a support requirement for both tacs and BH's. ima BH myself and i have always been a BH so dont flame me, im just giving an opinion.

DF AQW Epic  Post #: 119
6/30/2011 10:04:09   

You don't have to class change ya know :/ If a tac mercs hybrid was gone i think we'd see alot more bounties....
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 120
6/30/2011 10:23:40   

man...i wish i had CH...i really wanna test it out. anyways, BM's have intimidate so you guys dont really need something to cover up a stat debuff.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 121
6/30/2011 10:42:21   

I beat all of them and guess what I'm not a tactical merc Im still owning with the same build the fight takes longer but I still win
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 122
6/30/2011 10:44:31   

@8r, you are basicaly right tac mercs are a bit like old mages except you missed a rital feature tac mercs have hybrid meaning they can be tank and powerful, imagine if the old mages had hybrid and were tank, thats basicaly how oped tac mercs are.

@ ND mallet, your right TACTICAL does mean should be able to counter builds , i didnt however realse that it consisted of countering pretty much every affective non tac merc build in this game e.e . if you read the whole of the "reason why nerf them", i posted, youl see i have done research and that reroute not giving enough mana for skills isn't the prblem, the problem is another afective counter for tanks has been removed which was emp/atom smash/ asimilation, now tactical mercs dont need to bring mana boosts to fights and rather than wait for multi a seoncd time which u stated is pointless but they can heal a second time and frenzy which is a deadly combo considering they are TANKS

Epic  Post #: 123
6/30/2011 10:45:02   
midnight assassin

Hmmm maybe this is the start of what I call vampiric build (surgical and frenzy).
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 124
6/30/2011 10:50:33   

Delta just come and u are complaining about that it's OPed, take it easy. It has just gone 1 day!! Btw you exaggerate too much -.-

Edit:It has only gone 1 day and u say it is OPed, let it go some weeks and say it's OPed. Not this early!

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< Message edited by Illuminator -- 6/30/2011 21:02:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 125
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