This looks amazing! Anyway, down to requests. Please PM me when you're done, as I see it looks like you've got an overload of requests and might not be able to tell me when exactly it'll be done. I'm hoping you can do animation and still keep it under the file size limit (100x500 pxls, 50 kb); if not, just leave the animation out. Request format: Signature Text: Anastira The Eternal Flame [please seperate the "Anastira" from "The Eternal Flame" - you may place them wherever looks best, but if they do happen to be pushed together as a sentence, write it lik this: "Anastira, the Eternal Flame"] Text color: Something like this: Anastira - likewise for the "The Eternal Flame" part. It's sort of blending it, but not really; if you're confused, I can clarify more. Choose whatever font you think looks good, please! Anything special done to to text (i.e. flaming text): I'd like the text to have animated flames on it. Background color or image: Flames, or whatever you think is adequate. Main image: A diving phoenix with tendrils of flame coming off of it, please. I'd like you to use the phoenix that was used in the sig Sainsbo made for me in the [CS5]... shop. If you can't find it, then, you can do whatever phoenix looks best. Also, can you try to make the phoenix's fire and/or the phoenix's wings animated? Hope that wasn't too loose/complicated for you.
< Message edited by Anastira -- 8/18/2011 16:48:47 >