Hun Kingq
IsaiahtheMage, Assimiliation is the most blocked and Beseker, is the 2nd most blocked skill the Blood Mage has if the tact merc wises up and puts more health say 120 then if the fireball does 50 damage they are still left with 70 and the blood Mage will hardly have enough to heal much less to do level Beseker and with low defense and resistance just Aux and side arm will do him in. One Blood Mage on 1vs1 at number 7, he has the new staff and look at the armor he is wearing can it be yes it is founders armor, the only armor gets 10 enhancement slots and +7 Resistance +8 Dexterity, +8 Technology, what armor we have that gets +8 Dex/Tech. Luna is right no one class should be nerfed because that is just punishment. That is why I always make suggestions to improve the mage class without messing with the skills or stats of other classes but no my ideas people are convinced will make them over powered when it will just give both non-variums and varium mages a fighting chance in all battles Like Assimilation since people on't like the idea of taking more than 10 points of energy how about instead of giving back just half of the energy taken how about give back let say since the cool down is unfair at 3 give back 4 times as much so it would look like this: Level 1: 1 x 4, 4 energy regain Level 2: 2 x 4, 8 energy regain Level 3: 3 x 4, 12 energy regain Level 4: 4 x 4, 16 energy regain Level 5: 5 x 4, 20 energy regain Level 6: 6 x 4, 24 energy regain Level 7: 7 x 4, 28 energy regain Level 8: 8 x 4, 32 energy regain Level 9: 9 x 4, 36 energy regain Level 10: 10 x 4, 40 energy regain The damage stays the same as well as the cool down make it unblockable since it is the only energy regaining skill the Blood Mage has and available with any weapon. Overload should have never been put after Plasma Rain it should have been put before they did that becaus if you want overload then you would have to waste a point. Same with Intimidation not really that usefull it should have been put after Deadly Aim, so two points that can go for Blood Lust or whatever else so if a player wants max Blood Lust, Deadly Aim, and Assimilation then they can. Max Deadly Aim has a 42 Support requirement now, no one new this because it was one thing they purposely failed to mention I discovered this when I retrained. Since people always claim I don't know much about the Game today I helped a low level Cyber Hunter and a low level Tact merc with their builds and guess what they came back and told me thank you because their battle wins increased.