Yo son
@State I am a Tac Merc. You are also right. I like having a good ratio who doesn't? But the fact is I do not see how BM is horrible. Maybe it is just you. I mean a 5 Focus Build with Technian+Plasma Cannon+Deadly Aim meaning it would buff bot and plasma cannon. Not to mention if you add bloodlust to the picture. I don't get how it is bad. I know TLM can probably beat it. But BM being weaker then CH? Come on. And I mean a Tank merc makes every move from every other class useless >_<, the only thing the are volurable to, is smoke. Their are 6 classes, only two of them have smoke. Malfunction and Intimidate is useless against a tank, unless your support is so high, that you can remove 48-52 Tech, unless then, can a mages or CH malfunction have any effect on a tank, intimidate has no effect what so ever on a tank. that's about 28-30 on auxiliary, or that's the same, as low strength, low defense, and low resistance, including health. What chance does a +5 focus BM have against a +5 focus tank Merc or tank TLM? 0! you know why, because the Merc has +12 defensive points more against the BM, in other hands, they Merc has +48 tech added to thier Technology; and they will most likely smoke you, reducing your defense, on top of that, BM can use Gamma robots, because you know why! Edit: quote:
And about tactical mercs, I may find them a little annoying because smokescreen and frenzy combined when having a physical rimary is a real pain in the face however I don't find them to the point of super overpowered than the old heal looping mages back in beta. Tact mercs have one open spot in there builds which is there own tanking build. A tanking build and reroute may be a very deadly combo but draining their mana at the same time doing little damage will make them crippled with their skills because tanking will make you do lower damage to them and lower damage will also mean lower mana recovered unlike tech mages. All you have to do is just do low damage then rage with a strong attack but not to the point they can recover mana to a certain point where they can heal again. The player can have 2 million mana, I really don't care. They only way to win a match in this game is by getting the hp to 0, if is very difficult for me to do that, but on the same hand very easy for them to do that, what chance do I stand? Since Bloodlust also depends on how much damage I do, how fair is that? on top of that how much mana you gain back from assimilate actally depends on how much damage you do; so the average mana I can gain back from max assimilate on a tank merc or TLM, is 3; because I did 7. They only class in this game, that at lvl 33, they can survive with 63 hp! So imagine how much power is behind that class. Posts merge. Please don't double post. Either edit your first post, or wait till someone else post after yours. ~Mecha
< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 7/7/2011 14:10:20 >