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RE: =ED= Design Notes 7/6/2011 - Delta Performance Update

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7/7/2011 13:27:50   
Yo son


@State I am a Tac Merc. You are also right. I like having a good ratio who doesn't? But the fact is I do not see how BM is horrible. Maybe it is just you. I mean a 5 Focus Build with Technian+Plasma Cannon+Deadly Aim meaning it would buff bot and plasma cannon. Not to mention if you add bloodlust to the picture. I don't get how it is bad. I know TLM can probably beat it. But BM being weaker then CH? Come on.

And I mean a Tank merc makes every move from every other class useless >_<, the only thing the are volurable to, is smoke. Their are 6 classes, only two of them have smoke. Malfunction and Intimidate is useless against a tank, unless your support is so high, that you can remove 48-52 Tech, unless then, can a mages or CH malfunction have any effect on a tank, intimidate has no effect what so ever on a tank. that's about 28-30 on auxiliary, or that's the same, as low strength, low defense, and low resistance, including health.

What chance does a +5 focus BM have against a +5 focus tank Merc or tank TLM? 0! you know why, because the Merc has +12 defensive points more against the BM, in other hands, they Merc has +48 tech added to thier Technology; and they will most likely smoke you, reducing your defense, on top of that, BM can use Gamma robots, because you know why!


And about tactical mercs, I may find them a little annoying because smokescreen and frenzy combined when having a physical rimary is a real pain in the face however I don't find them to the point of super overpowered than the old heal looping mages back in beta. Tact mercs have one open spot in there builds which is there own tanking build. A tanking build and reroute may be a very deadly combo but draining their mana at the same time doing little damage will make them crippled with their skills because tanking will make you do lower damage to them and lower damage will also mean lower mana recovered unlike tech mages. All you have to do is just do low damage then rage with a strong attack but not to the point they can recover mana to a certain point where they can heal again.

The player can have 2 million mana, I really don't care. They only way to win a match in this game is by getting the hp to 0, if is very difficult for me to do that, but on the same hand very easy for them to do that, what chance do I stand? Since Bloodlust also depends on how much damage I do, how fair is that? on top of that how much mana you gain back from assimilate actally depends on how much damage you do; so the average mana I can gain back from max assimilate on a tank merc or TLM, is 3; because I did 7.

They only class in this game, that at lvl 33, they can survive with 63 hp! So imagine how much power is behind that class.

Posts merge. Please don't double post. Either edit your first post, or wait till someone else post after yours. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 7/7/2011 14:10:20 >
Post #: 51
7/7/2011 13:49:35   

Cinderella just confirmed there will be no refunds.
It also says so in T&C..

Seriously just stop going on about refunds, if you hate the class why not change or just quit the game? No one is forcing you to keep playing as TLM or even play at all, not talking about spendig money on it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 52
7/7/2011 14:05:12   
Angels Holocaust

I would like to formally thank the Devs for admitting to their hidden greed.

Thank you for telling me that in 1-2 weeks I will be forced to give you another 10 dollars to class change in order to stay competitive.

Thank you for showing no remorse what so ever for taking my money.

Thank you for making this game interesting by crippling classes monthly.

Thank you for making just one class oped at a time.

Thank you for giving us defected products.

Post #: 53
7/7/2011 14:44:41   

Hey they only get money when you buy varium, not because of class change. But of course, it is a reason behind buying varium.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 54
7/7/2011 14:45:01   

HAHAHAHAHA. I leave the game for 3 days and this is what happens? Angels you knew it was coming :P. I think the devs have learned and I have faith they wont completely destroy TLM's like they did the Heal looping mages. Perhaps something along the lines of setting higher technology requirements?
AQ Epic  Post #: 55
7/7/2011 14:49:09   

Guys, what if they decide to tweak Hybrid Armor for just TLM's and it will be always Defence? You then have Technican to boost Res and it's really fine afterwards.
It's not that bad change yet makes you weaker.
Also Isaiah, you said that they nerfed TM pretty badly. Yeah I agree but we got over it with time, see any threads with TM's moaning about it? No, I'm one myself and I might moan a bit now as TLM's are giving me pain.. -.-
Yes I have Varium to change class and considered it but not sure about it yet, so I do actually consider every point of view at it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 56
7/7/2011 15:02:44   

For all you know it might not even be hybrid armor that gets changed.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 57
7/7/2011 15:38:24   

Really, Requirements arn't really nerfs unless you don't have much stat points. It is just a creativity killer. Right now a typical varium person can spam any or both fo their stats to the hunderds if they really wanted to.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 58
7/8/2011 2:36:25   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Yet again Angels, you do make me laugh! TMercs are not being completely destroyed, like you are making out they are going to be. No one says that you have to change class as soon as the nerf comes. It won't make them underpowered, it will just even up the edge that they have right now. They didn't say that you'd have to change class again in one-two weeks time, because they've made themselves clear multiple times, classes may be buffed or nerfed depending on player feedback, because we tested these classes, but not over a week of thousands of battles, the players are the best indication of what needs changing. They also fealt that people wouldn't be so lazy that as soon as one OP class is nerfed, they have to convert to another to copy someone elses strong build for that class.
Most the stuff you've put there are just the same points 'taking my money.', 'forced to give you another 10 dollars to class change in order to stay competitive.', 'making this game interesting by crippling classes monthly.' - All referring to this nerf it seems.
Yet the funny thing is, one statement contradicts a lot of that - 'Thank you for making just one class oped at a time.' - So you want them to make more OP classes at each time, so more people experience the 'pains' that you are experiencing with this nerf? You want there to be more unbalance in the game? You want there to be more 'defected products.' within this game?
That single statement does contradict pretty much the whole post, and many of the arguments you have put forward in the past. If you mean it in a way that you want other people to feel the same as you - now that's just petty. If you mean it how I perceived it, then I don't understand at all where you're coming from, because it just doesn't make sense at all.

< Message edited by Rainaka -- 7/8/2011 12:20:11 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
7/8/2011 12:21:57   

^Angels Holocaust just got 1 hit KOed again. :P
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 60
7/8/2011 12:45:52   

@above i wonder did she
Post #: 61
7/8/2011 13:52:20   
Always a Princess

@Angels, we are not conspiring to cost you additional money, or have any of the "class change agenda" you've alluded to in several of your posts. In this case, things were actually looking good on the test server, but once we had thousands of players on, some balance issues became more apparent. Asking us to refund for class changes you didn't like is like going to a store, buying a dress, wearing it and deciding after having worn it a few times you don't like it anymore. While some stores will allow you to refund worn clothing (ew), sometimes trying to do that will result in your getting banned from several high-end department stores like my aunt is. We also have a Terms of Service, which you agreed to, that say we are not obligated to give you a refund if you don't like something or are suffering buyers' remorse. We've been changing balance since before class change (which you constantly point out how we ruined mages, because we apparently hate everyone who plays as a Tech Mage, even though we all play as tech mages or now as blood mages, whether on our mains or on alts), we're not trying to eliminate or destroy classes, or make one OP over another. I even explicitly stated that in the design notes.

This is my final word on the subject to you. You are a troll, and I refuse to further feed your trolling.
Post #: 62
7/8/2011 14:01:56   
C Schuldiner

That dress example was rather poopy. It's not like the dress got "nerfed" so to speak, which would make the person want/have to sell it. I fail to see how angels is a troll when all she does is tell the truth. Last I checked speaking the truth =/= trolling.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 63
7/8/2011 14:10:08   
Buffy A. Summers

You Know...In Most "Real World" Businesses...Long Time Customers And Customers Who Spend Frequently And Bring In Good Revenue Are Treated Very Well.

That Seems To Not Be The Case With EpicDuel.

Apparently, "The Customer Is Always Right" Does Not Apply In EpicDuel.

It Simply Amazes Me, The Lack Of Respect Given To Angels Holocaust (And Others) At Times By Mods/Admins.

And Ultimately...The "Company" Line Is...If You Don't Like It...Leave. We Owe You Nothing.


Are You Serious???

Let Me Ask You This... If "Real World" Stores 'Staff' Treated Their Customers Like This... Their Long Time And Big Spending Customers...

A. Would That Staff Remain Employed?

B. Would That Business Continue To Do Well?

You Know The Answers To Those Questions Already.

Without Devoted Players, Frequent Varium Buyers, Etc... Where Would EpicDuel Be Now?

My Simple Advice To Mods/Admins... Show Some Respect To Your Customers.

You Might Be Surprised And Actually Get It Back.

< Message edited by Buffy A. Summers -- 7/8/2011 14:39:21 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 64
7/8/2011 14:11:56   
C Schuldiner

Mods have never given respect on AE forums, it's nothing new. Sad but true..
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 65
7/8/2011 14:18:25   

what companies treat their long term customers well ?

as far as im aware every time i buy anything anywhere I go, even if its for years, the service never changes, the prices
never change for me. nothing. even having a store card where you get points for purchases is usually a complete joke.

what world do you live in Buffy ?
Post #: 66
7/8/2011 14:19:41   


That dress example was rather poopy. It's not like the dress got "nerfed" so to speak, which would make the person want/have to sell it. I fail to see how angels is a troll when all she does is tell the truth. Last I checked speaking the truth =/= trolling.

She means when somebody changes classes and when they get bored of it and/or start complaining about it, they demand a refund. Also Angels is not speaking the truth. She's just whining because she also changed to TLM.

@Angels, if you don't like this game then go buy a book or something. Nobody is forcing you to spend money on it. If you changed class then that's your problem not the devs.

< Message edited by Drago9999 -- 7/8/2011 14:25:37 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 67
7/8/2011 14:21:55   
C Schuldiner


I hate to be the one to bring this up on an AE forum, but some companies such as Jagex do reward players for long-standing loyalty.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 68
7/8/2011 14:31:12   

Buffy, if their was a like button to your post I'd like it more then you can count.
I'm sick and tired of everything that admins/mods give to players about if you don't like it then don't play at all.
People put so much time and money into this game that their is no point in quiting EpicDuel anymore.
I honestly think everthing the dev's do is a straight up scam.
I mean seriously introducing a class without giving us any warning about changes that will happen in the future is completely idiotic and from what i hear they told us about the warning on the 300'th post in the topic.
I honestly think their is no point in balance anymore because you DEVS will always ruin this game for us.


< Message edited by aramcho213 -- 7/8/2011 14:33:55 >
Post #: 69
7/8/2011 14:34:50   

You never enjoy any update this games makes, and thats really a shame. When a new feature is added you complain about how it is meant to drain money from us, and when a class is boosted you tell us it ruins your own class, and when a class is nerfed, you say the same thing. No matter what the devs does, and how they react to our complain, you will always be the negative one complaining about everything. You should either stop playing ED and go on with your life and socialise you or find a hobby, or keep playing and be happy with it. Nobody likes trolls..

I think you guys are great and doing the right thing. I just want you to know, that some of us still loves to play and likes the updates and decisiones you make. Don't mind all the complainers saying you are only trying to steal the money from us, we all know it isn't true, some of us are just trying to insult you and make the world a worse place.

My opinion is that TLM should be nerfed, the others shouldn't be buffed. TLM are too strong and can easily beat even the hardest NPC's and thats why buffing the others isn't also a solution. I myself are still a mage, and i lose alot to TLM, but i don't think they should be destroyed by any means. I neither want TM to be buffed. I just want this game to be more fair, not because i'm selfish, but because i love this game.

- Lord/Fredd

< Message edited by Lord/Fredd -- 7/8/2011 14:35:58 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 70
7/8/2011 14:52:08   

I think it's naive that people think their posts will affect the outcome and make the game better.

The way to end the suffering:

Step 1: Stop paying

Step 2: Quit

Step 3: Peace and serenity

It's that simple. Enjoy.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 71
7/8/2011 14:52:18   

Sorry to say but Angels is telling the truth and Cinderella is trolling Rainaka was suitable
Epic  Post #: 72
7/8/2011 14:52:29   

@Cinderella More simply put...

If you don't like it... don't buy it. It's YOUR money you're throwing away to an F2P game.

Which I find very true... I've paid to play (nearly) every game now. I'm VERY happy with all my purchases because it's what I wanted.


Unfortunately, I don’t think that we’ll ever be able to say we’ve completely eliminated lag from the game- even if we give the server hamsters intravenous caffeine injections (believe me, we’ve looked into it).

The price to pay with anything that has animations. If there's too many things going on at once, the game slows down.
DF AQW  Post #: 73
7/8/2011 14:58:56   
C Schuldiner

Lmao Epic Duel an F2p game, yeah right. You have to spend 50 dollars a month if you wanna stand a chance.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 74
7/8/2011 15:20:06   

Buffy, just curious, but what is with you And Typing Like This All Of The Time?

God I hope Blood Mage loses Intimidate and gets Defense Matrix or Reflex Boost...

< Message edited by Nebula -- 7/8/2011 15:21:23 >
Post #: 75
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