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TLM poison vs BH/CH poison

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7/18/2011 4:59:22   

like its so unfair if u think about it.

Tac mercs have their lil nade that they throw that is unblockable and its max is 14 poison dmg a turn

then when you look at BH/CH poison strike theres a chance to block and their max is 11 poison dmg a turn

like it would be better if they switch the poison dmg up because its quite unfair that the tac merc can use it with out worry about us blocking

it would be much betta if there was a chance to poison with tac merc like the same chance of stunning sum1 if the attack is unblockable
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/18/2011 5:03:53   
Master Volcon

1: Bounty hunter poisen takes less mana to use.

2: You do 70% of normal damage, where as Tactical Mercenary only does 25%.
-I would rather have higher damage with a chance to block than about 5-15 damage on average when Tactical Mercenaries use it.

3: It is only 12 damage not 14 now.
-This extra 1 damage is not even close to the 50% gap between the initial damage inflicted.

4: This is just a flaming topic, I expect it to get locked soon. Try posting on the suggestions section if you have any idea how to make it better.


AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/18/2011 5:21:36   

its not rly a flaming post its just a comment about it
and plus i dont thing a 1 energy difference is small its barely a difference
and plus unblockable vs blockable i mean you do the math
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
7/18/2011 5:56:03   

They are same

Tac mercs toxic = 12 dmg per turn and %25 primary dmg

Venom=11 dmg per turn and %70 primary dmg


Epic  Post #: 4
7/18/2011 8:42:50   

They are on par with each other


Always on the bright side :))

Post #: 5
7/18/2011 9:14:49   
Silver Sky Magician

Bounty Hunters' poison uses less mana than TLM's poison? It uses over twice the amount! (as far as I can recall)


Thanks for clarifying, I forgot that the EP cost for a skill that has not been added to is, by default, the cost for a level 1 skill. Looks like I shall have to take a break from duelling and take a nap...:P

< Message edited by Silver Sky Magician -- 7/18/2011 10:50:12 >
Post #: 6
7/18/2011 9:27:30   

Venom Strike: Poisons enemy over time and inflicts 70% of normal damage.
Energy Required:
Level 1: 14
Level 2: 16
Level 3: 18
Level 4: 20
Level 5: 22
Level 6: 24
Level 7: 26
Level 8: 28
Level 9: 30
Level 10: 32

Toxic Grenade: Poisons the enemy over time (3 turns) and inflicts initial physical damage.
Energy Required:
Level 1: 15
Level 2: 17
Level 3: 19
Level 4: 21
Level 5: 23
Level 6: 25
Level 7: 27
Level 8: 29
Level 9: 31
Level 10: 33
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
7/18/2011 9:56:03   
The Cardclasher


Toxic Grenade: Poisons the enemy over time (3 turns) and inflicts initial physical damage.

That means if its 14 per turn its hmm 14+14=28 28+14=42 that means 42 dmg on poison only till bh poiton lets see 11+11+11=33 9 more dmg and its known fact that tact merc are OP that means ur dead for 4 turn if u survive untill than hmm and 1 mana isnt so diffrence and if I dont have mistake with 47 mp u can first smoke with lvl 1 if u have much +tech and and 5 focus build that means -22 dex hmm now its more dmg and its also unblockable

< Message edited by The Cardclasher -- 7/18/2011 9:57:14 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
7/18/2011 10:13:39   

^you foget that the nade only does 12/turn now, and i does only 35.71% of the initial dmg venom strike does
trust me, venom is Better ;^)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
7/18/2011 11:33:57   

Who actually uses Venom Strike for the damage :p Isn't the Nade (The initial damage) unblockable?
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
7/18/2011 13:04:33   

it seems a redundant skill for cyber hunters too.
Post #: 11
7/18/2011 13:14:29   
Fatal Impact

Ok seriously they just nerfed it -.- its damage is like 3... So unblockable dosent really matter at this point, and it does 1 more damage than BH posion.. Not to mention BH posion does way more damage applying it.
Epic  Post #: 12
7/18/2011 13:17:20   

lol, nobody even uses venom strike anymore. ppl would rather spend on shadow arts than venom.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
7/18/2011 19:05:25   

I use venom and smoke...
Post #: 14
7/18/2011 19:53:40   

True that Bloodknight, how smart do you have to be to use a simple Venom Strike + Multi Shot build. It worked in Late Beta, it will work on Delta then fo' sure!
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
7/18/2011 20:27:50   

@Aere I used to but I turned it into a NPC build
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
7/18/2011 20:32:13   

yeah, but u see, these kind of moves are getting weak since multi shot is basically 20(something) energy dmg+skill lvl+dex/4 or 5. if u think about it, when ur noob, u would do a ton with that at a lvl 1 multi. now at high lvls, u have to spam dex AND max it out. ._. the only moves that will be the most useful would be str moves because it skill based... and EMP will become useless unless ppl stay with low energy. >:D
venom strike might become useless too because say u did 100dmg on average. then u use venom strike which that'd mean 70+33. Now think about being able to do 200 on average. it'd be 140+33 which that means, venom is not a skill move either. why not poison is based on ur strike dmg and the dot does 5% (step 3%)
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
7/18/2011 20:32:39   
One Winged Angel1357

Vemon is a good skill for Bosses even if it wastes energy its an Extra 33 damage and you can just use Boosters to get that energy back

as for Nade vs Strike my money is on Strike becuase STR BH smoke Vemon if your hit makes contact its one heck of a hit
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 18
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