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RE: I'm still not seeing alot of CH's...

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7/19/2011 21:18:56   

You Sir are a Bum Bum.
I am a Cyber Hunter is EMP grenade is complete BS.
Quit wandering around with your dream build.
Epic  Post #: 26
7/19/2011 22:20:29   


I play as a Cyber Hunter on my main. I agree that it has some problems, but I don't think it's as bad as people say it is.

Hmmmm, if you mean losing to a TLM 70-80% of the time, it's certainly not as bad as people say it is. I mean, seriously, why change to a TLM when you can change to a CH, a class that is not as bad as people say it is?
Post #: 27
7/19/2011 22:52:09   

im a CH and when it comes to matches i win8/10 times and like im a simi var character
like my build is

cheapshot -1
defence matrix-2
static charge-6
plasma nade-6
shadow arts-7

and i use both the liberty and maple cleaver
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
7/19/2011 23:00:04   

Every class has 2 passives, why not cyber hunter? O:
AQ  Post #: 29
7/19/2011 23:14:09   

I myself am a Cyber Hunter and a Level 4 Malfuction is just too insanely low unless you're spamming support. So from my experiences 6-8 is somewhere around being effective to very effective (varies between opponents). Emp Grenade is next to being useless for the Cyber Hunter seeing as we cannot tank to re-gain health passively, it just wastes a precious turn.

Edit: My strategy is simple but hard to execute as you need have precise gear and skill tree, I can get near 100%. The point is to out damage opponents, even the tiniest damage helps. Then as you're about to die, counter with a massive heal.

< Message edited by HellsCupid -- 7/19/2011 23:43:03 >
Epic  Post #: 30
7/20/2011 0:30:39   

I love my cyber hunter, but large amounts of EMP is ineffective. What's the point of taking energy when your number one enemy is going to get it back in 2 turns?
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
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