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RE: (AQW) Arces

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8/20/2011 22:36:23   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 50
Temple of Doom

Arces went to the headmaster's office.
The secretary looked up and said,"Noxus is waiting."
Arces nodded and went into Noxus office.

Noxus was talking to the necromantress Sally.
Arces walked up.
Noxus green orbs, his eyes, looked at Arces."Ahh Arces."
Arces looked Noxus in the eyes.
Noxus looked away and said,"You have done well this semester Arces. I hope to see you do well with your advanced coarses."
Arces thanked Noxus with a bow."I came here to ask about Vordred."
Noxus looked at Arces, so did Sally."Why so interested Arces?"Noxus would smile if he could.
Arces thought of something."I wish to make something like him in my future."
Sally smiled, easily fooled. Noxus seemed to belive it too.
Sally said,"Let us explain then. We used forgotten dark magic. It was something that Noxus here was shocked to learn."
Noxus grunted."I don't know how she reads my emotions when I don't have a face anymore."
"I made you Noxus. I feel everthing you do."
Noxus grunted again."Anyway, the magic texts are hidden in an ancient temple. It was by paladins at one point, but not now."
Arces said,"I have map to these ruins, but I keep it safe."Noxus pulled out a map.
Arces looked at the map."Let me destroy it sir. I'll make sure no one can ever use it to find the texts."
Noxus nodded and allowed Arces to leave.

Insted of dropping it in the incinerator, he dropped a piece of average paper into it. He hid the map in his robes.
He went back to his dorm.

Everyone was there.
teleron was sleeping. Kirt was reading his necromancy books. Veronica was laying back looking at the celling.
Only seconds after he walked in, he told them everything he had learned.
The three of them didn't expect this.
He showed them the map. Arces found the Necropolis on it.
"So here we are. We only follow this path through the forest, and we'll find the temple."
The three of them looked at him, agreeing with him.
Arces folded up the map, hid it, and got ready to leave.

When he was ready, they left the dorm.
Veronica stuck by Arces' side, holding his hand. Arces felt guilty for doing this.
Teleron and Kirt behind them, talking.
Arces' hearing could pick them up so easily.
"I still don't trust arces with my sister."
Kirt grunted and said,"You're not alone."
"And why does he moan 'Gravelyn i'm sorry' in his sleep?"
"He told me Veronica isn't the only girl who loved him, and not the first he loved."
"Then this Gravelyn?"
"If it is the empress of the Shadowscythe, he said he served her. Maybe he loves her."
"Maybe. If so, he better tell Veronica before she gets to in love with him."
Arces quit listening.

After a while, they set up camp.
Veronica and Teleron had a tent, while Kirt and Arces had their own.
Kirt asked Arces,"Are you okay Arces?"
"Yeah Kirt."
"You like your quilty of some crime."
"Its not a crime, but I do feel guilty."
"Never mind that, let get some sleep."
Arces feel asleep before Kirt could continue.

The next day they covered half the remaining distance before setting up camp again.
Teleron wanted to talk to Arces.
Arces was watching the sky."What did you want to talk about?"
"You love someone, don't you Arces?"
Arces laughed."I do love someone."
"Don't say it is Veronica, I know it isn't."
Arces avoided that coment."The night is wonderful isn't it?"
Teleron said,"Who do you love Arces?"
Arces got a little annoyed and said,"Veron-"
Teleron got up in anger."Don't lie to me or Veronica!"
Arces was surprized to hear him shout like that.
"I know you don't like her that way. You love someone else. Confess."
Veronica came running over."Teleron!"She slapped him."Don't mess with Arces."
Teleron said,"It isn't over Arces. We'll talk later."
Veronica hugged Arces asking,"Are you okay?"
"Y...yea i'm fine Veronica."
Arces felt even more guilty. He was trying to fall in love with Veronica, but it was failing.

The next day, Kirt and Teleron avoided Arces.

They set up camp again.
They each slept, never saying a word.

The next day, they arrived at the temple.
Arces said."No we must find these dark texts."
The three set off to the temple.
DF AQW  Post #: 51
8/21/2011 21:21:17   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 51
The Secret Behind Vordred

Arces and the others faught their way through the undead towards the bottom of the temple.
After speaking to the stone paladin, learn about him in game, they went into the temple.
Arces was a monster with his sword, he was now wearing his regular armor.
Veronica and the others simple sent orbs of dark magic at the undead.

After five hours, and many floors later, they reached the bottom floor.
Arces heard something ahead. He looked.
In the next room was a lich and a dracolich.
Arces said,"You three hide, i'll deal with these monsters."
Arces ran into the room without listening to them.
Kirt decided to lead the other two to safty.

Arces shouted,"Face me!"
The dracolich and lich stared at him, ready to kill.
Arces began to transform in front of them.
His body becam incased in silver scales, and he glowed a pale light.
The lich and dracolich backed away from the light.
Arces let out a jet of flames. Only, they wern't flames. It was light.
The lich disapeared in seconds. The dracolich was howling in pain. Arces stopped the flames of light.
The dracolich was crumbling to dust.
Arces let out more light.
The dracolich turned to dust.
Arces became himself.

Arces found his friends and got ready to go into the last room.

The room was big, only to hold five books. Each on a pedestal.
Arces went to the first one. It was written in a forgotten language.
Arces looked at it. He some how knew what it said.
Arces began reading aloud.
'Book of Death'
He went to the others and read their titles.
'War of Darkness'
'Tome of Devestation'
'Mass Darkness'
Arces stepped back when he read the last title.
'The Power of Vordred'
The other three were stunned to hear that.
Arces opened the book.
'Vordred. The name alone means 'Dark Death'. With these five tomes, you wil be able to summon the undead able to deastroy the world.'
He read through the book, becoming terrified.
One phrase that caught him was,'To make the Champian of Darkness complete, he must kill that most holy, and that most dark.'
Veronica was to stunned to move, as were the others.
Arces stepped back. He knew what was necicary.
He gathered the five books, and piled them up.
He inhaled a deep breath, and let out a jet of flames of light.
The books burned in a horrible way. They let out evil screams of pain.
Arces turned, as did the other three, and never looked back.

The three meet up outside, gave the paladin a special potion to free himself.
The paladin continued to guard the temple.
Arces and the others went far enough away for the paladin not to hear them.
Arces lookec at them."This secret must never be repeated."
They nodded.
"What now Arces?"Kirt was scared, as they all were.
Arces smiled and said,"We invade the Necropolis of course."
The four began to head toward Lightguard.

After two days of travel, they reached Lightguard Keep.
It was torn apart, being rebuilt.
They ran up.

Vayle meet up with Arces."Arces it is-"
Veronica looked at Vayle with distaste."Who are you?"
Vayle let out a little laugh."She your girlfriend Arces?"
Arces nodded.
Vayle said,"Don't worry miss, i don't see Arces that way. He is a friend."
Veronica looked at Arces."Shes just a friend Veronica."
Veronica let out a beath.
Arces told Vayle everything. including the events in the Necropolis.
vayle let out a breath."No wonder you were missing so long. But we have bad news Arces."
"Vordred attacked?"Teleron was focusing on Vayle.
Vayle looked at him."Yes."
Everyone didn't seem surprized.
Arces looked at Vayle."Where is Artix?"
Vayle looked at him."He escaped before Vordred attacked."
Arces looked annoyed. This was very bad. Artix had to be found before he found Vordred.
Arces knew he had to be ready for anything.

After two days of waiting, prepairing an assault on the Necropolis, Beleen and Cysero arrived.
The two had been searching for Artix. They decided to aid Arces.
Beleen got a good laugh when she heard Arces and Veronica were dating. Cysero just looked at Arces, knowing what he was trying to do.
After a couple more days of planning, they got ready for the assault.
Arces, Veronica, Teleron, Cysero, Kirt, Beleen, and Vayle headed in the direction of the Necropolis.
DF AQW  Post #: 52
8/21/2011 21:44:37   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 52
Shadowfall War PT:1

Arces and the others had made it to the Necropolis.
They had attacked it, with barly anyone in their way, they made it to Noxus' office.
Noxus wasn't there, or Sally.
Arces went up to the secretary and asked,"Where is Noxus?"
The secretary was scared."Shadowfall."
That name made Arces mad. Noxus was going after his love.

Arces and the others left the Necropolis is ruins before they left.
Arces let out a howl.
In only a couple minutes, seven small draconlichs came to them.
Each got on one, and went towards Shadowfall.

When they arrived, they found unaed fighting each other, and knights in gold armor fighting Noxus' forces.
Arces ran into the battle without second thought.
The others followed, knowing who to fight.
Arces' blade flased as in sliced.
Arces was one man army.

Meanwhile, Gravelyn was face to face with Noxus.
"Who are you lich?"
The lich raised his skull."I am Noxus young one."
Gravelyn knew that name."You were killed. Why return and attack?"
"I seek to take my rightful place as leader of the Shadowscythe."
Gravelyn looked offended."Not while I sit on this throne."
The undead guarding Gravelyn raised their spears.
Noxus simply said,"I made your father's army remember?"
The skeletons wer engulfed in black flames. As were all the others in Shadowfall.

Arces felt the surge in dark energy. He began to crush skeletons that served Gravelyn.

The skeletons raised their spears at Gravelyn.
Gravelyn was shocked."How?"
"Vordred. Get that pest off my throne, but don't make a mess."
"Yes master."He began to chant.
"Wait, she may prove usefull."
Noxus grabbed Gravelyn, knocking her father's sword from her hand.
Gravelyn let out a cry of pain.

Everyone heard it, inclueding Arces.
Arces began to let out jets of flame.
Veronica knew something was wrong. why was Arces like this?
Could he love Gravelyn?
She began to piece it together.

Gravelyn was in torn armor, kneeling before Noxus.
Noxus toke his seat on Gravelyn's throne.
Noxus let out a chukle.

Arces faught his way into Shadowfall, facing anything in his way.
He continued to fight his way through Shadowfall, until he reached the thone room.
He ran in with out thinking about what he was doing.
His heart told him what he needed to do. he had to save Gravelyn. He loved her to much to lose her.
DF AQW  Post #: 53
8/22/2011 21:54:26   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 53
Shadowfall War PT:2

Arces was in the throne room.
Arces saw Noxus on Gravelyn's throne, and Gravelyn kneeling in front of Noxus.
Aarces grew even more angry."You will pay for this Noxus."His voice had an evil growl in it.
Noxus was unscared. Gravelyn was extreamly scared of Arces' voice.
"You face a lich mortal. I will crush you."
Arces jemped at Noxus, doing a spin in the air. His blade meet a staff in mid air.
Arces kept up the brutish attacks. Both sword and staff meet in mid air. Nether gained ground.
Arces kept up the strikes until Noxus sent a fireball at Arces.
Arces sliced it in half and sent a jet of light at Noxus.
Noxus let out a wail of pain.
Arces' eyes began to turn pearl white, and his light became stronger.
Arces forced Noxus to his knees.
He ran up to the throne, and broke the spells holding down Gravelyn.
When they were broken, Arces helped the empress up.
She said,"I thank you Arces."
Arces smiled."I am here to help you Gravelyn. I will always be by your side."
Gracelyn slimed back, and noticed her armor. She began to blush.
Arces noticed her blushing, and noticed her armor. He began to blush too.
Gravelyn in her shock slapped Arces, and changed.
When she was done changing, she was in her red dress.
By this time Veronica, Teleron, Kirt, Vayle, Cysero, and Beleen had caught up to him.
Gravelyn greeted them all."Greetings."
Everyone bowed, even Arces.
Veronica just looked back and forth between Arces and Gravelyn.
Arces told gravelyn his story.
When Gravelyn heard about Arces and Veronica dating, she looked hurt, but hid it.
Arces continiued.
When he was done, Gravelyn looked at all the people in front of her.
Noxus was begining to move again.
Gravelyn grabbed her father's sword and trapped Noxus in dark tenticles.
Noxus shouted,"I am imortal."
Gravelyn whisled and skull came hopping in. Chuckles.
Gravelyn toke Noxus skull away from his body, and placed chuckles in it's place.
Gravelyn smiled at her work."Now we have a lich to aid us."
Noxus was yelling,"Traitor! Traitor! You will never survive!"
"Shut up Noxus."Gravelyn looked annoyed."I think I know what i'll do with you."
She tossed the skull to Cysero."Make a weapon out of that Cysero."
Cysero smiled and said,"Right Empress. This skull will be a great weapon in you army."
While he was walking to the forges, Noxus yelled,"Forgivev me! Just don't let him make into a weapon.! Help!!!"
Gravelyn said to Arces,"You need to hurry and get to Arc Attack."
Arces looked confused."Arc Attack?"
"They are Doomwoods band of scientists. They work with electicity and music. Vordred went there to gain more power. If he gains it, we might not be able to beat him."
Arces asked,"Where are they located?"
"On a mountain in the north of Doomwood."
Arces walked out, prepairing to leave.

When he was about to leave, Vironica came out."Arces."
Arces looked at her."Yes Vironica?"
"You love gravelyn don't you?"
Arces looked at his feet."Why do you ask?"
"I saw how you actted trying to save her. Do you love her?"
Arces clenched his fists."I don't-"
"Don't lie Arces!"She yelled at the top of her lungs."Do you love her?"
Arces looked at her."I...I...I love....I love her so much."
Veronica looked relived and hurt at the same time."Why not tell her your feelings?"
"It is a relationship never meant to be. I loveh er, but it is never meant to be."
Veronica looked into his eyes again. he looked so hurt saying those words.
"Why did you become my boyfriend?"
"I tried to fall in love with you Veronica. That is why I agreed to date you. It was a hard choise."
Veronica walked up to him, and put her hand on his shoulder."Then I will give you soemthing to think about. No matter how impossible, your heart is your guide. Your love for is meant to be if you feel it is. If Gravelyn loves you, then it is meant to be."
Arces stared at Veronica."You don't get it Veronica."
Veronica looked at Arces, who had turned."I love you Arces. That is why I want you to go after Gravelyn. You desirve her. You saved her. You love her. You should be with her."
Arces said,"I know where you are going Veronica, but you will never understand my feelings. It is wrong for me to love Gravelyn. It must never be."
Veronica looked hurt."It is because of love that I must end our relationship. I love you, but your heart is soemwhere else. Goodbye...Arces."She ran off crying.
Arces stood there and watched the sun rise. Arces had to journey now.
Arc Attack awaited.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 8/23/2011 22:06:05 >
DF AQW  Post #: 54
8/25/2011 6:58:18   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 54
Arc Attack

Arces found the castle without any problems.
When he reached the castle, he felt a surge in the air.
he thaught he was about to be attacked.
Nothing was there. He wnet in.

When he went in, he found a band playing.
Two were in lab coats, another was in some suit, and the last was...a robot?
They were playing.
Arces looked around the corner, and saw a metal cage. In it was Vordred.
Arces had his hand on the hilt of his sword.
Arces listened.
"Hurrey up science guys! I want my power as soon as possible!"
One of the guys in a lab coat said,"It is still going to take time Vordred."
The other guy said,"Right Sam. You can't rush science."
Vordred sighed."Just hurry before your skulls join my collection!"
The band toke a break after a few more minutes. Vordred alowed them to go, but was unhappy about it.

Arces meet up with them.
'Who are you?"It was the guy they called Sam.
"I am Arces, servant of Gravelyn. I have come to stop Vordred."
"Wow. Someone actuly crazy enough to challange him."It was the guy in the metal suit.
"Well, there is one more, but that is who Vordred is after."
"Well, lets introduce ourselfs."
The guy in the lab coat said,"I am Sam."
The guy, who had earrings, said,"I'm John."
The guy in the suit said,"They call me 7."
The robot becan to speak."This unit's name is King Beat."
Arces nodded, remembering their names.
Arces asked them what he had to do to help.
They told him they would need hi to play a guitar on the mountain outside during a lightning storm.
Sam asked,"Can you play a guitar?"
Arces knew how, he just rarly did play."Yeah."
John smile."Then were ready. You'll have to battle your way to the top though."
Arces said,"Fighting is what I do best."
With that Arces left the castle, and started to climb the mountain.

Arces faught through all the monsters in his way.
Every monster was only a little annoyance. He faught through them with out any trouble.
After they were defeated, he had fianly reached the top.
Waiting there were four Electric Men.
Arces faught the four of the at once.
Arces was enjoying himself. They were fun to fight.
After only a few minutes, he had defeated all four of them.
Arces grabbed his guitar, and began to play.

Meanwhile, Arc Attack were playing.
When Arces began playing, King Beat began an alert."Warning. If power levels keep up, life will not survive."
"Thats the point bolt head."Sam was playing his guitar as hard as possible.
Vordred was in pain."Science men. What are you doing?"
"Face the power of science Vordred."John was realy palying his guitar.

Arces began playing harder. Better than anyone had ever played.

7 was moving around, conducting electicity as he moved.
John and Sam were playing the guitars nearly as good as Arces.
King Beat was playing drums like a pro.

Arces was beggining to sweat, despite the rain.

Arc Attack was starting to tire out too.
Vordred was bent down in pain, screaming,"Free me science men!"
They ignored him.
When the meter to their left was beggining to freak out, they knew they were near the neccesary power.

Arces kept playing, even though lighning almost struck him.

When the meter read around 9000, it broke.
Arc Attack played harder.
Vordred began to scream in pain.
Then, the cage blew up.

Arces heard a small explosion, and kenw something was wrong.

Vordred stood in the recage of the cage. He looked at the unconsious Arc Attack."Pitty."
Arces ran past Vordred, into the castle. He was going to check on Arc Attack.
After waking them up, they told him how they messed up.
Arces sighed and said,"So Arces and I have to face him. And I kept tring to keep him away from Vordred."
Sam said,"Well, before you go, how about you play a set with us?"
John looked at Arces, hoping he would accept.
"Sure."Arces grabbed a guitar and begun to play.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 8/26/2011 7:01:55 >
DF AQW  Post #: 55
8/26/2011 18:14:33   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 55
Vordred Awaits

Arces had been traveling for nearly a week now.
He had been following Vodred's trail.
Vordred was now stronger than ever. He had to be stopped.

Arces finaly arrived at where the armys of undead had been.
The armys were gone, replaced by piles of bones. And among them, Artix.
Artix faced Vordred with hate in his eyes.
Arces studied the land. He also listened to Vordred and Artix.
Artix sounded vangry."You dare show your face to me monster?"
Vordred looked at Artix."Your Artix? I imagined you with a deeper voice."
Artix looked embarased."I get that a lot."
Vordred looked annoyed."Enough talk."
Beleen and Cysero popped up behind Arces.
Beleen said,"So there is...Oh no."She was staring at Vordred.
Cysero looked at the monster as well."What is with the skulls?"
Arces didn't answer."I need to help Artix."
Cysero looked at him like he was crazy."What do you plan to do?"
"What would happen if I jumped?"
Cysero though for a second."Fifty percent chance you would break your bones."
"Thats as good as it can get. Get Gravelyn. I'm heading in."
Beleen nodded saying,"I'll deal with that."
Arces jumped off the cliff.

Arces landed near Vordred and Artix.
The two looked shocked to see Arces.
Artix asked,"What are you doing Arces?"
"I'll deal with him Artix. You leave."
Artix stared at him."You know I will not back down."
Arces sighed and said,"then we'll deal with him together.
While they talked, vordred was chanting.
When they looked back. It was to late. Vordred sent his spell at Artix.
Arces shouted,"No!!!"
When the magic energys were done, Artix stood in front of Arces, still human.
Artix looked confused."How-"
"You must be the Chapian of Light."That was Arces' only answer.
Vordred wasn't surprized."he is not the Chapian of Light."
"What would I be then?"
"You are the Champian of Darkness."
"How? i had a family."
"Your adopted family were not your real parents. They were only taking care of you."
"But they died-"
"In that mist created by Noxus. You survived not beacuse of the Orb of Darkness. But beacuse of your powers."
Arces said,"That would explain why you can not use light magic."
"I can be. I serve King Alteon. I was trained to be a paladin."
"It was to keep you from useing you true powers."Vordred was starting to let out a faint black glow.
Artix was stunned by this sudden development."I...I can't-"
"Yes you can Artix."Vordred was raising his sword.
Arces intercepted Vordred's strike. Artix snapped out of it.
"Artix, use what powers you have."
"No problem Arces. Hold off Vordred."He begun to summon souls to his aid. They begun to form into a spear.
Arces held off Vordred while Aritx readied his attack.
Vordred faught with strength Arces found imposible to obtain naturaly. Arces faught with all his strength.

Arces and Vordred still faught.
Artix's attack was finaly ready.
Arces jumped back, and landed next to Artix.
Vordred laughed."You think one spear can stop me?"
Artix gave a smirk."No. That is why I made two."
A second spear appeared in Arces' free hand.
Arces knew what to do.
Arces and Artix threw their spears, hitting Vordred in the chest, piercing his armor, loddging th spears in his chest.
Vordred stumbled, and obsorbed the souls.
Arces was surpirzed."What do we do now? He is imune to light attacks."
"No. His skulls are immune to light, not his true body."Artix seemed like he knew this.
Vordred began to chant again. then he shouted,"More SKULLS!!!"
Skulls began to fuse with Vordred's armor.
Arces began to destroy as many skulls as he could. It was pointless. Vordred had thousands of other skulls.
Vordred rose with an armor of pure skulls. He charged artix and Arces.
Artix smiled."Now,"he whispered.
Vordred froze in mid air and began to glow white.
Then, he was sent flaying back, armor half destroyed.
Vordred was weakened. But he stood up with no problem.
Arces rose his sword in responce.
Vordred toke his attention from Artix, and stared at Arces with pure hatred.
Arces stared back. Vordred back a step away. Arces' eyes were pure fire red.
Vordred felt, for the first time, fear.
Arces charged Vordred.
Vordred came out of his trance a second to late.
Arces had made a large gash in his armor, and had started pulling it open, his hands dragon claws.
Vordred chest plate was torn off.
Arces let out a giant jet of flames. the rest of the armor, minus helm, was melted off.
Vordred was facing them with a body made of pure shadow.
Arces smiled."That is your true form?"
"I am stronger than I appear Arces."
Arces rose his sword. vordred did the same.
The two began to fight once more.
When Arces sent Vordred flying back, Vordred glowed red with anger.
Vordred began to summon forth a giant image of himself.
It stood ten times his own hight."Face my Shadow."
Arces looked at Artix."Can you do anything like that?"
Artix looked at him,"I refuse."
Arces faced Artix. Artix didn't budge.
Then, something feel into Arces' hands.
It was an iron emblem. On it, was the Shadowscythe emblem. Arces knew this idem.
"Sepulchure's emblem."He looked up and saw nobody.
Arces focused his energy into the emblem.
Artix began to grab his stomache. He was in pain."I will not break."
Through it all, Arces kept trying.
Through all his efforts, he forced Artix to realise his Shadow.
A black dragon, larger than Vordred's shadow, appeared.
The dragon pined Vordred's Shadow down.
Artix kept control of his shadow while Arces faught Vordred.
Arces made the first move, his eyes scaring Vordred. He managed to knock off Vordred's hedm. The Shadow's help vanished as well.
Vordred's face was that of a nightmare. His eyes were red orbs floating in black holes. He had no mouth, but a black bird beak. The rest of his head was a black shadow.
Vordred now faced the full power of Arces' eyes.
Vordred let our a shreak of fear.
Arces sliced at Vordred's face, cuting the beak in half.
Vordred was extremly weakened. He dropped his sowrd.
Arces turned to see Vordred's shadow vanish.
Artix was weak.
Arces ran to him. Arces grabbed artix before he fell.
Artix opened his eyes to see Vordred's hidious face looking over them.
Arces turned to see Vordred getting ready to strike.
Artix's Shadow was gone.
They were dead.
A blade protruded from Vordred's chest.
Vordred began to fade away, his sword falling to the ground.
Behind where he stood, was Empress Gravelyn.
Arces stared at her, his heart racing faster than time itself.
Gravelyn looked to him, and he saw a tear role down her cheek.
Gravelyn looked at Artix."So you are Artix."
Artix noded saying,"And you must be Gravelyn."
"I thought you had a deeper voice."
"I get that a lot."
"You have power beound any necromancer or doomknight. I would consider it an honor if you joined my forces."
Artix stiffened up."Forgive me. But I can not join you."
Graverlyn raised her sword."Why?"
"I serve King alteon and the forces of good. I maybe the Champian of Darkness, but i must always obey my king."
Gravelyn nodded."Very well. Then when Drakath is dead, you will be considered our worst enemy, and killed."
Arces meet Gravelyn's eyes. She knew he was friend of Artix's.
When Gravelyn walked off, Arces noticed there were others with her. The necromantress Vayle, Veronica and Chuckles.
Arces told Artix everything that had transpired.
Artix stared at disbelife at all those in front of him.
Chuckles was now a lich for the Shadowscythe. Veronica, Teleron and Kirt were working with Arces. Arces had a girlfriend for a while. Vayle aided them. Vordred was gone.
Arces walked off. He joined up with Gravelyn.
"You threw down the emblem didn't you?"
Gravelyn looked at him with confusion.
Arces smiled and handed her the emblem.
Gravelyn blused."I didn't-"
"No need. It helped end vordred Gravelyn. And it made me rember something."
What Arces had remembered was an early memory. It was of his father, when he was still baby.
Arces knew this memory was his best lead to finding out about his family. He was close to finding out who his father was.
Arces caught the glimse of blue eyes. Eyes he knew, but couldn't tell whose.
Gravelyn didn't question him.
The two just watched the sun rise in Doomwood.
Gravelyn cgrabbed Arces' hand. The two watched the sun rise.

Arces grabbed a dracolich back to Swordhaven the next day.
Arces knew those eyes were in Swordhaven. He kenw they were his father's. He was almost done with his search.
His father was almost in his reach.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 9/10/2011 13:15:47 >
DF AQW  Post #: 56
8/28/2011 12:08:29   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 56
Arces' Hunt

Arces arrived in Swordhaven. There were so many people who could be his father. All he was sure was that he had blue eyes.
Arces went to King Alteon's throne room.
When he arrived, King Alteon looked pleased to see Arces."Hellow Arces. It has-"He begn to cough.
Alina came running in. She gave the king a potion.
King Alteon drank it. He was better than before.
Alina walked out of the room.
Arces looked worried.
"Do not worry Arces. I will be fine."
Arces nodded. He told King Alteon everything that had happened in Doomwood, except his and Victoria's talk.
King Alteon looked at Arces."And Vordred is gone?"
Arces nodded."I saw him vanish myself."
"And Artix is the Champian of Darkness?"
Arces nodded again.
"I see. This may prove to our advantage against Drakath."
Arces nodded."Artix still fights for you. He will not join Gravelyn so easily."
King Alteon laughed.
Arces started laughing as well. Then he notice the king's eyes. He somehow knew whose they were. But whose?
Arces told King alteon about trhe memory he reecovered. The day his father gave him to Galanoth.
King Alteon shifted unconfortably.
"Is something wrong my lord?"
"No. Its nothing Arces. I will see you sometime later."
"Sure. Goodbye my lord."Arces walked out. He knew something was wrong with the King, and it wasn't just his illness.

Arces went to his chambers. he realized how tired he was. He fell asleep.

He dreamt of him and Gravelyn on a charupted battlefeild.
The two were face to face.
Arces couldn't hear anything, but he read their lips.
Arces mouthed,"I love you Gravelyn."
Gravelyn put a hand over her heart. She mouthed,"I love you Arces."
The two shared a kiss while the battle raged around around them.

Arces woke up. Someone was sitting next to him.
The sun a set already.
Arces looked. His visitor was female, wearing a red dress, red hair, and a gold band in her hair.
Gravelyn seemed surprized when she heard his voice."Ohh. Hey Arces. Sorry to wake you."
Arces was blushing."No. It is no problem at all."
Gravelyn noticed he was blushing, so she blushed as well.
Arces said,"That emblem you gave me is making me think over a few things."
Gravelyn seemed interested."Like what?"
"Finding my father. all I know is that he has blue eyes, and by what the Twins say, royal. I don't know if I should belive what they said though."
Gravelyn nodded."I don't know if they speak the truth or not."
Arces seemed disapointed in that, but didn't show it.
Gravelyn handed Arces a tray."Here. You missed dinner, so I borught you some food."
Arces smiled."Thank you my friend."
Gravelyn smiled too.
Arces ate his food with Gravelyn sitting next to him.
Gravelyn said,"Why did you and Vironica break up?"
Arces looked a little embarased."Becuase I love someone else."
Arces and Gravelyn's eyes meet.
Both started to blush.
The two soon began to come closer. Their lips were almost touching.
Then, the two recoiled, and pretended that event never happened.
Both of their hearts were racing faster than than light.
Arces soon grew tired.
He told Gravelyn."I'll be going back to sleep. Feel free to stay if you wish."
Arces feel asleep.

While he slept, Gravelyn sat next to him on the bed."I love you Arces. If only I could tell you it when you are awake."
She leaned in and kissed him.

Arces dreamt of him and Gravelyn in Swordhaven.
Him and Gravelyn were walking down an isle. Both dressed in fancy clothes.
Arces was wearing a set of fine robes. He also had his hair tied back, and had a short trimed beard.
Gravelyn wore a fancy red dress. She didn't had her gold band in her hair.
The two were holding hands. They walked up to Artix and Princess Vicotoria.
Arces and Gravelyn knelt before the two.
Artix placed a crown on Arces' head. King alteon's crown. And Victoria placed a crown on Gravelyn's head.
The two rose, now King and Queen.
They looked each other in the eyes. They smiled.

Arces woke up and saw Gravelyn asleep next to him.
It was early morning.
Arces got out of his bed and got dressed.
He wore a pair of black cotten pants, a white cotten shirt, a red leather tunic, and a pair of leather hunting boots.
He woke Gravelyn.
When she opened her eyes, Arces said,"It is morning Gravelyn."
Gravelyn got a little embarased and said,"Okay. Where are we going?"
Arces said,"How about breakfeast, then we go around the city?"
Gravelyn smiled,"Sound fun."
The two ate a breakfeast of eggs and ham.
After their breakfeast, they went to explore the city.

After exploring the city for a few hours, the sun was setting.
Arces and Gravelyn were in one of the local pubs.
Arces ordered one of the strongest brews they had. Gravelyn ordered a simple ale.
Arces ended up with a mug of Dwarfhold Hard Ale, a strong dwarfen drink.
Arces drank his in only a few seconds."Now that is a drink. Go ahead and drink to gravelyn."
Gravelyn put the ale to her lips and began to drink.
When she was done, she ordered another one. and so on.
After a while, she ordered a mug of Dwarfhold Hard Ale.
She chugged it down, and felt drunk.
Arces decided it was time to leave.
He had one more mug of Dwarfhold Hard Ale before they left.

Arces was carring Gravelyn back to the castle.
Gravelyn said,"I like you Arces. You are my best friend."
Arces smiled."Your my best friend too Gravelyn."
"Don't think about taking advantage over me."
Arces just smiled."I won't."
Gravelyn layed back."I like this moment,"she whispered.
Arces heard it."Me to Gravelyn."
Gravelyn smiled."Who do you love?"
Arces blushed."I love someone close to me. She is indeed one of my closest friends. I always dream of me and her together."
Gravelyn smiled."I love someone too. He is someone close to me. I hope he loves me too."
Arces smiled."I wish you luck my friend."
Gravelyn said,"I have...have a question."
"What is it?"
"Do...do you have...any idea who your father...is?"
"I have a quess. But i'm not sure yet. Hopefuly i've found him. I hope."
Gravelyn smiled."You'll find him."
Arces smiled.
Gravelyn whispered."I love you."
Arces didn't catch what she said."What?"
"Nothing."she was blushing.

Arces toke Gravelyn to her room. She fell asleep in only seconds.
Arces went back to his room.
He fell asleep.

He dreamt of him, Gravelyn and their son. Arces was smiling. Gravelyn was holding Arces' hand and smiling. theoir son was running around palying.
Then Arces notice his son was palying a little girl. A drow.
Arces looked and saw she was in fancy clothes.
Arces just smiled.
He enjoyed the rest of his dream.
DF AQW  Post #: 57
8/28/2011 19:33:58   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 57

When Arces woke up. He got dressed and went to the throne room.

Arces bowed before the king.
King Alteon ooked at him."What do you wish to talk about Arces?"
"I came to tell you that I will be looking for my father. So, I will not be able to aid you for the time my lord."
"I see."The king smiled."Go find your father Arces. You deserve to find him."
Arces bowed again, and left.

When Arces was gone. The king pulled out a locket. When he opened it, it read:

Arces, my son, may you live well.

There was no way that Arces was King Alteon's son. Was there?

Arces was walking around Swordhaven, looking at all the people passing by.
He looked at people's eyes. None of them were blue like the person in his memory.

He spent the next few hours looking at their eyes.
After a while longer, he went back to the castle.

Gravelyn was waiting for him there."King Alteon told me you went looking for your father. is it true?"
Arces nodded."I know he is in Swordhaven. But I don't know where. I know he has blue eyes, but a lot of people have blue eyes."
Gravelyn looked worried."Even if you can't find your father. you have a family now. Galanoth raised you. Artix and Cysero are like your brothers. I am like your sister. You have a family now."
Arces looked at her. He laughed.
Gravelyn looked both mad and embarased."What are you laughing at!?"
"Nothing. Just the way you put that. It mad me glad you would consider me family."
Gravelyn whistered,"If only you knew."
"Nothing."She was even redder.
Arces laughed again.

The next day Arces looked at more people.

Him and Gravelyn watched the stars that night.
Gravelyn grabbed his hand.
Both were embarased, but happy at the same time.
After a few consilations, Arces saw one Galanoth had taught him."Look. The Heart of Eternity."
Gravelyn looked at it."The constilation of romance and love?"
Arceslooked embarased."Yes. Galanoth taught me a lot of constilations. But that one is the most distinct."
"I know. My father told me the story."
Arces began to tell it the at the same time Gravelyn began to speak:

'The Heart of Eternity was once belived to belong to great king.
He feel in love with a beuatiful elf.
After five years, he told the elf his love.
She seemed very happy.
After years of love, the king died and left everything to his wife.
The queen was devestated when her love died.
In her saddness, she ripped out her heart and threw it into the sky.
Her heart burst when it went into the sky, sending up new born stars.
She then procedded to be with her love.
The two then spent eternity together.
Thus the name, Heart of Eternity.'

Both blushed when they finished.
Arces spoke first."They say any couple who sees it will love each other like the king and queen did."
Gravelyn smied very hard."I know."
Both laughed.
Arces had new hope him and Gravelyn would be one. But it would be a long time.

The next few days Arces looked for his father in the day. He spent the evenings with Gravelyn.
They were great days.

After another week of searching, he had no idea where his father was or could be.
He decided to leave it for antoher day.

The following day, he went to the throne room.
King Alteon looked like he was expecting Arces."Any leads?"
Arces shoke his head."Nothing."
King Alteon didn't look surprized.
Arces noticed this, and looked into his eyes. Why were they so familiar?
King Alteon pulled out his locket."You would happen to have a locket would you?"
Arces reached for his pocket.
Just then, Princess Brittney, Princess Victoria, Princess Terra, and gravelyn came in.
King Alteon smiled."A little early to be here."
"You told us all to come father."victoria had a voice Arces remembered.
"Robina?"Arces looked puzzled.
Victoria looked at him."Who are you-"
Arces shoke his head."It is you my friend."
Gravelyn looked even more shocked."What?"
Victoria explained everything.
Arces nodded."Now it makes sence."
King alteon looked happy."Arces."
Arces reached for his pocket."That is all I have from my father. that and the note inside."He tossed it to the king, who caught it.
King Alteon looked a little shocked. He opened it.
The locket had a message inside:

'Take Care of him with your life.'

And the note read:

'This child's name is Arces.
Please take care of him.'

King Ateon looked scared."How-"
"Father?"All three of his daughters said at once.
"My lord?"Arces looked scared.
"I...I left...I left this-"
Arces began to notice tose eyes. Could he realy be him?
"-locket with my son."
Arces began to shake. Now he knew why he noticed those eyes. They were King Alteon's.
"But how?"Terra looked scared, but not as much as King Alteon or Arces.
"I was married once before."King alteon was shaking harder."My first queen was a dragon. She was my first true love. After getting married, no one knew she was a dragon, she became prenant."
Arces began shaking harder.
"It was a boy. But, when she was giving birth, she stayed human."
Gravelyn looked at Arces.
"My wife died giving birth."
Arces began to cry. Gravelyn went up to him.
The princesses were exchanging looks.
"I became saddened by my wife's death. My son was one of the few things keeping me together. But it would be bad for him if he grew up a prince."
Arces began to calm down.
"I cloaked myself, and toke my son somewhere safe. No one knew of his born but a select few, and they wouldn't talk if their life was on the line."
Arces looked at the king.
"I toke him to Galanoth."
Arces looked wide eyed at the king.
"His name was-"
Arces was hoping King alteon was going to say something else.
Gravelyn looked at Arces, unable to belive it.
Princess Brittney looked shocked, and stared at Arces.
Victoria looked at Arces with surprize.
And Terra just atared with a blank look on her face.
Arces stared at King Alteon."You mean to say. I'm your son? The Prince of Swordhaven?"
The old king nodded.
Arces began to cry. All this searching, and he had found his father.
Arces fell to his knees and began to cry.
The princess got over the shock and went up to their new brother.
Arces began to cry even harder. He had a true family.
King Alteon rose and said."I have my son back."He was holding back tears."And...The true heir to the throne has returned."
The king walked to his son. Tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Father."Arces was crying even harder
"My son."The king was crying harder as well.
Arces got up, his sisters backing away.
Him and King Alteon grabbed arms, and hugged.
Arces had what he was searching for. He had his family.
He was also heir to his father's throne.
He was happy.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 8/28/2011 19:38:23 >
DF AQW  Post #: 58
8/28/2011 21:57:55   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 58
Prince Arces

It has now been two days since Arces was claimed as King Alteon's son.
All of Swordhaven was told of Arces being the prince.
Everyone cheered at this news, even the dragonslayers.
Arces was now heir to the throne.
There would be a feast to comemerate this event on Frostvale, only five months away.

Arces was dressed in a pair of white cotten pants, a white shirt and red leather tunic, a pair of black hunting boots, and he also wore white headband on his forehead.
He had shaved off his beard and trimmed his hair.
He looked like a true pince now.

Arces spent the day with his sisters, learning all about being a prince and his family.
After a while, Arces learned that being a prince mostly meant protecting the kingdom, something he was use to.
He also learned that King Alteon's second wife died giving birth to Terra, the youngest of his sisters.
Arces enjoyed his day out with his new sisters.

When the sun started to set, he went to his new chambers.
It was no longer the chambers he lived in before.
The walls were white stone. His bed was meant to fit two people. He had wordrob for his clothes. He also had it made so that the Shadowscythe emblem was over his bed. Arces also had a window looking into the wilderness behind Swordhaven.
Arces enjoyed the veiw.
The room was bigger than his old chamber, but not ridiculosly big.
Arces dressed for sleep. A pair of black sleeping pants.
Arces got in his bed.
He stared up at the celling.
This room was not the way he wanted it.
He slept well that night though.

Arces dreamt of him and Gravelyn sleeping together.
The two of them looked happy.
Arces smiled at this image.
The dream shifted.
The Twins faced him.
Arces asked,"What do you want?"
Xing looked at him."We want to perswade you to join us."
"I will not join you."
Xang frowned."Not even for the one you love?"
An image of Gravelyn was facing Arces. She looked like she was being chocked."Arces..."
Arces looked at the Twins."You can't win me over with cheap illusions."
Xing frowned."Pitty. How about if you could be with her?"
"I would only be with her if she loved me back."
Xang looked angry."Why do you keep refusing Lord Drakath's gift?"
"You call it a gift. I call it a curse."
Xang suddenly smiled."What if we cure you father?"
That caught Arces' attention."Why would you heal him? He is Drakath's enemy."
"So you can serve Lord Drakath. The Chaosc in your father is killing him. You have no choise but to accept."
Arces seemed torn. Would he save his father, or continue to fight Drakath?"
Arces looked at them."I will turn to you in only the most dire situation. I will hope my father will heal on his own. If not, I will turn to you."
The Twins had gained ground. Alteon had to get worse, but not by their hands."Deal."They said in unison.
Arces felt guilt agreeing to it, but he had to save his father if he had to.

Arces woke in a sweat.
He felt bad for the deal he made.

Arces didn't tell anyone about the deal he made.
King Alteon was weaker that day. Appearantly Xing and xang had been holding the Chaos back, beacuse it was spreading faster than ever.
His father was bearly able to do his job as king.
Arces felt worse. He might have to accept th Twins agreements.

He speant the rest of the day with Gravelyn.
The two were on a cliffside outside the city.
"I suppose you will leave my side now."Gravelyn seemed sad.
"What makes you think that my lady?"Arces seemed surprized.
"Your the prince of Swordhaven now. Why would you still serve me?"
"Even if i become king, I will work to keep peace beween our two factions."
"And when Drakath is dead?"
"I will try to keep peace. Your my friend Gravelyn. Would you want me to fight against you, or fight my father?"
"Then that answers your question. I won't be your underling anymore. But i am your friend. And I will aid you if needed."
Gravelyn smiled and grabbed Arces' hand.
The two watched the sky.
Arces would continue to keep peace after they toke down Drakath. Gravelyn would always be happy with Arces by her side.

Arces went to bed fast that night.
He dreamt of him and Gravelyn enjoying a nice sunset.
When the sun had completly set, they kissed.
The Twins appeared again.
Arces looked at them."You let lose the full power of Chaos on my father didn't you?"
Xang looked at him."We held it back unti you joined us. When you made the deal, we let it flow free."
Xing smiled."I would say he has three days at most."
Arces knew these monsters well, but they never lied."Give me until tommarow night. I'll have my answer then."
The Twins smiled."Very well."Both spoke in unison.
Arces woke up.

He went through his daily routines.
He spoke to Alina.
"How is my father doing?"
"No well Arces. The chaos is moving to fast in his body. I would have to say he has three days left in this world."
Arces gripped his fists. He began to cry.
Alina patted him on the back."Don't worry Arces, your father will live on."
Arces nodded and walked off.

He walked with Gravelyn.
"I don't know what to do Gravelyn. I can't let my father die."
Gravelyn looked like she was tring to think of something.
"i would aid you, but my powers are meant for the undead."
"Don't worry, I have an idea."
"Its nothing Gravelyn. Everything will be alright."
Gravelyn didn't ask anymore.

That night, Arces was meet by the Twins.
"You know why we are here."Xing and Xang smiled.
"I accept you offer to heal my father."
The Twins smiled."Then you will become A Chaos Lord?"
Arces nodded.
Xing said,"The master will call on you when you must serve."
Arces nodded."And my father must be healed as soon as possible."
Both the Twins nodded.

The next day, King Alteon was healed.
Arces was happy and guilty at the same time.
He was suppose to be a Choas Lord when the time came.
What would he have to do?
DF AQW  Post #: 59
8/29/2011 7:00:21   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 59
Frostvale Draws Near

With the king no longer under the effects of Chaos, the preperations for Frostvale went on as planned.
Arces was avoiding people more often now.
Gravelyn caught on to this. She went to go check on Arces.

Arces was in hiss room.
He was laying on his bed, staring at the celling.
Someone knocked on his door."Come in."
Gravelyn came in. She looked at Arces with concern."Arces?"
Arces looked at her."Hey Gravelyn."
"Are you okay Arces? You've been avoiding people."
"I'm fine. I just have a lot to think about."
Gravelyn wanted to question him more, but she noticed that look in Arces' eyes. she just said,"I'll see you later tonight?"
Gravelyn nodded and went out of the room.

Arces just kept looking at the celling.
"What am I going to do?"
Nothing answered him.
"Why was that the only way?"
He got up, and went to get something to eat.

He went to the eating hall and got himself a small dinner.
He ate it and went back to his room.
Arces watched his celling until the sunset.
He remembered he told Gravelyn he would meet her around this time.

He meet up with Gravelyn near her chambers. They set out to enjoy themselfs.
First, they went and had a nice meal from one of the local resterants.
Then, they went to a local pub for a few drinks.
Arces had five mugs of Dwarfhold Hard Ale. Whille gravelyn only had a couple bottles of simple ale.
Then, they went to enjoy the stars.
Arces enjoyed that part of the night.
The constelations in the sky were ones that meant romance and love.
Arces got a little embarased."All the contelations in the sky mean love."
Gravelyn looked up and saw that he was right. She laughed."I suppose your right."
Arces laughed.
Hearing her laugh was like music to his ears.
Arces let Gravelyn hold his hand while they watched the stars. He never knew of gravelyns feelings, but he thought she need the comfort.

After a while the two went back to their chambers.
Arces went to his chambers and fell asleep.
Gravelyn never slept that night. She sat in her bed. She wore her night clothes, a red sleeping gown.
She pulled out a gold heart haped locket. She opened it.
In it was a message:

'I love you'

And next to it was a name. Arces.
Gravelyn held the locket close to her heart.
To her, it allowed her always belive there was a chance her and Arces would love each other.
Gravelyn closed her eyes.
She muttered,"Arces."
She fell asleep only seconds later.

Arces was seeing gravelyn's dream this time, but he didn't know it was her's.
He stood next to Gravelyn. She wore a beautiful red wedding dress.
Arces wore a black silk tux.
The two held hands.
Arces looked up to see they were getting married. And in front of them was Warlic.
"...Do you Arces, take Gravelyn to be your wife until daeth takes you from her?"Warlic had been speacking.
Arces looked at Gravelyn."I do."
"And do you Gravelyn, take Arces to be your husband until death tkes you from him?"
Gravelyn was crying."I do."
Warlic smiled."Then I pronoce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
The two looked in each other's eyes.
They kissed.
The scene shifted.
Arces and Gravelyn saw a scene that sickened both of them. They faced Battleon, destroyed.
On the torn land stood a man in charupted paladin armor. he wore a hearm that covered his face. It was designed like a skull on the front. The helm fit around his head perfectly. They also had two ram horns on them.
Arces looked at the eyes. They had a familiar gleam to them.
The scene shifted once more.
He also noticed gravelyn with him. She noticed him as well.
The scene became a man fighting someone.
Arces was fighting someone. It was Gravelyn.
Both became horrified by this.
Then it shifted through different scenes.
Sepulchure faught Sean, the hero of Dragonfable. A charupted Sepulchure stood in Swordhaven. A monster of unthinkable horror faught the dragon form of Arces. Two twin borthers stood with an army behind them. Arces summoned a Chaos Beast, only Arces saw that. Chuckles faught protecting Gravelyn. An older Arces fighting Lionfang. A boy, around twelve, watching Gravelyn die.
The scenes stop.
Arces and Gravelyn held each others hand.
The Twins appeared.
"So, the couple has come at last."Xing let out a crude smile."We have forseen the events to come. Arces will summon a creacher that Gravelyn will kill."
Xang gave a fake frown."And then, you two will fight to the death."
Arces grew angry, as did Gravelyn."How dare you?"Gravelyn was louder than Arces.
The Twins said in unison,"We do the bidding of our master."
Arces frowned."What do you want?"
The Twins smiled. Xing began."The master..."
Xang picked up."...wants you to..."
"...live up to..."
"...the agreement..."
Arces finsihed."...to be a Choas Lord."
Gravelyn stepped back in alarm."What?"
Arces then knew that was the real Gravelyn."No. Why is gravelyn here?"
Xang smiled even bigger."She is a witness. She will see the birth of a Chaos Lord. But, your time is after the current one."
"Current one?"Arces was confused.
"Bloodtusk awaits in time Arces. The master wishes you to do what you've done so far."
Arces felt weak. What could he do? Would he be a Chaos Lord?
Gravelyn grabbed his shoulder."Is what they say real Arces?"
Arces began to cry."I made a deal with them."
Gravelyn became scared."What?"
The Twins laughed."Tell her."
"I agreed to serve Drakath if they allowed my father to live."
Gravelyn stepped back."No. No. It can't be."
Arces turned from her."I'll understand if you hate me. I hate-"
Gravelyn hugged Arces. Arces was shocked by this.
"I could never hate my best friend. but you don't have to agree to their terms."
Arces looked at the Twins."I must Gravelyn. If I don't, my father will die."He began to walk to the Twins.
Gravelyn got mad."He would rather die if he knew what you did."
Arces froze."But the deal."
"There have been plenty who broke their deal with The Twins. They hold up on their end of the bargin, but not everyone holds up on their's."
Arces began to remember. He had a third option. Trick them.
He turned. He walked back to Gravelyn.
The Twins frowned. Xing looked angry."You will regret your choise Arces!"
The Twins vanished.
Arces and Gravelyn began to wake up.

The two wern't in their rooms anymore. They were on a cliff outside Swordhaven.
Arces had his beard shaved off, and his hair cut. His hair was not about two iches long. He also wore hunting boots, black cotten pants, a white cotten shirt, and a red tunic.
Gravelyn had her gold headband on. Her hair was trimmed. She wore a red sleveless dress.
Arces looked at her eyes. She had oi on her eyelashes.
The stars loomed over them.
Arces looked at the stars. He had one thing on his mind. he knew they shared the same dream. Gravelyn had the same though.
"Hey, Gravelyn."
"Yeah."She was blushing.
Arces smiled."That dream. Did you mean what you said at that wedding?"
Gravelyn asked,"Did you?"
The two looked in each others eyes.
They laughed.
Now it was Arces' turn. He leaned in, and kissed Gravelyn.
Gravelyn stopped laughing when Arces about to kiss her.
The two kept kissing for over a minute.
When they broke, both were redder than flames. They began to laugh again.
But, the twins wern't done yet.

When the two began to laugh. The Twins got their revenge.
When the sun rose, they forget about that dream, and that night. It was their revenge.

When the sun rose, the two were back in Swordhaven.
They had no idea why they were outside the city, or why they were dressed up.
Arces kept noticing the oil in Gravelyn's eyelashes. It made her look even more beautiful.
Arces forgot how gravelyn felt about him, as did Gravelyn.
The two went back to the palace.
All Arces knew. He had made a third choise. He would not become a Chaos Lord.
He felt less guilty.

Arces ate some food, and prepaired to go spar.

Artix was at the sparing feilds as well as Robina, aka Princess Victoria.
Arces got a bow, and began to target practice with his sister.
"Hey Robina."Arces smiled
"Prince Arces."She put down her bow and bowed."It is an honor to see you."
Arces laughed."Come on sis, get up."
Artix turned when he heard 'sis'."What did you call her?"
"Nothing Artix."Robina was blushing. She pulled Arces close so she could whisper in his ear."Don't blow my idenity."
Arces beagn to laugh again.
Artix just sighed and went back practice.

After sparing, Arces grabbed some lunch. He remembered something he had to talk to his father about.
Bloodtusk Ravine was next.
He would have to tell King alteon about Bloodtsuk Ravine, and the coming Chaos Lord.
Who was it though?

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 8/30/2011 20:53:30 >
DF AQW  Post #: 60
8/31/2011 23:00:38   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 60
A Peak into the Future

(This is a peak into Arces' future. Since i am waiting for Bloodtusk Ravine to end, I will still add to this story line."

Arces sat on his throne. It had now been five years since Drakath was defeated.
Arces, now King of Swordhaven, after his father's death.
Arces was in discusion with the embasitors of the world.
Cerivan Nightshade, King of the Avilonian Empire. Druzz and Rawg, representing the horcs and trolls of Bloodtusk. Snowbeard, King of the dwarfs. Rayst, Archmage of Arcangrove. Galanoth, now missing his eft arm, Leader of the Dragonslayers. Stalagbite, in human form, representing th dragons. Shadowslayer Z, representing the races of Darkovia, including werewolve and vampire. Chaos Nightshade, Leader of the Chaos Knights. Twilly, repreenting the moglins. Zhoom, King of the Sandsea. Beltoroth, student of the Efreet. Valdinian, leader of the drow. Artix, wearing white cotten pants, a white shirt, yellow tunic and hunting boots, Leader of the Paladins. Veronica, leader of the necromancers of Doomwood. Arces' three sisters. Victoria sat next to Artix, holding his hand.
And next to him sat someone special.She had blood red hair tied back into a ponytail. She had a silver tiara on her head. She wore a red dress a princess would wear. She had a gold ring on her right index finger. Her eyes were very blue. Gravelyn, Queen of Swordhaven.
Artix was speaking,"..We must hunt down the traitor Lionfang."
"Peace brother."Arces stood. He wore eligant robes, had a trimmed red beard, and his hair was cut down to about three inches long."We will not figt himunless he attacks us first."
Victoria squesed Artix's hand."Calm down my love."
Artix looked at her and calmed down.
A man walked out of the shadows."My lord."
Arces looked at him."Ahh, Skrew. Will Nulgath be joining us?"
"No. He wishes me to infrom you Lionfang is coming to Swordhaven. We have no idea when, but he approches."
"I see. Then we must prepair for his arrival."
Gravelyn looked at her husband. He was thinking about something.
Arces shouted."We will continue tommarow!"
Everyone got up.
Gravelyn had to have Arces help her. Her bellie was bigger than when she was sitting. She was pregnant.
Arces helped his queen to her chambers.

In her chambers, Rolith and Alina were waiting.
Rolith helped Arces put Gravelyn in her bed.
Alina began checking up on Gravelyn."You have been pregnant for about nine months haven't you?"
Gravelyn flinched in pain."Yes. When is our child due?"
Alina looked unsure."The best guess is somewhere with in the week. I suggest you don't move around until your child is born."
Gravelyn nodded.
Arces held her hand."Don't worry my love. Our child will be healthy and be strong."
Gravelyn smiled."I will stay in bed until our child is born."
Rolith grabbed Arces' shoulder."May I talk to you my lord?"
Arces nodded.

The two were out side the room.
Rolith looked uneasy."Are you sure the queen will servive giving birth?"
Arces looked almost certain."She will. She is stronger than any man."
Rolith sighed."Very well my lord. I have another question."
"Go ahead my old friend."
"Alina has been showing odd signs. She has been getting sick, she has cramps, and she is eating more than usual."
"You think Alina might be pregnant?"
Rolith blushed."Yes. I mean, having a child would be great for me. But, I want to know if she realy is pregnant."
Arces smiled and put his hand Rolith's shoulder."Gravelyn would know more than me Rolith."

Meanwhile, Gravelyn and Alina were talking.
Alina looked curious."My lady."
Gravelyn looked at her."What do you wish to know my friend?"
Alina looked a little shy."I wish to know what it felt like when you were just pregnant."
Gravelyn thought about it."At fist it was that I was getting sick every morning and noght. Then i became hungrier than ever. Before my bellie started swelling, I got weak. Then my bellie atarted to swell."
Alina put her hand to her bellie."Is it painful?"
Gravelyn noticed alina holding her bellie."Everyday, but it is a good pain. It is a small price to pay for briniging life into this world."
Alina smiled."Thank you my lady."
Gravelyn smiled."Your pregnant arn't you?"
Alina seemed shocked by that question.
She seem a bit shy."Yes. I think I am pregnant."
Rolith and Arces had just walked back into the room when she said that.
Rolith seemed to be crying."I knew it."
Alina looked at Rolith."Will you stay with me?"
Rolith smiled."I would through anything my love."
Alina seemed happier."Thank you Rolith."
Gravelyn and Arces smiled seeing this.

The next day, Gravelyn went into laybor.
She was screaming in pain.
Arces held her hand while she was giving birth. Arces felt gulty putting his wife through all this.
Alina was telling Gravelyn everything she had to do."Come on my lady, keep pushing."
Rolith watched the scene, seeing what he would expect.
Gravelyn let out a loud wail of pain.
Alina was thring to keep her calm."Keep it up Gravelyn. I can see the head."
Gravelyn gave one more push.
Alina rose. i her amrs was a new born child."It is is a boy."
Arces was the first to hold his son. He had a small amount of red hair. He was screaming louder than Gravelyn did.
Gravelyn was very pale. she looked at her son and Arces."Would it be okay for me to hold him?"
Alina nodded."Yes."She turned to Rolith."Go find a healer, just in case."
Rolith nodded. he went into the hall.
Arces handed Gravelyn their son.
Gravelyn smiled."I have never felt so happy."
Arces looked at her."Why?"
"I have givin our son a life of his own."
"I see."
"Do you have any names Arces?"
Arces didn't have to think about it."Only one."
Gravelyn looked at him."What is it?"
"Alteon. After his grandfather."
Gravelyn smiled."That is wonderful Arces. So be it. You are now Alteon, Prince and heir of Swordhaven."
The baby opened his eyes for only a few seconds. They were blue.
Arces smiled again. He was a father now.

The next day, Arces announced the birth of his son.
All of Swordhaven cheered at the news.
Arces also showed his family his son. Victoria, Artix, Brittney, and Terra.
Terra was the only one who changed. Her hair was brown, her eyes were bright green, and she looked around sixteen.
Everyone looked at their new member of the family.
Arces began to speak."His name is Alteon, after his grandfather."
Victoria smiled."It is fitting."
Brittney had a small smile on her face."It is. but it brings up bad memories."
Terra grabbed her sister's arm."Don't cry sis. We all have dealt with that lose. We all miss him, but you must be strong. For our father."
That seemed to make brittney stronger."Sorry about that."
Gravelyn smiled."It is okay Brittney. We all miss him You're not alone."
Brittney nodded.

For the rest of the day, Arces and Gravelyn watched over their child.
For that time, Artix was watching over Swordhaven until Arces would return to his dutys.

Arces returned to his dutys five days later.
When he came back, the others were arguing, again.
Snowbeard was speaking."We must deal with that pest as soon as possible."
Chaos replied."He is not disruting the balance. We need not fight unless he disrupts the balance."
Cerivan nodded his head.
Valdinian spoke up."Snowbeard does have a point. Lionfang could raise up and army against us."
Stalagbite, in a human voice, said,"I agree with them as well. Lionfang must be put down."
Arces sighed. Everyone looked at the king."We will wait and see. Lionfang shows no intintion of attacking, so let us leave him. If he attacks, then we takec him down."
Cerivan nodded at Arces' judgement. As did the rest.
Stalagbite, Snowbeard and Valdinian looked uneasy at the king's choise.
Arces rose."If there are no-"
"My lord!"Rolith came running into the room."Someone has requested your audiance."
Arces looked at his friend."Who my friend?"
"The mage Escherion."
Arces got uneasy."But he was turned into a frog by his own spell. What hasturned him back?"
Rolith looked uneasy."I do not know. But he orders your audiance. He also wishes no weapons."
Arces handed rolith his blade."Very well. take me to him."
The two walked off toward Escherion.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 9/1/2011 16:47:27 >
DF AQW  Post #: 61
9/3/2011 18:01:00   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 61
A Decloration of Revenge

Arces and Rolith meet up with a mage outside.
He wore purple robes. with it, he wore iron boots, iron gloves, an iron chest plate, and iron shoulder guards. He had salt and pepper colored hair that was down to his shoulders. And a short trimmed beard. His skin was the same shade as Arces'. He had dark piurple eyes.
Arces knew him by the glare."Escherion?"
The mage smiled."You remember."
Arces looked at him."What do you want traitor?"
Escherion rose both his hands."I am here to speak for my lord."
"Drakath?"Rolith looked confused."He is dead."
"Not him. My new lord is one you know well."
Arces had a quess."Lionfang?"
Escherion smiled."Lord Maximillion sent to speak to you."
Arces felt a little angry."What did he send you here to day?"
Escherion's smile vanioshed."He sent me to tell you to allow him into Swordhaven so to speak to you in person."
Rolith tried to grab his hammer, forgetting it was inside Swordhaven.
Escherion smiled."He is not a man of trickery, unless neccesary."
Arces looked at Escherion with red eyes."I will allow him in. But he must come alone with no weapons. Understood?"
Escherion backed away from Arces' eyes."He expected you to make a demand like that. He will with no problems."
Rolith looked at the king."My lord?"
Arces looked at Escherion."You will never set foot in Swordhaven again Escherion."
The mage laughed."I will ot for a while King Arces."
Escherion turned and left the city.
Arces sent a jet of flames into the sky.
The entire city stared at them in fear.

Graveyn was holding baby Alteon. She was humming to him.
Alina looked at the prince."Do you think he will be good ruler like his father and grandfather?"
Gravelyn smiled."He will be even better."
Alina smiled. She placed her hand on her bellie."I wonder who my child will be like."
Gravelyn smiled."Your child wil be like both you and Rolith."
Alina smiled.
Gravelyn asked,"How long have you been pregnant Alina?"
"I have had the symtoms for nearly two months now."
Gravelyn smiled."Then I will give you my hope that your child will be healthy and happy."
Alina looked at the celling."Thank you my lady."

Artix and Victoria were talking.
Victoria looked concerned."Artix, you must calm down."
Artix looked annoyed."Victoria. We have word that lionfang is planning to attack Swordhaven. Arces refuses to take action until the last moment."
Victoria looked at her husband with growing concern."My love. Arces is tring his best not to go to war. Like he said, Lionfang could leave us alone."
"Even so, lionfang is still our enemy. He imprisoned us. he threatened to torture us. Why dosen't Arces take action?"Artix punched the room's wall.
Victoria shouted,"Calm down Artix!"
Artix let out a deep breath. He pulled his fist back, his knuckles were bleeding.
Victoria noticed and went to grab some bandages.
Artix flinced from the pain. He used a soul that was floating around him, and he heaed his hand.
Victoria let out a sigh of relife.
Artix seemed to have calmed down.
Victoria walked up and hugged Artix."Arces is trying to be a good king Artix. So please, calm down."
Artix said in Victoria's ear."I know. I'm sorry my love."
The two kissed.

Cerivan and Chaos were in the middle of a conversation.
Cerivan was speaking."Borther, we both know order is going to fall to chaos if we don't aid them."
"I know."Chaos was thinking over a lot."But like I told you, I will aid you if the need is big enough."
Cerivan sighed."Listen to reason. You can take out Lionfang before he attacks. So just do it."
"That would disrupt the order you idiot. I know I am now the Chapian of Chaos, but I am also meant to keep the balance."
"You are also a Chaos Knight. You control an army stronger than any other. Send them to aid us."
Chaos sighed."You keep fogetting that I am tring to set things to a balance, not to disrupt it."
Cerivan looked angry."I am your brother, listen to me for once."
Chaos looked at him."What?"
"We need your aid Chaos. Just fight with us, and you can restor balance."
"I told you the balance-"
"Forget the balance!"Cerivan was even more angry than before.
"Forget it?"Chaos looked offended."Yuo want me to follow the path of chaos? You wish me to become a second Drakath?"
Cerivan stared his brother down."If it means we survive, yes."
Chaos punched his brother in the face."I will never forget the balance."
Cerivan got up and punched his brother in the stomache."You fool What use is there in balance if the world starts to die?"
Chaos punched his in the face, breaking his nose."I am meant to blance chaos and order. I am meant to fight if neccisary. I am not meant to abuse my powers."
Cerivan placed his nose back in place."Forget it. you're hopeless."
Cerivan walked away.
Chaos said something for his brother to hear."The Avilonian Empire needs a king who can see. You are blind. You must lean to see again my brother, before you lead our people to war."
Cerivan turned, but Chaos had vanished in a cloud of purple mist.

Valdinian was in his chambers. It was a simple stone room. There were no decerations and barly any light. Drow didn't need much light to see.
He lay on a bed.
He looked at his celling."Lionfang is a danger. But King arces is giving him a chance to leave us alone."
A voice began to speak from the walls."Why do you continue to follow him?"
The drow smiled."Hellow Nectoi."
A female form began to shape itself in the darkness. She had grey skin, red eyes, long white hair, she was aslo eight feet tall, and she wore a black dress."My father wishes you to answer that question."
Valdinian sighed."So, Nul'gath wishes to know more from me? Very well. My people follow Arces, because he freed us from Vath."
Nectoi sighed."My father wishes more than that Valdinian."
The drow laughed."I know."
Nectoi blushed."Then talk."
"There is nothing else to it. He freed us, and we follow him. That is all."
Nectoi sighed."Your hopeless."
"Nul'gath is indead persistant."
"He always is."
"One thing before you leave Nectoi."
She looked at the drow."Yes?"
Valdinian handed her a samll box."Give this to my wife. I can't be there for the birth of our child. This will at least let her know I am sorry."
Nectoi nodded. She toke the box and vanished.

Nectoi arrived right when Valdinian's daughter was born.
Nectoi never got to give Gandriel, Valdinians' wife, the gift.

Gandriel went into labor five hours earlier.
The healers told her she might not live through child birth. She didn't care.
Through the five hours, the baby was finaly born.
Gandriel looked around."Where is Valdinian?"
The healers handed Gandriel the baby. One of them said,"It is a girl."
Gandriel looked at the baby girl."I name you..."She was growing weaker."...Gabriel."
Gandriel closed her eyes, and passed on.

Nectoi came up. The drow looked at her. One looked angry."Why are you here?"
Nectoi showed them the box."This was to be givin to Gandriel."
The healer looked saddened."I see."
Nectoi put the box in her dress."What about the girl?"
"Her father is all she still has."
Nectoi felt a knot in her stomache. this child was like her. To grow up with out her mother, and to be raised by her father."I will take her to her father."
Before they could react, Nectoi grabbed Gabriel, and vansihed.

Nectoi arrived back in Valdinian's room.
The drow looked at Nectou."You return?"
Nectoi handed him the box first."Your wife has died."
Valdinian stared at her with wide eyes. He then noticed the bundle in her arms."What is in your arms?"
Nectoi showed him the little girl."Her name is Gabriel, your daughter."
Valdinian looked at his daughter."How did my wife die?"
"She died giving birth."
Valdinian looked at his daughter with sudden distaste."Why give me the reason my wife is dead?"
Nectoi looked at him."Your all she has."
Nectoi looked at the drow with sudden disgust."You would turn away your own daughter?"
Valdinian looked at her."I have no daughter."
Nectoi's face turned from distaste to hatred.
"That...thing, dosn't diserve to live."Valdinian grabbed his sword, and raised it to kill Gabriel.
Nectoi grabbed the sword."You are a fool."The blade broke in half, and Valdinian fell to the ground."Leave."
Valdinian looked up to see her begining to appear her father."I never want to see the thing again."He walked out of Swordhaven, never to be seen again.

The next day, Nectoi talked to Arces.
She told him the event of the day before.
"I see."Arces was surprized by Valdinian's actions."What about Gabriel?"
"I wish to take care of her. I have always wanted a child."
Arces smiled."Your father will be okay with it?"
Nectoi nodded."My father always wanted grandchildren. I am unable to even be pregnant, let alone give birth. I will treat as my own."
Arces nodded."She must grow up in thi world though."
Nectoi nodded. She seemed disapointed.
"Me and Gravelyn can watch her while you go to Nul'gath."
Nectoi smiled."Thank you King Arces."
Nectoi handed Gabriel to Arces, and began to vanish.
Arces looked at the mist left behind."Unitl you return Nectoi. Child of Nul'gath."
DF AQW  Post #: 62
9/4/2011 3:27:13   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 62
Lionfang Arrives

The next morning, two things had happened. Nectoi had returned. And lionfang had arrived.
Arces handed Gabriel over to Nectoi before he meet up with Lionfang.

When Arces arrived in the center of Swordhaven, Lionfang was waiting.
He no longer wore his old armor. He wore a garb like Escherion's, only the armor was gold and the robes white. His hair was cut short, and he had no beard.
"Ahh, King Arces."Lionfang was making an obviously fake smile.
Behind him stood Escherion and a drow in grey robes and silver armor. His eyes were purple, his skin lighter than most drow, and long white hair.
arces looked into his eyes."Vath."
The drow smiled."Glad you remember."
Arces looked back at Lionfang."Three former Chaos Lords. It seems you want to be like your old master."
Lionfang burst out laughing."Not exactly."
Arces looked confused."What?"
"I wish to more than Drakath. I will not die by your blade like Drakath."
Arces laughed."Fool. Follow Drakath's path, you will die all the same."
Lionfang's fake smile twiched for just a second."We will see."
Arces' eyes turned pure red."Why have you come Lionfang?"
Lionfang looked at Arces."Easy. I seek to reclaim Swordhaven under the name of good."
Arces let out a slight laugh."Foolish as always. Swordhaven is under the name of peace."
Lionfang sighed."Very well. When I return, I will fight you for the throne of Swordhaven."
With that, Lionfang and his allys left.

Nictoi and Gravelyn were taking care of Alteon and Gabriel.
Nictoi was talking to Gravelyn about how to take care of a child."I see. Thank you Gravelyn."
Gravelyn smiled."Don't worry Nictoi. and you know me and Arces will take care of Gabriel if needed."
Nictoi smiled."I know."
Alina stood in the corner. Her bellie was beggining to swell up. She was beginning to look like she was pregnant.
The two continiued talking.

Rolith was doing his job protecting the city.
He was telling the knights where to go and what to do.

Artix and Victoria were in their room.
Victoria was feeling a bit sick.
Artix helped her up, and she began to feel better.
The two got dressed.
Artix wore his usual tunic, pants, shirt, and boots.
Victoria wore a beautifuly made blue dress. She also put a gold band into her hair. she looked lovely.
Artix kissed his wife, and they went out of their room.

Lionfang and his allys were packing up, leaving.
They were going in search of troops.
Lionfang's allys consisted of Vath, Escherion, a man wearing a mask, and a few peaople waering white robes and silver armor.
lionfang looked back at Swordhaven."Good will prevale."
The small gang left.

(Now, we will skip ahead to Lionfang invading Swordhaven.)

The sun shone high over Swordhaven on this day.
It was Prince Alteon's sixth birthday.
Everyone was prepairing a celebration for the young prince.
Many people were coming. Cerivan and chaos Nightshade, Cysero and his wife, Nythera and Ryugi, Nul'gath, Nictoi, his best friend Gabriel, Victoria, Brittney, Terra, Galanoth, Stalagbite, Warlic, Sean, the hero from DF, Glider, his dragon, and many more.
Alteon was happy on this day.

Alteon was palying with Gabriel in the center of the town.
The two had been friends since they could move around.
When the two sat down, Alteon laughed.
Gabriel looked at him."What?"
"This day is going to be good. All I need is my best friend with me and the day is perfect."
Gabriel laughed."I see."
The two looked at the sky.

The two went back to the group and hour later.
They had cake and had a great time.
Alteon played around with everyone there.
He hung from Nul'gath's arms. He climed on Stalagbite's back and flew around. He flew next to Sean and Glider. He had fun that day.

The party was over.
A horn sounded.
An army was aprroching the city.
Rolith and Artix led the knights into place. They had to protect the city.
This was going to a battle to remember.

Arces woke up. It was night time.
He had spoken to King Alteon about Bloodtusk. He didn't seemed surprized.
It turned out there were reports of odd events happening.
Arces was prepaired to leave in the morning.
The nineth Chaos Lord awaited.
DF AQW  Post #: 63
9/10/2011 13:30:35   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 63
Bloodtusk Ravine: Trolls

Arces grabbed a dracolich for Bloodtusk.
It wasn't a far distance, so the time passed very fast.

When Arces landed, an odd area was laid in front of him.
A small gulch between two sides of the same mountain. On each side a small city.
On the left, an elegantly made area. The right one was simple and war-like.
Arces looked at both towns.
Horcs and Trolls.
Arces knew very little of these two races.
He would visit both citys.
He went to the troll city first.

The small city was eligantly and beautifuly built.
Trolls were walking around with books and instuments. The air was filled with music. It was a small paradise.
Arces walked up to an odd looking troll.
He had slits instead of a nose, simple white eyes, and he wore an odd mix of robes and armor.
The troll looked up."What?"
He had an odd voice. A mix of growl and eligant speech.
Arces bowed."May I know your name sir?"
The troll snorted."Fine. I am Bachius. I study in music. And you?"
Arces looked him in the eyes."I am Arces. Son of King Alteon. Loyal servant of Lady Gravelyn. And heir to the throne of Swordhaven."
Bachius looked stunned."Prince Arces?"
Arces nodded.
Bachius looked concerned."Who is the Chaos Lord?"
Arces sighed."That I do not know. i am trying to figure out myself."
Bachius nodded."I will take you to our elder. he can help you out more."

Bachius led Arces to the troll elder Sokrakiis.
The elder was talking to two other trolls.
Bachius whispered to him,"Those two are our prophets, Krellenos and Khasaanda."
The elder looked at Arces."May I help you?"
Bachius spoke in the language of the trolls.
Translated he said,"Great elder Sokrakiis. The Prince of Swordhaven has come in search of a Chaos Lord."
Sokrakliis looked at Arces. He spoke in human language."So, you seek one who would defile our lands?"
Arces nodded.
Sokrakiis looked into Arces' eyes."who do you think the defier is?"
Arces looked to the sky."I am tring to figure out weath the Chaos Lord is Horc or Troll at-"
"Why the trolls?"Bachius asked.
"Everyone is a suspect until I know who the Chaos Lord is."
Sokrakiis nodded."I understand. But know this. If one troll strays from the path of knowledge, it is not all of out fault."
The prophets closed their eyes.
Arces shifted his attention to them, as did Bachius and Sokakiis.
Krellos and Khasaanda spoke in unisone, their eyes a pure white."Chaos shall cover the land. Order shall fall by the hand of Horc or Troll. One shall protect us. He shall be aided by forces of his family and his love. He will save or destroy Bloodtusk Ravine, Horcs, Trolls, and all order in this world, by a simple action."
The two collapsed.
Bachius caught them and snorted."I see."
Sakrakiis nodded."A destiney set in stone."
Arces didn't need to ask."So, I must fight the Chaos Lord. And to add to that, everything is on my shoulders."
Bachius and Sakrakiis looked at him. Bachius snorted again."You are willing to aid us?"
Arces had a tired look on his face."It is my job to end the forces of Chaos. It is my true destiney."

That night, the Trolls invited Arces to have dinner with them.
The meal consisted of fresh fruits; apples, bannanas, mangos, lemons, oranges, sniffleberrys, ect.; pies, honey cakes, steamed vegitables, and a small roasted boar.
Trolls of Bloodtusk belived in the beauty of nature and didn't eat meat all that much. When they did, it was in small amounts.
Arces sat next to Bachius and Sokrakiis.
Arces had a plate of fruits, a slice of peace pie, a honey cake, a leg of of boar, and a full steamed squash.
Arces' dragon half had a large hunger, and he had to settle it.
Nobody complained.
After Arces finished, everybody began to talk.
Bachius began telling Arces about the weird events that had been happening lately.
Arces listened to everything he said.
The odd troll spoke with a clear accent."Animals that rarly appear near out citys have been poping up, with odd eyes and tenticles all over their hides. Along with the common animals being effected as well."
Arces toke these events into perspective.
Bachius continued describing all the events.

After a couple of hours, the trolls went to their houses to get some sleep.
Arces desided to goto the Horc area in the morning.
Krellos and Khasaanda desided to let him spend the night at their small home.
Krellos gave Arces his room for the night, while he would share a room with his sister.
Arces fell asleep almost instantly.

Arces dreamt of him and Gravelyn watching the stars, holding hands.
They spoke but no sound came from their lips.
Then, the two kissed.

The dream shifted. Arces was facing a grave that had a was engraved with the name of someone close to him. King Alteon.

Arces woke sweating.
The sun was begining to rise.
Arces got dressed, gathered his idems, and left for the small Horc city.
If the trolls were this nice, what were Horcs like?

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 9/23/2011 21:57:46 >
DF AQW  Post #: 64
9/23/2011 21:58:51   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 64
Bloodtusk Ravine: Horcs

Arces stood in the middle of the horc's small village.
It was a place designed for war. Simple, dangerous, and defensive.
Arces looked around. The village was filled with horcs.
Arces was so interested that he didn't notice the horc in front of him. He walked right into the horc.
The horc looked at Arces. He had a grey beard, wore a helm on his head, simple armor, had a scar on the center of his chest, and wore a white bear skin cloak."Why have you run into me?"
Arces bowed."Forgive me mighty horc. I was not paying attention."
The horc looked annoyed."What is your name?"
Arces got up from his bow."I am Prince Arces, heir of the throne of Swordhaven, and faithful servant of Lady Gravelyn. And you?"
The horc made a sort of flexing pose."I am KAGG, lorekeeper ofg the horcs."
Arces streched out one of his hands."Nice to meet you KAGG."
KAGG shoke Arces' hand and said,"What is it you seek?"
Arces told him why he was there.
KAGG looked a little shoked."I see. i will take you to Zot and TLAX."
Arces followed KAGG to the cave in the center of the village.
Arces stood before a female horc and a large male horc.
The female was garbed in red robesand small amounts of gold armor. While the male was wearing armor like KAGG.
The female, Zot, began to say,"Wellcome Prince. Horc wellcome you to mountain and home."
KAGG whispered to him,"Horcsusally use a simpler form of your's and the troll's dialects."
Arces nodded to him.
The male, TLAX, continued,"Why you here? What be problem?"
Arces told them.
Once he was finished, TLAX looked angry."So, troll scum want to claim mountain with this chaos. We must finish trolls before trolls finish us."He raised his ax up into the air.
Arces interupted,"No. I still need to figure out how is the Chaos Lord. Don't kill them with out justification or evidance."
Zot looked at him."Why you keep us from ending Troll scum?"
KAGG meet Zot's eyes."We must go with what Prince Arces has said Zot. He is right. But, once evidence has been found, we strike!"
TLAX looked at KAGG."Fine. We sit idle for now. But once proof comes, we kill troll scum."

That night Arces slept under the atars.
Arces was use to sleeping in his armor so he didn't bother changing out of it that night.
Arces dreamt of him and Drakath fighting.
Arces was fighting Drakath sword to sword.
Arces hit Drakath's blade, knocking his blade out of his hands and sending Drakath's blade out of his grip.
Arces sent a jet of red flames at Drakath. Drakath blocked by sending a jet of black flames at Arces.
Both flames meet in mid air.
Arces held his flames for almost ten minutes before the flames began to weaken.
Drakath made his flames more intence. Until Arces was sent flying back.
Arces landed very hard.
Drakath grabbed his sword and held it over Arces' neck. Arces was face to face with Death.
Drakath smiled."To bad your not Sean."
Then, Arces woke up.

Arces gathered his stuff and left the small village.
He faced the forest that awaited him.
Arces thought for a second."Who could the Chaos Lord be?"
Arces put the question aside and walked into the forest. Hopefully there would more clues up ahead. But what would he look for?

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 11/3/2011 16:03:42 >
DF AQW  Post #: 65
11/3/2011 16:02:54   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 65
Crossroads PT:1

Arces went north of the horc and troll citys.
He endded up in a vally.
The vally was well forested. Not that far in, there was a cave with a lit fire. Arces went into it.
A woman wearing black robes was inside. Her face covered with a black hood. From what Arces could see, she had greenish-blue skin.
She looked up."For who do you aid young prince? Horc or troll?"
He looked ay her."I aid both sides. But how do you know I am a prince?"
"All know of you Arces, son of Alteon. My children are not quiet."
"Your children?"
"The horcs and trolls. I am, in many ways, the mother of this land. But, my children have never gotten along."
"Hundreds of years ago, my children, the trolls, enslaved the horcs to do their physical work. Then, three-hundred years ago, the horcs freed themselfs, and toke over half of the ravine. They have resented the tgrolls since. The trolls have since realized their mistak, and tried to make it up. The horcs refuse any aid from the trolls."
"I see."Arces was thinking the whole situation over."Can they not come to an agreement?"
The woman sighed."Not easily."
Arces nodded."By the way, what is your name?"
"I have no name, but the horcs and trolls call me She Who Answers."
"Well She Who Answers, how can I aid you?"
"You can unite my children once more."
Sean nodded."That is what I want to do, but they are though to perswade, and the Chaos Lord only makes matters worse."
"There are two who can help you. Druzz, a half troll, and Rawg, a half horc. The leaders of both sides listen to them. They can aid you if you can manage to convince them."
"I see. Thank you She Who Answers."
"Peace heir of Swordhaven."
Sean walked out of the cave.

He went up until he came to a cross roads.
To the right, eligant ruins were scattered across the land. To the left, simple pikes and forts were layed out.
The half horc was to the left, and the half troll to the right.
He decided to see the half troll first. He would probibly be the easiest to convinse. Trolls were also good listeners.
He walked up the path.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 11/18/2011 22:36:36 >
DF AQW  Post #: 66
11/18/2011 18:24:47   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 66
Crossroads PT:2

Arces found himself facing a troll larger than most. He stood straiter than a regular troll, and was more muscular built.
Druzz stared at Arces."What do you wish of me prince of Swordhaven?"
Sean bowed."I seek to talk to you Druzz. I wish to ask for your aid in defeating the Chaos Lord here."
"Humm. then the traitor is a horc?"Druzz was looking very closely at Arces.
"That I do not know."
"Do you belive that the Chaos Lord is a troll?"
"I do not know."
Druuz sighed."Then what business do you have with me?"
"Realy? I came to you so that you could aid me in finding out who the Chaos Lord is, and stop this traitor."Arces had a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Druuz was silent for a few seconds."I see. Very well. I will aid you in finding out who the Chaos Lord is. As for defeating them, we will see."
Arces nodded."Thank you Druuz."
Druuz lead Arces to his small house in the ruins.
The house was like those in the troll's main village.
The inside was covered with animal pelts. Heads decorated the walls, along with pelts for rugs and leather covers on Druuz's bed.
The house was built for a troll, but decorated like a horc's.
Druuz pulled out two chairs. He handed one to Arces."Sit."
Arces sat down. The chair was actualy confertable for being made of stone."Thank you."
"Now,"he stared at Arces,"tell me about these Chaos Lords."
So, Arces began to tell Druuz about Drakath, the truce between King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn, the Chaos Lords, Chaos, him having to face each Chaos Lord, and why he was in Bloodtusk.
"Interessting. You are indeed a burdened person."Druuz was deep in thought.
Sean looked at him."Druuz."
"What?"he asked with a grunt.
"I told you my story, what is your's?"
Druuz sighed again."Not much to it. I am a child of a horc and troll. I resembled a troll, so I was adopted by them. My twin brother, Rawg, is the same, but resembled a horc the most. We both were noticbly different from eather of our kinds. We also had a poster more shared by humans and elfs. When i was taken in by the trolls, they taught me the ways of a warrior. I may resemble a troll, but I prefer to show my horcside as well. Thus, my house."
Arces nodded."I see."
"I have also had to fight my twin on the feild of battle on more than one occasion. I regret war, but i must fight."
"Do you know that much magic?"Arces was even more curious than ever.
"No. Both me and Rawg were born without the ability of magic. halfbreeds of troll and horc rarly shared the ability of magic. There are none alive who can."
Arces nodded, as if understanding.
Druuz continued."Now, what do wish to do about this traitor?"
There was a silence for a few seonds as Arces thought."I was thinking at looking closly at both sides of the ravine. Chances are that the Chaos Lord is one of the people here."
Druuz nodded."Makes sence. Will you fight the horcs if neccesairy?"
Arces nodded."Aye. I will fight them if they prove to be on the Chaos Lord's side."
He nodded, smiling."Then you have my aid Arces."

By the time they finished talking, it was evening.
Druuz invited Arces to have dinner with him. Arces accepted the offer.
The food was mostly meat, but there were some fruits and a few vegetables as well. Druuz ate mostly the meat, and a few apples. Arces had both flanks of the roasted boar on the table, the rest of the fruit, and a few carrots.
Both washed down their food with a bottle of wine made from honney and apples. It was exotic and uncommon. Arces looked at Druuz, who was already looking a bit drunk.
Trolls makewine from fruits and honey, while horcs prefer mead made from more potent ingredients. Trolls try to avoid getting drunk, while horcs see it as a ritual to get drunk. That is why horc brews are powerful, and troll brew not as much.

Arces slept on a spare bed Druuz had for guests.
He dreamt of Gravelyn again. She never left his mind.

The next morning, Arces saidhis goodbyes to Druuz, and went to the other ruins.
He saw what Druuz was like, he wondered if Rawg would be the same, or the oppisite.
He would have to see for sure.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 11/18/2011 22:34:36 >
DF AQW  Post #: 67
11/18/2011 22:36:18   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 67
Crossroads PT:3

The horc side was notibly different than the troll side of the crossroads.
Rawg was much like Druuz, but resembled more of a horc.
The half horc looked down at Arces."What you want human?"
Arces look him in the eyes."I seek your aid in defeating the Chaos Lord in Bloodtusk."
"Then it is troll."Rawg raised his sword.
"That I do not know. I am trying to find out who the Chaos Lord is before I deal with them."
"It is troll, I know it be so."
"Do you have any proof?"Arces seemed a bit annoyed.
Rawg lowered his sword."There no proof yet, but I know Chaos Lord be troll."
Arces sighed."We will have to see."
Rawg invirted Arces into his hut. The outside was made for a horc, but the inside was for a troll.
The walls were covered with instruments and paintings, his bed was covered with covers instead of pelts, and he acted more like a troll than a horc.
Rawg handed Arces a chair."Sit."
Arces sat in his chair."Who do you belive is the Chaos Lord Rawg?"
The half horc sighed."None know. All I know is Chaos Lord be troll."
"Are you sure?"
"Do you challenge me?"He grabbed his sword.
"No. I am only curious why you would belive a troll would be a Chaos Lord with out proof."
"Easy. No horc would be Chaos Lord."
"You don't know. KAGG could be the Chaos Lord for all we know."
"Do not insult horcs human."
"Sorry, but I speak the truth."
Rawg looked into Arces' eyes."I know it is possible, but I know no horc be Chaos Lord. Horcs live to protct lands, not destroy them."
"Very well. But, I still need to find out who the Chaos Lord is Rawg. Drakath can turn anyone to his side."
Rawg looked out the window of his hut."I have heard of what the traitor can do. He well talked about in Bloodtusk."
Arces nodded.
Rawg continued looking out the window for a few minutes. Then, he jumped out of his seat.
"I know how you find out who Chaos Lord is!"
Arces feel back in surprize."Ouch. How?"
"Eqlipse tommarow. Build totem, get attention of great ones. They answer five questions, nomatter what may be."
Arces smiled."Thank you Rawg."

Arces went to Druuz's house and told him what Rawg had though up. Druuz agreed to help them, although he felt unconfortable working with Rawg. Rawg was the same.
The three of them finished the totem when the sun was begining to set.
Druuz smiled."We did well."
Rawg grunted."Agreed. Troll did well."
Arces smiled."If you do so well together, why do you fight?"
Rawg looked at Arces with an evil glare."Trolls enslaved horcs long ago. Horcs never forget. Horcs free. Horcs never trust trolls."
"And the horcs attacked us multible times in the past. We can never trust them eather."
Rawg grabbed his sword, as did Druuz.
Arces stepped between them."There is no need to fight."
Rawg snorted."You will never know what it is like unless you are one of us."
Druuz nodded.
"I know I will never know what it is like, but you don't have to fight all the time."
Reluctently, both of them lowered their swords.
"We will not harm you Arces. You are our only hope of pease returning to the world."Druuz was holding back his anger.
"Do not interfear where you nolt belong Arces. Horcs not like trolls. Do not push luck Arces."Rawg seemed even more angry than Druuz."
The two exchanged another evil glare at each other and walked away.

That night Arces dreamt of him and Gravelyn.
The two were standing in front of Swordhaven, fighting an army of demons.
Gravelyn got captured by the enemy, and Arces ran after her.
When he found her, he killed the demons guarding her.
A man faced Arces. Arces faught him. the man barely tounched arces with his weapon, but Arces burst out in pain.
Gravelyn killed him when the man was about to kill Arces.
When the man was dead, Gravelyn ran to Arces.
The two began to talk. Arces couldn't make out what he and Gravelyn were saying, but they shared a kiss.
Some how, Arces felt that this realy had happened.

Arces woke up in the early afternoon.
He and Rawg palced the totem in the center of the crossroads.
The eqlipse was about to begin.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 11/19/2011 14:00:36 >
DF AQW  Post #: 68
11/24/2011 14:02:15   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 68

With the totem in place, Rawg decided to go back to his house until after the eqlipse was over.
Arces faced the totem.
The eqlpise was only a few minutes from starting.
A woman in black robes came foward."Hellow Arces."
Arces looked at her."It is good to see you again She Who Answers. May I ask why you are here?"
She nodded."I take it as a personal job to watch each eqlipse."
Arces nodded.
"You seek to ask them the five questions?"she asked.
Arces nodded again. The eqlipse was about to begin.
Arces felt an odd surge in his stomach. The moon was about to cover the sun.
She Who Answers began to glow. Her black robes were even darker than usual.
Arces looked at the totem to see that a mirror was begining to form on it. The moister in the air was frezzing into a solid surface and gold began to suround the ice.
The eqlipse had begun.

When the mirror was complete, two images formed on the surface. Two blobs, one red,one white. They formed into two girls with chaotic smiles on their faces.
"Hellow Prince Arces,"Xing and Xang laughed.
"You...,"he growled, literaly.
Xing smiled."I know why you are here. You want us to answer your five questions."
Arces nodded."You will answer my questions?"
Xang nodded."Yes. you have four questions left."The Twins laughed.
"But that wasn't my question,"he argued.
Xing shruged."Dosen't matter."
Sean growled."Fine. What happened to you?"
Xang frowned."Before we answer, what do you mean?"
"This still counts as my second question."
The Twins nodded.
"What did Drakath do to you two?"
Xing smiled."Xang was all to happy to accept the power of Chaos. As for me, I represented the side of good. Drakath knew he would not have much power without both of us. Drakath came to a comprimise. He opened a rift in the multiverse. Through this rift, he toke me from the Mirror World, the world oppisite of this one. The Xing from this world now lives there. Does that settle your question?"
Arces nodded."Next question, is my father truly cured?"
Xang gave a feint smile."No. King Alteon would have been cured, but you chose not to become a Chaos Lord. Because you chose not to become a Chaos Lord, we let lose the Chaos on King Alteon again."Both the Twins let out little laughs.
Arces held back his anger."Very well. Forth question, what is it Drakath entends to do?"
Xing and Xang frowned. Xing answered."Master Drakath entends to summon forth his master."
"HIS master?"Arces looked more confused than ever.
Xing and Xang smiled."The one who tells Drakath what he must do."
Arces toke a step back. Even though the question was now buzzing through his head, he had another matter of importance to ask."Who is the Chaos Lord of Bloodtusk?"
Xang laughed."We don't have to answer that. You have used up all your questions."
"No I haven't!"Arces gripped the hilt of his blade.
"You have."Xing smiled even bigger."First, will we answer your questions? Second, what did Drakath do to us? Third, is your father truly cured? Forth, what does Drakath plan to do? And the last on was-"
Xang continued,"-HIS master?"Both laughed.
Before Arces could respond, the pain in his gut vanished. The eqlipse was over.
The Twins vanished, the gold began to melt away, and the ice turned back into air.
Arces unsheathed his sword, and sliced the totem in half.
She Who Answers stepped away from Arces.

After Arces calmed down, he grabbed a fruit from the tree above him. He barly noticed what it tasted like.
She Who Answers looked into the distance, in front of Arces. She pulled back her hood, revealing a ponytail of silky, black hair and green skin with bluue stripes. He thought they were tatoos until he looked very closly. There was no ink in her skin. That was her natural skin color.
Before Arces caught a glimpse at her face, she covered it with her hood. She faced Arces."This will not go unoticed Arces. Keep your eyes open."With that, she walked off.

Arces descided to spend the bight under the stars.
It was a calm night. The stars were burning bright. Arces enjoyed the cool night air while it lasted.
He closed his eyes, and had a vision of himself fighting a man in a charupted armor, wearing a helm the covered his face. The helm was designed like a knight helm with two ram horns on the side. the armor itself, Arces couldn't make out the details. The man also had two black wings sproughting from his back.
And, for a breaf second, Arces saw two blue eyes underneath the helm.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 11/25/2011 1:29:19 >
DF AQW  Post #: 69
12/2/2011 17:51:17   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 69
Bloodtusk Chaos

When Arces woke, the sun was shining very brightly. He heard no birds chirping, or any of the usual sounds. He heard, through the jungle trees, the sounds of fighting.
Arces gathered his belonings, and ran to the sounds of the fighting.

The jungle was covered with horcs and trolls fighting off the animals of Bloodtusk Ravine. The animals, although, had been altered heavily by Chaos.
The trolls and horcs fought the beasts, along with themselfs. Trolls sending balls of flames at horcs, and horcs slashing at trolls.
Arces ran to the aid of Sokrakiis and KAGG, who were the only two not fighting each other.
The two were surrounded by beasts, fighting with all their might.
Arces jumped onto the back of a charupted chinchilazard, bewheaded it, and threw the body at the rest of the beasts.
KAGG looked at Arces."Good to see you Arces. We were wondering when you would come to our aid."
Sokrakiis nodded.
"What is happening?"Arces looked at both of them.
KAGG grunted."These monsters attacked Ragg and Druuz out of nowhere. They called to our aid, but, we don't know which side sent them. Our people have been fighting each other since sun rise."
"Why arn't you two fighting each other?"Arces asked.
Sokrakiis smiled."We are willing to wait for the proof the Horcs are to blame."
"Or trolls,"added KAGG.
"Yes, or trolls. Eather way, we can wait for the proof."
"That is good to hear."Arces let out a sigh of relife that these two saw his point of veiw.
Arces aided the two in battle, until the point where he was seperated from them.
When he noticed the two had vanished, Rawg was standing, fighting by his side.
When the creachers were eather beaten or ran away, a shadow rose over him and Rawg.
Arces noticed that the fighting had begun to vanish, most of the trolls and horcs had returned to their homes, while Druuz and Rawg kept fighting.
Arces looked at the shadow, as did Rawg. Druuz was to distracted to notice the shadow.
A large charupted troll faced Arces and Rawg."Go tell KAGG of what I am about to face."
Rawg nodded and walked off. Arces turned to face the troll.
It stood there, waiting.
Arces jumped at it, spreouting a pair of wings in mid-jump.
The troll kept it's eyes on him, and then let out a roar at him, which sounded like that of a bear and tiger mixed together. It grabbed Arces when he was only a couple feet from it's face, and threw him to the ground.
Arces got up, right before the troll managed to crush him to death. Getting out of the way, just in time.
Arces opened his mouth, sending out a jet of flames. The troll screamed in pain.
Arces moved tp the left, avoiding the beast's fist. Arces looked it in the eyes. The creacher suddenly went from rage to fear.
Arces' eyes had completly changed. The white parts were jet-black, his blues eyes had turned red, and he had an evil...no, chaotic, glare.
The beast flinched. Arces jumped at it. Arces sliced it on the chest. The beast howled in pain. Arces reaped the blow twice more.
When the troll finaly fell, Arces snapped out of it. The troll glowed pure white, and then returned to his original form.
Whoever this Chaos Lord was, their powers were indeed the strongest so far.
Arces went to the corpse. He had a resemblence to the troll syblings had meet a while back.
Druuz walked up to Arces. He was in shock."I can't be..."
Arces looked at Druuz."The Chaos Lord has completly charupted this young troll."
"I see."Druuz placed his sword on his back."Those Horcs will pay for this crime."
"Now wait-"Arces began.
"We need no more evidence. The horcs are the cause of this chaos. they must pay."
Arces frowned."Take him to Sokrakiis, I have work to do."
Druuz nodded and picked up the body of the troll.

Arces walked a certain distance away from the war zone. It was nighttime.
He looked up at the stars. They glowed with a certain flame tonight.
He knew Gravelyn and his father would try and stop the two races from fighting and stop the Chaos Lord.
He had failed to find out who was the Chaos Lord. He closed his eyes, and saw the face of Drakath smiling. He opened his eyes and shouted,"You shall not win Drakath!!"
He looked at the stars again. His eyes fell on the constalation of the lion. Some how it had something to do with this chaos.
He looked away and faced the lands in front of him.
This world, would fall if he failed. It would become consumed in Chaos when that day came. This world, was on a thin scale. Order and Chaos.
And Chaos was tipping the scales into their favor.
And the Chaos was growing stronger. How could he know that?
And that feeling he felt. What was it, and why did he feel so....chaotic?
Could it be that-?
No, it couldn't be. That was imposible.
he would have to think about it another time. Now, he had to continue.
The Chaos Lord awaited him. He shouldn't keep them waiting.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/3/2011 23:19:14 >
DF AQW  Post #: 70
12/4/2011 21:05:20   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 70
Uncertain Events

Arces followed the path from the war zone, arriving at a beat up, old temple.
Creachers were surrounding the temples, most of which held a resemblence to those from the monsters from the war zone. He looked behind him to see a certain troll following him.
Druuz was paying close attention to Arces.
But, when Arces looked at him, Druuz seemed to be almostscared out ofhis mind.
The half-troll walked up to him only about a couple minutes later."Why did you follow me?"Arces asked.
"Sokrakiis sent me. He wants me to keep an eye on you until the time comes when I am needed."Druuz frowned."The horcs will pay for such a crime.
Arces had an angered look on his face."We have no-"
Druuz stared at him with an even angrier look."No troll would kill that young troll."
Arces looked away. He walked towards the temple, Druuz following close behind, and he heard another..."thing" following.

Arces told Druuz to stay outside. He unwillingly agreed.
Arces went into the temple.

It was dark, lit by a few scarse torches, lit by magic flames. There was no one else here.
Arces felt a breath behind him. He looked. Nothing. He continued deeper into the temple.

"Who is there?"Arces looked back to only see the staues of the temple. He looked away.
He heard the sounds of stones rubbing against stones. He looked back to be faced by giant statues, all with glowing eyes.
Arces unsheathed his sword. The blade was engulfed in pure red flames. Arces dropped his sword in shock.
The staues stepped away from Arces.
He grabbed his sword, flames ingulfed it again. The statues charged Arces.
Arces sent a turret of flames at them, melting them into a molten puddle of stone. the sword went out.
"What is going on?"Arces asked the wind.
No responce.
Arces forgot about it and continued on his way.

Arces arrived at the end of the temples passage ways.
A giant tablet rested on the wall.
It was written in an ancient language. It had wird curving letters, but he could understand it.
"Dragon talk,"said a voice behind him.
Rawg had his back against the oppisite wall."Hellow Prince of Swordhaven. Been while."
Arces nodded."Yes. why are you here?"
"KAGG send me to keep eye on you."He seemed to be holding back an angered look.
"Very well. Let me read this though."
Rawg nodded.
Arces translated the tablet. It read:

Through the powers of ancient destruction, a monster shall rise. A monster that can turn creachers to stone. A monster that is larger than the lemurphants. A monster that is part snake. This monster shall kill all in it way. The power is C-

The rest was gone. It was eather unreadable or destroyed on purpose.
Arces knew what this was. That last word was Chaos. This was meant to warn about the Chaos Beast.
Arces told Rawg what he had discovered.
Rawg closed his eyes."UIt is monster troll and horc all hate. Gruaige Baas is what it called."
"It is a monster made from a very chaotic serphant woman,"came the voise of Druuz.
Rawg growled, and picked up his sword."What you want Druuz?"
Druuz walked into veiw."I was listening the whole time. I do not mean to cause trouble brother."
Rawg looked him the eye."Fine. Keep away from me."Rawg walked away to a corner of the room.
Druuz snorted."Fine. Act like a child Rawg."
"What happened to you two?"Arces asked.
"We were born. Our parents supported peace, so they supported our birth. Our father was a horc, and our mother a troll. Our mother toke me back to the trolls-"
"-and father toke me to horcs,"Rawg interupted.
"Makes sence,"Arces said."You two never had the chance to be brothers, did you?"
Rawg snorted."Never need it."
"I've tried, but he is to stubborn."Druuz sighed.
Arces looked at them both."I think I can help you both."
They stared at him. Druuz was stunned."Why-Why would you aid him. The Chaos Lord is a horc."
"No,"Rawg got up."Troll be Chaos Lord."
Arces got between them."Fighting won't get you anywhere. We don't know who the Chaos Lord is, so we wait it out. Got it?!"That last part had a growl in it.
Druuz and Rawg sighed."Fine,"they said together.
Arces began to tell them how they could aid him. After he finished, he said,"Do you understand?"
Both nodded with agreement.
"Sound good,"Rawg grunted.
"I agree with Rawg, it is a briliant plan,"Druuz said.
"Then go. And do not tell anyone about what we talked about."Arces got up, as did the other two.
Rawg and Druuz went back to their homes.
Arces went outside the temple, and looked over Lore, to two locations.

At Shadowfall, he saw Gravelyn talking to one of her generals."Tibias, I do not want you to fail."
The skeleton, obviosly enchanted, said,"I will not fail my lady."His voise was gruff and old.
"You better hope you are right Tibias."She held up her blade.
"My lady,"came a voice from behind her throne,"we are being watched."He pointed to where Arces was.
"Who is it Dage?"Gravelyn asked.
"Arces."He appeared pleased to mention Arces.
Gravelyn blushed."I hope you know what this means Arces. The Bloodtusk chaos Lord must not rise. No matter what."She looked away from him.
Arces tried to say,"Don't!,"but no words came out.
Dage laughed."The empress has made her choise Arces. You can not change it."
Gravelyn began to turn even redder."I am sorry Arces."
Arces turned his attention away from Gravelyn.

Arces was in his father's throne room.
King Alteon was on his throne. The Chaos was effecting him again. It was obvious.
Kneeling before King alteon was a general Arces knew a little about. The former Pactagonal Knight, General Cynari.
"You understand Cynari?"King Alteon asked.
Cynari stood."I understand my lord. I will goto Bloodtusk, and aid General Tibias in preventing the rise of the Chaos Lord."
King Alteon's face became even more grim."I know you are watching, my son. I belive you know what this means."
Cynari just looked at King Alteon."My lord?"
Before they continued talking, Arces returned to his body in Bloodtusk.

Things were worse than Arces had thought. He had to move on.
He was guessing he had three days before the forces of The Truse arrived at Bloodtusk Ravine. Time was not on his side this time.
Arces gathered his belonings, and left the temple behind.
He thought of what that feeling was in the temple. It wasn't rawg or Druuz, that much was clear. It wasn't the statues or a spirit, to quiet.
He had only had one conclusion, it was the Chaos Lord. It would only make sence.
He now knew what the presence felt like. He had a clue.
Arces smiled, and continued back to the opening in the ravine. He had to rest before Cynari and Tibas arrived.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/5/2011 21:03:43 >
DF AQW  Post #: 71
12/9/2011 22:19:51   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 71
Chaotic Outcomes

Arces faced the two towns,he wasto late.
The forces of both Gravelyn and Alteon were gathered in the opening. Tibias was talking with KAGG, and Cynari with Sokrakiis.
Arces listened to both of them.

Cynari stood before Sokrakiis."As by order of King Alteon, all trolls are to stay withing their homes until the Chaos Lord has been found and dealt with."
Sokrakiis looked annoyed."Who are you to come here and damand that of us? The trolls do not bow to your king or your prince."
The former Pactagonal Knight looked him in the eyes."You can disobey, and we will see if you intend to harm the people of Bloodtusk. Just quiet down, and go home Sokrakiis."
The troll sighed."Very well. We will obey....for now."He walked twoards his home.

KAGG faced Tibias."What does the Shadowscythe want in Bloodtusk?"
Tibias looked at KAGG with his red orbs."Empress Gravelyn demands that you be confined to your village untill further notice."
"That is unacceptable you bag of bones."KAGG didn't bother holding back his anger.
"Does it matter? The Empress demands it, so we enforce it. That is all."Tibias remained calm.
KAGG raied his fist, only for Tibias to raise his ax."Don't even think about it horc."
KAGG lowered his fist."We will comply just until we can free ourselfs."He was trying extremly hard to keep his temper under control.
Tibias nodded.

Arces got up. He looked at both citys. He had a lot of work ahead of him.
He went down the hill.

He meet with Tibias and Cynari between the two citys.
Cynari bowed."Prince Arces. It is good to see you."
Tibias raised his ax and said,"For the Shadowscythe!"
Sean nodded to Cynari and replyed the same message to Tibias.
"Good to see you Prince Arces. You can aid us in flushing out the Chaos Lord."Cynari was glaring at him with an intence stare.
Tibias nodded."Indeed Arces. Empress Gravelyn wanted you to aid us if you could."
Arces looked at them."Sorry, but I have my own work to do. You can handle this on your own."He said that last part with rather difficulty, but hid it.
Both nodded and walked off.
Arces knew there were only two choises. Help Tibias and Cynari, causing chaos amoung the two races, or aiding the horcs and trolls in getting rid ofTibias and Cynari.
He thought about it. Eather way, he risked becoming a traitor to the horcs and trolls, or to his father and Gravelyn.
In the end, he knew he had to aid the horcs and trolls.
If he aided Tibias and Cynari, it would end badly.
This was the only way. There was no turning back now.
DF AQW  Post #: 72
12/11/2011 10:15:34   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 72
No Turning Back

Arces called talked to both KAGG and Sokrakiis, and they agreed.
When both Tibias and Cynari weregone, the horcs and trolls captured all the soldiers in the villages. The soldiers were tied up and watched by troll and horc guards.
The rest went to the fortress that Tibias and Cynari demanded by made for the armys of both King Alteon and the Shadowscythe are to stay.
The fortress looked out of place in the avine. Both trolls and horcs hatted it.
The forces marched up to the fortress.
Arces looked at the fortress, focusing his dragon magic.

Cynari looked at his battle maps.
"The Chaos Lord will definitly attack one of the main parts of the ravine, but which part?"
A voice sounded in his head."Looks like you could use a little help Commander Cynari. Will you accept?"
Cynari grabbed his sword."Your voise is one of truth and trickery Xing."He pointed his blade at the Chaos lord Xing, standing right behind him.
She clapped."Well done Cynari, you have found me out. Will you let me speak?"
Cynari gave her an evil look."Speak, then begone."He lowered his sword.
She smiled."I can allow you to defeat the Chaos Lord, and tell you of a traitor."
He starred at Xing."Go on."
"I ask for nothing in return, just fight the traitor."
He smiled and said,"Very kind Chaos Lord. I accept. Who are they?"
"I said I would name the traitor, not the Chaos Lord."
"Very well, who?"
She bent to his ear,"Arces."
His glare widened."I know you two well enough, you don't lie."
She nodded, and vanished.
"Forgive me Prince Arces."

Tibias was sharpening his ax, when Xang appeared.
Tibias noticed her, but ignored her.
"Helow Tibias."She smiled.
"Begone Xang. Chaos dosen't belong here."His orbs were dimmed.
She frowned."Not even if I can help you?"
His orbs gained a little color."What kind of help?"
"The name of a traitor, and the power to beat the Chaos Lord."She smiled again.
Tibias got up."Talk!,"he commanded.
"Do you agree to fight the traitor?"
Tibias looked at her, his orbs fire red."I neverback down from a fight unless Empress Gravelyn orders me to. Who is it?"
Xang smiled and said,"Arces."
Tibias would have smiled if he could."Thank you Xang, now begone."
Xang laughed, and vanished.
"I've got you Arces."He let lose a burning growl.

Arces opened his eyes. He should have thought so. Xing and Xang were a part of this new Chaos Lord. He had to free Cynari and Tibias.
Arces sent the forces on a strait attack on the fortress.
Horcs and trolls charged. The mages sent fireballs at the walls. The archers sent aroows at the soilders and and undead. the warriors attack with all their might.
KAGG and Sokrakiis stood next to Arces.
"How will they fight back Arces?"KAGG asked.
"I do not know. Everyone fights differently. They could ware us down, they could fight with all their strength, or anything else."
"You seem troubled Arces,"Sokrakiis said."Is everything okay?"
"No Sokrakiis, I used my dragon magic to see what was in there, and I saw Tibias and Cynari accept powers of Chaos. They can still be saved though."
Both nodded.

After most of The Truse's forces were knocked out, Arces snuck into the fortress, leaving Rawg and Druuz leading the horcs and trolls. The twoaccepted with out hesitating.
Arces snuck past the chaotic guards, humans and undead under the influince of Chaos, he went to Tibias' tower, only to find it empty.
Arces tried to sneak to Cynari's tower, only to beintersepted by chaotic undead.
The undead raised their blades. The lead one said,"Give up traitor."
Arces put his blade in the undead's face, so to say, and said,"I am no traitor."He put the blade through the undead's skull, seperating the soul and body.
The others attack, only to meet the same fate.
Arces looked at his blade for the first time in many months.
It's fine silver blade had turned even crimson red from the blood, and the hilt was torn apart for the slashes on it, a giant gashran along the blade.
"I need to fix you up when I get back to Swordhaven."He looked at the blade, seeing every wound to the metal.
He continued after sheathing his sword.
He had to knock out the guards and undead in his way. They proved annoying to Arces.

Once he was in Cynari's tower, he found both him and tibias talking. They both glowed with a chaotic energy.
Arces stepped toward them."Give up now Comanders."
The two quit talking and faced Arces. Cynari frowned."What ashame such a powerful fighter had to turn on us."
Tibias nodded."Such a shame. Empress Gravelyn spoke highly of you."
Arces guarded himself just in time. Cynari and Tibias attacked him, tring to bring their blades down on their heads.
Arces pushed them off him, and sent a turret of flames at the two of them.
Both of them were uneffected by the flames. They got up and walked toward him.
Arces jumped back, and threw his blade a Cynari.
The blade broke in half on contact. the hilt landed in Cynari's arm, and the blade itself into Tibias' ribcage.
Both comanders fell to the ground. Cynari ripped the hilt from his arm. Tibias slid the blade out of his chest.
Arces got up, and grabbed Tibias' fallen ax, and threw it.
The blade landed in Tibias' chestplate, sending him flying back. The hilt hit Cynari in the head, knocking him out.
Arces wlaked up to Tibias. His eyes glowed a faint red and his helm had fallen off. His skull was still intack, and slightly glowing. Something was holding together better than the other undead.
Arces put it aside.
Tibias looked at Arces."We failed. You win Arces. The Empress will not be happy."
Arces grabbed Tibias' ax."I'll make sure you arn't badly punished. But, I am only after the Chaos Lord."
Tibias let out the firey growl."Get that one for me and Cynari."
Tibias' orb went out, making him seem lifless, but he was just knocked out. Cynari was the same.
Arces went to a picture, and moved it. Behind it was hidden some pappers the proved Chaos had taken control of the soilders.
That would allow Arces to send the army of The Truse out of Bloodtusk Ravine.
He grabbed Cynari and Tibias, and, sprouting wings, flew out of the fortess.

Arces saw the Rawg and Druuz had led their people to victory.
The soldiers were eather captured or unconsious. No one was dead, horc, troll, human, or undead. they had won.
Arces handedTibias to KAGG, and Cynari to Sokrakiis.
"KAGG, have the horcs watch Tibias until he wakes up. Sokrakiis heal Cynari. They did noting bad of their own free will."
Both nodded.

An hour later, both Cynari and Tibias were up and okay.
Arces reclaimed his sword and put it in it's sheath. He also had Tibias' ax strapped to his back
He had both comanders meet up with him.
"What is it Arces?"Tibias asked.
"You are no longer needed in Bloodtusk. Both have been charupted by the Twins, and have tried to kill me. You will not be punished. I have already informed Gravelyn and my father of what has happened. You will not be punished. you must leave Bloodtusk with in the week though."
Both looked shocked, but agreed.
Arces went to speak with KAGG and Sokrakiis.

The two meet with him.
"Now that the forces of King Alteon and Gravelyn are leaving, what now?"Arces was curious.
Sokrakiis answered first."Now, our truse is done. KAGG and the horcs are our enemys once more."
"Same for the trolls and Sokrakiis."KAGG said.
Arces tried to reason, but they wouldn't hear him.
"It has been this way for to long Arces,"Sokrakiis said,"so it will be awhile longer."
Arces nodded and walked out.

That night, Arces used his magics to watch Gravelyn.
She was in a red sleeping gown. She toke her band out of her hair. Her shoes were off.
She looked like an untaimed beauty that no one could claim.
She had not yet gone to sleep, and was looking a golden locket around her neck.
She looked at where Arces was looking at her. She looked closely.
"My eyes are playing tricks on me again."She laughed.
Arces smiled."I love you Gravelyn."
She looked around."Was that you Arces?"She was blushing.
He ended his spell.

The next day, KAGG told him of a certain temple deep within the ravine. It would shed some light on the Chaos Beast and Chaos Lord.
Bloodtusk would soon be in the midst of mass chaos before long.
Arces thought about it. Who could be the Chaos Lord?
The presence finaly made sence.
The pressence was one from when he was staying with the trolls. He had done a horible crime. If arces was right, that pressence was Krellenos, the troll's prized prophet.
Arces hoped he was wrong.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/12/2011 21:29:43 >
DF AQW  Post #: 73
12/12/2011 21:54:22   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 73
Chaos Rises

Arces went with Druuz and Rawg to the temple.
The three talked for a while.
Tibias allowed Artix to use his ax, he earned it. he also wore a new suit of armor Tibias had prepaired for him. It was Tibias', only in full, minus the helm.
Arces used magic to shave his face. He had a clean shave and his hair trimed, and put into a neat ponytail going down his back.

After a while of talking, Rawg brought up a subject that Arces would have loved to avoid."Why you so high among Shadowscythe?"
Druuz looked at him."Yes, why?"
Arces continued walking."I am Gravelyn's most loyal servant and friend."
In unison they asked."Why?"
Arces stopped."You wouldn't understand."
The two stopped with him. Druuz looked confused."What is it Arces?"
"It is nothing-"he began
"I think it is an easy enough answer Druuz."The three looked up to see a woman in gold armor, green sking, with deep blue strpes, two saber like fangs hanging out of her mouth, bright yellow cat like eyes, black hair tied back into a ponytail, no weapons, and noticalbe mucles, like she is a natural sword fighter.
Rawg looked at her."She Who Answers?"
She came down from the tree."Good you can tell my child."
Rawg was shocked to see the oracle with her robes off. She was defently different with them off.
"Great one."Druuz bowed.
She Who Answers faced Druuz."Rise young one. Both of you have no need to bow to me. If anything, I should bow to you. But, forget that for now."
Arces looked at her."Why are you here?"
She looked at him with asmile on her face."I'm here to help you fight. But, bofore that, I will answer their question."
She looked at Druuz and Rawg."He loves Gravelyn. Is it not obvious?"
Both Bruuz and Rawg seemed satisfied with that answer. Rawg nodded."Forgive Arces. We need know it."
"You are fogiven, but do not ask me that again."
She Who Answers nodded."They needed to know, but he is right. Never ask him it again."
She walked away from them, vanishing into the forests.
The three of them went the temple.

The three beheld the temple.
Druuz smiled."From the point of peace in Bloodtusk Ravine."
Rawg nodded."Before trolls make horcs salves. Before sepentresses come."
Arces looked at Rawg."Serpentresses?"
"They are beings that are part snakes Arces."Druuz seemed uneasy."They wern't always here. They came from the Sandsea and toke over many areas in the jungles. They are naturaly evil."
Arces nodded. They continued on their way.

Arces went into the temple while Druuz and Rawg were busy admiring the build of the temple.
He tried to sneak past the seprentresses and charupted spirits, but failed in no time. The monster's keen sence of detecion found him in only seconds.
Arces faught his way past the monster. The serpentresses bleed venom, and the spirits erupted into glowing dust. arces soon felt a massive chaotic power coming from behind a giant tree. The tree was to thick to simply cut through. Arces noticed the venom-blood covering the ground.
Useing this magics, he sent the venom at the tree. In second the tree began to burn and die.
Arces touched the burnt remains, the turned to ash.
Arces saw a man standing before a giant crystal pillar. A serpentress was bowing before him.

Tibias and Cynari were talking with KAGG and Sokrakiis.
Despite the two being of different races, they still had honor to see the Alliance off.
Tibias looked despaired."Empress Gravelyn will not be pleased."
Cynari looked at Tibias with sympathy."I pity you my friend. King Alteon will have my rank when I return, but I will be fine."
Tibias grunted.
KAGG walked up."When should you two be leaving?"
Tibias grunted again."Good question. Arces gave us a time limit, but I don't know if we will be ready by then, even with your aid."
Cynari nodded.
Sokrakiis walked up as well."You have to leave by the-"He was interupted.
Two horcs and two trolls were running twoardeach other. The horcs were the butcher and the war cheif. the trolls were Bachius and the artist. The four of them were fighting each other.
Tibias grabbed Bachius. Cynari grabbed the butcher. Sokrakiis grabbed the artist. And KAGG grabbed the war cheif.
Bachius was shouting,"Let me go. Those fiends have charupted me."
The other three were shouting the same thing.
KAGG let lose a war cry that silenced the four of them."What are you compalining about!?"
Bachius looked at him."These monsters have charupted me."
The other three exchanged looks, and said at once."You're the Chaos Lord then."
Before Bachius could reply, a laugh came from the troll side of the ravine.
All eight of them looked up.
Krellos was walking towards them, his arms behind his back and smile on his face.
Krellos shouted."How easy."
Sokrakiis looked curious."Krollos?"
"How easy to fool you into beliving that somebody else was the Chaos Lord, when he stood right before you the whole time."
Bachius wasshaking his head."No. Impossible."
"You seem surprized half-breed."His smile grew.
Khasaanda came running after Krellos."Brother, what are you doing?"
Krellos raised his hand, Khasaanda was sent flying back 10 feet.
Tibias and the rest let go of the four charupted trolls and horcs, and grabbed their weapons.
Krellos raised his hand again. Their weapons were sent flying from their hands.
"So easy."His eyes glowed purple.
Cynari had a surprized look on his face."But, you seemed the least likely person."
"Exactly. I am the best one to be Chaos Lord here. I was never suspected. I was loved. I had the perfect quise. The only one to asume me was Arces. But was fooled just the same."
KAGG charged Krellos."Traitor!"
Krellos smiled. he pimply tilted his head, and KAGG was hit between the eyes with a rock. He fell to the ground in pain.
Krellos laughed, and vanished in a cloud of purple mist.
Khasaanda yelled,"Don't go brother!"She was to late, he was gone. She began to cry.
Sokrakiis went to confort Khasaanda. She pushed him away, and ran off.
KAGG looked at Cynari and Tibias."Can i tust you to watch over our people?"
Both nodded, still in shock.
KAGG motioned to Sokrakiis."We have to warn Arces about Krellos."
He nodded. They ran towards the temple.

Acres faced Krellos."Ahh, Arces. your late."
"I thought so."Arces didn't seem surprized.
"To late Arces. Drakath's palnns are almost finished. I win."Krellos smiled.
Arces gripped his ax."You betrayed your people Krellos. You had friends, you had a sister and brother. And you betrayed them all. You will pay."
Krellos laughed."Not so fast Arces. answer me a question first. Is Chaos realy so bad?"
"Of course. Chaos is an evil that will destroy the world if not destroyed."
"Are you sure? Isn't order just as bad?"
Arces pulled his ax off his back.
Krellos waved his hand, and a blast of Chaos hit Arces' ax, stopping it mid strike.
Arces lowered his ax. He knew that form of attack was now useless. He thought about his situation.
Two people walked up to Arces. One was Sokrakiis, the other KAGG. Arces looked them both in the eyes. They nodded at him.
Sokrakiis summoned a giant ball of flames. KAGG's spear began to glow.
KAGG threw his spear into the air. Sokrakiis covered the spear in flames. Arces jumped up, grsbbed the spear, and threw it. it was spinning, flames dancing around it.
The horc and troll ran away from the spear. Krellos just gave a big smile, and vanished at the last second with the serpentress.
Arces let out a chaotic howl of anger, sending a turret of flames into the air.

Arces meet up with KAGG and Sokrakiis back at the vally seperating the ravine. Druuz and Rawg were waiting for him.
Arces meet with the four of them. They shared their information.
Druuz looked at Arces."What now?"
"What you think?"Rawg seemed impatient.
"We attack him."Arces had an unshaking voice."Where is he?"
KAGG grunted."He would most likely be going to the most mystic place in the ravine."
"That would eather mean the Spire, which we destroyed, or the Ore Caverns."Sokrakiis seemed scared.
Arces looked at KAGG. KAGG and everyone else nodded.
They would attack Krellos at the Ore Caverns, and destroy the Chaos Beast.
"It is settled."Arces spoke with curage in his voice."We march at sunrise. Horcs and trolls together to fight Krellos."
The four nodded in agreement.
Krellos now faught the combined might of two races and Arces. He was going to pay.

The next morning, Tibias and Cynari were prepairing to leave.
Cynari was speaking."We leave for Sowrdhaven. We will arrive within 3 days."
"We will arrive with in a week."Tibias was talking to his army."We will not be stopping. I have informed the Empress of what Arces is doing. We leave at once."
A muffled voice sounded through the ranks. Then another.
Tibias and Cynari looked around in confusion.
Xing and Xang appeared. Tibas and Cynari saw their men being consumed by their Chaos.
Tibas and Cynari attacked.
The Twins grabbed Tibias' ax and Cynari's sword, causing both the explode. Tibias and Cynari fell to the ground.
Xing and Xang said in unison."Now, it is time for the Gruaige Baas to have it's first proper meal."Both laughed while the men carried the comanders away.
Things were about to get interesting.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/17/2011 1:00:36 >
DF AQW  Post #: 74
12/17/2011 17:44:19   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 74
Gruaige Baas

Arces, Sokrakiis, KAGG, Druuz and Rwag faced the giant opening to the caverns, simplied called the Ore Caverns.
Waiting in front ofthe caverns were the forces that once belonged to Cynari and Tibias. They had their weapons held high.
Word had reached Arces and the rest of what had happened to the comanders and their forces.
Arces looked at KAGG."Is everything ready?"
KAGG nodded."Yes Arces."
Arces raised his hand. With it, Rawg and Druuz put their swords into the air, KAGG brandished his new spear, and Sokrakiis made an orb of blue flames.
Arces lowered his hand. An army of trolls and horc jumped from their hidding spots, landing on the charupted forces. Troll spellweavers attacked from the cliffs above.
Druuz and Rawg charged. They held no mercy.
Arces looked at his other two companions."Lead the forces. I will be back with Tibias and Cynari. The Gruaige Baas will fall. For Bloodtusk."
The two nodded and replyed,"For Bloodtusk!"
"For Bloodtusk,"came a female voice from behind KAGG and Sokrakiis.
She Who Answers walked foward in her battle armor."I knew I would find you here."
KAGG and Sokrakiis looked at her. She Who Answers' striped skin had them amazed.
"She Who Answers, why are you here?"Arces looked at her with a curious stare.
She toke a deep breath."Krellos has charupted my home. He has caused Bloodtusk much harm. I must avenge my land."She put a hand on a large two handed sword straped to her back.
Arces nodded."You may join me, but i will not be able to aid you if danger arises."
She nodded in agreement. the two ran into the battle.

Blades flashed as Arces and She Who answers ran into the fray.
Arces' ax cut through armor like it was melted butter. She Who Answers didn't try to cut through anything, but aimed to hit them with the blunt end of her blade.
After a while, they managed to get past the soldiers, who focused on the horcs and trolls, and into themined out caverns.
Mushroom people walked up to them and gave them unsettleing glares. They let them pass, but didn't stop staring at them.
Arces ignored them, and focused on the battle ahead. Krellos had to pay.

After a while of walking, the mushroom people stopped following them, and just kept watching with worried looks.
Arces didn't notice, but She Who Answers did. They kept going.
Arces saw light up ahead. He gripped his ax even harder. She Who Answers also gripped her weapon harder.
Arces began to see a bulky figure waiting up ahead. A serpentress was kneeling in front of the figure.
When the made it to small cavern, the figure turned. It was Krellos.
His body was a mix of horc and troll covered in an armor only a Chaos Lord would wear. All eyes on it looked at Arces.
Arces pointed his ax at Krellos."Its time to pay Krellos."
Krellos let out a large booming laugh that shock the small cavern."You think to beat me?"his voice had become very deep, even deeper than KAGG's."I am hte strongest Chaos Lord yet!"He let out another laugh.
Arces charged him, ax low to the ground.
Krellos raised his hand, a wall of air formed in front of him. Sending Arces back a couple feet.
Krellos smiled and said,"To late Arces."
The serpentress screamed. Her skin turned a misnight blue, her became that of the night sky. Her skin began to rot in certain areas, including all of her stomache and gut. Her eyes turned into orbs of light. The serpentress had become adistorted form of herself. She was now the Gruaige Baas.
Krellos laughed again."Checkmate Arces!"
Arces sent a turret of flames at the Gruaige Baas.
Krellos jumped over the Chaos Beast, landing on a small throne made from stone. he watched Arces.
The Chaos Beast looked at Arces with it's unblinking eyes. Arces looked into her eyes. Before he knew it, he had become incased in stone. Arces strugled, but to no evale.
The Gruaige Baas hit him with her tail, sending him flying back, breaking the stone around him.
Arces tried to get back up, only to fall back in pain. He put his hand to where the pain was. He had at least three broken ribs, and two that would break with another hit. He used his magics to heal his ribs.
He knew not to look in to her eyes again. The Gruaige Baas knew she wasn't going to win with her eyes again, so she slither toward him.
Arces dodged, and sent another turret of flames at her.
She let out a cri of pain, which sounded like three serpentresses at once. She fell onto her back.
Arces jumped and lodged his ax into her chest.
The Gruaige Baas let out another howl of pain.
She Who Answers, who had been watching, sent her sword through the monster's heart.
It howled again, but began to turn to stone. This howl was like 10 in severe pain. It turned to coplete stone, the eyes lost there glow,and had no more effect.
Arces grabbed his ax. The stone form of the Gruaige Baas then turned to a pile of dust and blow away.
Krellos smiled and stood."Impressive. Looks like you were only in check. No matter, you will still-"
"Brother, don't!"came the yell of Krellos' sister, Khasaanda.
Krellos looked to the enterance, as did She Who Answers and Arces.
The prophetess had no weapon, but appeared beaten and broken."Brother, you can still repent for what you have done, but, this is your last chance."She had fear and concern in her voice.
Krellos laughed again."Repent for what? Repent for my actions? I have done nothing wrong. I shall not repent."
Khasaanda frowned and covered her face."Then you leace me no choise brother.... No, Krellos. I shall have to end you."
He laughed again."No one but Drakath can end me. And I am his loyal servent."He continued laughing.
She had an angered look."There is a way for me to kill you Krellos. I can take your powers."
His laughing dropped a bit."You still think you can win?"
She had a very stern face."I had a feeling you had changed, but i hoped I was wrong. I was not. We are twins Krellos. We have a certain bond that conects us. You ignor it, so you can't use it. I accept it, so I can use it."
His smile of joy vanished."Imposible. That bond vanished long ago."He was in fear.
"Only if we both ignored it. You were praised. I was pityed. that bond was all I had beside my brothers. But I lost our brother when he chose his path, and I lost you long before that. The bond was all I had left. And now i must give it up."
She started to glow, as did Krellos. Krellos' armor and bulk began to vanishe, while Khasaanda began to form the chaotic armor, but not that much bulk.
After it was done, Krellos' was a troll again, while Khasaanda wore the chaotic armor Krellos had, with slight differences.
Arces looked in disbelife."What-?"
"I have taken all my brother's powers. I am now the Chaos Lord!"
Krellos got up and said,"No. No! This wasn't how it was suppose to end up. This is all wrong."
Khasaanda had a tear go down her face."Good bye Krellos."
"Sister n-"he never finished his objection. A spear blade made of stone came out of the ground and pierced his heart. He was barly breathing.
Khasaanda let out a howl of pain. A small trickle of blood cam from her mouth.
Krellos said,"Sister....I...have failed....both....you.....and...my master. I am sorry."He closed his eyes, and never opened them again.
Khasaanda roared again."You will pay for taking my family Drakath!"
She opened her hand, and a small ball went to a certain spot in the cavern. It erupted, forming a portal. Stone covered the edges, forming intricit paterns.
The Chaos lord walked through the portal saying,"Follow if you want. I will not stop you. But Drakath is mine."She vanished.
She Who Answers walked up to him."We must stop her. She will not survive when Drakath wins. Focus on stopping her. She must be stopped before she does something even more reckless then ever."
Arces nodded.
But, before they could walk through, KAGG and Sokrakiis came running up. They saw Krellos impaled, and paused.
KAGG looked at Arces."How-?"
"It was Khasaanda. She toke the power Krellos had. She has become the Chaos Lord."
She Who Answers nodded in approval.
Sokrakiis fell to his knees."I never thought she would have been in that much pain. She will never be able to go back to her life before this day. No matter what she does, she will need a friend in the end. She is inso much pain."
"I will aid her if I can."Arces looked at Sokrakiis with a helpless glare."I can not say that she will survive, or even accept my aid. It all depends. But, it might be better if she dies. Her pain will hurt her even after Drakath is gone. She might take her own life in the end. but, i will try to help her, If I can."
Sokrakiis nodded, not complaining.
KAGG walked up."You will need the aid of more than just She Who Answers to win."He handed Arces his spear."Take it, and win. We will worry about a funeral for Krellos, even after what he has done."
Arces nodded to both of them. He used a spell on the spear, turning it into a sword.
He also handed his ax to KAGG."I will betrusting you with that ax until I return."
KAGG nodded.
Arces nodded to She Who Answers. They walked through the portal, entering the new world.
Arces would end up have to face Khasaanda, and win no matter what. It was for the best.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/17/2011 21:01:08 >
DF AQW  Post #: 75
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