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RE: (AQW) Arces

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12/18/2011 11:30:25   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 75
Khasaanda's Anger

The world they now stood in was much like one Arces would see in a dream.
She Who Answers looked around."She has made a new world to bait Drakath with. We can not allow her to fight Drakath."
Arces nodded."What do you-"Before he finished, le looked over his shoulder to see him and Gravlyn sitting together under a tree, watching the sky."How-?"
"Khasaanda must have made this world with certain powers. My guess is it shows eather your greatest desire or your greatest fears."
Arces nodded."Let us hurry."
They followed the middle path.

After a few minutes Arces was face to face with smaal dark wyrnes and dark phoenixs.
After another few minutes, he and She Who Answers finished them off and continued on the quest.

Soon, Arces saw a circle of torches. All the torches had blue flames. She was using magic to summon Drakath.
Arces tried to grab one of the torces. His hand didn't go with in two feet of the torch. An invisible wall protected it.
"No use,"Arces said with anger in his voice."She has used her magic to protect the torches. We can't stop the spell, but we can stop her."
She Who Answers nodded."She was always clever, but I never thought she would have thought of this."
"You should have thought more of me,"came the voice of Khasaanda.
Arces turned. She wasstanding there with a frown on her face. Arces pointed his sword at her.
She snorted."To late Arces. Drakath is mine. His life must end."
"That I agree with, but your doing it for the wrong reasons."
She had a puzzled look on her face."Would you kill Drakath if he killed your father?"
He clenched his fist."I would want revenge, but I would have pure intentions, not just hatred and revenge, those are chaotic emotions."
"Stay out of it Arces. We need Chaos to defeat Drakath."Khasaanda seemed on the edge of loseing it.
Arces kept his gaze on Khasaanda. She could have beaten Arces, if she had Krellos' full power.
Arces kept staring for around two more minutes before Drakath arrived.
"Ahh. Helow Arces. And it is good to see my new Chaos Lord."Drakath kept his face hidden.
Khasaanda looked up at Drakath."You. Time for you to die!"She jumped at him.
Drakath held up his hand, and Khasaanda fell to the ground.
He laughed."You think you can beat me Khasaanda? How foolish."
Drakath looked at Arces."Shame you couldn't accept my offer. You would make a great Chaos Lord."
Arces gripped his sword."You will never have the pleasure Drakath!"
He laughed."Shame. But, in the end, it is your choise. Even Chaos knows when it is time to give up on something."
He pointed at Khasaanda."You may not have become a Chaos Lord as I would have hoped, but a Chaos Lord you are. Do one thing for me."He smiled even bigger.
Khasaanda glowed a chaotic purple. She yelled in anger.
When she stopped glowing, she glared at Arces with an angry gleam in her eyes."You will pay for bringing Chaos to my home and family Arces!"
She lunged at him.

The next few minutes went by so fast, Arces didn't notice the time that went by.
Arces was blocking and dodging Khasaanda's attack. She was fast enought to have killed any normal person. Luckly, he wasn't a normal person.
He rarely attacked her, because her attacks forced him into permanent defence.
Khasaanda attacked with such firocity that she was using all her powers with out noticing.
Arces just had to wear her out. So long as he stayed out of her reach, he was safe. But if he didn't....He didn't want to think of that outcome.
"Die!!!"she shouted.
Arces jumped back, and then charged Khasaanda. She managed to throw him back, but he had managed to break one of her arms in the process.
Khasaanda yelled in pain and chrged Arces. Just as he thought.
She Who Answers jumped at Khasaanda, sword high, and attacked the Chaos Lord. Her hit managed to slice off the horn on her forehead. Khasaanda yelled again.
Arces let out a turret of flames at Khasaanda when She Who Answers was safly away.
Khasaanda let out a wail of terror. She wasn't physicaly hurt, but her pain was deep.
Arces ended his flames. Khasaanda was on the ground, catching her breath.
She said,"You-you win Arces. End me so that I can be with my brothers."
Arces put his sword in the ground."I can not do that Khasaanda."
"Why not?"She seemed in more pain.
"You have proven yourself in combat, and Drakath is still out there. Help us defeat him, and you can repent for killing your brother."
"I don't need to repent."She clenched her fists."I need to be with my brothers."
The prince looked at her with pity."We need your aid Khasaanda. I have made it so my flames hide your life force. If we are lucky, Drakath thinks you are dead. You can still have vengence. You can avenge Krellos and your other brother. It is the only way."
Khasaanda unclenched her fists."I see. I will aid you from the shadows Arces.you must not tell anyone I still live, for they would hate you. Same goes for you She Who Answers."
Both nodded.
"Thank you, both of you."Khasaanda looked at them with a sorrowful look."I must not be the one to fight Drakath. It will be you alone Arces."
Arces nodded. She nodded back.
Khasaanda vanished the usual Chaos Lord way, but the mist had small amounts of lightning in it. That seemed even odder than ever.
She who Answers looked at Arces with acurious look."What-?"
"It seems Drakath searches for powerful Chaos Lords. Each more powerful than the last."
She nodded.
The two went back to the portal, and returned to Bloodtusk.
KAGG greeted Arces when he passed through."Greetings Arces."
Arces nodded.
"What is it?"KAGG seemed to be lost."Did you defeat Khasaanda?"
Arces nodded.
"Then what?"
"We can not tell you KAGG, or any other until the right time."
KAGG unwillingly nodded.
Arces went with the trolls and horcs back to their homes.
That night, they had a huge celebration. Trolls and horcs celebrated their new friendship.
Arces was in the middle of a drinking contest with Druuz and Rawg.
The two of them could hold their own, that was for sure.
In the end, Arces won the contest, when both Rawg and Druuz fell over drunk from all the brew they drank.
Arces had one more horc beer before he was to drunk to handle.

The following day, Druuz and Rawg were elected to go with Arces back to Swordhaven.
Arces cured their hangovers, and they left.
They decided to go on foot. Arces' dracolich could only handle oneat a time.

In three days, they arrived at Swordhaven.
Outside the forces of both good and evil were camped.
Arces walked past the cams and found Cynari.
"Captain Cynari, what is going on?"The captain looked behind him and saw Arces.
"Ahh, my young lord. King Alteon has receved information that Twin Canyon is under attack by Chaos."
Arces looked at him."The two canyons that formed together?"
Cynari nodded.
Druuz and Rawg grunted."You need to talk to King alteon first Arces,"Druuz said.
Arces nodded.
The three of them went to meet King Alteon.

Arces told his father what had transpired in Bloodtusk.
King alteon sat surprized."That is....That is good to know Arces."He let out a rough cough.
"You okay?"Rawg asked.
King Alteon looked at Rawg."No, but you musen't worry about me at the moment."
Rawg nodded with alot of forced effort.
King alteon looked at Arces."I'm sure Cynari has told you what has happened."
Arces nodded.
"Good. you must lead the forces Arces."
Arces nodded.
He knew who awaited him.
The Twins are finaly attacking.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/19/2011 18:29:07 >
DF AQW  Post #: 76
12/20/2011 22:05:47   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 76
Twin Canyon

Arces and the forces of Good and Evil set out the following morning.
arces shaved off his beard and trimed his hair before he left. He left his sword to be repaired, and grabbed a new sword. He also wore an armor that was mixed with both Shadowscythe and knight armor. He looked as intimidating as he did noble.
The forces traveled for over five days before they reached their destination.
Twin Canyon, two canyons that form right through each other, forming a X shape. A mountain lied in the center of the canyon with a two headed dragon like formation in the stone.
Arces called Cynari and the Shadowscythe general, Dage, to him.
Gravlyn had Tibias come back to her, and sent Dage to comand the Shadowscythe.
Arces began to speak."We must protect that formation."
Dage looked at him through his helm."Why?"
"The chaos Lords have all been focused on releasing Chaos Beasts. That formation resembles a dragon. Something tells me it is the key to freeing the Chaos Beast."
Dage thought for a few more seconds, then nodded.
Cynari looked at Arces."I can staion half of my forces there. They will protect it with their lives."
"And I can put one hundred undead and twenty Champions there. V can look over them,"Dage stated.
"V?"Arces asked.
Dage nodded."V is my head general. V can manage to handle them with out any problems."Dage laughed.
Arces nodded."Base camp will be here. You two are to lead from here. I will go down to the village and ask what charuption has come."
Both nodded, knowing they couldn't talk him out of it.

Arces arrived at the village known as Canyon Edge, named because it was located right on the edge of the canyon. It was the last town before entering the canyon.
Arces saw the path leading down to the canyon floor.
He went to the local tavern, and began to look around for anyone who would know anything.
After an hour, he left, not getting any good information.
He continued to ask around.
Arces almost gave up until two young girls came up."Hellow there sir."
One girl with a smile on her face had light brown hair, tied back in a ponytail, dark green eyes, and wore a beautiful white slevless dress. The other had had light brown hair, but it wasn't held back, the same green eyes, and wore a sleveless black dress. This girl had no smile on her face.
"Yes?"Arces asked.
The girl in the white dress said,"My name is Karin, and this is my sister Rebecka."Rebecka gave him a little nod.
"Is there anything you wish to tell me?"Arces looked at them.
Rebecka nodded."We heard you asking about the Twins,"she said with distaste."We may be able to help you. We were the only ones to see them, but no one belives us."
Arces nodded."Then tell me."
The two began to talk in unison."Two strange characters came into our little town. They kept asking about the formation in the center of the canyon. So, we told them. Long ago, when Desolath still roamed the land, a two headed dragon stood to challenge him. This dragon had powers unlike any other. Only now do we know it was Chaos. They seemed pleased when we told them of the legend, and floated off, saying,'You may prove more aid to us. Thank you.' And they laughed."
Arces toke all this in."I see. I thank you for this information."
"Do you hate us?"they asked.
He looked at them."I belive you and I do not hate you. You didn't know who they were. You are not to blame."
The two of them smiled and said,"Thank you."
Arces walked off, then said,"I will have youtwo watched over. The Twins have something planned with you. I will not let you be taken by them."
Both looked shocked, and said,"Thank you my leige."
He looked back at them and said,"How do you know I am a Prince?"
They smiled."Everyone knows who you are, Prince Arces."
Arces nodded. They walked off.

Arces told Dage and Cynari what he had learned, and how they were suppose to protect the two girls. Both toke it all in and nodded.
Dage looked at the two girls."I will make sure they are guarded. Two of my Champians will looked over them."
Cynari looked at Dage."Why so few?"
Dage let out a laugh, which sounded like an avalanch."My Champian are some of my strongest soldiers, next to the Overlords and V. They can protect her well."
Cynari nodded."Ten of my eliet guard will join your Chapians."
Dage waved his hand."If you wish."
Arces nodded."Very well. It sounds good. I will be setting out into the canyon in the morning."
Dage looked at him."Will you need any aid?"
Arces looked at him."I will, but we have no men to spare."
Dage pointed a finger at him."Never say that. I'll send V down with you."
Cynari looked at him with wide eyes."Why V? Didn't you say he is your best general?"
He nodded."V is the best, next to me, in the Undead Legion. V will serve you well Arces."
Arces nodded.
Rebecka looked at Arces."Why dose a prince like you fight?"
He looked at her."I wasn't raised a prince. I was raised to fight dragons, and I use those tecniques to fight Chaos, and stand against Drakath for my home."
Karin looked at him wide eyed."But you half dragon!"
He pointed a finger at her."We didn't always know that."
She nodded.
Arces contiued to disguss further with Cynari and Dage. The two told him what was to be done about the forces, food rations, attacks on the Twins, and who else should acumpany Arces.
In the end, one of Cynari's knights, Sir Grim Pike, would join him.

The next morning Arces meet up with Grim Pike. he was a burly man, wearing a chest plate that fit his chest perfectly, no armor on his arms, showing his muscles, complete Pactagonal Knight armor from the waist down, metal gloves on his hands, two swords and a shiled were straped to his back, he had a white fur trim on his gloves, and he had a one handed ax on his waist. His skin was well tanned. He had golden yellow eyes, a brown mowhawk,like the ones in bloodtusk, and many scars on his arms and face.
V showed nothing under his armor. He wore armor that was unusal umoung any of the Undead Legion. His armor was near pitch black. His legs were desined a lot like those of the Overlords, only with skulls on the kneecaps and it didn't shine, blue orbs were in each eye and mouth of the skull. His chest had a dragon skull design, with blue eyes. His arms had skulls on the wrists and were emensly bulky, like the rest of his armor. He had small shoulder guards like the Undead Lengend's, only they had a dragon skull desing on it instead. He had a blade called The Gulitius on his back. His helm was the most defining detail in his armor. It was dome shaped, with two slits he could see out of, which had a blue glow to them, which made it imposible to tell his eye color.
Both stood before Arces.
V looked at him."Are we going?"His voise was very deep and enchanted so that it sounded a lot like Dage's, only deeper.
Arces nodded.
"About time. I was getting tired of just standing here."Sir Grim looked ready for a fight.
Arces looked at both of them."We a heading into the canyon. Be prepaired for what evers in there."
Both generals nodded, and followed Arces.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/22/2011 16:53:04 >
DF AQW  Post #: 77
12/24/2011 3:28:38   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 77
A Friend's Secret

Arces, V and Sir Grim were traveling through the canyon.
It was very tropical, and had only two rivers, meeting at the mountain. The canyon was tough to treck through.
Arces surveyed the area, there were no threats in the area, for the time being.
They decided to set up camp to eat.
Arces started the fire, while Sir Grim and V got the food from the bags Grim and Arces brought with them.
When the food was ready, Arces began to eat his food as fast as possible, Grim ate his food while surveying his area with growing worry, and V ate lifted the blue visage that acked as his way to see, just enough that he could eat, but not enough to see many destails, minus his skin color. It was as pale as Arces'.
Arces looked at V when he fisnished eating."Why do you wear that helmet V?"
V put his visage down again."That is on a need to know basis."
Grim Pike looked at V with a challenging gaze."Why do you not let us know?"
He returned Grim's gaze, probibly."Dage taught me to not trust those who don't earn it. Why should I trust you?"
The Pactagonal Knight had a more entence stare."In these times, we need all the trust and allys we can get. I won't trust you until you tust us."
He nodded."Fair enough."
The two stepped back, and continued to give eatch other evil looks.

After they ate, and went through twelve arguments about trust, they packed up and left.
With in the two hours since they left, they arrived at a small clearing in the dense forests.
Arces looked, and saw two people waiting in the center, looking at the dragon in the mountain.
One of the two, had two angel wings on her shoulder guards, and white skin. The other had deamon wings on her shoulder guards, and red skin. Arces knew who they were.
Arces stopped the two other generals. They watched the two Chaos Lords, gripping their weapons, ready to fight.
Xing laughed."Good my sister, the Gemini Dragon will soon be free."
Xang luaghed in return."Master Drakath will be so happy. It is about time. Once those two reach ud, we will ready the sacrifice."
Xing nodded."They will work as aperfect sacrifice, and be the perfect spread of Chaos."
Both Twins laughed, and began to glow purple, with clouds forming around them, storms raging in each cloud.
When they vanished, a whisper went into their ears."All acording to plan."
V was shocked, his weapon laying on the ground. Grim Pike had the sword from his side, and his shield out. And Arces had half removed his sword from it's sheath.
The eventaly put their weapons back, and looked each other in the eyes. The Twins were getting ready to free the so called Gemini Dragon.
"We need to hurry,"V said."The Twins are tricky and tend to make snakes trustworthy."
The others nodded.
Before they left, the conversation went through Arces' head again."Wait."
Both looked at him.
"What did they mean by sacrifice?"Arces asked.
Grim's eyes widened. V stood motionless.
"I think I have an answer."Arces' eyes widened as well."Rebecka and Karin. They are the only ones who seem appropriate to what they said."
"What now?"V asked.
"I'll send a message to Cynari and Dage, they will be able to protect them with better secruity."Arces clsed his eyes, and began to glow slightly blue.

Arces' magical form faced four surprized faces, two of witch had wide open mouths.
Dage, not wearing his helm, faced him. His face was pale. He had short brown hair, and white eyeswith no puples. He wasn't as intimidating as with his helm, but intimidating still.
"What is it Arces?"His echoing voise was gone, replaced with a noble and handsome voise that sounded like it belonged to one of royal birth.
Arces' voise sounded like three of him speaking in a mild tone."Protect Rebecka and Karin. The Twins, Xing and Xang, plan to sacrifice them to summon the Chaos Beast."
Cynari's eyes widened."I see. We will raise the defences on them imediatly."
Arces nodded, and vanished.

Arces opened his eyes, and his glow vanished.
V and Grim looked at him, and knew the job had been finished.
The three of them continued on their way.

That following night, a giant bear came out of the trees.
Arces managed to burn of the main layer of fur from the bear and sliced off one of it's paws.
When Arces cut off the bear's paw, one of it's claws skimmed across the surface of V's helm. They ignored it.
Grim landed the killing blow, sending on of the blades from it's backthrough it;s heart.
It fell to the ground.
Then, V's helm let out a loud crack.
Arces and Grim looked back to see V's helm fall to the ground in two pieces.
They looked at V's face. The face was nothing like Arces or Grim expected.
V had long blonde hair, green eyes, skin like Arces', and a shine on V's lips.
Arces was blushing."Your a-Your a girl?"
V was blushing as well."Yes."
Her voise was shy and rather noble.
How could V have hid such a secret?
DF AQW  Post #: 78
12/24/2011 3:57:17   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 78
V's Story

V, Arces and Grim sat around the fire.
V's helm was gone, and revelaed her face.
Arces looked her in the eyes."Tell us your story."
V nodded, and began to talk."My story begins long ago, in my homeland..."

Victoria looked up. Her brother looked at her."What are doing sister?"
Vistoria, now known as V, looked at her bother."I'm watching the stars Drakath."
Drakath laughed."You know the stars well enough Victoria."
"I still love them though."
The prince snorted,"Very well. Father expects you at dinner. He wishes to annoynce your engagement to the royal familys. And we are expecting a special guest."
She nodded.
Drakath walked off.
Victoria looked up, once Drakath was out of earshot."Why must I marry him? I don't love him."
She walked down to the feasting halls.

King Slugwrath raised his glass."To my daughter, Princess Victoria, and her engagement to Earl Victor of Trens."
The royal familys cheered.
The night was filled with laughter, feasting, drinking, and merry fun.
Princess Victoria, wearing a blue ball room dress, was dancing with a young gentleman, her same age. He had short cut black hair, storm-grey eyes, tanned skin, and a scar on right eye, making the pupil a[[ear non-existent. He wore an eligan blue tunic and black cotton pants. He wore glasses.
Earl Victor of Trens danced with his bride.
After they finished dancing, Victoria snuck away.

Victoria was outside. A man walked up to her.
He wore a black formal suit. His hair was short and brown. His skin was pale, and his eyes white with no pupils.
She looked a him and blushed."Good day sir."
"Good day young lady."
The man looked around. Two men in blucky black armor were following.
"I can never shake these guys."
"What?"she asked.
"Come on."He grabbed her arm and started to run from the two men.

They lost the guards. Victoria was panting, while the man in the suit was perfectly fine.
"Who are you?"she asked.
"First, tell me your name."
"Princess- Princess Victoria. You?"
"Dage. Dage the Evil."
She toke a step back. She knew that name. He lead the fabled Undead Legion. He started it, near 25,000 years ago.
"But, you don't look evil. Why did you come?"
"I came to speak with Slugwrath. But, I will worry about it later."Dage looked at her.
"What?"she was blushing.
"Do you wish to leave this land?"He seemed serious.
She was shocked, but nodded.
"Understandable. But, you must stay."
He let go of her hand and walked off.
When he was gone, she put her hand to her heart. Was she in love?

The next day, she snuck out of the castle, and snuck to the forges outside of the city.
There, she talked to the blacksmith and mage, and sked them to forge her anarmor, bulky enough to be fool people to think shewas a man.
They agreed. It would take two months to complete.
Good, she was to be married in four months. She could leave before that day.

Over the next two months, her marrage was to be swiched to three months from that day, war broke out in the land, the forces lead by Sir Alteon, Drakath started acting wierd, and her father, King Slugwrath, became completly paranoid.
Her armor was completed at the right moment. She got it, and put it on.
It resembled a knight's armor. Wearing it, she looked male, and enchantments made her sound male as well. It was silver colored, had awhite fur trim around the shoulders, gloves, and boots, bulky chest and all, dome shaped helm, with a gated visage and blue plume.
She grabbed an ax from the weapons on the walls. It was made of iron and had a red leather grip.
She paid the two of them, and left.
Those two would never tell anyone of what they had done.

Victoria meet with King Slugwrath. He looked appon this knight."Why have you come knight?"
Her voise very deep, she said,"I have come to fight for you my leige."
The king looked at the knight."Can I trust you? And can you fight?"
She nodde and said,"You can trust me, and I can fight."
"Prove it."
One of the king's guards came running at her. She meet his spear with her ax, and scliced off his arm. The guard grabbed his spear, and aimed at her visage. She grabbed his arm and brock it.
The king clapped his hands."Well done. May I ask your name?"
She looked up."My name is V."
He walked down."Welcome Sir V."
V faced the guards. She could now fight for her father.

The following day, V was sent out to war.
She helped her father's forces against the resistance.
After the fighting done in that area, she was sent to one of the villages around there.
There, she saw why they were rebeling. These villages were poor. The few peopel that were there were barly clothed and skinny with hunger.
V was horrified by this.
She ran from the sight, and joined the resistance.

After two weeks of avoiding her father's forces, she arrived at the resistance's base of opperations, a small camp near the area now known as Battleon.
She went into Alteon's tent.
The noble knight sat on a stool. He looked up. He had a neatly trimmed beard, blue eyes like saphire, brown hair, short and neat, and wore armor of Slugwrath's knights, with slight alterations. The armor was silver, like her's, but with a gold trim, a blue cloak with white fur trim, and eagle designed shoulder guards.
She faced him and said,"Are you Sir Alteon?"
He nodded."I was Sir Alteon, now I am Alteon, commander of the resistance. What do you want?"
"I am V. I have come to join with you Alteon."
He looked at her."You look ready for battle. Your armor looks like those of Slugwrath's knights and warriors. Did you fight for him?"
She nodded."I did, until I saw what he did to his own people."
Alteon saw her shaking with hatred and nodded."You may prove useful V. You are welcome to join us."
She nodded.
After that day, she became well known amoung the resistance.
She went from being a princess to being one of the most important figures of the resistance. Dage toke an interest in this unique warrior.
He would soon give his offer, at the end of this rebelion.

Only two months later, Alteon and his forces were at Slugwrath's fortress of Bladehaven.
V lead the forcess with him.
Still, nobody knew V's true face, but the image of her in her armor.
When the resistance claimed Bladehaven, Slugwrath was killed, and Drakath ran away, they began to settle what was left.
When King Slugwrath was dead, word spread fast. Peopel layed down their arms, and admited defeat.
Alteon was crowned king, for the people. Everyone cheered, even V.
King Alteon held a feast to celebrate their new lifes.
V was there in her armor.
Girls were giggling, thinking about what the warrior was like underneath.
A man walked up to V. He had short brown hair and white eyes with out pupils. She remembered him.
"Hellow V,"Dage said.
"I know you. You are Dage, correct?"
He looked at her."Have we meet?"
"Once."She looked at him, her eyes hidden.
"I see. I have come to give you an offer to join my forces as one of my generals"
She nodded."Why me Dage?"
He laughed."Easy. You were one of the main figures in the rise of King Alteon. You were knighted by him. Your even a very powerful warrior. Being my general would make you the second in command of the entire Undead Legion."
V let out a little laugh."I see. I suppose you won't give up easily will you?"
"Nope, I never give in."
V nodded."I'll join."
Dage smiled."Good, then we leave-"
"On one condition."
"What condition?"Dage asked.
"Allow me to have one last night here, and I not become undead. Is that fair?"
Dage nodded."Yes. I can make so that you will be frozen in time, a lot like myself, and not become undead. And feel free to have one last night to yourself."
She smiled."Thank you Dage."
Dage nodded."Meet me outside Bladehaven in the morning. We leave then."
She nodded.
Dage walked away.

Later that night, V vanished, and changed out of her armor.
She put on a white ball room dress, long white gloves, and all that. She put her hair back with a hairband, put on a little makeup, and prepaired to join the party.

When she entered, people came up to ask her to dance. She turned them all down, and roamed around.
The guys looked at her, dumbstruck, while the girls envyed at how she looked.
A guy from her past walked up."Victoria?"
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"she asked, pretending not to know him.
"Its me, Victor. We were to be married."He seemed to be a little scared.
"Again, i'm sorry, but I don't know you. my name is Victoria, that is true, but I don't know you, let alone am I engaged to you."
A tear formed in his eye."What trick is this? You have to remember."
She looked him in the eye, pretending to be scared."Please let me go. Please."
He began to cry harder."No. No. You have to be my bride. You have to."
"Enough Victor,"came the voise of a man behind Victor. Sir Sepulchure looked at Victor."Don't scare our guest. Your bride is dead. Please give it up."
He let go of V, and stepped back."Forgive me."
She shock and said,"You are forgiven sir."
He bowed and walked away. People began to continue to celebrate.
V looked at Sir sepulchure and said,"How can I thank you sir?"
He laughed."You can tell me who your family is."
She smiled."I belive you know my brother, V."
Sepulchure looked wide eyed at V."I never knew V had family. Are there others?"
She shock her head."I don't know."
Sepulchure nodded."I see. How long are you here?"
"Only for today. Tommarow, I have to go."
"I see."He smiled."Then enjoy your night her Victoria."
For that night V enjoyed being a girl again. She danced and had fun.
King Alteon thought he knew someone like that, but never brought it up.

The next day, V got in her armor and left Bladehaven, now named Swordhaven.
She meet with Dage, and they left.
The man known as Victor would become so lost, he would join Sepulchure, and become the Shadowscythe General Tibias. He would lose his memories, and become unmerciful.
V was given The Guiltius and her armor was turned into what it is now. She never toke off her helm, not even for Dage. noone knew her secret, untill now.

Grim and Arces looked at her with disbelife.
"Now you know my little secret."She had a sad look on her face."Think what you will, but I did what I had to."
Arces stood up."Indeed. But, you will one day have to give up this maskerade. i'll leave it to you when you show yourself to Dage. But you must one day."
Grim looked at her."You are indeed odd V."
She looked at both of them."You don't hate me for being Drakath's sister?"
Arces laughed."No, we don't. Your not to blame, only Drakath is."
Grim nodded.
She smiled."Thank you. You are the first one to trust in me so well in so long."
"We are your friends, or at least I am."
V smiled."That is good to know."
Arces and Grim got ready to sleep, while V tried depretly to repair her helm, but to no evail.

The next day, they set out. V wasn't wearing her helm.
Arces knew where to go. There were no detours this time.
All the twins needed were Karin and Rebecka, and they would be able to free the Gemini Dragon.
They had to goto the mountain, and prepair for the biggestwar yet.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/24/2011 21:19:58 >
DF AQW  Post #: 79
12/25/2011 11:43:31   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 79
The Final Preperations

The Twins faced the camp. Both smiled. Their plans were al most ready.

The forces pighted The Twins, and were prepairing for battle.
Dage was telling them to get in formation and prepair for the greatest fight yet. Cynari was helping give the soldiers weapons and armor.
Once they were ready, The Twins' forces attacked.

Arces, V, and Grim Pike had finaly arrived at the dragon.
Arces looked at his companians."I'm surprized."
Grim looked at him."Why?"
"I expected The Twins to have forces guarding the dragon."
V looked up, her facehad a questioning look on it."Maybe they expected us to come, but put certain barriers around it."
Arces nodded."Possibly. They might have something-"He stopped.
V and Grim looked at him."What?"
"Rebecka and Karin,"he said, remembering the sacrifice.
Both sets of eyes widened. V hit her fist against the mountain."I should have remembered they would try to do this."
grim shoke his head."no, it isn't your fault V. None of us thought they would attack."
"Your right. We always thought they would sneak in and kidnap them when no one was looking. No one expected an attack from them."
Knowing this, they got ready to leave.
Arces stopped them."We can't leave. We won't be much help at the camp. We will be better here. Here we can do osmething."
Both seemed a bit uneasy, but he was right. They needed to keep the dragon safe, or they lose.

Cynari was facing a charupted bear, notnoticing The Twins sneaking into the tent where Dage was.
Xing laughed."These humans refuse the power of Chaos. Why not accept this power?"
"I don't know sister."Xang was enjoying herself."Humans are confusing creachers. They seem simple sometimes, but are not."
Her sister nodded."Indeed. Do you think these humans will ever see the true path?"
"Not on their own. Few, like Lionfang, see the benifits."
The two walked into the tent.
A blade almost hit Xang, but she dodged, still smiling.
Dage held his blade. His armor and helm were on. His blade had no destinct shape, because it was a moving shadow.
Xing frowned."Dage the Evil. Why do you fight us?"
"Easy answer Xing. I fight for the Shadowscythe. I served Sepulchure, now I serve Gravelyn."
She laughed."Sadly, you are none charuptible. You would make a perfect Chaos Lord."
He nodded."True, but I have an unbreakable will."
Xang laughed. She pointed her hand at Dage. A ball of purple flames appeared, and exploded in Dage's face.
The great leader of the Undead Legion was sent flying back, helm destroyed, and landed on his back, knocked out.
The twins, Rebecka and Karin were in the corner, cowering in fear.
Xang smiled, and grabbed Rebecka. Xang grabbed Karin. Both left the camp behind, vanishing in an explosion, big enough to destroy the tent.
The forces of Chaos followed The Twins, back twoards the Gemini Dragon.

Arces, V and Grim looked out across the landscape.
The armys of Chaos were coming.
Cynari had contacted them with the help of a wizard. He told the three of them what had happened.
V covered her face before Cynari could see her face.
When Cynari began to talk about Dage, v was shaking, but Cynari and Grim didn't notice.
Once he finished, the three faced the approching army. This was going to end badly, for both sides.
Arces managed to repair V's helm. She put it back on.
Arces also gave Cynari one comand,'Get the army her, soon!'
Grim looked at the dragon."Will the plan work?"
Arces nodded."We have to hope it does. Rebecka and Karin's lifes are on the line."
The others nodded
They faced the approching army.
Arces drew his sword. Sir Grim Pike drew one of the swords from his back and his shield. V toke out The Guiltius.
The army was only three minutes from the mountain.
They were ready for battle, but not for what awaited them.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/26/2011 1:15:00 >
DF AQW  Post #: 80
12/26/2011 2:21:16   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 80
The Gemini Dragon

Arces' blade flashed as he hacked and slashed at the chaotic bears and monsters that had not names. V swung The Guiltius with such destructive strength, the ground was taking abuse as well. Sir Grim Pike was the weakest of the three, but had such strength that he killed enough to challenge even a dragon.
The fighting continued so long, Arces' forces arrived at the appropriate time. They joined the fight.
The Twins stood at the top of the mountain looking down at the fighting.
Arces growled. He called V and Grim. The two ran up.
He told them his plan. They agreed.
Arces sprouted his wings, grabbed V and Grim by their arms, and jumped into the air.
They flew to the top of the mountain in only a few seconds.

Xing and Xang faced the three of them.
Arces held his blade so hard, he broke a couple blood vessels in his hand. He ignored it.
"So, the final pieces have come into place."Xing smiled."We have waited for so long. Drakath will be so happy when he fianly wins."
Xang laughed."Indeed. This is the biggest moment of our lives."
Arces let out a jet of flames. Xing moved her hand, and the flames went in a sharp curve to the left.
He let out a loud growl. The Twins, along with V and Grim, seemed scared by this feral side of Arces.
He let out another jet of flames. This time, they were so hot, they were pure white.
Xang moved her hand, but the flames were so intense they burned Xang's face, making it blister. She let out a howl of pain so loud, the armys looked up, only for a split second.
V charged Xang.
She couldn't force her away in time. V managed to put a gash in Xang's arm before she moved out of the way.
Arces charged the weakened twin. His blade flashed as it passed through Xang's heart.
Xang's eyes became pure black, and her skin becan to brighten. Her pulse was entirly gone.
Arces removed his blade, and jumped back. The others did as well.
Xang's remains exploded. Five feet around the body had become a small crater.
Xing began to laugh with glee, despite her sister being killed."I am free!"
The Chaos Lord began to glow slightly. Her glow wasn't as bad as bad as Xang's, but she was gaining more power.
Xing snapped her fingers. Rebecka and Karin appeared on the dragon's chest, chained and unconsious.
The two opened their eyes."No..."was their last words.
The two began to turn to stone.
Once they were completly stone, the Gemini Dragon began to stir.
The stone chiped off the dragon, and it began to move more, and more.
Once the stone was gone, the two headed dragon looked at the three enemys before it. It had an even line between it's two necks, going down to the tip of it's tail. On the left side of the dragon, the scales werewhite, the eyes were blue, there were no horns or spikes, and it had smoke coming from it's nostrils. The right side had black saces, red eyes, two bull horns growing from it's head, and spikes on it's side of the tail.
The dragon let out two jets of flames. It stared at the three of them again with pure hatred.

Cynari looked up whenXang exploded. He knew this was going bad.

Dage got off his cott. He had bandages around his waist, his right arm, and forehead. His armor lay in ruins next to him.
He looked at the battle raging at the top of the mountain. Thedragon was going to be tough to beat. He had to help.

Arces dodged the flames. He looked the dragon in the eyes. It was going to try and eat him.
V was on it's back, trying to get past it's scales.
Grim was holding onto it's tail, trying not to be sent into the air, or get smashed.
Arces looked the dragon in the eyes, and begun to speak in draconic."Why do you fight us?"
It growled back,"I hunger. Chaos demands it. I....must....eat!!"It let lose a blast of flames.
Arces toke his chance, and attacked the beast.

King Alteon, in his robes, looked out his window, looking in the direction of the battle.
"My son."He felt what was going on.

Gravelyn was on her throne, talking with Tibias and Chuckles.
The three looked in the direction of the fighting.
Gravelyn was crying. Chuckles wasn't laughing. Tibias dropped his ax and stared into space.
Gravelyn put her hand to her heart, and began to cry."Arces."

Arces' three sisters looked in the direction of the fighting, and began to chant.

Rayst was focusing his magics on the battle.

The battles below were stopping.
Both armys looked up at what was happening.

Arces sent his sword with such power, both of the dragon's heads fell to the ground.
The corpse began to glow. The glowing remains were about to explode.
Xing vanished saying,"I win!"
Arces stood there, knowing there was no escape. V did aswell.
Sir Grim Pike stood in front of both of them. He guarded both.
Arces was about to face Death.
Then, the remains exploded.
Sir Pike shoted,"No! I will not allow you to die!"
Arces looked at him.
The power from the explosion had been stopped."What are you-?"
"Thank you my leige. You have been my friend. I now return the favor."
The power began to vanish as Grim absorbed it. Grim began to glow.
He gave them another look, and smiled."Thank you, my friends."
The general vanished in a flash of light, and an explosion went off two miles away.
Everyone looked.
Sir Grim Pike, was dead.
Arces let out a howl of fury. A jet of white flames lit the air.
Xing appeared again, smiling."Now, It is time for you to fight me Arces."
The prince pointed his sword at Xing."This ends now Xing. You must die."
She smiled and laughed."I will live on!"Xing held an ax in each hand.
The two charged, and met in mid air.
This was the battle to deturmin their future. Only one would live.
DF AQW  Post #: 81
12/26/2011 3:27:20   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 81
Xing, Death of an Ancient

Xing and Arces faught with growing fury.
Arces' blade, going slower than before. Xing's axs, going at the same speed.
Each would not give in. Each was determined.
Arces managed to break one of Xing's hands, making her drop an ax. Xing managed to put a gash on Arces' right calf, making him flinch.
These two were even forces, for now.
The Chaos Lord made an orb of Chaos, and sent it at Arces.
Arces let out a blast of white flames.
Xing's orb burned, and the flames missed her by three inches. Her skin began to turn red and blister worse than Xang's. She kept up her fighting.
"You fight well Xing."
"As do you Arces."
The two great warriors jumped aty each other once more.
V stood at the side, waiting for the right moment to attack.
Xing, focused on the battle, had forgoten about V.

Dage walked out of his tent, shadow blade in hand.
Nobody messed with him. They let him pass.

Arces managed to land a hit on Xing's right shoulder and on her cheek. He also had many bruises on his arms and legs.
Xing meet each attack. Arces did the same.
When Xing lost a couple of inches of ground, V lunged at her.
Xing could only put her ax up in time. She was sent flying back fifteen feet.
Arces jumped into the air, sending a jet of red flames at Xing.
She didn't manage to black or send the flames away. They hit her in the chest.
She let out a weak wail of pain.
Arces ended the flames, and got his blade ready to impale Xing.

Dage was climing the mountain.

The fighting had ended down there. All the army of Chaos had fled.
Cynari looked at the battle on the mountain, as did everyone else.
This was going bad. Could V and Arces handel this?
A man ran up to Cynari and said,"Dage is gone."
Cynari looked at the mountain. A pale man was climing the mountain, a black blade in hand.
"Idiot. Dage is putting his lifeon the line. We can't help him now. Get the forces together. We must be ready to leave on a moments notice."
The messanger nodded, and ran off.

Dage continued to go, not stopping.

Xing got out of the way at the last second.
V began to fight Xing.
Xing managed to send her ax through V's armor, cutting the skin, and touching the bone.
V yelled in pain. She swung her blade at Xing, only for Xing to have moved two seconds earlier.

Dage heard her yell, and went faster.

Arces swung his sword, and made a gash in Xing's chest. She yelled in pain, and healed it in mere seconds.
Arces attacked again, only to have her send her sx down, making a small gash above his right eye.
He now had blood going into his eye, making it near imposible to see through it.

Dage popped his head up apove the edge of the mountain.

V charged Xing.
Xing sent her ax down on V's head, breaking her helm into multible peices. Her face was visible to all.

Dage saw V's face for the first time ever. He was blushing.
V was a girl?

V fell to the ground, unconsious.
Arces charged Xing. She managed to meet Arces' blade.
"Why did you join Drakath's forces?"Arces asked.
"I grew tired of order,"she said."I wanter excitment. I wanted...Chaos,"she said it with a hiss.
Arces held his ground, as did Xing.

Dage snuck up behind Xing.

V opened her eyes to see Dage.
She smiled.

Arces saw a blade come out from Xing's chest.
She looked down."No...."

Dage held onto his blade, barly able to stand.
"I did it,"he said with triumph.
He removed his blade from Xing's back.

Xing fell to the ground, bleeding to death.
She looked at the stars."I see....This is how it is....for-forgive me A-A-Arces...."
She collapsed to the ground, dead. The glow vanished.
She looked so alone. Arces let out one tear.

Arces carried down the body of Xing, and buried it.
With Dage's help, they tock V to get healed.
Arces told Cynari what had happened. Dage also added his details to it.

That night, the army set out.

V had changed out of her armor, and into a blue sleveless dress.
She was talking with Dage.
"A beautiful night, isn't it Dage?"she asked.
He nodded."Indeed. Why did you pretend to be male?"
"Because I wanted to fight. That was the only way."
"I see."He blushed.
She looked at him."Dage?"
She smiled."I love you."
He looked like he was just punched. he didn't know hwat to say.
"Do you love me?"she asked.
He thought about it. They had indeed become friends, and he always thought she was hiding something. He put his hand to his heart and looked at the stars.
"Why must I still be weak to certain emotions?"he asked."I am the leader of the Undead Legion."
She put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her."Emotions arn't bad Dage."
He smiled, and kissed her. When they seperated, he said,"I love you V."
She began to cry tears of joy. This was the greatest moment of her life.

Arces saw the two. He longed for Gravelyn even more. If these two could love each other, why not him and Gravelyn?"
He had to become strong. He had to tell her.

When they set up camp, Arcesused his magics to keep watch on Gravelyn.
She was in her red sleeping gown. He hair wasn't held back.
She was crying tears of joy."He is alive. He is alive."She kept repeating that.
Arces watched her until he fell asleep and ended the spell.
She was the most beautiful thing in the world to him. That would never change.

They continued the next morning.
They continued their jorney for two more days afterward, and arrived at Swordhaven.
Just then, it occured to arces what time of the year it was.
Frostval was only two weeks away.
The celebration would now be greater than anticipated.
Not only were they going to celebrate Arces returning. They would celebrate the fall of nine Chaos Lords.
This would be big.
DF AQW  Post #: 82
12/26/2011 18:54:53   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 82

Arces told King Alteon what had happened.
By his father's want, he had the wound above his eye, along with all the others, healed.
Once he finished telling his father of what had happened, he went to his room.

He stayed up for a little bit longer.
He kept thinking about what was still ahead of him.
Nine Chaos Lords lay defeated behind him, Drakath was gaining more power, the Chaos Lords were getting stronger, his father wasposibly dieing, and he had masny challenges ahead of him.
Arces feel asleep.

When he woke up, a girl in a red dress was sitting by his door.
He smiled."Hellow Gravelyn."
She looked at him andsmiled back."Its good to see you Arces."
He told her what had happened while he was in Twin Canyon. When he finished, she looked at the celling.
"You have gone through so much Arces."
He nodded."I must, for everyone else."
She smiled."You'll make a great king Arces."
He frowned."I hope I won't have to take the throne for a long time."
"I see."
Arces looked out his window. It was snowing.
Arces put on his clothes, after asking Gravelyn to leave. He wore a red leather tunic, black pants, leather boots, a leather coat, with a brown fur trim around the neck, and leather gloves. He also shaved and trimmed his hair.
Gravelyn was outside, waering her red dress and a white fur coat.
The two went outside.

Arces had not seen snow in such a long time.
He looked at the white blanket with a mystified look. He always enjoyed the snow.

Him and Gravelyn went to the local tavern.
They went in to have the usual drink or two, until Arces noticed three familiar faces.
Rawg and Druuz were having a drink with an old friend.
"Oi, Arces!"called Snowbeard.
Both Arces and Gravelyn went to Snowbeard's table.
"It been a while Arces,"Rawg said. He wore a blue tunic on his chest and dark-blue cotten pants. His swords wern't on his back. And he wore no armor.
"To long."Druuz also wore no armor or blades. He wore a green tunic and dark-green pants.
Snowbeard wore an intiritly made tunic and pants. They were dark-grey with gold thread froming interesting paterns. He wore black leather cap on his head.
Arces introduced Gravelyn to them.
They bowed, and ordered themself some drinks.
Arces began to tell Snowbeard of his adventures since they last meet. Rawg and Druuz listened carefuly.
When he finished, Snowbeard said,"I have gotten ready for when we meet again Arces. What do you say to a friendly contest?"
Arces looked at him with a smile on his face."It would be an honor."
So, Arces, Snowbeard, Rawg, Druuz, and Gravelyn all began to drink.
After five brews, Gravelyn was the first to give in.
"I gi-give in,"she said putting down her mug.
They continued. Druuz was the next to give in.
"I.....submit."He was even more drunk than Gravelyn.
After another ten beers, Rawg fell over, unconsious. Druuz got him, and grabbed him under the arm, and carried him to his room.
After around fifty beers, Arces said,"Your...tought to beat Snow-Snowbeard."
The dwarf was moving back and forth. He said,"The three of you are indeed formitable."
The contest continued for twenty-three more beers.
Snowbeard put down his mug and said,"I lose-"He feel to the ground, snoring.
Everyone in the tavern cheered. They hade stopped doing what they were doing, and watched the contest.
A couple other dwarfs helped Snowbeard up and carried him to his room at the castle.
Arces got off his stoll and looked outside. The sun had almost set.
He walked to the door, barly able to walk.
He feel to his knees.
Gravelyn came and helped him up. She had sobered up since she quit.
The two walked out.

On their way to the castle, Arces was talking with Gravelyn.
"The..the stars are beautiful...arn't they?"He looked at the sky.
Gravelyn smiled."Indeed. you surecan drink Arces."
He laughed."What do you expect. I'm half-dragon."
She nodded."Right, the only ones whocan naturaly rival dwarfs in drinking."
Arces laughed."You look...nice tonight Gravelyn."
She smiled and blushed."Is that you talking, or the beer?"
He laughed."I think its mostly the beer. I don't know half the stuff going through my head right now."
Gravelyn laughed."You sure do act weird when your drunk."
Falling to the ground he shouted,"Know my name!"
Gravelyn helped him up."Everyone does."
They contiued to the castle.
Gravelyn helped Arces into his bed."I never thought I would be the one helping you when you were drunk."
Arces laughed."True. I never thought it eather."
When Arces was in his bed, he passed out almost instantly.
Gravelyn smiled and helped him out of his tunic, boots and coat.
He looked so peaceful.
She kissed him on the forehead. and steped back.
She thought back to thenight in the Sandsea. It felt right to kiss Arces. Why did he back away?
She thought about it, and went to her own room.

The next couple weeks were a blur.
People were coming to help prepair for Frostval.
Quests were starting to fill the rooms. Artix, Rolith, Warlic, Rayst, Dage, V, Nythera and her husband, Cysero and his wife, Sean and Glider, Elysia, the dragon priestess, Stalagbite, Valencia, Twilly, Veronica, Vayle, Vilmer and Cryozen, King Zhoom, and many more.
Swordhaven became covered in snow. Trees were put up, along with lights and decorations. People were walking around Swordhaven more often.
Arces spent those days with his friends. Artix, Cysero, Zhoom, Dage, Veronica, and Gravelyn. He spent most of his time with Gravelyn, his father, and his three sisters.

In no time, it was the last day before Frostval.
Tommarow was Frostval. He smiled, thinking of what awaited him.
He put on his coat, and went to get his breakfeast.
This Frostval, would be the most memorible.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/26/2011 20:18:17 >
DF AQW  Post #: 83
12/28/2011 21:30:53   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 83
The Frostval Ball

The next morning Arces went around Swordhaven.
Everyone was prepairing for that day's events.

Arces went back to his room late afternoon.
Ten wraped gifts were waiting for him.
The first was from Artix. It was in blue paper and had a white ribbon around it.
Arces opened it. It was small wooden figure of Arces. He stood like a noble with his blade drawn. A small bit of fire swirled up his left arm. His armor was that he wore in the Twin Canyon.
Arces smiled and opened the next one. It was from Alina.
He toke the purple paper off, and looked at the potion. A note on the paper said,'This potion will calm your nerves when the time need be. Use it well.'
Arces rewraped it and hid it under his bed.
The next one was from his father. It was a small wooden box. Inside was a small potrait.
A note said,'This is what your mother looked like. I figured you would want to see it.'
Arces looked at it. The woman had long blood-red hair, red eyes, pale skin, and wore a blue dress. Arces saw the resemblance.
He put the portrait on the wall.
The next gift was from KAGG. A note said,'Thank you.'
Arces opened it. A silver pendant fell to his lap. On it was a small iron hammer.
Gift number five was from Rayst. There was no note.
In it was a rune. It had the symble for 'dragon' on it. It made Arces wonder what it did.
The next one was from snowbeard. In it was a bottle of dwarfen beer.
Dage sent him two gifts. Both were bottles of beer. Each was well aged and had minor enchantments on it.
There were now two left. Arces picked one up. It was from Galanoth.
In it was an emblem. It was shaped like a dragon skull. It was made of metal and enchanted. The enchantment kept it from rusting.
Arces grabbed the last one. It was a wooden box wrapped in a blood-red paper. A wooden skull decorated the top of it. It was obviouly from Gravelyn.
Arces opened it. Inside the box was a cloak. It was pure red. By the look of it, she wanted him to wear it into battle.
Arces put it somewhere safe, and got up. The sun was getting close to setting.
Arces went to his wordrobe and pulled out a black formal tuxedo. He put it on. He tied his hair back, shaved, and washed his face.
When he finished, the sun had sunken lower.
He went down to the entrance.

Arces went to the entrance. People were coming to the castle.
Arces helped greet people when they came in.
He simply told them welcome.
Once people had stopped coming, he went to the table his father was sitting at.
Everyone was sitting. They looked at the main table.
King Alteon stood."Welcome. Today marks a special day. This day is Frostval. We have endured so much this year. The fall of Sepulchure, the betrayle of Maximilion Lionfang, the rise of Drakath and his Chaos Lords, the Alliance, and the return of my son."He raised his glass. Everyone did the same."We have suffered lose and gain. We have lost friends and family. But, we have gained new friends and allys. Were there is dread, there is hope. I say, do not give up the hope, or we all lose."He raised his glass again and said,"For the future!"
Everyone did the same.
The food began to be passed around. Ham, turkey, pie, sausage, pastries, fresh fruits and vegetables, and so on. People began to talk amungst each other.
Arces then noticed who were sitting at the main table.
There were seven people, including him and his father, sitting there.
At the right end sat two men who he had never meet before, both named Nightshade. Next to them sat Sean, one of the greatest heros of the generation. King Alteon sat in the center. Arces sat next to his father. Snowbeard sat next to Arces. Gravelyn sat next to Snowbeard.
Arces looked across the hall. His sister, Britney, Victoria and Terra, sat at a table in the front. Artix sat a table with Zhoom, Cysero, Galanoth, Warlic and Valencia. Everyone else sat at there tables and talked amoung each other while they ate.
After everone had eaten, King Alteon got to his feet. when he stood, he almost fell over. Sean helped him to his feet.
The king thanked the dragonlord."Now that we have eaten, let us enjoy this night."He clapped his hands. Everyone got out of there chairs.
Chair and tables floated out of the room. Two tables covered with small snacks floated in. The floor opened up.
"Now,"continued the king,"let us dance."

Arces stood against the wall, as did a few others. Everyone else was dancing.
His sister, Brittney, was dancing with a knight named Ano. Terra was dancing with their father. Victoria was dancing with Artix.
Brittney wore beautiful blue ballroom dress along with her tiara. Victoria worea blue sleveless dress and nothing on her head. Terra wore her usual dress and tiara.
Arces looked to see Cysero dancing with his wife, Nythera and Ryuuji were dancing, and Galanoth, in his armor, was standing at the opposist wall. Sean was dancing with a girl named Elysia. The two looked very happy dancing together.
Arces looked at the people standing against the wall. He saw Snowbeard, Princess Miko, Vayle, Zhoom, and Gravelyn.
Miko nooded to Arces when his attention focused on Gravelyn.
Zhoom, wearing a dark brown tuxedo, walked up to Vayle."May I have this dance?"He extended his hand to her.
Vayle, who had been staring at Artix the whole time, looked at Zhoom."Sure."he gave him her hand. She kept her eyes focused on Artix and Victoria.
Arces walked up to Gravelyn. She was wearing a red sleveless dress with a golden trim. Her hair was curled and not held back. She had a slight gleam to her lips and had a special oil on her eyelashes. She looked even more beautiful than ever.
Arces stood next to her."It is good to see you again Gravelyn."
She looked at him."As is you Arces."She was smiling.
Arces blushed. He wanted to ask her to dance, but held back.
Dage walked up to Arces."Ahh, Arces, Empress Gravelyn. It is good to see you again."
Gravelyn looked at him."Where is V?"
He pointed over his shoulder."She went to the restroom. i sawyou two, so I decided to came and talk."
Arces looked him in the eyes."What are you planning?"
Dage jumped."Plan what?"
"I can ee it in your eyes. Your planning something. What is it?"
Dage looked over his shoulder."I'm going to ask V to be my bride."
Gavelyn looked at him in shock."Realy?"
He nodded."Its true that I never knew she was a girl until Twin Canyon, but I love her. I want her to join me for the rest of my existance."
Arces put his hand on Dage's shoulder."Now is your chance."
Dage looked over his shoulder. V was amoung the crowd. Dage nodded and walked off.
By this time, V's story had spread. Their veiw on her hadn't changed.
Dage walked up to V, and they continued to dance. The crowd of people dancing covered them up.
Gravelyn lauged. Arces looked at her."What is it?"
"The fact someone as brutial and evil as Dage to find happiness and love. It seems a bit wrong. But, i'm happy. Dage has been like an uncle to me. He was the first to teach me how to summon undead. Thats how I summoned Chuckles' skull. My father taught me from there. I was soon able to summon the rest of Chuckles."
Arces heard a little chuckle. He looked behind him to find the lich chuckles.
"Yes Chuckles?"Gravelyn asked.
"My lady, haha, Tibias wanted me to tell you that they have moved."This was the first time Arces had ever heard Chuckles talk. He had a deeper voise than you would expect.
"Where to,"she asked.
He put up his hand."Tibias' message, haha, just said that they moved, haha, I don't know to where. He, haha, told me he would end word, haha, when he found them."
She nodded."Thank you. You may go."Her eye were closed and her smile was gone. She was thinking.
Chuckles nodded and walked away.
Arces pulled himself together. He extended his hand to Gravelyn."Can I have this dance?"
She opened her eyes and looked at him. She blushed and said,"You may."She grabbed his hand.
The two went to share their dance.
The music suddenly went slow. Arces toke a quick glance to see some of his friends, Artix, Miko, Cysero and Snowbeard nodding to him.
Arces grabbed Gravelyn's waist and her right hand. Gravelyn did the same.
The two began to dance.
People began to clear out of the way. Arces didn't notice, same for Gravelyn. The two focused on each other.
They continued to dance, even after the song ended.
After a while Arces began to lean foward, as did Gravelyn. They were getting ready to kiss.
Just then, a man ran into the hall shouting,"My lord! My Lord!"
Everyone looked at him. He was a Pactagonal Knight. He walked up to King Alteon.
The king looked at him."Yes Sir Valince?"
The knight let out a breath and said."Drakath has come into the city."Everyone froze. He continued."He demands to speak to you, Empress Gravelyn, and Prince Arces."
Arces and Gravelyn walked up. Gravelyn's hands were shaking with anger.
"What does Drakath want?"Gravelyn asked.
"I do not know. He just walked into the city, followed by a carrage pulled by two black fiends."
King Alteon nodded."Then we will meet with him. We can't allow him to belive we are rude. If his attentions are of war, he will not leave. If his are peaceful, for now, we will hear him out."
Arces nodded. Gravelyn, still angry said,"That will depend. I have a score to settle with that monster."
The king looked at her with pity in his eyes."Please, control your anger Empress. It will do no good to think that way."
Arces put a hand on her shoulder."Please calmdown Gravelyn."
She looked him the eyes. They were shaking with anger and sadness. She let out a deep breath and said,"Very well."
King Alteon had to have Artix help him out of his seat and twoards Drakath.
Gravelyn put on her red coat.
They set out.

Drakath walked up. The carrage was being pulled behind him.
He looked at the three of them and smiled."Good to see you."
Gravelyn walked up to him and asked,"Why are you here Drakath?"
He frowned."You're not glade to see me? After all I did to help your father?"
Gravelyn toke a step fowardand said,"You tried to kill him once, and succeded the second time. Why should I not take this chance and have my revenge?"
He laughed."Ha. I've done more than you think little girl."
She toke another step foward, but Arces stopped her. She had her fist clenched. She struggled, but stopped a few seconds afterward.
Drakath smiled again."Now thats what I want. Chaos is always so fun to see. But, enough fun, let me get to my point."
All four faces looked at him.
"I have come to allow my new Chaos Lord to be shown. I have seen the results, and this way will stir the most Chaos."
The carrage started to shake a bit. drakath turned to it."You can come out, my old friend."
Arces focused on those two words, 'old friend.' He then looked closly at the carrage. It was blood red, like Gravelyns' dress. It had charuptid skulls on the sides.
His eyes widened."You didn't!"Arces looked at him with disbelife."
"I did!"He let out a little laugh.
A man walked out of the carrage. He wore doomknight armor. It was a deep purple with a chaotic eye in the center of the chest. His helm looked familiar. He wore a cape of pure black.
Gravelyn looked at him with a scared look."F-father?"
The man smiled."Hellow my dauther."Sepulchure let out a laugh.
King Alteon looked at him with complete disbelife."It can't be."
Drakath let out a laugh he had been dying to let out. Sepulchure did the same.
Artix, who had been quiet said,"Why bring back your old enemy?"
Drakath looked at him."Why not?"
Arces stepped foward."Is it not enought you killed him? Why do you mock us?"
Sepulchure stepped foward."Who say i'm not willing serving him?"
"My father serves no one by his own will."Gravelyn was shaking.
Nodding epulchure said,"Until I saw the true path."
"No."King Alteon was completly in shock."The real Sepulchure would never serve anyone. I was the only one he served, until he lost that most prized to him."
Drakath let out a small laugh."Chaos Lords are people or beast who seek power, reputation, revenge, or anything of the such. You three,"he pointed at Arces, King Alteon and Gravelyn,"each seek one of the things, but you are pure and uncharuptible. It would be no use to try and make you Chaos Lords."
With that, he turned and said,"I only tell you this because the outcome is more...fun."With that, he vanished in a burst of purple flames. Sepulchure pointed at his carrage, and it burst into flames. The fiends were caught in the fire, and burned to death.
Sepulchure laughed and vanished in the same manor Drakath did.
Arces tried to grab him, but was a second to late.
Gravelyn feel to the ground in tears."No, no, no."
Arces put an arm around her. She pushed him away.
Arces forced a hug on Gravelyn. She didn't resist. She cryed into his arms.

Arces helped Gravelyn back to the castle.
King Alteon told Artix to go back ahead of them. He could handle on his own.
Artix told the people there what had just occured.
Gravelyn keptcrying, even after they made it to the castle.
The people there were shocked to see Gravelyn in tears. It made them want to cry as well.
That day had started off so well. Now it had ended horribly.
Arces knew what he had to do. He had to hunt down Sepulchure. Before he could decide on what to do, he needed toconsult with Gravelyn.

That night, Arces helped Gravelyn to her room.
When she was in her room she asked,"Could you stay here for the night?"
Arces looked at her."Sure. Just let me know what you need. at this moment, you need it."
She nodded. She went to her wordrobe and pulled out her sleeping gown. Arces went out of the room so she could change.

Arces went to his room, and changed into his pants and tunic.

When he returned, Gravelyn wasin her red sleeping gown.
Gravelyn didn't blush. Her eyes were very red and puffy.
Arces sat in the chair by the door.
Gravelyn got in her bed.
Arces looked at the stars. He thought about anything to keep his mind ocupied from the event that happened that night.
He fell asleep not long after Gravelyn.

The next day, Gravelyn and Arces et out for Shadowfall.
Arces would wach over Gravelyn until they had found Sepulchure.
Chuckles, V, Dage and Tibias were waiting for them.
They told Gravelyn that a wird eye had been spoted flying around Shadowfall the past night.
She nodded, andwent to her chambers. Arces followed.
When they were in Gravelyn's chambers, she asked,"What do you need to talk about Arces?"
He looked at her."I need to know if it is okay for me to fight Sepulchure. I may have to kill him."
She looked at him with puffy eyes."He is not himself. I woun't accept it easily, but he would want it. You must kill him Arces."
He couldn't belive she had said that so easily, but he nodded and said,"I'm here if you need me."
She nodded and said,"Go talk to Chuckles about you living arangments if you are to stay. I have a lot to think about."
He nodded, and left her chambers.

Arces got a room that was meant for a general. The walls were blood red. Two lamps were all the light there. A black be was in the center of the room.
Arces had a woredrobe there. He put his armor in there, along with his spare clothes.
He looked out his door, and found thattwo undead were guarding it.
He asked them,"Could I get something to eat?"
One of the guards said,"I'll be right back Prince Arces."He walked off.
Arces got ate his food, and soon fell asleep.
This Frostval had been memorible. But he was now wondering if it was the best.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 12/29/2011 2:22:23 >
DF AQW  Post #: 84
12/29/2011 18:25:30   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 84
Shadowfall Assalt

Arces had now been in Shadowfall for three days.
He watched over Gravelyn the whole time. She had managed to calm down over this time.
Arces looked at the landscape before him. It was a dry desolate place. The perfect place for the capital of evil.
He sqinted his eyes. He thought he saw something moving. He didn't see anything. Arces ignored it.

Arces meet up with Gravelyn for dinner.
The dinning hall was big. It was in very center of Shadowfall. It was half the size of King Alteon's.
Undead were around the hall, protecting those they served.
The people there were Arces, Dage, V, Chuckles, Tibias, and all the other generals of the Shadowscythe, both alive and dead. The gathered at the table.
All the living people ate before they talked.
Once they ate, Gravelyn began to speak."As you all know, my father, Sepulchure, has been brought back by Drakath. We are not to celebrate his return. My father is now a slave to the Chaos that is Drakath. What charuptid him, I do not know. But, it shows how powerful Drakath is. The fight is inevitable. Arces will have to face my father, and win no matter the outcome. If my father diesonce more, so be it. If he is freed from the charuption, then we gain a new ally. Those are the two outcomes. There is no middle ground."
All of them started nodding. They had excepted the outsome already.
Arces looked at Gravelyn."Are you sure?"
She nodded. He saw a tear roll down her face.
He looked away. She was in more pain than she cared to show.
They began to talk how to fight Sepulchure.

The following day, horns began to sound.
Arces opened his eyes. He looked outside. Undead were running around.
Arces grabbed one of them and asked,"What is going on?"
The skeleton looked at him."Lord Sepulchure is attacking. Prepair for battle."
He let go of the undead and thanked him. The skeleton ran off.
Arces went into his room and began to put his armor on.
When he was straping his chestplate on, someone walked into his room.
He glanced back to see Gravelyn in her doomknight armor. She looked at him."Do you need any help?"
"If you are willing to lend a hand."
She came up and started tieing the strapes of his armor.
Once his armor was on, he looked at her. She had been crying.
She looked him in the eyes. He had tears forming in his eyes. She began to tear up as well. They looked away from each other.
"We should get going,"Arces said, blushing.
Gravelyn was even even more embarassed than Arces."Indeed. Let us go."
They went outside.

Gravelyn was at the lead of her army. Arces and Dage were by her side.
In the distance they could see Sepulchure's forces advancing. The former ruler of the Shadowscythe walked in the center.
Arces drew his sword. Dage summoned his blade. Gravelyn pointed her blade, Sepulchure's old one, at the approaching army.
The Shadowscythe let out a warlike wail. It was bloodthursty and fear inducing. The forces charged to meet Sepulchure in battle.

The follwoing hours flew by with constant fighting. Undead wailed with anger.
Sepulchure's forces, a mix of charuptid animals and undead, battled even more fiercly than the other forces Arces had faught before.
Dage was busy fighting off the giant, chaotic bears. Arces was fighting what ever came his way. Gravelyn was fighting next to Arces, only focusing the job at hand.
The two held their ground no matter what attacked. The bodys of the chaotic army lay at their feet.
Sepulchure had vanished in the middle of the fighting. Nobody had spotted him since he vanished.
Arces heard a feint noisethat no one else would have heard. He turned his gaze to Shadowfall. He saw a purple spec.
"No,"Arces whispered. He began to run towards Shadowfall.
When he made it, he was to late. Sepulchure's spell had finished. Shadowfall was being rebuilt. Chaotic eyes began to cover the bones. It's eye gained a very bright purple.
The giant dracolich let out a roar so loud the Shadowscythe turned to see their home alive once more.
"Why Sepulchure?"Arces asked.
Sepulchure lughed."I require a castle. Why not reclaim my old one?"
Arces charged, sword held to the side.
Sepulchure blocked the strike with his arm.

Gravelyn, when Shadowfall roared, ran to Arces.
She saw him fighting her father. Shadowfall was getting ready for flight.
The forces of Chaos were climbing up the dracolich.
Gravelyn grabbed her blade.
She lunged at her father.

Arces saw Gravelyn join the fight. He faught even harder.
Sepulchure pulled an ax from one of the fallen undead, and began his attack. He hacked and slashed at them.
Gravelyn was sent flying back, loseing the grip of her sword. Arces kept his ground.
Sepulchure threw Arces back, breaking his sword. He walked to Gravelyn's fallen sword. He picked it up.
The Chaos Lord's touch charuptid the blade, turning it into a chatoic version of itself. The blade looked even more detructive than ever.
He smiled."Now, I can begin Drakath's plans. I must be on my way. I hope to see you again, my dauhter. Hopefuly, you will see the true path."He jumped onto Shadowfall, and the dracolich flew away.
Arces got to his feet and helped Gravelyn up.
Gravelyn was crying. She had faught her father, and lost the last things he had left her. Shadowfall was gone and her sword, her father's sword, was gone and charupted.
Arces looked her in the eyes. She colapsed in his arms, and cried with no restraint.

The undead set up a basecamp. With Shadowfall gone, they had lost armor, weapons, metal, and all other resources. Undead roamed around the camp.
Arces was in Gravelyn's tent with all her generals. Tibias, Dage, V, Veronica, and a masked man who Arces had never seen before.
Gravelyn looked at a map layed out on her table."There must be some where we can go. Do you have any ideas Arces?"
Arces looked at the map."Myfather would be all to happy to offer Swordhaven, but it would harm the people. But, the best area would be around there."
Everyone looked at him.
He put an index finger on an area just outside Swordhaven."This medow has no one living there or hunting there. It would allow you to plan what you need and not disdurb anyone. Do you agree?"
Gravelyn was looking at the map also, her face just mere inches from Arces'."Indeed. I see why you suggeted this area."
Arces nodded. He was not paying attention to Gravelyn's face, but the map and her words.
Gravelyn looked at him and noticed how close she was. Pulling herself together, she backed away, slightly blushing, and said,"Then we leave as soon as possible."
Arces straitened himself. Dage looked at her."That would take roughly an hour or two my lady."
"We'll leave in three hours. Pack up camp and prepair to leave."
With that, everyone did what she asked.

When everything was ready, the Shadowscythe got in formation, despite them not going to war.
Gravelyn had Arces join her in her carrage pulledby two undead horses with manes, eyes, and hoves of fire. The carrage was tweise the size of a normal one.
Arces toke one side while Gravelyn toke the other. Her look had changed from her evil, hardened look, to a one of pain and loss.
She had changed out of her armor into her dress. She had her hair tied into a ponytail. The only flaw was her red puffy eyes.
Arces was out of his armor as well and wearing his spar set of clothes. He wore the shadowslayer garb minus the hat.
Arces looked at her."Are you sure you are okay Gravelyn?"
"I'm...fine Arces. It...nothing."
"I don't belive you. It's okay to ask for help every once in a while you know."
"I don't need-"
Arces got up and sat next to gravelyn."Yes, you do. You lost your father twise, having you to make two hard desions."He gave her a big hug."Don't seperate yourself from your friends."
Gravelyn hugged Arces. She began to let out all her sorrows. She cryed into his shoulder.
After a while, Arces knew it was time to let go. He let go of her, as did Gravelyn. arces then saw she was cold.
Arces toke off his coat and gave it to her."Here, you don't want to be cold."
"But won't you-?"
He smiled."I'm half dragon. My blood will keep me warm. Don't worry."
She blushed and put Arces' coat on. Arces smiled and sat closer to Gravelyn.

The Shadowscythe traveled for five days before they reached their destination.
Arces, Gravelyn, Dage, V, and the masked man meet with King Alteon.
"What may I ask is this?"King Alteon asked with a smile on his face."Are you invading us."He let out a rough a cough but still smiled.
"No father,"Arces began,"Sepulchure has taken Shadowfall. The Shadowscythe needed a location, so I suggested a small medow outside the city."
The king's smile vanished and he nodded."Sounds good. Who will watch over them?"
"Tibias,"Gravelyn said."He is one of the people who helped raise me. I tust he will make just choises."
"will you take your room a room in the castle?"Dage saked.
She nodded."All the people here with me will have room in the castle."
King Alteon nodded."Very well. And V."
V, in her dress, looked at King Alteon."Yes?"
"It is an honor to have my first knight back in Swordhaven. Enjoy yourself."He smiled.
With that, Dage and V were shown their rooms. Gravelyn was giving a room next to Arces.

The following night, Arces had another of his dreams.
Drakath was falling from the sky, his sword in his chest.
He smiled.
Arces looked up to see himself and Gravelyn together. Was this the future?

He woke up in a cold sweat.
No dream had done that to him before. Why was he sweating?

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/3/2012 15:21:49 >
DF AQW  Post #: 85
1/3/2012 16:22:00   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 85
Sepulchure Rises Again

Arces now knew why he was sweating that night.
When Arces woke up, he got dresed and went to see his father. He wore his usual clothes.
The king looked at him through sleepy eye."We have bad news Arces."
Arces looked at his father,"What is it?"
"Sepulchure,"he coughed but, continued."Sepulchure has begun his attack on Lore. His forces were reported attacking a town in the north called Willowshire and the area around it."
Arces let out a breath and said."You want me to deal with him?"
King Alteon forwned and said,"We are send you with aid."
A man wearing dragonlord armor, black with a red trim, walked in."You wanted me my lord?"
"Ahh Sean. You've meet my son I presume?"King Alteon still frowned.
He nodded."On many ocasions. Hellow my lord."He bowed to Arces.
Arces examined the dragonlord's face. It was almost as flawless as Gravelyn's. He had long snow white hair. He had a snow white short, neatly trimed beard. His eyes were green, like venom. He looked more like a member of the Shadowscythe.
"Hellow Sean,"Arces said, not taking his eyes off the famed hero.
King Alteon told Sean about Sepulchure. Sean was Sepulchure's greatest enemy, and King Alteon's most trusted knight.
"I see. I will do as you ask me my lord. I will aid Prince Arces in this fight."
"Don't forget me,"came the voise of a woman hidden in the shadows. She walked out. It was Gravelyn.
Sean looked at her."I take it your Gravelyn, dauther of Sepulchure?"
She nodded."And you were my father's greatest foe, Sean, the dragonlord. You are also Drakath's greatest foe. That is why I don't destroy you. My father wanted your head ever since you interfeared with his plans."
Sean nodded."I see. But, please, I only did what was needed. As it is, I would do what ever is necisary for the world."
"Can we trust you?"Gravelyn asked, her eyes were shaking with hate.
He laughed."If King alteon trusts me, shouldn't the prince? And you trust him Gravelyn. So, you should trust me."
King Alteon smiled."I hope you three can get along."
Sean and Arces bowed, while Gravelyn just nodded.

The three of got what they needed.
Gravelyn brought them each dracolichs. They got on them, and left Swordhaven behind them.
After a couple hours, Sean managed to get them to land.
They set up a small camp and ate lunch.
Gravelyn sat away from Sean.
"What did you do for Gravelyn to hate you?"Arces asked.
Sean frowned."You've heard my story, you should know the answer. I was her father's greatest foe. Drakath was the only enemy we shared. Wouldn't you hate me if I tried to kill your father?"
Arces nodded."Okay. So, why do you serve my father?"
"Her works hard for aworld at peace. That is what i'm after. I would have joined the Shadowscythe if that is what was necicary."
Arces nodded."Why are you smiling?"
Sean frowned."Sorry. I try to find something to be happy about in bad times like this."
"What do you find to make you happy?"came the voise of Gravelyn.
"Easy. I think of my wife and child."
Gravelyn looked at him with a puzzeled look."You have a family?"
He nodded."Only a wife and son. That is another reason I must stay."
Arces then thought of something."If your a dragonlord, where is your dragon?"
"It just now hit you Glider isn't with me?"Sean looked at him in disbelife."We were getting ready to go aid the people of Willowshire when the king asked to meet me. He went on ahead. He should be there by now."
Gravelyn walked up."I see. Is he fast?"
"Very fast, even without the wind on his wings."

They got on their dracolichs and continued to fly to Willowshire.
Within the hour they made it to edge of a mountain range.
Arces looked to see a small town up ahead. But, there was something wrong.
He saw two dragons, one black with red, the other a pure purple.
Arces looked at his two companians."We have to get there fast!"
Sean looked at him confused."Why do-?"
Arces sprouted his dragon wings and flew off.
The other two followed close behind.
As Arces got closer, he saw something more.
The black dragon and the purple one were fighting something.
It was a huge dragon. It had moss green scales, was twise the size of each dragon, had red eyes, huge white fangs, spikes covering the entire hide, and, oddly enough, a tail of bones. The tail had no skin, scales, or any other things covering it. It was pure bone, proving it was an undead. but where did it come from?
Arces increased his speed. He had to help the dragons.
Arces toke a closer look at the two dragons. The black one had the head of a darkness dragon, but had red skin under it's scales. The purple one looked all to familiar. He was covered with spikes.
The half-dragon unsheathed his blade. The undead dragon faced him, and let out a blast of black flames.
The purple dragon let out a blast of red flames.
"Good to see you half-breed!"came to booming voise of Stalagbite.
Arces zoomed past him and let out a blast of red flames at the giant dragon. The monster roared with anger.
"What is this?"
The black dragon repyled,"It is Sepulchure's creation. He is looking for something. We have yet to know what it is yet."
The monster got up and faced the dragons and Arces.
Arces let out another blast of flame, this time it was silver. It hit the dragon in the stomache. It roared in pain, turned and flew away.

When Arces managed to find an empty feild, he brought Stalagbite, the black dragon, Gravelyn, and Sean to it.
Stalagbite and the black dragon, now nkown as Glider, began to tell them what had happened.
Sepulchure walked into Willowshire with his forces. Stalagbite had been flying over the area when he noticed the sudden rise in chaotic energys. He went to aid in the fight against the former doomknight. Not long after the battling began, Glider had managed to make it to the small city. With Glider's aid, they pushed the forces back enough that Sepulchure let his new pet fight them.
By that point, the two dragons were forcing the monster back when Arces flew out of nowhere.
When they finished, Glider began to lay down."That monster is strong. But, it has no soul. I used all the elements against him, and none managed to effect him."
Sean put a hand on his partner's head."It is all right Glider, we will figure a way to win."
Arces was in the middle of a thought when he noticed something in the sky. He threw his sword, impaling a chaotic eye through the middle of it's eye.
The others were surrprized at what had just happened.
Gravelyn looked at his eye. They had turned purple.
Stalagbite was shaking. He senced the Chaos.
Arces loooked up, his eyes back to normal."What?"
He saw the eye. His look turned back to a scowl."We have to get moving guys."
The others looked at him with surprize, but didn't press him. They got ready and left.

Glider and Stalagbite flew around the town, keeping watch.
Arces, Gravelyn, and Sean went to the local inn.
They got themselfs a small dinner. they had changed into their regular clothing.
Arces was wearing a black cotten shirt, blood-red tunic, black pants, and simple shoes. Gravelyn wore her red dress and red heels. Sean wore a white shirt, baggy brown pants, a blue tunic, and farming shoes.
Arces looked at the guardians stationed in there. As one passed by, his attention slipped to a man sleeping in the corner. He looked peacful, but why did he make Arces feel uneasy?
"Are you okay Arces?"Gravelyn asked.
He nodded."I'm fine. Just a thought. Its nothing."
She scowled."Don't lie to me. It envolves my father dosen't it?"
"I don't know."He seemed iritated.
She still scowled, but said,"Very well."
Sean kept his eyes on the two of them. He looked at the window."It seems to peacful. What is Sepulchure up to?"
The three of them kept thinking it over until near mid-night. They went to their rooms, and slept the night away.

Sean dreamt of his past. His family, the day he killed Death of Life, his wedding day, the birth of his son, and many other things that had changed his life.
Arces had no dream, but witnessed his future battle against the mysterios man. Who was this guy?
Gravelyn dreamt of the world she desired. She stood next to her father, holding Arces' hand, all her new friends with them, peace over the land as living and undead worked together.
They would never expect what was about to happen.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/4/2012 21:58:45 >
DF AQW  Post #: 86
1/5/2012 21:58:08   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 86
The First Key

Arces woke to find a light floating in front of him.
The light radiated a kind aura. I was pure white.
It spoke."Hellow Arces, my name is Fluffy."
"Why are you here?"Arces asked.
"I have come to warn you of what Sepulchure plans. The Chaos Beast here is not in any of their legends. Sepulchure plans to summon it with the three keys."Arces was confused."Three keys?"
Fluffy glowed a little brighter."Let me show you."
The glow covered Arces. He closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he stood in an open feild, growing with new life.
He looked to his side to see Sean and Gravelyn, along with two baby dragons.
Sean looked down."Glider!?"He was totaly shocked.
"It was needed to turn the two great dragons back into their baby forms."Fluffy floated up.
"Fluffy?"Sean asked.
The orb floated up."It has been to long Sean."
Gravelyn just stared at the orb."You were once my father's companian long ago."
The orb focused on her."I have seen you grow up to be a wonderful woman Gravelyn. I hope what I see ahead is true."
The five looked confused, but they ignored it.
Fluffy vanished saying,"Watch and learn."
The five turned. A great beast stood before them. It resembled a dragon, but chaotic beyond anything else.
It had moss green scales, glowing black eyes, a mane of black flames down it's long skinny back, a complete tail, with a double bladed ax sort of thing on it's tail. It must be the Chaos Beast.
The beast turned to see three men walk up. Each wore gaurdian armor, one was red, one was green, and the other was blue. The three charged and battled the beast.
The monster let lose black flames. The guardians dodged, andcontinued to advance.
When the men made it, they began to slice the dragon apart.
It fell to the ground, dead.
The three knights ran off.
A flash covered the land. Everything vanished.

Arces opened his eyes. He was in his bed again.
He got everyone together, including the dragons.
They had each had the same vision.
"Why whould Fluffy still be around? And why whould he tell us of this?"Sean was lost in deep thought.
A ball of light formed in front of them.
"Hellow my new friends,"Fluffy said.
"Why did you show us that?"Arces asked.
"Sepulchure searches for three certain idems to summon the dragon you saw in that vision."
Gravelyn looked at Fluffy."What are they?"
Fluffy let out a growling sound."The three are the remains of the EnTropy Dragon, that dragon sepulchure has with him, and me.
"Then keep on the run Fluffy. Don't get near Sepulchure, and avoid us as much as possible."
"Can do. The remains of the EnTropy Dragon are where it died. Sean and Glider can show you where it is."
All five nodded.
Glider began to talk to Fluffy in draconic. Everyone but Gravelyn all knew what he said.
Glider growled,"May luck protect you Fluffy."
Sean, Stalagbite, and Arces repeated the message in draconic.
Fluffy vanished.
Gravelyn looked confused."What did you just tell him?"
Arces told her, and she nodded, pleased to know.
Gravelyn, Stalagbite, and Arces looked at Glider and Sean."Where do we go?"they asked.
Sean nodded and began to climb onto Glider's back."You two get on Stalagbite and follow us."
Gravelyn and Arces got on his back.
Glider jumped from the ground and Stalagbite followed.
They were traveling to where Sean faught Trey Surehunter and the EnTropy Dragon so long ago.
They had to get these remains and keep Fluffy safe. They had to.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/8/2012 19:48:11 >
DF AQW  Post #: 87
1/8/2012 19:51:24   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 87
The Second Key

Arces was fighting Gravelyn. How did it come to this?

Sean and Glider led the way to where they had faught the EnTropy Dragon.
Arces was talking with Gravelyn, useing his magics to alow their voises to be heard over the wind, but not to Sean and Glider. Stalagbite wasn't paying attention to them.
Gravelyn laughed."Thats good to know Arces. Do you realy think she likes Artix?"
Arces was blushing. He had started this discusion about how Vayle acted at the Frostval Ball. She kept her eyes on Artix the whole time. Arces also saw that her eyes were watery."I think so."
They continued to talk on the subject until Sean said,"You know I can hear you right?"
Arces atared at him."How-?"
"Your magic wasn't easy to break, but I was curious. As for my opinion, I never noticed Artix liking anyone that way. Vayle is another story."
Gravelyn smiled."You know Artix well?"
Sean laughed."Well? He helped train me to be dragonlord. He was one of the first to know of my powers."
Arces looked at him."Its true? You can control the eight main elements?"
He nodded."Born of the eight elemental realms. I have more control than ever, but it still is tricky."
Stalagbite growled,"Why is your hair white?"
Sean smiled."When Glider hatched, his magic had a powerful effect on me. My eyes turned green and my hair turned snow white. But, it allowed me to have a new life. He made me a dragonlord."
Glider held his head up with pride, which was kind of creepy with his skull like head.
Arces looked at the hurizon."Are we close?"
Sean's smile vanished."It is still roughly about two miles away."
Arces nodded.
Gravelyn looked at Sean."You said you had a wife and son. What are they like?"
Sean smiled again. He then began to tell them about his wife Elysia and his newborn son Defiance. He named him that because it seemed a fitting name for what Sean had done.

Stalagbite and Glider landed.
Arces looked to see a chared dragon skull. It was pure black except for the small specs of red armor.
Sean led them to the skull. Stalagbite and Glider stayed back.
Arces felt the pain from this skull. He stopped only three feet from the skull.
Sean walked up to it."This skull use to belong to Gorgok, a feared dragon of stone. En and Tropy claimed control of him after I had beaten him. That was how the EnTropy Dragon was born."
"I feel emense pain from it."Gravelyn seemed to be a little overwhelmed.
"Gorgok had killed a few humans. En and tropy were made from pain and death. The three together made a monster of pure agony. Everyone pitys Gorgok. He was a monster, but he didn't deserve this."
Sean put his hand on the skull.
A yell ripeed throught the air."THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME TO THESECOND KEY!!!"
Sepulchure and his dracolich were flying twoards them. Shadowfall was close behind, flying at anemense pace, nearly matching the dragon.
Gravelyn began to tear up but drew her sword. Sean pulled out his ax. Arces unsheathed his blade. The dragon sat, ready to pounce on a moments notice.
"Ahh, Sean. My old friend."Sepulchure looked at the three of them."How could you join forces with King Alteon daughter?"
Gravelyn was on the verge of both crying and attacking."To stop Drakath."
Her father smiled. He got off his dragon.
Sean pointed his ax at Sepulchure."Why do you do this Sepulchure?"
The Chaos Lord smiled."Easy. Drakath wants me to revive the Willowshire Dragon. This monster work in for his plans."
The dragon was growling, ready to follow it's master with any decision he chose.
"Easy my pet. We have almost everything needed."He grabbed the skull, and threw it onto the dragon's back."Good-bye my friends. Good-bye Gravelyn."
Arces noted the small hint of saddness in his voise when he said that.
Arces toke his chance. He nodded to Sean. The two charged Sepulchure.
The Chaos Lord faced them."You realy thin you can stand a chance?"He pulled out his sword.
Arces meet his blade. Sean joined in the sttack.
Sepulchure's dragon pounced.
Stalagbite and Glider pounced as well. Arces noticed the dragon was smaller. Why?
Arces blocked Sepulchure's slash. He retaliated with a slash at Sepulchure's neck.
Something stopped Arces' attack. He didn't get the chance to see what it was. Sepulchure attacked him again.
sean tried to slash off Sepulchure's arm, only to have Sepulchure disarm him.
Arces sent his blade through Sepulchure's chest. The doomknight only smiled and tried to behead Arces. Arces doged, and pulled out his blade. He tried to slash at Sepulchure's neck.
Sepulchure went back. Arces managed to knock off his helm though.
Sepulchure looked at him with a face that was one an enemy would remember. He had spicky red hair, glowing red orbs for eyes, sking like Gravelyn, a noticeable red scar over his left eye, and small scars, some noticable, some not, covered the area around his right eye. With all the scars, the area around his right eye looked as if it was burned.
Sepulchure laughed."So, you managed to remove my helm. Only one other had done that. Right Sean?"
Sean swung his ax again, only to have Sepulchure stop the attack. The doomknight grabbed the ax and threw it away from Sean.
"Take this."Arces sent a blast of fire at Sepulchure.
He threw Sean fifteen feet away, raised his hand, and a blast of chaotic fire meet Arces' red flames.
The chaotic flames burned Arces' away as easily as Arces' flames would a leaf.
Arces fell back.
A blast of energy erupted from Sepulchure's chest. He just looked behind him. Sean was barly standing. Sepulchure had realy worn him out."Too bad. You could have lived."
Sepulchure raised his blade. Arces saw Sepulchure's hole healing, the armor regrowing.
Arces got up, and sent flames into Sepulchure's wound.
Sean got out of the way, as Sepulchure feel foward.
The doomknight got up and laughed."You will not beat me. I am the strongest Chaos Lord yet."
Sean stood next to Arces.
Arces pointed his sword at Sepulchure."Your reign ends here Sepulchure."
Arces saw someone knock his sword out of his hand.
He looked to see Gravlyn."Please don't Arces."She was crying.
Sepulchure got up and alughed. His would was gone."Even my daughter still trys to save me. Its good to see a little loyalty in the family."
She pointed her blade at her father."Don't. My father died. I stopped arces because i can't stand to see my l- friend kill you."
He looked at her."Gravelyn, I have to."
She looked at him pleadingly."Don't-"
He grabbed his blade."I'm sorry."He pushed her aside.
She got her balance, and charged him."I won't let you."
Arces meet Gravelyn in battle.
Sepulchure laughed."Too bad I have what I need. Now, I just need Fluffy's soul. The Willowshire Dragon will rise again!"Sepulchure laughed as his dragon flew off.
Stalagbite and Glider lay unconsious near by.
"No!"Arces called.
Gravelyn fell to the ground in tears. What had she done?
Sean ran to Glider and Stalagbite. he spread his hands and a light surrounded the two. They began to wake.
Sean ran up and checked each of their wounds. He healed them, and walked back to Sean and Gravelyn.
"Why did you do that?"sean asked.
"I don't know. I acted on what myheart told me. It told me to attack. I don't know why."Gravelyn began to cry again.
Arces hugged her.
Sean looked closely at the two. something in his mind clicked. He smiled and said."No matter. We just need to protect Fluffy then. Where is he?"
"Somebody call?"came the voise of Fluffy.
Arces looked to see the dragon's soul begin to form."Yes."
The soul made a noise."Because Sepulchure has the remains, I can't hide anymore. We must return to Willowshire. Sepulchure will attack there."
The five nodded.
Sean mounted Glider. Sean helped Gravelyn onto Stalagbite.
Fluffy followed the two dragons as they jumped into the air. They were off.
Two of the three keys were gone. The dragon and remains were with Sepulchure. Fluffy was with them. They couldn't let Sepulchure have him.
They would make one last stand. Willowshire would be where it is. They had no other choise.
The Battle for Willowshire had now begun.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/9/2012 21:37:47 >
DF AQW  Post #: 88
1/10/2012 21:10:16   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 88
The Battle For Willowshire PT:1

The guardians of Willowshire were readying for battle. Sean wouls lead them.
Gravelyn and Arces got dressed in their armors.
When Arces was ready, he helped Gravelyn out.
While helping her into her chestplate, she said,"Do you wish me to fight?"
He laughed."I have no choise in the matter Gravelyn."
She sighed."Very well. Do you have someone to fight for?"
He smiled."Many. My father, my sisters, Miko, Victoria, Artix, Vayle, Stalagbite, Cysero, you, and so many more."
"Is there anyone....you would give your life for?"She was blushing.
He stopped for a split second."Yes."He said it with a longing in his voise.
Gravelyn smiled."Is she someone close?"
"Yes, she is."
Gravelyn blushed as Arces started putting the next piece of armor on, the gloves.
"Are you okay?"he asked.
"I'm fine."She was so red that Arces knew something was up.
He put on her gloves.
After they were almost done, gravelyn asked,"I have something to say Arces."
He stopped and looked at her."Yes?"
She suddenly felt like the words wouldn't come."I-I-I want to say that-I....I l-l-I lo....Never mind."
"What were you going to say?"he asked.
Gravelyn began to tie the straps on her amror."It can wait."
Arces sighed and went back to work.
He was done. They looked in the mirror.
Both looked ready for battle.
Arces grabbed their swords. Both strapped them on.
Gravelyn toke her headband off. Arces tied his hair back.
He meet Gravelyn's gaze. Both blushed.
He leaned closer. She got stiff and leaned closer as well.
When the two were inces from each other's faces, they got ready to kiss.
The door opened, they seperated.
A guardian by the name Faith walked in."It is time."
Gravelyn grabbed him by the arm and they walked out. She was scared. Her father was about to fight her.
Could she realy fight him?

Sepulchure stood on his overlook. He saw the town of Willowshire ahead.
"Master?"asked an undead.
"Yes necromancer?"he asked.
"Should we ready your dragon?"
"Yes, but not for me. I have made a replica of my armor and sword. you will ride the dragon. I have a mission."
The necromancer was confused."Master?"
"I have something to get. I will return. Help me out of my armor."
He helped Sepulchure out of his armor and into another set. It was a stolen guardian armor. Sepulchure put a small enchantment on it to hide his eyes.

Fluffy shock.
"This will end badly."he said.
The dragon's soul knew what was ahead. He knew the battle was going to end badly. But for who?

Sepulchure's forces began to charge Willowshire.
The guardians and fighters meet them in battle.
The forces had all been made undead. The undead attacked with nothing to lose. The defenders were th same.
Arces was on top of Stalagbite, reading his magic for when needed. Sean and Glider were doing the same.
They noticed the forces of undead getting ready for an attack.
Arces inhaled deeply, as did the two dragons. Sean was chantine.
Arces and the dragons let lose there flames. Sean pointed his hand and a blast of burning hot flames joined the three other flames.
The blast destroyed half the army.
The undead began to reform, some forming together.
Arces cursed. He inhaled again, this time feeling an odd feeling that he felt before.
He let lose a giant fireball. It was purple shade. Everyone looked to see it.
The fireball vaporived a good two thousand undead. They wern't reforming so easily.
Sean shouted,"What was-!"
An arrow was shot into glider's wing.
Arces let out another fireball. Thbis one was smaller, and vaporized the undead archer. It's skull remained.
Arces noticed it, and sprouted his wings, flew down and grabbed it.
He focused his flames on it. It became engulfed in red flame. He threw it at Shadowfall.
The dracolich wailed in pain.

Fluffy was floting through the halls of the guardian tower.
"Going somewhere Fluffy?"came a fimiliar voise.
The soul said,"Sepulchure. Why am i not surprized?"
The doomknight smiled."good boy. You remember you master."
"You are not-"Sepulchure came up and grabbed the soul.
"Now now. Learn to obey. No matter. This is your final day in my servise. The Willowshire Dragon will take your place."
Sepulchure drew his blade and began to run out of the tower.

Arces got back on Stalagbite's back as the dragon began to fly out of Shadowfall. It was now Stalagbite's size.
A man on his back pointed his blade at arces and Sean.
Stalagbite flew at top speed."Die!"Stalagbite shouted.
The man smiled. He swept his blade. A blast of dark energy swept past.
He realized his mistake."Crud,"he said.
Sean jumped of glider and impaled the man.
The necromancer let out one last breath, and fell to the ground, dead.

Sepulchure ran across the battle feild.
His helm fell off. He pointed his sword at his army. They began to glow purple.
The dragon roared to see his master. It flew to him.
Sepulchure jumped onto it's back.
He opened his palm."It is time."

Arces looked in horror. Sepulchure had Fluffy.
Sepulchure's dragon glowed as it obsorbed Fluffy's soul.
The dragon let out one last roar.
When the glow vanished, the dragon looked as it did in the vision.
The dragon had now become the Willowshire Dragon.
Sepulchure had won.
Then Arces noticed something.
Three guardians, like in the vission, were in the ranks.
The three jumped, but the dragon ate all three in one bite.
Arces then remembered how the three of the killed it once before.
That was it's weakness. Three people had to kill it.
Sean flew up. Gravelyn, on a dracolich, flew up as well.
Arces told them his plan. They agreed with it.
The tenth Chaos Beast was about to die once more.
Sepulchure awaited Arces afterward.
This was it. They had to win.
They had to.
DF AQW  Post #: 89
1/10/2012 21:12:26   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 89
The Battle for Willowshire PT:2

Stalagbite flew at the Willowshire Dragon.
The dragon flew out of the way.
Arces jumped off, and landed on the dragon. His sword was drawn.
He stabbed the dragon in the back, touching the spine.
The Willowshire Dragon roared.
Sean jumped off, landing on Glider's back.
He looked to see Gravelyn jump off of her dracolich, which was right beside the Chaos Beast, glided overit and put a large gash in it's back.
The dragon caught her in it's claw.
Arces looked at it. It was growing right before their eyes.
Gravelyn pulled her sword arm free and sliced the dragon's claw, forcing it to let go. Her dracolich caught her.
Sepulchure laughed at the site. He had the dragon put him on his overlook on Shadowfall.
Stalagbite flew at top speed into the Willowshire Dragon's side.
Arces sprouted his wings and let lose his flames on the dragon.
Sean made an orb of light and sent it into the dragon's face.
It roared in pain.
Gravelyn got on it's back. She did what Arces did. She imapled her sword iton it's spine, but left it there.
Her dracolich caught her, and she got away.
Sean chanted something, and storm clouds formed around the dragon. A lightning bolt hit Gravelyn's sword.
The dragon roared. The lightning serged through it's veins, forcing it to the ground.
It got up, and sent a green fireball at them.
The two dragons got out of the way. Arces sprouted wings and jumped off Stalagbite. Sean jumped off and Arces caught him.
Sean summoned anither lightning bolt. Arces got ready to use his flames.
Sean sent to lightningbolt at Gravelyn's blade.
The dragon roared once again.
Arces used all the strength he could summon in his fireball. He sent it at the dragon.
A giant purple ball of inferno hot flames hit the dragon.
Gravelyn, on her dracolich, sent a ball of black energy at it as well.
The two attacks meet with Sean's lightning.
The Willowshire Dragon let out one last roar. It fell to the ground and became ingulfed in green flames.
They did it. The tenth Chaos Beast had fallen. Now, Sepulchure is all that stands in their way.
Arces yelled,"Lets go!"

Sepulchure got off his overlook. He was wearing his armor now. His sword in his hand.
He looked out his window. They were coming.

Stalagbite and Glider put them on the overlook wall. Gravelyn's dracolich was sent to aid the forces down below.
Arces, Sean and Gravelyn continued on their own. Gravelyn managed to grab on of the weapons laying around, as hers had been destroyed.
The three ran at top speed to Gravelyn's throne room.
No undead got in their way. All of them had been sent to fight.
They stopped. Arces could hear something. Shadowfall was moving.
What was Sepulchure planning?

Sepulchure had Shadowfall begin to fly away from the battleing.
His plan was owrking perfectly.
Sepulchure let out a booming laugh, heard all around Shadowfall.

Arces looked out to see the landscape changing. The battle was far away.
Sean noticed something coming at them. Glider.
He yelled,"We need your aid!"
Sean nodded."I have to aid them. You two deal with Sepulchure. I'll see you in Willowshire."
Before they could reply, he jumped out the window. Sean landed on Glider's back and flew off.
The two nodded, and ran to the throne room.

Arces stopped at the door.
Gravelyn looked at it."Hes in there. Lets go Arces."
Arces looked her in the eyes."Can you deal with fighting him?"
"I don't know. If I can't then you finish him. If I can, we can do it together.
He nodded."Lets do this."
She grabbed his hand, and held on to it with all her force.
Arces didn't blush, he let her have this small comfort of a friend by her side.
The two opened the door.
This is it, Gravelyn. There is no turning back from here on out.
The two entered the throne room.

Sepulchure stood at his throne.
The door was opening. Drakath had told him only to summon the Chaos Beast. He didn't care what happened afterward.
It was time to have fun.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/11/2012 17:58:21 >
DF AQW  Post #: 90
1/11/2012 18:00:51   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 90
A Father' Final Will

Arces and Gravelyn, still holding hands stood before Sepulchure.
The Chaos Lord laughed."Here to ask for my blessing?"
Both had stern faces. Arces' with anger, Gravelyn's with fear and sorrow.
His smile vanished."I thought so."He lunged.
They let go, and they began to attack him as well.
Arces dodged Sepulchure's attack, as did Gravelyn. They followed up with a strike to the back, forcing the doomknight to the ground.
He began to get back upwith an X shaped gash in his armor. Sepulchure swung his sword, but they had moved out of his range.
Arces inhaled and let lose a blast of red flames.
Sepulchure held out his hand, and the flames vanished.
Gravelyn attacked, delivering a kick to the chest. She jumped out of the way as another of Arces' fireballs hit Sepulchure.
Sepulchure hit the wall. He began laughing."You think you won?"
Arces gripped his blade."Your strong Sepulchure. Time to return to the grave!"He threw his blade, impaling Sepulchure.
He charged, hiting Sepulchure in the chest. He grabbed his sword, pulled it out of his chest, and rammed the doomknight into the wall.
The wall fell apart, showing the passing sky.
"Ha, its going to take more than that!"He pushed Arces off of him, and grabbed his sword.
Gravelyn managed to sneak up onto his right side. she kicked him, knocking off his helm.
Sepulchure stumbled back."Why you-"
Arces kicked him in the chest, knocking him towards the hole in the wall.
Gravelyn yelled,"I think it's time i take back whats mine father."
He smiled."Nice try Gravelyn. I'm not done yet."
A black aura formed around him. He summoned black tendrils around himself. they began to attack Arces and Gravelyn.
Arces meet each tendril with speed so fast watching made your eyes hurt.
Gravelyn wasn't as fast, but she held her ground.
Sepulchure walked towards them.
"Not so fast doomknight."Arces pointed his hand and used something he had never tried before.
A blast of red fire hit Sepulchure it the chest. A hole formed in the armor, but Sepulchure hadn't moved and inch.
Sepulchure let out a madening laugh."You will never win. I am a true Chaos Lord! I saw the mother. I saw the true Chaos. I have seen the true path! We win!!"
Arces felt a sudden surge. His eyes glowed purple and he started to have an angry look on his face."So be it."
His voise had changed. It sounded like four of him talking in unison with a small earthquake in the background.
Gravelyn began to shake.
Arces opened his mouth. A fireball formed. It was another blast of chaotic flames.
It hit Sepulchure in the chest. His entire chestplate flew off.
Arces charged him. The tendrils vanished.
Arces began to glow with a chaotic aura. He yelled,"For Order!"
His aura turned white. His eyes changed back, and he opened his mouth.
White flames poured out, engulfing the doomknight.
Sepulchure fell out the hole in the wall.
Arces jumped out after him.

Gravelyn knew she wouldn't be much help if she jumped, so she used her powers to meet with Shadowfall's mind.
A voise called,"What do you wish my lady?"
She smiled. Shadowfall was still free.

Arces impaled Sepulchure again.
They were free falling. Sepulchure had small white flames on him. Arces' hair was flying everywhere.
The two landed with a crash.
Arces got up. Sepulchure wasn't under him. He was walking away.
Arces' still glowing white, cut off the back of his hair. The hair was caught in the wind.
Sepulchure noticed too late. the hair floated around him, and impaled his chest like needles. He yelled in pain.
"Now, prepair to die!"

Gravelyn looked at the two.
Shadowfall was about to land.
She had to think of something.

Arces charged, impaling sepulchure again."Any last words?"Arces asked.
His smile was gone."Many."
Shadowfall landed with a thud.
Gravelyn came running out."Arces, wait!"
Both looked at her.
Arces toke his blade out of Sepulchure's chest.
Sepulchure fell to the ground."Gravelyn."He was smileing
She was crying."Father? Is it you?"
The red glow had vanished in his eyes. They were now a pale brown."Its me. The true me."
Gravelyn hugged him. She began to cry into his shoulder.
He hugged her as well."I don't have long young one. I have things I must say."
She looked him in the eyes."Yes father?"
He got up."My daughter. You were my one true treasure. I leave you the whole of the shadowscythe. And, aqueen must have a weapon."He summoned his blade. The Chaos was gone.
Gravelyn grabbed the sword.
"Young one. You have shown true courage. I trust your judgement. I love you Gravelyn. You have made me proud."
She smiled."Thank you father."
He faced Arces."Arces. you have shown true loyalty not just to my daughter, but to both sides. You show promise. You seek peace. I would be proud for you to be a part of my family."
Gravelyn blushed.
"As it is, I can not stay by her side. Please,"he put a hand on his shoulder,"take care of my little girl."He was begining to fade.
Arces had a serious face."I will be by her side as long as I can be."
"Thank you."His smile made him seem so inocent."Now, may we talk alone Arces?"
He nodded. The two walked off.
When they were out of Gravelyn's earshot, he faced Arces.
"Do you love Gravelyn?"
Arces blushed."Y-yes."
"Then watch her with your life."
Arces looked at him. Sepulchure was almost completly gone.
His smiled vanished."Drakath plans to summon a monster to this world. In order to do so, he requires 13 people to-"
Sepulchure stopped."Forgive me, my time is almost done. I must go."He pulled out a piece of paper."These are directions on how to find Drakath's fortress. Use them well Arces."
Arces nodded."I will lord Sepulchure."
"Tell Alteon i'm sorry. That is all you have left from me Arces."
He nodded.
"Thank you."He looked to the sky and smiled as he faded away.
Sepulchure was dead again.

Arces walked back to Gravelyn.
She had been looking in their direction."Where is-?"
"He is gone."Arces looked away.
"I see."Gravelyn feel to her knees."Its to bad. Father would have been a good aid against Drakath."
Arces looked to see tears forming in her eyes.
Gravelyn looked him in the eyes. She got up.
"Its time to go Arces,"she said walking past him.
"Where to?"Arces asked.
She looked him in the eyes."No. You must go to Swordhaven. I must go. I have let the Shadowscythe know of whati am planning. They all await me at Swordhaven. I'll go get them. As of now, I must leave to think some things over."
Arces looked like he had just been punched in the stomache."But- but you can't."
She smiled. She walked up and began to play with his hair."Its a shame you have to cut your hair."
Arces blushed.
Gravelyn pulled her hand away and frowned."I may be gone for a while Arces. King Alteon will not have my aid for a while. He will understand."
Arces looked down."You can't go Gravelyn. I can't-"
Suddenly things began to slow around Arces. Gravelyn leaned in and kissed Arces on the cheek.
She stayed there for half a minute, but it felt like an hour to Arces.
She backed away. She looked at him with a smile on her face."Well, I have to go. Ohh, give this to Sean and his family for me."
Gravelyn handed Arces three wrapped idems. Each had a name on it.
He inhaled."Very well Empress Gravelyn. I will miss you."
She smiled and turned.
Things began to slow again.
Arces watched as Gravelyn walked away. He saw a single tear fall from her face.
He toke a step foward, but stopped himself.
Their paths were about to divide. He had to tell her. He couldn't-
Arces ran up and gave Gravelyn a big hug. A tear fell from his face and landed on Gravelyn's armor.
"Be careful."Arces was crying.
She smiled."You are a true friend Arces. We will meet again before this war is over."
He let go."I hope so."
Gravelyn got into Shadowfall.
After a couple minutes, she yelled,"FOR THE SHADOWSCYTHE!! AND FOR LORD SEPULCHURE!!!"
Shadowfall roared and flew off.

Only minutes after the roar, Sean, Glider, and Stalagbite landed.
Sean got off Glider."Arces, what is wrong?"
Arces fell to his knees and began to cry."Shes gone."
Sean walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder."It'll be okay Sean. She will return."
Arces punched the ground."I should have told her."
"Told her what,"Stalagbite asked.
Arces whispered,"I love her."
All three then looked on him with pity.
"She is going to leave with the Shadowscythe. It will be a long time before she returns. I must tell her before we face Drakath."He began to cry again.
Sean helped him up, and the two flew off to Willowshire.

That night they celebrated.
The town was completly festive. They had put the Willowshire Dragon's skull on a pike in the center of town.
Arces put on a smile and joined in.
He had fun.

The next day, Arces and Sean left for Sowrdhaven.
Stalagbite desided to help protect Swordhaven with Sean and Arces.
The five of them had succeeded in defeating Sepulchure. Now, Arces would have to prepair for his own seperate path. He would soon face Drakath. Only three Chaos Lords stood in his way.
From here on out, he would work to that cause. He would aim for peace. And, it could only start with the death of Drakath.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/12/2012 17:53:52 >
DF AQW  Post #: 91
1/14/2012 1:17:14   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 91
Dragon Plane Cronicles

(Now, we must tell of what happened in the Dragon Plane while Arces faught in Bloodtusk.)

Sean was lying against Glider's side. It was a nice day in Battleon.
His thoughts kept swiching back to thinking about his wife and son. Defiance, his son, was born only two months ago.
Sean fell into a small nap.

He was woken up by a surge in the magics of the world.
Sean looked at the portal. Called the 11-11-11 Portal, people were curious where it came from.
Everyone thought the 11-11-11 was the date it would open.
This day was dated 11/11/11. Arces was keeping watch.
The portal began to form swirling energys.
Sean woke Glider."Lets go."
They flew into the portal.

A realm made of magic and the four main elements spread out before them.
Sean got off Glider's back.
A dravix walked out of the shadows.
Sean knew what a dravix was because of his bond with Glider.
The dravix was fat and wore black robes. He looked weak.
"Hellow hero,"he said, barly able to stand.
Sean looked at him."Who are you dravix?"
The dravix stood as much as he could."My name is X'dir, servent of the might Desoloth."
"Desoloth?!"Sean asked. Even Glider seemed surprized.
"You have heard of my master?"X'dir asked insurprize.
"In storys, yes. there is even a children's song about him."
X'dir winced and asked,"How does it go?"
Sean began to sing.

Desoloth waits in the dark,
Held captive by the DragonMark,
Four Dragons watch him, never blinking,
But even they can't stop his thinking.

The power of his thoughts alone,
Give form and shape to living stone,
He breathes the earth and swims in flame,
And plays a slow and patient game.

So in his half-dream he must wait,
Until swings widethe DragonGate.
And one that day we will rejoice,
As we dance to his ancient voise.

Sean finished.
X'dir smiled."It is good to know my master is remembered so greatly. Thnak you."
Sean nodded."Why have you opened the portal?"
The dravix stood."I have to realese my master, but the DragonMark is to strong for me alone, so I made a portal. To make the burden easier, I chose a date that happened once every century, 11-11-11. On this day, magic takes less of a toll on creachers. Will you aid me?"
Sean closed his eyes and thought."Very well."He opened his eyes."You have our aid."
Glider grunted in agreement.

X'dir began to tell them of the four realms of the Dragon Relam; Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire; the DragonGate, and the DragonMark.
The DragonMark were made up of one of the most powerful dragons of their kind. The DragonGate was Desoloth The Final's prison.
There was another reason X'dir opened the portal. Desoloth had been sealed away around 800 years ago. He had only two days before he would be trapped forever.
This day was their last chance to free Desoloth.
"Now that you know this,"X'dir said,"I must inform you about the four dragon of the DragonMark. The weakest is Morganth, the dragon of Earth. Next is Udaroth, the dragon of water. The dragon of wind, Cellot, is the second strongest. Finaly, Zellare, the dragon of fire. Togehter these four sealed my master away. Seperate, they can be beaten."
Sean nodded."I under stand. So now I must face the four main elements."
The dravix nodded.
"It is a good thing the elements are on my side then. I have glider with me, so some of the battles will be easy enough."
He got up and turned. Sean got on gliders back, and they left, going to the entrance to the realm of earth, home of Morganth.
DF AQW  Post #: 92
1/14/2012 1:31:46   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 92
Morganth: Dragon of Earth

Arces looked upon the realm of earth. It was befiting to its name.
Only earth existed here. Wind didn't move, fire didn't form, water didn't so much as come into sight.
He had to hurry and find Morganth.

Sean soon found a terra, and on it was a stone creacher.
He flew to the terra.
When he landed, the creacher stirred."Hellow?"it asked. It's voise sonded like an avalanch and earthquake together.
Sean bowed."Good day great earth dragon."
The dragon looked in Sean's direction."Who is there?"
He looked to see the dragon was blind.
Sean bowed."My name is Sean. I am a dragonlord from the physical world. This is my comapanian, Glider."
Glider talked to the dragon in draconic."I am known as 'Dragon of Eight Flames.'"
The earth dragon skuinted his eyes."Why are you here?"
"We search for Morganth of the DragonMark."Glider tried to breath a small flame, but only sand came out.
The earth dragon rose."Your looking at him."The dragon held his head up with pride.
Sean looked at this noble dragon of earth. Could he realy be evil?
Glider looked at Sean, and they exchanged a nod.
When Morganth lowered his head, Sean swung his ax across the dragon's face, leaving a large gash in his face.
The dragon cryed in annoyance. He inhaled and let out a blast of sand.
Sean jumped back as the sand hit the ground.
He used his knowledge of the elements to summon what he needed.
He pointed his hands at Morganth, and a blat of wind hit him in the face.
"How? This is the realm of earth, wind can't exist here."Morganth got up and stared at Sean with growing interest.
"Glider is know as 'The Dragon of Eight Flames', I have no special title. But, I am the true master of all eight main elements. I cansummon wind, ice, water, even fire in your world of earth."
Morganth's eyes widened."Imposible, that kind of power is just a story."
Sean smiled."I am proof it isn't just a story. I am the child of the elemental planes! I am Sean!"His eyes glowed pure white.
Morganth charged.
Sean inhaled and a wave of snad formed behind him. When he sent it forward, it turned into water, and engulfed Morganth.
When Sean gave up control of it, it turned back into sand. the dragon was drenched, trying to stand.
Sean used the water that remained, and made a small thunder storm. Sean sent a blast of lightning at Morganth.
He was right, Morganth wasn't just rock, he had metal in his body. Mixed with water, the lightning surged through the dragon, making him wail in pure pain.
The lightning stopped. Morganth stood completly still.
A green light came out of his mouth. The dragon crumbled, defeated.
The light began to speak. It was Morganth's voise."With my defeat, you have started a war with the DragonMark. The realm of earth has fallen, but it is the weakest of the four realms. Fire, Water and Wind still stand before you. You are nothing to the power of the DragonMark. Desoloth only has two days left. After that, there is no freeing him. We will win!"
Sean grabbed the dragon's soul. Morganth quit talking, and Sean flew out of the realm of earth.

X'dir looked at Morganth's soul in amazment.
"You beat him that easily?"he asked.
Sean nodded."I used my powers over the elements on him. Water, wind and lightning is all I used to win."
The dravix looked in amazment."But, he lived in a realm of earth. No water, wind, or lightning exists there. How-?"
Sean held out his hand, a rock in it, and it began to transform into a strom cloud.
X'dir's mouth hung open as he stared at the sortm cloud."With that power, you can beat any of the DragonMark. My master will be pleased with your aid."
Sean nodded."Thank you X'dir. Do these souls have any purpose?"
X'dir nodded."I require all four souls to open the DragonGate. With Morganth, I can begin my spell. It will take awhile beofore it is ready, but I can begin. Next, the realm of water awaits you."
Sean nodded.
X'dir looked at him."What are you-?"
He looked at X'dir."Show me the DragonGate."
X'dir nodded. The three traveled to the DragonGate.

It was a vast circle of magical symbles.
Four circles made it up.
"This magic is prisise and strong. I can't break it."X'dir sighed, like he was depressed to see the DragonGate.
Sean looked at him."We'll free you master. I'll just defeat the three remaning dragons."
X'dir nodded."Your our last hope. I hope you are enough."
Sean nodded."I am."
X'dir waited there, while Sean traveled to the realm of water.
X'dir smiled."He is playing right into our claws master."
A small rumble replyed.
The dravix nodded."The DragonMark will die, and you will return. It will be close no matter what, but you will roam Lore again."
The air trembled like a demonic laughter.

Sean arrived at the entrance to the realm of water.
The second of the DragonMark awaited him.
But, how much stronger were the others. he beat Morganth so easily. could the other three be a challenge.
Well, he would see. He and Glider went in.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/15/2012 2:55:58 >
DF AQW  Post #: 93
1/15/2012 3:22:32   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 93
Udaroth: Dragon of Water

Sean stood knee high in water and ice.
He looked up, more water. No other elements formedher, at least not normaly.
A giant shark like creacher with two wings was up ahead.
It seemed to be the reason all this water was here.
Glider was chained in water and ice right next to it. That dragon got over confident, and charged Udaroth.
Sean sent a blast of energy at the dragon.
It sent a blast of water in front of it, and the water obsorbedthe energy. Udaroth hit Sean with thee electrified water.
Sean winced. the energy didn't do a thing to him. The water had knocked the breath out of his lungs.
Sean looked at the lay of the land. Maybe.
He smiled."I have the upper hand Udaroth."
He made a small light. It flashed off the water and ice. Udaroth closed his eyes, just long enough for Sean to freeze the water in to solid ice.
Udaroth opened his eyes."I see."His voise sounded like a mix of a hurricane, a ship sinking, and a tsunami hitting a city."Your smart, in some degree, but ice is just frozen water. I win."
Sean made another light. this one was brighter because of all the ice reflecting it.
Udaroth yelled in pain.
Sean smiled and melted the ice.
He used his powers to make a chain around Udaroth, and sent a full blast ofenry into his body.
The dragon let out a loud cry, and colapsed. A light came out, and his body melted into water.
Sean had won.

Sean had walked into the realm of water, and Udaroth attacked him out of nowhere.
The dragon slapped glider with his tail.
Glider charged, and fell into Udaroth's trap.
Glider was grabbed by five chains of water. On for each limb and his tail.
Sean began to attack Udaroth with energy and ice attacks.

Udaroth shouted,"So falls the realm of water! Fire and Wind still stand. The DragonMark willnot fall so easily. You will fail young one. The dragons win!"
Sean grabbed the blue light.
Glider got up, his chains gone. he looked at Arces."Can we leave?"
Sean looked at the soul."We have what we need here. Next is Cellot, then Zellare. Once there gone, we can free Desoloth the Final."
"I don't know what, but something dosen't feel right about that dravix."Glider looked at the portal."He seemed to have a slight bloodlust when saying the names of the DragonMark."
Sean smiled."Wouldn't you if they sealed me away and you were unable to aid me?"
"That is- Fine. Let us call it a tie my friend."Glider smiled, showing his fangs.
Sean laighed."Once Desoloth is free, we need to relax."
Glider nodded.
The two flew out of the realm of water.

X'dir smiled at seeing the blue light.
"Amazing. Now, you must get Cellot's soul."
"I know little dravix."Glider didn't like this one, no matter how much praise he gave Glider.
X'dir sighed."Still don't like me I see. Very well. I just want my master to be free."
"We will set out now. Glider! Lets go."
Sean jumped onto his back and flew off.
X'dir smiled.

Sean now faced the entrance to Cellot's realm of wind.
This wind dragon was the second strongest of the DragonMark.
Sean knew he had a lot of work to do to win.
He inhaled."Lets go Glider."
The dragon roared and flew in.
There was no turning back now. Cellot awaited.
DF AQW  Post #: 94
1/15/2012 13:33:56   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 94
Cellot: Dragon of Wind

Sean stood in the realm of winds.
All he saw were swirling winds and storm clouds. This realm was threatening to tear all other elements away.
Glider could barly keep his wings down in these winds.
"Let me help you out a bit my friend."Sean put a hand on Glider's side.
Glider began to have symbles glow on his hide. They resembled markings of the wind.
Sean had used his powers of the wind to allow Glider to move around in this realm.
Glider is able to use the eight main elements, and bacon, when on Lore, but nowhere else. Sean has to aid him elsewhere.
Glider looked at the sky. A tempest was forming over an oddly shaped figure. The figure appeared to be moving.
Sean got on Glider's back, and they flew up to meet the creacher.

The creacher was made of pure winds and storm.
"Hellow young ones."She had a voise like a mix of thunder and a large gust of wind.
Sean bowed."We are looking for a certain dragon."
"Yes I know. I have kept watch on you. Why are you fight my friends?"
"To free Desoloth the Final."Glider growled at Cellot.
"I see. Then I can't let you leave."Suddenly a gust of wind caught Sean. Glider wasn't moved from his spot.
Sean smiled."Got some fight huh?"
He used his powers to summon sand to the realm of wind.
The wind caught the sand. He redirected it, and hit Cellot, turning the sand into a stone blade.
Cellot wailed in pain. She inhaled, and zapped Sean and Glider with 5,000 volts of elctricity.
Sean wasn't damaged in the least. His armor wasn't even scratched.
He pointed his ax at Cellot. This dragon was strong, he admitted that.
He jumped at her, using his powers of the wind to get close. He encased his ax in a black aura.
When he sliced cellot's chest, she wailed.
The dark energy entered her body, making her feel emense pain.
Sean pointed his hand at Glider, changing his markings. They were now mark of fire.
Glider inhaled, and let out a blast of burning red flames. He loved the element of fire. It made him feel like a normal dragon.
Sean made another would on Cellot, his ax encased in blue flames, across her right arm.
Cellot wailed, summoning a tornado. Glider was pulled in, while Sean still stood.
"Interesting. your powers over the elements is easy to see, but i will still win."Cellot raised her head, and hit Sean with a blast of water, hail, snow, wind, lightning, and flamible gas.
The gas caught his flames and ignited.
Sean wailed in pain. He had never been asualted by so many elements at once.
The fires died out.
Sean fell to his knees. He was in a lot of pain.
"That is what you get."Cellot smiled.
Sean then noticed about the cloud he was on.Cellot's body was attached to it. No, it was Cellot's body.
Cellot saw what he had noticed and lughed."You think that will help you dragonlord?"
Sean smiled."It will."He raised his ax.
He summoned all the elements he could. Sand, ice, water, fire, leaves, darkness, light, wind, and an odd energy that glowed a feint pink gathered around Sean's ax.
The ax fell at very fast speeds.
Cellot wailed in imense pain. She could deal with the pain, but the eight other elements tore away at her, burning her to nothing.
She tried to grab Sean.
Her eyes turned black, and a light fell out of her mouth. It glowed a fignt grey.
Sean grabbed the soul of Cellot.
Her voise, whichnow sounded like a booming thunder clap, shouted,"Wind has fallen! Fire now stands as the DragonMark. Zellare! Defeat this servant of Desoloth! He must not leave the DragonGate!"
The soul went quiet.
Sean got on Glider's back, and flew off.
X'dir's master, Desoloth, wouldsoon be free. The DragonMark had almost fallen.
Zellare remained, and he would be the toughest one of the four.
"Fire. We must win Glider."Sean looked at his friend.
Glider nodded."I agree.But something dosen't feel right."
"What?"Sean asked.
"It is nothing Sean. Just an uneasy feeling."
Sean reluctently nodded and got on Glider's back.
They left the realm of wind.

Sean and glider stopped at the DragonGate.
X'dir stood there, casting his spell. He was struggling.
The dravix looked and saw the dragon's soul in Sean's hands. X'dir smiled."Good. Put it with the others."
Sean saw the other souls. He put Cellot's with them.
"Now Zellare remains."X'dir was inpain from the spell.
Sean focused his energy, and he gave X'dir more strength.
The dravix eased up on his spell."Thank you,"he replied.
Sean nodded. He looked at the DragonGate. An energy was leaking out.
It felt like all four elements in a battle for power.
The DragonGate now glowed pure red. Only the main circle remained. The seal was almost gone.
Sean felt guilty for an odd reason. Why was that so?
X'dir looked at him."We only have twelve hours to get Zellare's soul and free Deslooth. Hurry and get it so my master will be free!"
Sean got on Glider's back and flew off.
The dravix laughed."Foolish mortal. Desoloth willbe free, and you will be the key to his rise."

Sean stood at the entrance to the realm of fire.
"We have eleven hours to get Zellare's soul Glider."Sean was tense.
Glider growled."I still feel uneasy, but we must win. Let us go."
They walked into the realm of fire.
Only eleven hours to get this dragon's soul to X'dir.
Desoloth. Why now does Sean feel uneasy with that name?
What was that power?Could it have been Desoloth's?
If so, then Sean may regret this choise.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/21/2012 13:32:09 >
DF AQW  Post #: 95
1/21/2012 14:01:47   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 95
Zellare: Dragon of Fire

The elementals just kept coming.
Sean fought them using his power over water.
The water was almost gone, so he had to hurry.
Zellare laughed."You will not win dragonlord."His voise sounded like a roaring fire.
Glider tried to jump at Zellare, but was knocked out of the sky by a fire dragon. The dragon had had thre dravix on it's back.
They had waisted two hours fighting. They were running out of time.
Sean pointed at Glider. Glider glowed a bright blue.
He now had marks of ice.
He sent out a blizzard from his maw.
Sean's ax now had a crack forming along the edge. One good hit, and it would shatter again.
Sean used his poqwer over the elements, and blasted the forces with darkness.
He sent a ball of ice at Zellare.
It melted into water, and hot him in the chest.
The dragon roared. Water was it's main enemy.
Sean inhaled, and sent a blast of white flames at Zellare.
Zellare roared in pain. His eye blazed with anger. His fires burned brighter.
Sean dug deep into himself. He found something powerful.
The flames turned a deep purple. Zellare roared so loud that the entire realm was ripping itself apart.
Sean ended the fires.
Zellare's chest was nocovered with chaotic eyes and tenticles.
The dragon looked at him."Chaos? You can weild Chaos?"
Sean had never done anything like that before. That power was beyond any other element he had used.
He ignored it for now."Die Zellare!"
Glider tackled Zellare. He now had marks of fire.
Glider had changed his element with out Sean's help. He was getting use to the Dragon Plane.
Glider roared.
Zellare yelled,"You will not free Desoloth! I was only wasting your time before. In five hours, Desloth will never be free again. You lose!"
Sean jumped onto Zellare's chest, and swung his ax down.
The blast of Chaos had weakened the dragon so much Sean didn't need to use any elements.
His ax went through the burned stone so easily.
Zelare's flames went out.
A fire red soul came out of his mouth. Zellare yelled, with a voise like an erupting volcano,"The DragonMark have fallen! Although, you only have one andahalf hours until the seal is finished. We win! You lose! Desoloth is gone!"He let out a laugh. It fadded to silence.
Sean grabbed the soul. It radiated heat, but it didn't harm him.
He jumped onto Glider's back."We have to go now!"
Glider jumped into the air.
Three fire dragons stood in their way. A dravix was on each back.
They had to reach the DragonGate.

X'dir was growing worried.
"What could take so long?"X'dir looked in the direction of the realm of fire.
He sighed."He better hurry."

Sean had just made it out of the realm of fire.
His armor was melting. His ax's crack had vanished, but it felt weak.
Glider was beaten up.
Four dragons followed them. Each was a servant of the DragonMark.
Glider looked at them. He let out a blast of freezing flames.
The four were incased in ice. They continued flying.
Glider glowed grey, then wind marks formed on his hide. He began to fly twise as fast.
They had only one hour left.

X'dir was weak."I will hold for you my master."
He looked to see two eyes looking at him.
The eyes vanished, and a gust of wind blew over X'dir.

Sean was only two minutes from the DragonGate now. He had half an hour left.
A dragon appeared to Sean's left, and another to his right.
The one to the right was made of clouds, but was bigger than Cellot. It had black clouds and red lightning.
The one to the left was made of charred stone, but water flowed over it's body.
The two spoke in unison."We will help free master Desoloth."
Sean felt the cincerity in their voises. He nodded.
The two dragons grabbed Glider, and made him fly faster.
The made it to the DragonGate in only half a minute.

X'dir smiled."You made it."
They had twenty minutes left when they landed.
Sean handed X'dir the last soul. The four souls meet.
Sean looked at the seal. It had turned white and was smaller than before.
The four souls began to spin in a circle in the center of the DragonGate. The seal glowed brighter. The two dragons stood with pride.
Sean looked at X'dir. The dravix said,"Welcome back master."
The seal shattered, forcing sean to get on Glider's back, and the dragons to get in the air. X'dir floated in the air.
Sean saw a shape forming. Rocks, fire, water, and wind were coming togehter.
Glider growled.
Sean looked in horror. He felt the four elements scream in pain.
"No. No!"he yelled.
X'dir smiled. He looked at Sean."Meet Desoloth the Final. The Destroyer of Lore!"
The shape had formed. Desoloth floated there. His tail hung into the void below them. His wings flaped, keeping him in the air.
The two dragons roared. The one made of stone and water shouted,"Vermoth, loyal dragon of Desoloth the Final!"
The second said,"Bemoth, loyal dragon pf Desoloth, Destroyer of Lore!"
Desoloth roared."I have returned!"His voise was horrific. In it was a deep rumbling, like an earthquake, the sound of crashing waves, the sound of a forest fire, and the sound of a tornado ripping the land apart.
Desloth looked at Glider and Sean."Thank you fool!"
X'dir laughed."He helped free you master, we can let him live."
The dragon nodded."Indeed! We will leave!"
The three dragons flew off, while X'dir floated behind them.
Sean couldn't move, nor could Glider.
"What have we done?"Sean asked.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 1/22/2012 22:02:56 >
DF AQW  Post #: 96
3/10/2012 12:43:52   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 96
Etherstorm Wastes

Arces listened to Sean's story.
"So, you think Desoloth will cause us trouble?"Arces asked.
"I know he will,"Sean said, with guilt.
Alteon nodded."I understand why you would feel guilty, but you are not to blme Sean."
Sean nodded."Thank you my lord."He stood."Should I help you Arces?"
"No."Arces gripped his sword."I can handle it."
"You will need aid,"Alteon alerted his son.
Sean walked to the door."Don't worry. I know where to go."
He walked out.

Arces decided to fly to the Etherstorm Wastes. He had become deadly serious since Gravelyn left.
Stalagbite looked up, but ignored Sean, going back to sleeping.

After a couple hours, Arces saw Etherstorm coming into sight.
A large volcano could be seen.
Arces landed at the volcano.
A dravix faced him.
"So, your the half-dragon Prince Arces,"he said.
"May I ask your name?"Arces asked, getting off his dracolich.
"My name is Hs'Sakar,"he replied.I am a priest of the Fire Prime.
Arces bowed."It is an honor. I am here to aid against Desoloth."
"How do you know? We haven't sent word."
"Sean told us,"he replied.
The dravix nodded."I see."
Arces stood strait."Allow me to aid in taking down Desoloth."
The dravix nodded."You will need aid, but I can worry about that. you can worry about finding the next four Prims."
Arces nodded."And where do I begin?"
"The first Prim, the Fire Prim, is the only one hatched. He will prove strong, but you must subdue him, not kill."
Arces nodded."Where?"
"Inside the volcano."
Arces nodded and ran off. His dragon blood would allow him to handle the heat and lava.

Arces found his way though the volcano easily.
In only a few moments he was in front of a sleeping fire dragon.
The dragon stired. It eyed Arces.
Arces held his sword up.
The dragon sent a small flame that melted the sword.
Arces threw the hilt away.
"Hand on hand then."
The dragon stood, and roared.
Arces sprouted his wings, and turned his hands into claws. He also had two bull horns sprout from his forehead.
He charges the dragon.
The dragon senmt forth a blast of flames.
Arces jumped, and punched the dragon in the side of the face.
He backed away, regaining his composure.
Arces jumped on his back, and began to use his strength to his advantage.
The dragon grunted."Why do you fight me?"he asked.
"The dravix Hs'Sakar has wished me to brign you to him, alive."
He grunted again."You are defently stronger. Why do you need me?"
"Desoloth,"Arces said.
The dragon had a sad look on his face."So the Prims are dead."He stood up."Then I will aid you."
Arces let go, and changed back.
"Let us go."Sean stopped."May I ask your name? Hs'Sakar didn't mention it."
The dragon growled. He stood up proud."I am Ssikari, servant of the Fire Prim."
Arces laughed."Man, dragons tend to be a bit full of themselfs, arn't they?"he asked.
"What do you mean?"Ssikari asked.
"Nothing. Now come one, Hs'Sakar is waiting."

The dravix bowed before Ssikari."Welcome my lord,"he said.
"What do you mean dravix?"Ssikari asked.
Hs'Sakar stood."With Zelare dead, you are the next Prim of Fire."
Ssikari sighed."So that is why Zelare praised highly of me."He stood tall."Very well, let us get to work."
Hs'Sakar nodded."I have managfed to find you some help Arces."
The dravix opened a portal, and four people stepped out of it.
"Welcome might ones,"Hs'Sakar said.
"Ah, a dravix, that explains it,"Galanoth stated.
Warlic looked around."Etherstorm Wastes I belive."
Sean stood up strait."Well, where ever it is, I could have used a warning."
Another man stood up as well."Man, Dage is going to be mad."
"Who are you?"arces asked.
The man wore an armor,(Blue Undead Legend), that was blue and covered in skulls. He had a black mohawk, like the one the Horcs grow. Besides his hair, he looked like Arces.
"My name is Gregory, half-dragon of the Undead Legion."
Arces faced Gregory. He had more muscle than Arces.
"I see. I look forward to fighting alongside you in these battles to come."

That night, they all got ready for battle.
Hs'Sakar and Ssikari talked with the other high priests of the Prims.
Arces talked stratagys with his friends.
Sean told them that Glider would be here soon, searching for him. So they had more aid in battle.
"I'm surprised Galanoth,"Warlic said."Normaly you would slice down any dragons you saw."
"Well, both Sean and Arces have shown me my errors. Not all dragons are bad."Galanoth was playing with his sword.
Arces sighed."Don't think of fight Desoloth on your own Galanoth,"he said.
Galanoth put his hand down."I will fight him when I see him, so be ready to back me up Arces."
Gregory seemed to have an uneasy look on his face.
What was he planning?

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 6/2/2012 14:50:26 >
DF AQW  Post #: 97
6/2/2012 14:51:24   
Dragonslayer Chaos

Chapter 97
Hunt for the Prims

Arces and Gregory were exploring the land of the wind dragons.
They were suppose to meet As'iiur.
Warlic and Galanoth had already gone ahead of them.
The sandstorm picked up, forcing Arces and Gregory to push harder.
After another few minutes, Arces let out a blast of flame, pushing the sand away.

They looked and saw two dravix shaking in fear.
Both wore robes of the Wind Prim.
"Were sorry,"Gregory saod in draconian."We were sent by Hs'Sakar. Which one of you is-"
A little monkey sort of being jumped onto Gregory's back, and began to hit him with a small nut.
"GET OFF OF ME!!!"Gregory shouted.
The shortest of the two dravix walked up and picked up the creacher.
"Forgive her,"he said."You just surprized us. We don't normaly have beings of flame enter our lands."
Gregory rubbed the back of his head."Please don't let her hit me again."
The creacher snarled.
Arces bowed."My name is Arces. I am here to aid the High Priest of the Wind Prim."
The tallest stood."My name is As'iiur, High Priest of the Wind Prim."
Arces bowed again."We are here to aid you. Our friends should be here before long as well."
As'iiur growled."The wizard and dragonslayer?"he said with distaste.
Arces nodded."We know you don't like Dragonslayers, and I won't judge you. But, we need him to defeat, or if needed, kill Desoloth."
As'iiur eyed him."Evil as he is, he is still a dragon. we must seal him, not kill him."
Arces nodded."Forgive my mighty dravix."
The second walked up."Sorry for not intorducing ourselfs earlier, but i am Ang'st,"he said bowing."And my little friend here is Omom,"he said, holding the little one out.
"She tried to crack my skull open,"Gregory stated.
"Sorry, but she is also easily startled, so be careful."
Gregory grunted.
"So, is there anything I need to do?"Arces asked.
"We need you to find the Alter of Air. Once we have it, we will be able to find the Prims more easily."
Arces nodded."On it."
He closed his eyes, and extended his mind through the land.
He found an underground chamber, and focused there.
He opened his eyes, and let out his flame into the ground.
The sand began to eather fly away, or form into glass.
A tunnel was formed.
"This way,"he stated.
The dravix were shaking in fear. Gregory just followed.

The dravix began to work at the alter.
Warlic and Sean were also aiding them.
Galanoth, Gregory and Arces were busy planning out their stratagy.
Once the four others finished, they came back.
"We have found the three remaining Prims. They have yet to hatch, but they are in the land of the water dragons."
"We have decided to send Arces there. Sean, we need you and Warlic to go back Hs'Sakar and help him there."Ang'st said this while Omom was eatting a nut on top of his head.
Gregory laughed a bit, only to have Omom give him an evil look.
"Wow, she dosen't like you, does she?"Arces asked.
Gregory just grunted.

As'iiur prepaired the spells, and sent all of the off.
The only ones left were As'iiur, Ang'st, Omom, and Galanoth.
"Ang'st, me and Galanoth must discuss business about Desoloth. May you leaves us?"
Ang'st nodded. He and Omom left.
"What do you need to talk about?"Galanoth asked.
As'iiur just looked at him with distaste, and made the two of them vanish.

Arces stood in front of the High Priest of the Water Prim.
"Hello Arces,"he greeted.""My name is Ll'rillor, High Preist of the Water Prim."
Arces bowed."Great to meet you great one."
Ll'rillor bowed back."You need not bow to me. But, it is an honor."
Arces nodded."Thank you. As'iiur sent me to help get the remaining three dragon Prims."
"Understood. The cavern they are located at the end of the path."He said this while pointing down the stripe of land.
Arces nodded, and walked off.

Arces stood in front of the whirlpool, annoted. These dravix always forget to warn him on any monsters.
He took a step in, and was pulled down.

When Arces stood up, he saw three egss, heavily guarded and slightly cracked.
Arces tried to touch one, only to be knocked aside by the *monster guarding it.
Arces reached for his blade, only to see it was missing. He cursed, and began to dodge the monster.
It hissed with dipleasure. It was as if the creacher hated him with a passion. Arces could tell.
HGe dodged again, and barley escaped the tentacle being used as a whip against him.
This went on for a couple minutes before it caught him. Arces bathed it in flames, but to no evail. The monster didn't even feel the heat, let alone the fire.
It brought it to its jaws, and saw an axe slice off the limb that held Arces.

< Message edited by Dragonslayer Chaos -- 2/13/2013 22:03:26 >
DF AQW  Post #: 98
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