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RE: Founder Should Get Buff Yes/No

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7/29/2011 6:44:28   

if founder armor gets buffed so will alpha blasters now shut up Lambo
Epic  Post #: 126
7/29/2011 6:46:03   

Let Alpha blaster get buffed? I don't care, lol.
Man you really are a dope. 'Shut up Lambo' You know what, make me. =)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 127
7/29/2011 6:47:50   

if founders get buffed, i want my eggzookas, stun guns, and delta weps buffed, aswell as tesla armor

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 7/29/2011 6:48:02 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 128
7/29/2011 6:48:51   

Lambo your just selfish thats all
Your Heartless
Epic  Post #: 129
7/29/2011 6:50:42   

Tesla, ain't a promo & it ain't even release so that makes no sense.
Let the other promo's be upgraded when they need it, sure.
But you can pay like Founders will pay.

Yeah, selfish to re-pay for my amour to be upgraded. You're selfish for trying to stop it. man you're a DERP.
Damn right I'm heartless, it's the internet.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 130
7/29/2011 6:55:09   


Tesla, ain't a promo & it ain't even release so that makes no sense.
Let the other promo's be upgraded when they need it, sure.
But you can pay like Founders will pay.

exactly my point ;) except founder isn't seasonal therefor shouldn't be upgraded


Yeah, selfish to re-pay for my amour to be upgraded. You're selfish for trying to stop it. man you're a DERP.
Damn right I'm heartless, it's the internet.

all we want is for things to be fair.
u claim u support the game and this and that and blah blah blah. but if u really supported the game u would buy a new armor just like EVERYONE ELSE when a new stronger armor came around.
end of story.
AQW Epic  Post #: 131
7/29/2011 6:59:01   

Lvl 30 Founder :

Str +4
Dex +4
Tech +4
Supp +4

enhance +10 , res 8

I can agree this but i dont agree a buff for founder if stats stay focused in 1 type build like +8 str +8 dex :/ than it will be OPED and annoying , that means what ever the non founders do they cant be stronger than a founder ridiculous , than non founders quit this game and let them play Founder VS Founder.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 7/29/2011 7:02:25 >


Epic  Post #: 132
7/29/2011 7:00:18   

Yeah, cause I just have Founder amour on my account. If I make it home from work & the new amours are still there, I'll most likely buy, so.... Yup..

Eggzooka isn't a Seasonal rare, it's marked as Rare. Stun gun is just a rare, you're point flopped...
Exactly my point. Founder is ULTRA rare.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 133
7/29/2011 7:05:33   


Lvl 30 Founder :

Str +4
Dex +4
Tech +4
Supp +4

enhance +10 , res 9

I can agree this but i dont agree a buff for founder if stats stay focused in 1 type build like +8 str +8 dex :/

uhh problem.
if its gonna be 10 slots. make it +8 res and lvl 33.

i guess u didn't understand.
if founder isn't seasonals and should not be buffed because its already the best in the game at whats its focused at (str and dex) and u want it buffed. (altho it shouldn't because it isn't seasonal) then i want my stun guns buffed (focus on support) eggzookas buffed (focus on dex/str or tech/support) and bunny borg (focus on spread out stats so it would be increase in stats)

its an example u must be dumb if u thought i was being serious about it (i would be if founder got buffed tho)

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 7/29/2011 7:16:11 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 134
7/29/2011 7:14:13   

Founder amour is still a Ultra rare, promo item?

'its an example ur u must be dumb' - Really, lol?
I'll let you read that again & then figure it out how dumb that was. =)

Also, you didn't reply to the part I said: I'll buy the new amour IF I'm able to.
& I will also pay for a upgrade off my Founder amour..
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 135
7/29/2011 7:19:00   


'its an example ur u must be dumb' - Really, lol?
I'll let you read that again & then figure it out how dumb that was. =)

yeah i was gonna say something else but backspaced it and forgot to take out 'ur'


Also, you didn't reply to the part I said: I'll buy the new amour IF I'm able to.
& I will also pay for a upgrade off my Founder amour..

u want ur armor buffed because u cant come online and pay for the other ones?
boohoo wow really? that makes so much sense.
its called limited quantity for a reason, thats like me saying "sure buff founder armor if im able to buy it"
AQW Epic  Post #: 136
7/29/2011 7:21:50   

Kinda obvious We founders have been asking for a upgrade way before Telsa came into discussion.
Like I said, I will buy the amour if I can, I work for a living. Yet I still want to pay for a upgrade to my Founder amour.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 137
7/29/2011 7:23:25   

then do what everyone else does and buy a new armor. and instead of requesting a buff, (because it only benefits founders) request armor skins so that u can wear ur founder skins ontop of an actual armor. and this will benefit everyone not just founders.
and if u cant make it online to buy the armor when its in an LQS then too bad i feel sorry for u.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 7/29/2011 7:26:47 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 138
7/29/2011 7:31:39   

Upgrading the Founder amours benefits Founders & Non-varium players. It also benefits the Game.
1. Founders can continue to use there amour.
2. More money people pay (Founder upgrade) The more money the game has to stay up & keep the Non-varium players playing.
3. It will keep the game alive alot alonger.

A Founder skin would just be of a hassel for the Dev's than just upgrading a amour.
Also, if they released just a skin I would want it for free, I shouldn't have to pay for it.
A Upgrade to Founder amour, would help support alot of things. Like you guys buying a new amour.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 139
7/29/2011 7:38:28   

1) u can still use ur armor, just dont ask for a buff.
2) there are hardly a hundred founders on at a time them paying for upgrade wont make much of a difference and it will just make ur armor OP again and thats exactyl what u want.
3) making skins is a much better idea as EVERYONE can buy skins from armors and have a complete difference look while wearing the best armor in the game.

4) a founder skin wouldn't be a hassle, they would actually make more profit if they implemented the system right
5) obviously ur founder skin would be free -.- u already have the armor, when u buy the armor u get the skin aswell. unless u just want the skin.
6) ur last part doesn't even make sense. so u want us to be the ginny pis and have to pay more while u sit back and relax with ur new OP armor? hell no as a matter of fact u should be the one buying new armors just like us. thats new armors, not upgrades.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 7/29/2011 7:39:25 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 140
7/29/2011 7:46:43   

1. I can still use it yes, but I want to contine to use it in the future. So I'll ask for a payable upgrade.
2. You know this how?
3. Then what would be the point in the Dev's even trying to make an amour when people will just throw a skin over it?
4. It would be a hassle to just a upgrade for Founder.
5. So how would they make money if you buy the amour you get the skin with it?
Would be pretty dumb releasing just say a Bunny Borg skin to go over telsa.
6. It did make sense. We will pay for our Founder amour to be upgrade, like you will pay for a new amour.
Exactly how do you have to pay more when Founder themselfs are asking to pay for a upgrade the same cost as you pay for a amour or even more?
Like I've stated I have more amours than just Founder amour. I've brought new amours, yet I still want a upgrade for my Founder.

EDIT: Anyway I gotta go work. I'll try & reply back to this thread when I get home, it will propably be locked as usual though.

< Message edited by LambO -- 7/29/2011 7:51:58 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 141
7/29/2011 7:58:55   

1) or just use the skin and continue to endlessly support he game like u founders brag about.
2) its a rought estimate but there aren't many founders left id say atleast 500-800 who been active in the last month.
3) the point is to have more variety. u think i wanna look like a banana? no so put a skin over it. this also lets females be more picky of the armors they use. u think they wanna use bunny borg and look like a dude? know so put a gothic skin over it.
4) it would be unfair for the rest and u know it.
5) then scratch that, have armors and skins be sold separately and the QQing founders get theirs free. and allow players to buy skins from armors they owned before. for example i owned space warrir until i sold it. i would like a skin for that.
6) no it doesn't because of standards a lvl 33 founder armor would clearly be WAY better than the current standard comparing them to the lvl 25 armors. not to mention ur armor already beats out any other armor in the game stat wise.
hack u know whats even more shamefull? ur lvl 12 founder armor beating out the lvl 25 standard armors in stats. thats pathetic.


Exactly how do you have to pay more when Founder themselfs are asking to pay for a upgrade the same cost as you pay for a amour or even more?
because its already the best for str builds. upgrading it by 1 resistance would make it OP again.
and if they made a lvl 33 founder armor it will most likely have +10 res and about 6-8 more stats that right there has u set for the next year and a half. seeing as right now they are only releasing lvl 33 armors with +9 res and a total of 24 stats (while founder lvl 25 has 26 stats total) so as they release +10 res armors (after they have several armors with +9 res. probably around 4-5 different types of armors with +9 which should take about a 8 months to a year) u would still be ahead in stats when another armor comes with +10 res. so it would be OP

IF u really want ur armor buffed.
then ok a buff can happen, but only if u change the base stats of founder. u cant just have ur armor focus on 2 different stats (str and dex) and then add 10 enhancements over it. (most likely str since its what its best for to this day)
+4 str
+4 dex
+4 tech
+4 support
+10 slots
+8 resistance and bam u got a buffed founder armor.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 7/29/2011 8:01:11 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 142
7/29/2011 8:06:49   

Ok,You founders are missing a point.

  • 1. You dont ask For alpha to be buffed,Cause you missed it.
  • 2. December 2009 - July 29th 2011,Thats how long your armors been OP'ed,And Still will be after the update because Tesla aint stronger then 8 STR + 8 Dex + 10 Wutever.
  • 3. If You Will pay for an upgrade,then Pay for the new armor.Seen as you think its more OP'ed,You guys dont deserve to be OP'ed,Get that into your little head,How many people do you see using beta that have it,And how many people do you see using founder that have it ?

Epic  Post #: 143
7/29/2011 8:08:10   


How many people do you see using beta that have it,And how many people do you see using founder that have it ?

anyone who uses a str build, or any who wont buy another armor because he dont need to.
AQW Epic  Post #: 144
7/29/2011 8:12:43   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@gold 500 is stretching it really far. I would say there were around 20-30 active Elites when Founder was released and I would wager that 100-200 bought Founder Armor so your first number is closer. I would wager we have maybe 100 active Founders left anyways. Most likely less.

Personally I am against the Founder buff since it's been on top of the armor world for way too long. It's an armor released close to 1 and a half years ago, why should it still be near the top? Also, argue as much as you want to about this but neither Titan or Nightwraith ever said it would stay the best armor around. I searched the old EDF for hours looking for a quote saying it would the best armor of all-time and it never appeared. The closest thing to that is that it was going to be the best armor currently in-game upon its release.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 145
7/29/2011 8:13:56   

Exactaly my point Gold.

For The Heal loop in The Days : Founder armor EM Imperial ACP k Frostbane/Azrael And Bunnyzookas - No Beta
For The STR BH's In The Days : Founder Armor EM Frostbolt Gun,Frostbite Claws,Physical Bunnyzookas - No Beta
For The STR BH's In The Present : Founder Armor EM Frostbolt/E Stun gun Delta Daggers/Frostbite Claws, Physical Egg/Bunnyzooka - No Beta
For the STR TaM In The Present : Founder Armor EM Frostbolt/E Stun gun Delta maul And Egg/Bunnyzooka - No Beta

Founder goes with nearly everything,Beta Doesnt.

Epic  Post #: 146
7/29/2011 8:35:20   

This is my first post on the subject. Top clear the table, I am not a founder.
The founder armor has been the most powerfull armor for nearly 2 years. That is a fact and do not need to be discuss. You guys had a great run. Now top gear stay on top for less than a month.

Now I found the game when it was in the gamma phase. I spent over 250 $ US on the game already.
Upgrading the founder armor to keep it as the top armor is for me a bad buisness decision. The next generation of players deserve top gear. Pleasing about 100 founders to make the majority angry is ludicrous.
May I point out that some of those founders bought ONLY 1 varium pack in their entire ED life. We all are supporting the game, some more than others. The game phase in witch we discovered the game doesn't matter in the long run. I (like any other players that don't have this armor and support the game) deserve to have acess to top gear.

You can still wear it with pride (as it is the best looking armor ingame) but that is all. Stop living in the past. Founder armor is dead. Beta phase is gone forever. Focus is here to stay. Balance will never be perfect. Enhancements won't disapears. There will be be more robots.

Like it or leave it.


Looking at Bunny Zookas: They were the most powerful auxilary for a year or longer. The only buff they got was +1 damage... after it was ingame for a year.
Founder Armor had its time. It also got a buff. I can almost understand that Founders want to see it buffed some more. But Nonfounders are simply on rage.
Founders bought their armor once, enhenced it once and could use it till now. It is still very powerful. Nonfounders bought a lvl 25, a lvl 28 and maybe even one or two rare armors - all needed to be enhenced - just to even try staying at the same grade as Founders. Founders supported this game in an unstable phase, when the game could easily disappear from screen (btw bunny was directly after founder)... Well, the game can continously disappear from screen, seeing that many variums quit. Still there are many players supporting ED, buying varium till today. What about us ?
Founder Armor is ultra rare... so what ? Any rare item that lived to be one year ingame got a small upgrade of +1 "something". Founders got their +1 "something".

LatinLover/Martini you make a good point. This armor had a buff already..for free. Time to move on

< Message edited by MrBones -- 7/29/2011 9:19:04 >


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 147
7/29/2011 9:21:55   

To the players who still don't understand, lets try this again:

Founders armor is not just another armor. Its a special commemorative armor that represents this game more then any other item. The armor is not useless but it soon will be. In advance of that, the players who own the armor are suggesting that an upgrade be made available so that the armor can stay competitive with other new armors that are currently available and the new armors that will come out very soon. This upgrade will cost as much varium as a new armor so in a sense it is a new armor. It will still retain the look of founders armor but that is all.

There is no reason to believe it will be better then other armors, in fact, it will still be competitive but hardly the best armor. I seldom use mine now and as the level cap goes up the founders armor becomes weaker and weaker. The reason ED would allow such an upgrade is purely financial. Many players would purchase the upgrade and all that would happen is the stat would go up slightly. No need to code and draw a new armor. Its simple, expedient and cost effective. For those who don't have the armor, too bad. I don't have many weapons and armors and I don't complain about that.

Don't call this a buff, a buff is a free upgrade that everyone gets without asking or purchasing something. If you say buff, it makes you sound uninformed.

An upgrade is a pay item that you choose to purchase and use to improve an item.

Lastly, Cinderella already hinted that the upgrade will eventually come out. I'm sure they already have something planned and I am willing to wait and see.

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 7/29/2011 9:25:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 148
7/29/2011 9:27:29   


I don't think releasing a new founder armor makes any sense, unless it can only be bought by players that already have the old founder. Hm....now that I'm thinking about it, this could be a good solution. It may be easier to implement than upgrading the existing one. I initially thought that founders should be allowed to pay for upgrading their existing armor, but allowing them to buy a new one is just as good (except for the lost inventory slot). I don't see any problem with that, as long as it's as expensive as the newer armors and doesn't become more powerful than the newer armors. In such a scenario, founder armor wouldn't have an advantage over other players (neither monetary nor stat-wise), but could still be worn. Unfortunately, even this appears to be too much for some. It seems as if some people just don't want to have others wear the founder armor. Who knows why.

Also, I think us founders feel much more emotional about founder armor than other rares. For me, my founder armor is not just another rare. It's special and I would hate for it to be rendered useless.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 149
7/29/2011 9:43:42   

@Spartacus: I understand perfectly what is it your are asking. Call it buff or upgrade or whatever you want. I understand that you are willing to pay for it. It is all very clear. My point, I think, was very clear also. WE, the majority of players here in today's ED, disagree with that.

The subject is close. Let's see now if the Devs will keep kissing the butt of a couple players or try to please the majority.

Epic  Post #: 150
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