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RE: ~ Tesla Armor = Well Done Nightwraith & Cinderella ~

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7/31/2011 13:59:54   


you realize that banana suits still show off the players base arms and legs right? (i can't actualy answer wich gender it is, since i am unable to view the page)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 51
7/31/2011 14:01:09   
Always a Princess

@albany- PM me.

@Sylar- watch the language. Even in abbreviation.

Post #: 52
7/31/2011 14:32:52   
Elf Priest JZaanu

Mum is using male bh banana armor.

The game better add a gender lock, so if one armor of a gender is sold out, they are not allowed to get a female/male version and claim it is a mistake, or actually make an honest error.
AQW Epic  Post #: 53
7/31/2011 14:36:59   

It was probably mistake for males to buy female armors. I though before they did have gender lock.
AQ Epic  Post #: 54
7/31/2011 14:47:17   
Hun Kingq

How do we know that plays actually made a mistake or they did it on purpose because the male ran out and they tell staff they made the wrong purchase then get the correct ones without waiting like the rest of us?

It clearly states Lady, even if your in a hurry you can't miss that, Plus the word, requirement, if your not the right gender is highlighted in red.

So is it a con or honest mistake?

There is 34 left of the Lady Tesla Armor P left.
Epic  Post #: 55
7/31/2011 14:50:00   
Master Volcon

Some people might be in such a rush that they don't look over the req. or see the red. I know that limited quantity can drive people to do crazy things in fear of not getting a certain item.


AQW Epic  Post #: 56
7/31/2011 14:50:17   

@Above Exactly, a player could have missed it and bought the female 1 on purpose. It would be more fair if they got their varium and credits back.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 57
7/31/2011 15:13:03   

@ cindy : thats the ugly truth i said there that no one wants to believe -.-

@ all the above talking about the not knowing in banana armor if its a boy or a girl just look at the legs girls have high heels :)
Post #: 58
7/31/2011 15:39:06   
Baron Dante

One thing I still feel should be in place:

Instead of the male and female versions both having a certain number (Say 250 both), there should be a TOTAL of 500 instead. That means that neither of them won't go "slower", and make it easier to get the gender there was less people wanting it (In this case, female, though I assume this is because the game has much more males than females :P).

DF did this for the first LQS they had, and their second one had no need for it.. I'm not positive if it's doable, but if it is, it should be done.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
7/31/2011 17:45:39   

Really hate the limited quantity, make it 24-28hr hour limit not numbers.

Game will make more money players will be happy !

How hard is this to understand.
Post #: 60
7/31/2011 19:02:44   

^ Agreed and they also need to announce the time IN GAME so everyone knows and not the privileged few brown nosers.

Cinderella announced it on Twitter apparently which I doubt many knew about because who in the world Tweets?

What's the point in a whats new section if it's never updated, cluttered with all this old news, and doesn't contain the useful information we want to know?
AQW Epic  Post #: 61
8/1/2011 11:29:18   

Male Tesla Armour is a bit weird but

nice job NW .......... u rock !!


Epic  Post #: 62
8/1/2011 15:30:41   

I dont like the looking of the armor (idk is any one like them) the reason is just because this is a space related game doesnt mean all armors should be robots or astronaut related , this is an imaginary place so it can change due to ppls thoughts . The thing i want to say is we really bored from robot looking , WE WANT SOME ARMORS THAT LOOKS MORE COOL.

And also just because NW do space related armors doesnt mean we cant have Space+Imagination combined armor , i think Bunny borg is a good example (im not saying its perfect) , it has good ways like a goat face(ik its rabbit :P) on arms(which is not space related).

I think old armors look more cool like Necro Mage , it has awesome looking , some times i wish i was playing back in Beta just to use it again in battles :) We want more armors like Founder , Necro Mage and Bunny Borg

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 8/1/2011 15:31:19 >


Epic  Post #: 63
8/1/2011 19:13:49   
Infinity Everlasting

Yes, I also think that we should appreciate the hard work that the admins have done, including how this time, they listened to the player's suggestions of creating gender variations of some armors.


AQW Showcasing Evolved Shaman
AQW Epic  Post #: 64
8/1/2011 20:09:34   

Yeah its hard to make that armor. And its a "super rare" armor and it fits the LQS event. Not LTS.

Limited Quantity Shop = Super Rares

Limited Time Shop = Rares
AQW Epic  Post #: 65
8/1/2011 20:13:26   

I wish they would re-release more Tesla Male Armors, would make a great tank.

< Message edited by Algorithm -- 8/1/2011 22:50:09 >
Post #: 66
8/1/2011 21:51:26   

Cinderella said later this week but who knows :P

It doesn't make it fact but we can hope....I'd much rather have +8 Tech and +9 res on my support TaM than the +8 str and +7 res I get from Founder....

< Message edited by DeathSpawn -- 8/1/2011 21:52:28 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 67
8/1/2011 22:51:03   

I am ready for them.

< Message edited by Algorithm -- 8/1/2011 23:17:02 >
Post #: 68
8/1/2011 23:08:04   

^ I'm still fairly new with these forums. What in the world is that Awaiting Approval stuff goin on there?
AQW Epic  Post #: 69
8/1/2011 23:09:34   

it means he's managed to post without aproving his email. (i guess verifying)
or he unverified it and still able to post.
someone should do something about him tho, its glitching the posts.
it says i did not view the post when i actually did, and every time it does its because he posted on it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 70
8/1/2011 23:16:04   

Sorry guys did something on my profile and I guess it glitched, I put it back to Default.
Post #: 71
8/24/2011 5:57:47   

Tesla armor is a bit bulky but that's not the matter as it looks really cool.
But I think its only for tanking because of that +8 dex and tech.

Sorry,my bad.

< Message edited by Darkeroid -- 8/24/2011 6:57:58 >
Epic  Post #: 72
8/24/2011 6:07:11   

All armors deserve a job well done, most of them look totally awesome.

Post #: 73
8/24/2011 6:26:30   

@Darkeroid: your not actually allowed to dig up old topics ^^

my only issue with the armor is its too detailed for browsers and you experience slowdown running around with it on.


Post #: 74
8/24/2011 8:26:47   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Locking this up. Please don't bump dead topics that are more than 2 weeks old.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 75
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