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RE: Tactical Mrcs

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8/3/2011 13:46:36   

@Celestine I actually made a build for Tech mage that can beat all classes
I tested it 1 week ago
Its weakness is cyber hunter sad enough -_-
Epic  Post #: 26
8/3/2011 13:59:20   

*goes hunting for dendavex* >.>

yea thats all ppl say is make a build to beat them but that will make us weak against the others we beat with the build we alrdy have.
then ppl say just change to a TLM. yea not that easy unless u wanna give me the money to buy enough varium to get new armor and a class specific weapon and to fully enhance my weapons. the simplist thing to do is to either buff other classes or nerf TLM
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
8/3/2011 14:11:47   


Yes, TLM do have a large variety of builds. That's what makes them so effective in PVP.
They can counter almost every other effective build.

the solution would be to give other classes more varieties.
nerfing a class big time (or with a sledge hammer like cindy said) isn't going to work anymore.
remember what happened to mages?


A BH still does fine because a strength build can outmatch a tank TLM.
I, however, still have trouble with the 60%+ of TLM that abuse Strength.

most str BH i fight aren't really using the best builds.
i actually made a few str BH builds that should theoretically beat tanks easily
however it is untested until i go back to BH. maybe ill ask rogue ninja to try it if he wants to/


Mages can defeat a TLM, but it's harder for them considering they have to use strategy.
But with all these cookie-cutter builds running around, not every Mage knows what they are doing.

the problem with cookie cutter builds is that people are able to see ur exact build stat by stat.
if they removed the option of players being able to see ur stats and skill tree. then cookie cutter builds will stop because people wont know what to copy. so they are forced to make their own builds.


I still wonder to this point why the evolved classes all got their main passive taken away.
BM no longer have Reroute, CH don't have Bloodlust, but yet TLM got to keep Hybrid Armor.
That should have gone to CH, imo.

well IMO i think tac merc would be severely UP without hybird or reroute
if they take away reroute then they just might have more options skill tree wise but they will lack the energy for it.
if they have reroute and hybrid they will have the energy and tanking to back it up but wont the options skill tree wise because of lack of skill points. if they removed hybird it would be just another mage class except without defense matrix and deadly aim. which would be worse than mage, while it does have the advantage if artillery. that is only a 1 time hit because of its energy requirement and u will most likely need the energy for a heal next time. so a tac merc without hybrid would lack in offense unless they spend the energy on it. which mage didn't have to spend that energy because they had deadly aim and heal which is whats most relied on.
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
8/3/2011 14:25:43   
J3an Boy

Tactical mercenary are not getting nerf, wait for friday and you will see the balance.
Epic  Post #: 29
8/3/2011 17:06:30   

TLm... Dont nerf anything cept frensy. They can heal loop no need to encourage it
Post #: 30
8/19/2011 20:47:21   

I think that TLM are so OP now.To much defense if you ask me.Hybrid,technician and assault boot...just to much.How can a tech mage win that?


Epic  Post #: 31
8/19/2011 20:54:14   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Locking this up. Please don't bump threads that are more than two weeks old. You can continue to discuss this in =ED= Balance Discussions as well.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
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