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RE: =ED= August 5th Design Notes: Release is Live

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8/5/2011 20:25:47   

@ Gold, just accept the fact that the crit system is broken... I had a game in 2v2 and we had equal support, so a 2% chance to crit or 1/50... What do you think happened? lol... I got 3 crits and she got 1 in 8 turns. If the stun gun or curse happened that many times ppl would complain and they have much higher % chances (5% and 13%)

Just let Titan fix the code, we can wait for the features that will follow once it's fixed. Maybe he will stumble upon the reason why criticals are happening so often ;)
Epic  Post #: 151
8/5/2011 21:10:45   

Well lets see how well titan fixes crits then G00NY.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 152
8/5/2011 21:13:09   
Hun Kingq

So the armors was released early and no real update and the second set of armors was released at 5pm as well so much for the update and so much for making sure the players wanted the armor gets an armor. Well so much for players battles just stick with NPCs since it takes forever to start a battle and the fact I missed out on the armor once again because I put making a living above game playing.
Epic  Post #: 153
8/5/2011 22:00:12   

Lawl, Tesla M almost gone, theres like 49 of Tesla P and Es for Females.

No update?! How long will they stall this time....

< Message edited by drinde -- 8/5/2011 22:06:46 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 154
8/5/2011 22:15:20   

Can Ak post everything that was released tonight, I've noticed some stuff thats new but some I don't see.
AQW Epic  Post #: 155
8/5/2011 22:28:50   

Guys stop blaming Cindy. Im a programmer. It is not easy to code and bugs suddenly comes out. Chill guys. lol
AQW Epic  Post #: 156
8/5/2011 22:31:13   
Always a Princess

@Nexus- I'm going to apologize again. I did not intentionally deceive you, I was assured that we'd be able to get everything in. We DID test before the day of- we thought that Titan would have had the bugs fixed, but they were more complicated than previously anticipated. I can't predict everything, and for that I'm sorry.

This is all my fault.
Post #: 157
8/5/2011 22:34:21   

Hopefully Titan would hurry up.

Cind, how is this ur fault?
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 158
8/5/2011 22:40:33   


Will there be a restock on Charfade on the next update? Please response. Thanks
AQW Epic  Post #: 159
8/5/2011 22:41:36   
Always a Princess

@bluerain- I don't know.

@drinde- Code can't be rushed. When Titan's rushed, bugs happen.
Post #: 160
8/5/2011 22:43:04   


awww :( I wish there is.
AQW Epic  Post #: 161
8/5/2011 22:45:10   


Its not all your fault, I'm just very critical of the ED staff at this point, and for that I am sorry. As I thought, most of it had nothing to do with you. You can only write what you are told. Obviously the weak link is Titan, or whoever is your "informant" of sorts. I wouldn't take this to hard. I just get pissed off and start attacking anybody in sight. I tried to convey that most of it wasn't your fault, but I think that came out wrong. I have said it many times, and I will say it again. I think you are great at your job, and there is no way I could do any better, or even come close. This being said, the expectation is that we get the truth. Obviously this was a last minute thing, but maybe double check with Titan next time to make sure there will be at least SOMETHING released. I really liked where this update was headed, I even called it "the best release in years." I should have known better. It was the greatest release until it didn't happen, and it not happening had nothing to do with you. That was left up to something you could not have possibly foreseen.

Have a nice night Cindy, I apologize for my frustration (as I usually do after I direct a post at you). Lets hope next week isn't such a disaster /exhale


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 8/5/2011 22:48:05 >
Epic  Post #: 162
8/5/2011 23:07:41   

Lol why yall so worked up? Shoulda known they never release everything or even release anything period every two weeks.

They would rather twiddle their thumbs and tell us what they feel we'll believe as to why the only release worth anything since delta was the Tesla armor, Non-Varium armors, and lag fixes (Which is having some issues again btw).

Personally I'm happy they at least told us what to look forward to in the upcoming year since that's the pace of this game xD
AQW Epic  Post #: 163
8/5/2011 23:21:33   
Angels Holocaust

Please guys don't be mean to the Devs, they work really hard to make us happy. What if Titan had relesed the update today? It would've been laggy or dare I say problematic. It was wise for them to postpone the update, to make sure everything works right.
Post #: 164
8/5/2011 23:28:51   
Hun Kingq

Then if there was no update then the second batch of armors should not have been released.
Epic  Post #: 165
8/5/2011 23:29:10   


Being a Dev is hard work. Do you think ED is purposely trying to postpone the release? They love ED, and are trying to get the release out on time. I bet they live, breath and dream ED sometimes. We know about the lag, the postponment of releases, but can't we just wait? Go play some AQW/DF/MQ/AQ/HS and wait. Coding is hard work. I should know. I'm an amateur coder, and boy it's hard for me to get the easiest thing for Titan to code. And ED is very complex. Give them some leniency, even if we already have. It's not like your life rides on this release being on time. Just chill guys.

They have a whole bunch of stuff on their hands. It's like AQW, a bunch of changes are happening. Gender Change, char page updates, emotes...etc...and the Color Pallette that was postponed 2.5 weeks or so. AQW grumbled, but in the end, what was released was released (except for Gender Change, coming next week, fine with me) and AQW moves on.

Thank you. And go Titan! Code that ED! Have a banana! Oops, that's for Rolith...

Um...Have a TITAN sized cookie! (And other coders of ED, you also have a cookie! And all the ED staff!)


EDIT: Right now can't log in, so release coming up...?

< Message edited by Joe10112 -- 8/5/2011 23:50:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 166
8/6/2011 0:01:14   

Ok so, the balance update was delayed due to some problems with the code. I understand that these things cannot be rushed, so it doesn't bother me that the balance update has been delayed once more. Hopefully they can add the balance changes later on this week along with a few extras.

There's two issues that remain unaddressed; the lag and the dreadful LQS system. Limited Quantity Rare means that the item should go rare, it's just silly to leave it in the shop and just restock it randomly. People will just plead for you to restock, and that's exactly what happened. People said that the LQS was rubbish, but then they got their tesla armour and they stopped complaining. You even restocked Charfade's items...again...at a completely random time. The people who didn't get what they want will just continue to ask, "When is Charfade restocking" or "Will you restock soon"? That just ruins the whole concept of LQS. Somehow I can imagine that the Tesla Armour will just remain in Charfade's Shop and be restocked as infrequently and randomly as all of Charfade's current items. I know you want to generate profit, but some people do buy these things just for the fact that they're rare. What did Nightwraith do this week? Draw some art for an upcoming release, or nothing? I would of liked for Nightwraith to reduce the bulkiness of the Tesla Armour, although I guess he won't...since they already get good money due to the fantastic stat modifiers of the armour and each restock= more $$$$. I would like to know why you built the system like this. You guys are professionals and fully matured adults, I would expect better.

Lag is a problem in a lot of games. The lag that came with the delta update has returned once more, but I assume that it's either a problem with the code or the servers. Once again, more work for Titan! I get the idea that Titan is working really hard...although Nightwraith? I'm not so sure. I'm not an artist, so I wouldn't know how hard it is to design Epicduel items. I guess he's probably designed new bots etc to be released once the issues with in the game's code have been fixed. They really should attempt to hire atleast one more artist and programmer; another artist would provide fresh ideas, more variety in Epicduel's art and more items! A new programmer would have to learn all of the coding language used by Epicduel although he/she would provide company for Titan while working and of course double the speed of their work :).

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 167
8/6/2011 0:46:54   
Master Volcon

They are still gonna restock 1 more time at reset right?

In 14 minutes??
AQW Epic  Post #: 168
8/6/2011 1:50:05   

^^ No i'm afraid not Volcon.
TLM's Rejoice! Another week for you on top!
But dang, a lot of anger is coming out of this thread, and sadly I can understand their anger :/ ED messed up, yes, but I think its pretty humble of Cinderella to stay professional and respond calmly to all the frustration she is dealing with. And for that, I respect you even more Cindy.
AQ Epic  Post #: 169
8/6/2011 3:22:07   
SouL Prisoner

heyy Ashari pllzzzzzzzz..tell me whens charfade goona restock again.

dam i missed it out (not at all my fault, they neva informed )

waiting for charfade to restock frm past "5 months" \

plzzz restock it again n plzz inform this time...plzzz
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 170
8/6/2011 3:25:55   


heyy Ashari pllzzzzzzzz..tell me whens charfade goona restock again.

dam i missed it out (not at all my fault, they neva informed )

waiting for charfade to restock frm past "5 months" \

plzzz restock it again n plzz inform this time...plzzz

This is a great example of why the items should go rare. There will be always people such as this person who will constantly demand for you to restock the limited 'rare' items. Are they really rare if everyone gets a chance to get them? Are they really worthy of having the title 'limited rare' if they won't even go rare? I don't think so. My previous post should explain my opinions of this update in more detail, although I know that many of you will refuse to read it because you prefer the short and sweet posts :p.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 171
8/6/2011 3:32:30   
SouL Prisoner

@t.600 shut up...

juzz coz u hve, doesnt mean others shldnt hve ur a such a mean noooob

if u cant understand others prob (juzz keep ur dam mouth shut)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 172
8/6/2011 3:48:34   
Baron Dante

*sigh* I agree with T600. I mean, it's fine to restock them after they are released for a few times, but after that, they should just be gone.

Of course, I got my Charfade stuffs only after this phase would have gone by, but eh.

Now, the thing I think is the worst in the LQS's is how the female versions stay there so, so much longer.

Is it impossible to either
1) Have the armor look different depending on your gender?
2) Have Both Male and female version (Or E and P too) have a single counter?

Well, I have no reason to complain about LQS's, because there really is no reason I can't get them if I want to. Nor is there really any reason anyone else couldn't get them.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 173
8/6/2011 3:52:06   


juzz coz u hve, doesnt mean others shldnt hve ur a such a mean noooob

Actually, I got the bike the day it was released, got the armour the day it was released and I purchased the staff when there were around 90 remaining. I was at the right place at the right time, therefore I'm entitled to state my opinions and they're not biased.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 174
8/6/2011 4:07:19   
SouL Prisoner

u were there coz u noe it.

if i did . even i would hve been.

i was there for all the update till today(after joining ED)this was the 1st update i was not there "coz it was juzz a balance upate" but titan n night cheated"
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 175
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