K so BH, CH, TLM Become much more stronger bcuz they have that over time poison that.. not to mention... kills you... think about it... BH vs TLM = TLM wins Explanation: TLM has a choice in using the Max poison high def high resist, or a str build with it that has high tech doing far greater smokes than bh and then there is the double strike that they could use every 2nd turn... so str build (double, poison, double) bam, the double does 33 each soo... 33+(3+12)+33=81 dmg vs. str bounties, een more considering they usually have like 110+ str or something like that. it'd be a little less and that only costs them what? 63energy? which they're regaining slowly with probably a lvl 5 re-route and since they're opponent the bh is a str build using smoke and attack giving the TLM like 20 more energy in 2 turns, that makes them invincible and the poison goes on. CH vs TLM= TLM wins No doubt. Malf? pfft, that's not doing anything when the cyber hunter finds themself left with around 20 hp in 2 turns... 3 turns max. YEAH YEAH SO THEY DO SOME KINDA 50 heal yet the TLM does 30+ with a normal strike what happens then. plus all the damage they do racks up their own rage way faster then their opponent who keeps healing and boosting.. TLM vs. TLM = ....? Can't rlly explain. TM vs. TLM = TLM wins yeah sure the TM has high support which means an insane def matrix that gives them 30+ def, IT's going to help ALOT.... WRONG!! why? because the poison doesn't do physical or energy IT DOES POISON DAMAGE 12 each turn soo now even with your awesome def matrix your stuck with a TLM hitting you 10 - 20 dmg normal strike and idunno 25-30 double which they can use EVERY SECOND TURN...so imagine (Let's take max) 30+12=42 this turn even with your insane def do you stand a chance no bc of that freaking poison adding frustrating damage that would cause your opponent to be able to kill you easily even with your 60+ heal And if That's not bad enough, you're still not energy covered... sure you have your little armor that gives you +9 (var) +7(non-var)but it only give you what a mere 32 resistance? haha that's nothing compared to a energy gun that does 28 damage in some cases they may crit (Not taking support into account bc a large percent is based on luck) doing a little over 35 damage. I'll finish there with the "vs." and this isn't just about the skill poison. I was just unleashing my expression about TLM's xD sorry you guysssssss!! Anyways, this would make str builds and support builds from TLM's dominate even more after the update if it includes this... Take a look Support TLM's: Poison, aux, gun(multi if rage), (multi now if no rage b4) and there opponent is now dead. Strength TLM's: #1 Poison, double, gun, ((rage) double) or heal, Rage double now if healed #2 Double, poison, double, frenzy if they lack health(might or might not be rage) That's easy kills for them, and imagine them now with an energy weapon with their str build... unstoppable except by their own kind ^Example of how the poison already does enough damage^ if it were to kill... then they'd only need to poison - multi or poison - double /Simple as that. It will take a lot of thinking that can not only counter them but the other builds out there as well and soo far the only person I know that wont stop untill he has the perfect 100% build is Xendran the build maker(not rly bc he keep the build to himself unless he encounters a copier) and he's currently a TLM so... there you go. Had to edit bc I forgot to say I don't support this idea. It would be better you get another move instead of poison kill. You have written that for really no reason at all, I'm a Cyber Hunter and i can take out pretty much any class quite easily, it's called thinking. LOL, so are you saying that you're losing too much? And you're going to rely on Xendran?