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(AQW) *-- The Drow's Daughter

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8/8/2011 22:01:25   

(If you are proofreading this please comment in the Discussion Thread or PM me any mistakes so I can edit it. Edit a few chapters and I will still credit your name in this Post.)

(If you wish to include your character/s in this story line as it goes along discuss in the Thread or PM)

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Map Fifty Years Later
Full Map (Fifty Years Later)
For a DeviantArt Plot Synopsis: Click Here

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/17/2011 20:58:42 >
AQW  Post #: 1
8/8/2011 22:05:23   

The Drow’s Daughter: Part One - Opening Doors

Chapter 1: Camel and Cactus Herding

For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: Click Here

_____Camels with razor sharp talons unsheathed from its furry paws are the most unusual creatures I have ever seen. Wait. Sand swimming sharks are the most dangerous fish alive in the desert. I plan to find one once I am allowed to explore the ports. After this day I will be allowed to do whatever I please...well almost do whatever I please.

_____ I sit leaning back against the chilly sand-coloured wall of a building. The shade is one of the things you need in a desert, besides water. I sit there with bare feet, near my rugged boots, watching passer bys pace the streets of the market. People go on about their business, and along with them is an assorted array of friendly humanoid beasts, from dwarves and koopa turtles, to walking river fish and hooded goblins pulling their carts of commodities. I spot a horc in the crowd wearing a bard's feathered hat pulling a cart that sells exquisite music instruments. It is rare to find a friendly horc; they are usually territorial at their fort, isolated from human villages.

_____ My feet are beginning to heat up again so I wash them off at the nearest puddle. The early morning is very relaxing and it takes me a while to get up and put on my boots. I leave the sanctuary of the shade and enter the bustling black market.

_____ The sun burns and the crowded path make air stuffier by the minute. I squeeze out of a mob gathered around a vendor who was wearing black robes. He must be the man who travels north to Greengaurd’s capital, Battleon, where he sells rare merchandise.

_____ When I was born –at a place now forbidden, says my mother- a war was going on at the eastern lands. I was just beginning my baby steps at a village near Swordhaven when my mother and I immediately immigrated to Willowcreek at Greengaurd. Apparently, I was too young to understand anything about the war and my mother placed me in the dark. But that did not stop me from eavesdropping on conversations. I learned a few things about the ongoing war as I grew older and every gossip is still in my memory.

_____ The Cold War is what they called it, still happening today for fifteen years, involving eastern lords. The name I constantly heard was Lord Sagittarius’s, a man hungry for land and power, ruling the eastern mountains with an iron fist. He is widely supported by the humans and elves residing there and he still lives to sit on the corrupted throne. Sagittarius is a man without fear of traitors and with him are four other eastern lords. The Dwarfhold Mountains are currently conquered by these lords and they extremely guard the place like it stored all the riches of the world. A decade ago the good king of Swordhaven died, and then the eastern lords were appointed. The lords took advantage of this death and took over the kingdom. There were no heroes to help. You’ll find their statues maintained at Battleon’s Grand Museum of Lore.

_____ When I was four we travelled to Battleon, the capital of Greengaurd near Willowcreek. My mother was preparing me for more lessons in spell casting one morning, and she and I stopped near the Grand Museum built by the square plaza. I sneaked into the museum while my mother was busy in a Magic Shoppe. At the front was a polished golden statue of Artix, the Great Paladin. Not only was his statue there, but surrounding it were statues of the Lady Safiria, Lord Cysero, Lady Beleen and so much more sculptures of heroes who lived a five decades ago. But what clearly stayed in my mind were the honoured men and women with pointy ears, they were elfin heroes of the past.

_____ I believe in dragons, faeries, vampires, werewolves, river folk, ninjas, pirates, robots and skeleton men, among them other beasts but elves? My mother would tell me elfish stories for bedtime until I turned three when I started questioning her, the stories stopped. Elves do not exist anymore. Their kind has died off, she said. My box of questions reopened after I found the elfin heroes at the Grand Museum.

_____ When we travel to places, I see many demons including cacti with jaws, but no elf as if I were under a spell, cursed not to see a single one. My mother would sing me a lullaby to sleep every night when I wonder about elves and faeries. Years later, I made her stop singing me to sleep because I realized they were spells. What kind of a mother would constantly curse her child to hide elves? That question haunted me, until training lessons occupied my mind. My brain snaps back to the present.

_____ A large tusked-camel crosses my path and I avoid it, I am too busy playing with one of my arrows. It ignores me and grunts away believing that its master is somewhere in the crowd.

_____ Trespassing wild beasts, excluding those who come to trade, inside the gates do not bother people. The wild uncivilized creatures are pests and humans ignore them or shoo them away. When it comes to being in a guarded realm the chances of getting attacked by unrefined intruders are rare, like getting hit by a lightning. When you venture out of the walls of a city you are in danger in their territory. For the most part, if you are seeking a bite out of the untamed you simply go up to them and ask for it.

_____ It is a usual day of training in the desert oasis, where palm trees provide cool shadows, and traders huddle underneath the shade of fabric. I walk out from underneath a large leafed palm tree and stop at a distance away from the main stone gates where my company awaits.

_____ The sun is beginning to bother me. Although the humid is painful, you survive the heat since there are puddles of water all over the city - which conveniently heats up every evening, then cools during daylight. There is also the breeze from time to time.

_____ I reach the gate where two people stand waiting. I carry bow and arrow in hand ready to practice with my step father, the loving Gregory Sabor. His goatee twitched with a charming smile and he opens his arms for a hug. No wonder mother fell for this guy. I hold out my bow and arrow to show him that my hands are full but he hugs me anyways.

_____ "This noon," he says above my head, as you can see I'm trapped in a bear hug pressed to his authentic rogue blouse. "You'll be finished with your training as a ranger. It is a big accomplishment. You excited?"

_____ "I thought I was already finished." I hug him back with the bulk of my weapons.

_____ When I was really young my mother taught me spell casting, she had not shown me her ancient spells yet, but I will continue to nag her about it someday. Now I know enough sorcery to defend myself and I don't mean to boast but I am pretty good at it. She even taught me healing spells which I find boring. I forget to heal myself most of the time. Magic has never been my "forte" and I only use them when I feel trapped during combat.

_____ I turned nine mother introduced me to a man named Raul, a merchant of the seas, who I thought was a pirate. I was old enough to use daggers and he even taught me how to be cunning with the sword, whip and knives.

_____ I prefer my former teacher, Mr. Sabor over here. He’s a skilled rogue with double swords behind his back and a flintlock that carries accurate bullets. He’s also good with hand to hand and bow and string. He taught me archery and now this class is almost over. We have agreed to extend my skills with swords and guns when we travel to Greengaurd tomorrow. I am all ready good with a sword but he still thinks I'm too impulsive. He says that mastering many skills takes years and he’s right. Though I pride over my skills, I’m barely amazing with any spell or weapon. I cannot wait for this extended training, because I want to master the sword.

_____ He releases me so I can see Wiolina beside him, my mother. Through all these years I have suspected her of deception. She always hid something from me, from news of the Cold War going on at the east, to the truth about elves and to the truth about my father.

_____ She is wearing a large hood, loose enough to provide her soft red curls shelter from the heat, an intricate jewelled belt shined along her hip holding together a beautiful long-sleeve dress.

_____ Mother wears dresses all the time, the finest ones were especially sewn for her. Very rarely will you find a dress in her wardrobe without intricate patterns and gold linings. I somehow got purple eyes from my absent father and my red hair from her, which I added my own flair of zebra stripes - she called me a peacock after that.

_____ "Go on now darling," says mother, so graceful and composed. My relationship with my mother has always been a roller coaster and I wonder if she’ll ever tell me anything about my real father. I turn away to focus.

_____ My right arm strings the bow and I place my back on the cool stony gate wall. I spot a couple of camels and four grim cacti on the far left. The camels are busy trying to find grass on the sand. Or are they eating the sand?

_____ A cactus sees me running to the nearest sand dune. Roll, string, let go. Hit. The cactus's three prickly roots come off the sand and its friends turn to follow. I quickly shoot it with another arrow and then another and another, killing it, mid stride. Its friends cantering closer, my back hits the gate wall. Rule number one: don't let the prey make you their victim. I graze the wall to avoid a prickly charge. My parents must have seen that.

_____ Running to another direction, away from the oblivious camels I load my bow again, this time I'm going for speed and height.

_____ The best rangers can shoot more than a dozen of arrows per minute, if you're that good. My record is nine precise arrow shots a minute. I'm too slow to be the best, but I'm descent enough to survive. String, let go, hit. String let go, hit. Yes, another cactus down. The prickly body shrieks and lands a foot away from me. At close range, I shoot its head to terminate the functioning brain. Close. One more creepy plant to go. I pull myself together, a little queasy but I've grown used to killing enemy beasts.

_____ The third cactus leaps at me. Stumbling back, I run up to a sand dune hill to get a better shot at the third cactus. Its three-legged roots climb up. Clumsy, but it is approaching fast.

_____ I swear there were four cactuses earlier. I hear a shriek and a gurgle from behind and I roll aside as the fourth cactus stamps a thorny root on the sand where I was. I swing my bow at it to block the open jaws. Few pricks scrape my arm, I can live with that.

_____ The plant's jaws snaps at the tip of my bow, showing me its thorns which I believe are thicker than my finger. I swing my bow to break it away from the beast. Some of its three inch teeth fall off from the sudden swing. Recovering fast, it bites close to my left, I struggle backwards avoiding it. The other cactus behind me stomps to my right, trying to prick my side using its thorny roots. I am trapped by these two; if I reach for an arrow on my back, the fourth would be close enough to bite it. I am not allowed to use magic or force field spells for this challenge, only bow and arrow and whatever is around the belt, says Greg.

_____ I grasp my belt for a dagger and swung my bow at the fourth again. It dodges but backs away enough for me to escape. I feel a brush of its pricks along my sleeve, not enough to pierce my other arm. Dagger on one hand I slide down the sand dune to escape the pair of beasts, only to encounter the camels. I spit out sand and slip the bow around me. I hold the dagger on one hand and I find the other pair.

_____ These two knives were given by my step father. He always makes sure I was prepared for any close combat. I can feel the bow string pierce my shoulder as it hangs on. The fancy golden bow feels heavy and the bowstring is making a red line along my abdomen.

_____ One camel was faster and it rears so near to me that I can feel the hot breath and the talon-like claws slicing the air above my head. Sweating, I cross the long-bladed daggers in front of my face to avoid plunging camel claws. It shrieks feeling the painful encounter of the two knives. The camel backs away, not ready to surrender but ready to bite me with its two tusks. It must have magically inherited those two teeth from an elephant or a sabre-toothed tiger. Another camel charges at my unguarded side and succeeded in pushing me to the sandy ground. I land underneath the first camel and quickly barrel-rolled over to attack its belly. It goes down groaning as the two knives leave its flesh.

_____ The other camel’s claws thump near the bloody belly of its friend. I scramble out of the way so hard that it made my head spin. It must be the sun’s heat. Growling, the animal with no sense of rationality anymore bites forward encountering my dagger's blow. It stopped thinking straight after the sight of its friend’s slaughter, I reckon.

_____ The cacti are cautiously sliding off the sand dune where I left them. I sigh and sheathe my blades. I applaud them for trying to charge at me again, bumping against one another so much that it amuses me. Using my bow again I string a few arrows and quickly finished off the beasts from a distance. I leave the scene with just a bruise on the side and several cuts and pricks along my right arm. Yes, I can't stop glowing with pride and then my back ache interrupts the moment. I remember barrel-rolling with a bow and a quiver. That was stupid thing to do but I survived, I felt worse.

_____ The sand is really inviting, I drop to my knees and I urge myself to face plant on the sand but I can see a blurry figure of my step father running to my direction.

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/30/2011 12:03:14 >
AQW  Post #: 2
8/8/2011 22:09:40   

Chapter 2: Father Figures
For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: Click Here

_____ "It was a tiring practice but I managed to, for the first time...wrestle back pain," I say to no one in particular, as we entered the inn.

_____ "Well, bless my knickers," says a plump lady blinking at her new customers who entered the door. Gregory waves at her and I quietly stood there smiling.

_____ Tess Jones lights up from behind the bar counter. She is an old plump lady with dark skin and greying hair tied in a bun and is one of the most popular and respected innkeepers of the desert. She owns the Trader’s Inn, a motel built along the road to the market. The Trader’s Inn shelters many merchants that travel the barrens.

_____ It has a bar on the first floor and a staircase which takes you to the next three floors up. The third floor at the very roof is where her family sleeps. Her husband barely shows up and they never had children. She cooks, waits and tends the bar usually by herself but recently there were rumours that she hired moglins. The village folks say that her moglin servants were seen in the kitchen and on the top floors cleaning rooms. Barely anyone sees moglins socializing around the inn.

_____ This is one of the finest inns in the core of the oasis. We’ve stayed here before when I was little - my mother and I never stay in one place and I never had a permanent home growing up. Tess still wears a bonnet around her head. Nothing’s changed, except the rumours about moglins.

_____ “You must be tired, sweety!” Tess Jones waddles around the bar to close the Inn door. “Good Paladin Artix, your brown robes are smellin’ away me customers. Go wash up ‘till yer thistle fresh. I’ll be right back to ye, just have ter serve a few more hungry men and I’ll bring ya some new blankets.”

_____ “Dear Tess,” says mother, coming out from behind me. She holds out a heavy blanket-covered basket to the inn keeper who gingerly receives it with stubby fingers. “These are for our stay tonight. We are so grateful.”

_____ “It ish no problem at all, sweet,” replies the kind innkeeper giving my mother a toothy smile. “Anythin' fer me loved customers. Now go upstairs and get yer room. I’ll be makin’ roast chicken fer supper. Plenty of chickens out here…” The woman drifts away to the kitchen behind the bar table, carrying the food-filled basket

_____ Mother glances at me with her unreadable saint-like expression. She is rather quiet after I finished practice. I roll my eyes at her.

_____ "Arakelle Sabor.” Gregory, blocks our mother-daughter-moment. "Try not using another weapon besides the one assigned. But overall, you've done a fine job. Like I said before, you earned it! Now ready for the wild river fish? I hear they are slippery, very challenging."

_____ He walks me upstairs to the bathroom. I take my time climbing the stairs. Every step makes my legs heavier by the minute.

_____ "I think I should give you guns and more swords. We'll be meeting our crew tomorrow at dawn. We have a lot to talk about during supper."

_____ "What is wrong with...?" I let my hand linger on the knob of the bathroom door ready to go inside.

_____ “Wiolina, is just distracted at -”

_____ “Distracted at what?” I snap. “I finally finished my archery training and all of a sudden she’s all weird and quiet, like I’ve done something she did not want me to do!”

_____ I do not mean to slam the bathroom door at Greg but the door shuts angrily. I take off my clothes and start to wash myself, ignoring the cuts piercing my right arm. I am too lazy and too exhausted to cast a healing spell for them.

_____ “Wiolina has a lot of things going on in her mind right now,” says my step father behind the wooden door. “She’s planning to go north. And from Greengaurd we will pick up a few things then ride to... maybe Mythsong? Would you like to go to Mythsong? The city is a tourist attraction at this time of year...”

_____ "Mythsong, Greg? Really?" I mutter, but it was loud enough for him to hear and reply. He’s the man who would do anything to rebuild the broken bridge between my mother and me even if it means using popsicles, paper and glue.

_____ "We'll see what else your mother needs. Arakelle your mother is honestly making something big. Consider it as a really big birthday present. I am no doubt jealous."

_____ "My birthday is a few months from now and I am not asking for a cake which needs rare ingredients found all over the world." I hear him chuckle. Even through a door I can tell he is smiling.

_____ "Well, at least I told you something."

_____ I remain in the tub for a moment and let the water soak my right arm. I feel the large bruise on the hip on my left side. I sigh. I want to know what else is going on in her mind. “Thanks for telling me.” No answer. Greg must have left.

_____ My step father loves my mother and they have a stronger relationship than the relationship I have with her. He was the first person she married after the disappearance of my real father. Greg is the closest father figure I have. My mother knew that Greg had a wife before and had two children. But that never stopped her from marrying him. His children are now grown up, one with the same age as me, and the other a year older and I have not seen them for seven years, ever since the wedding. Greg was prepared to accept my mother who will never get over her first love. At their wedding she hesitated to carry Greg's last name. There was an argument and an agreement. She is now to this day, Wiolina Sabor, but to her own self, she is still Wiolina dur Gahl. I have the last name too, but I consider myself a Sabor. I hold a grudge on the existing man I've never seen my entire life. This stranger knows about me but I do not know anything about him.

_____ All I know about him is his last name. I wish to erase Arakelle dur Gahl. Sounds elfish if you ask me, maybe he's a vampire? I once consider him to be an elf but that thought is impossible. Mother tells me elves are no longer alive. My brain lingers in that thought for a moment. What if he is an elf? My mother does keep that concept away from me. I would be elfin with pointy ears. No pointy ears, therefore I’m no elf. They no longer exist.

_____ Did my father leave my mother? My mother never talks about him. But I know she does. She would write letters and send photos of me to a strange address.

_____ When I was twelve I would rummage through my mother's study opening drawers just to find the letters that she sends to my father or even anything that would give me a clue to who he is. I never found anything. Nothing. Maybe he's just a simple civilian around Greengaurd?

_____ I grew older and became sneakier, I was watching my mother write a letter one night and this time she was holding a long wrapped package which looked like it carried a broom stick. Then she folded her letter into a bird, it started to fly singing and flapping. Mother hushed it with a whisper and covered it with a blue flame of invisibility. The letter disappeared flying to the address. My mother placed a charm around her entire pile of things on the table, all of which were from my real father. She caught me spying that same night.

_____ Three years have gone by and I surrendered to my mother's lies. I gave up my search for the truth and moved on with training. She's never going to tell me who he really is, why should I continue to care anyways? I am turning seventeen in a few months and I move on.

_____ I get out of the bathroom feeling clean and fresh wearing a dark green shirt with loose sleeves that reached my elbows. I place a rope belt around my hip tying a sheathed dagger to it, just in case. Dark pants, brown boots, ruffled blood red hair and white zebra extensions, I put on a blank face on the mirror. Gregory is always telling me to carry a dagger all the time. What else do you hear from a step father who owns a guild of rogues?

_____ I leave the room to go downstairs, but something catches my attention. A pile of dust is organized on the floor near a dustpan. I hear a pattering from behind and quickly turn around to see a flash of yellow. It must have been a moglin. The creature's broomstick is left lying on the floor. I pick it up and finished the job for it.

_____ "Here," I say to the empty corridor. "Fine." I leave the broom leaning on the wall and head downstairs, stopping just to hear the yellow creature's squeak of surprise and fidgety footsteps.

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/13/2011 19:26:20 >
AQW  Post #: 3
8/8/2011 22:14:34   

Chapter 3: A Door opens ajar
For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: Click Here

_____Downstairs almost every bar table is occupied. Tired, drunk men with their companions huddle around a table with beer mugs and empty plates. Tess crosses the room carrying a tray of food and beer. I follow her to a table near the fireplace where Greg was sitting with a hooded figure. He sees me and I sit across from him while Tess place supper and drinks on the table. Then she places a plate of roast chicken pieces, small plate of mashed potatoes, cup of butter, a bowl of vegetable salad and stale bread.

_____ "Sweety, yer plate and utensils will be right out," says Tess, wiping a hand on her apron, while the other hand balances the tray. "Ah, there's Bog' right now. Here Bog! Over here ye, scout."

_____ I turn to where she was looking and see a blue dog carrying a tray by its mouth walking towards us with six legs. The dog's blue fur has bright markings so intricately made in curvy patterns. It heads this way carrying the tray of empty plates and silverware by the mouth. The dog slides it on our table and obediently sits on four legs while two of its other legs tuck in front, in a begging position. The dog tilts its head perking its pointed-ears up, with tongue lolling out of its smiling dog-face. Two gentle eyes blink up at me while the middle three eyes were closed slits. Usually, this breed of dogs would have all five eyes open for perfect vision seeing multiple things at the same time, this one chooses to focus with only two.

_____ "Bog is me kalestri dog. Trained to wait wit' me when tables are full. You can pet 'im if ye like" - I hesitantly tickled the dog's ear, it makes a whiny noise that mysteriously echoed - "he's not to hurt no one, in fact he is loved by many of me customers.

_____ "He's not like the other mutts. I'm not sure why 'e only opens two bug eyes, I think he's jus' tryin' to blend in with' them other dogs ye know what I mean? He's got none of them hair on his back like other kalestries. Yeah, I found him strayin' along the market, he's from caves of wonders, ye know? Pass the ports from 'ere. Travelled a little too far from home, didn't ye mutt? Now let's go silly blue na'vi, we must leave 'em to finally eat. Well lookie 'ere, 'tis gettin' late all ready, must start cleanin'..."

_____ I turn to Greg who crossed his arms on the table as if something bothered him. The hooded person sitting in front started eating.

_____ "You were enveloping her in a close world Mr. Sabor," hisses a man's voice underneath the hood. "The mage should not have done so in the first place and now you've been allowing her all these years. I am a little disappointed, but I understand the circumstances. We will have to make do."

_____ Greg sighs looking at me with sad grey eyes. What? I want to ask but I turn to the direction of his gaze. My mother is sitting on a short stool in front of the fireplace. Her curly hair shimmer red and gold radiantly by the dancing fire. She seems to be in a trance watching the flames. I bite my lip and look back at Greg who started to eat. I am hungry but my appetite is now hungry for answers as to what is going on.

_____ Almost all the tables in the inn have emptied. It is getting really late and every traveller is leaving. Gradually, our table becomes the most occupied.

_____ "Now." The stranger clears his throat. "As I was saying -"

_____ Before he could continue a ghoul squeezes into the door. Welcoming itself, it orders a drink. Its eyes catch our table. It makes a humming noise and the last few customers leave the inn at the sight of the demon, leaving our table, my mother by the fire, and Tess busy in the kitchen. Count the blue dog and the mysterious moglins too.

_____ The ghoul looks over its shoulder; it was looking at us with black empty eye sockets with nothing but fluorescent green pupils. It wears dark pants, showing off dark green skeleton-like body of bones, skin and muscles. Tess gives it a beer mug, treating it like every customer. Its clawed-hand takes the handle. Not leaving its eyes off our table, it drinks. The hooded guy in front of me nods in the path of the ghoul's stare. I turn away just as I hear the ghoul getting up and walking towards our table. I hear the growling noise behind me and reach for my dagger.

_____ "He's not looking for a fight, Miss dur Gahl," explains the stranger, he finally takes off his hood using fingers that dazzle with gold rings and rubies. "Have a seat." He reveals to me a stern face with black sleek hair and pointy elf ears.

_____ He looks entirely human except for the broad face of a warrior and the pointy ears. How does he know my real last name? He's an elf. His lined expression makes me put away my dagger. I feel air leave my lungs. He's an elf. Before I can say anything the ghoul behind me introduces himself.

_____ "Ghoul guard," says the ghoul with a raspy voice. "I am at your service."

_____ The demon's green face is skeleton-like, it almost looks as if he is made of green skin and bones, but the muscles along its arms were visible. His rib cage and entire abdomen bends and I can tell he is awkwardly bowing down. The green head before me has a pointy nose, grinning mouth with sharp teeth, large chin, hollow cheek bones, large friendly pupils and long pointy ears.

_____ I acknowledge the ghoul with a nod, I do not mind him. In fact, I could befriend this particular stranger in pants. What bothers me more is the elf man eating before me. My mother has been telling me all these years that elves do not exist anymore. This elf man is an elf.

_____ "Miss dur Gahl, your training sessions are almost through," begins the elf. "And once we spend a day at Greengaurd we will challenge your skills with the sword. Afterwards inform you of your next mission."

_____ I cast him a harsh gaze. Who does he think he is? The elf king? I remain quiet. My mouth will explode later.

_____ He proceeds, impervious to my gaze. "I am afraid that this is rather overwhelming for you since your parents have kept so many closed doors in front of you your whole life. At last, doors are to be opened tonight, if you allow us."

_____ The ghoul settles silently on a nearby table. Sitting to face us, he comically tilts his head to the side looking through space.

_____ "I have been trying to forgive myself," whispers my mother, turned away from me, facing the fire. "I was trying to protect you, Arakelle..."

_____ "She was protected," the elf utters. "Now she is to finish what you have started."

_____ "Started?" I firmly ask with a heartless tone. "I wonder what you started, mother." This is rather new. Surely, my mother knew about this when I was born, yet she raised me to be a clueless idiot. Am I ever going to forgive her? Maybe not.

_____ "Have you ever set foot at the eastern part of this world, Miss dur Gahl? Have you ever explored the Dwarfhold Mountains, steered a ship to Yokai Islands and travelled to Swordhaven and the Neverglades?"

_____ I shake my head. Of course I haven't, can we move on?

_____ “I did not think so. You were raised to only read one chapter of the Book of Lore."

_____ "That did not occur to me before," I say sarcastically, avoiding his gaze.

_____ "Have you ever wondered why you and your mother are cursed to travel a lot, instead of stay in one place to settle in one house, like other families? Have you ever asked yourself why your mother travels to certain places where she can find an array of potions?”

_____ "Am I going to be bombarded with more questions and no answers?" I reply with defiance.

_____ “Your mother, Wiolina, is one of the best students at the Wizard academy and is by far a respected sorceress known to purposely few people.” Ignoring my rudeness, he interlaced his hands on the table. What does he mean by purposely a few people?

_____ "I know her through your father and the rogues. I am part of a secret order who, for decades, seek peace among the elves at the eastern country. Your father is one of them.

_____ "Your mother was our mage during the early battles when the Cold War began. She not only fought with us for peace, she fought with us for the freedom of everyone living there at the east.

_____ "We lost battles and with it so many lives. To this day the eastern elves conquer territory with the surviving lords and will kill any trespasser that sets a foot there. Our mages and troops at the Neverglades dread the time when these black-hearted lords start a war again for land expansion. I believe you heard that we lost Swordhaven and Yokai all ready. The next land at stake is the Frozen Northlands; luckily King Cole III is currently aware and prepared for any assault. Rumour has it one of the eastern lords has fallen to illness recently, which explains their recent inactiveness. The eastern warriors are strong and I am afraid your father remains lost with them."

_____ "My father is...one of...them? What do you -?"

_____ "Many years ago he gave your mother a sword that was made especially for you. Wiolina is still working on the spell that will activate its true potential, that is why you two have been travelling everywhere for potions. You are going to -”

_____ “How is he one of them?” I interrupt with a superior tone, sitting up straight.

_____ "I-" he fumbles.

_____ “I - what?"

_____ Long pause.

_____ Choosing his words, he says, "I am not the right person to inform you of this particular in-"

_____ "Fine. Don't tell me." I get up. "I don't want to help you guys." And I can't believe mother would send someone to tell me these things, instead of telling me herself. Coward. I could not bear to continue.

_____ I stride out of the table careful not to trip over green ghoul feet. My mother stands up to seize me but I ignore her sudden attention.

_____ As I go upstairs, Greg catches my arm. I turn to see a sad face, lined with worry and regret. His brows crease with a look that wants me to get back to the table and calm down. But my stare loosened his grip and I make a dash for my room.

_____ All this time, throughout my years growing up with the Cold War, my real father is with the enemy at the east. I'm the blood of a traitor. An enemy.

_____ The door slams shut and I hope it was loud enough for everyone downstairs to hear. I drop on my bed soaking the pillow with tears.

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/26/2011 9:35:31 >
AQW  Post #: 4
8/9/2011 21:22:41   

Chapter 4: Stranger by the Candlelight
For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: Click Here

_____ That night, I get up to open the window and breathe. My eyes are red and puffy from crying myself to sleep. For heaven’s sake, what have I cried for anyways? I light a small candle using an old fire spell that my mother taught me when I was little. It hurt to conjure the flame, somehow.

_____ What is this about my father being at the eastern side of the country? He is one of them? Maybe he is imprisoned by the eastern elves. What are the eastern elves anyways? Elves like the one I just met? I left the conversation too early and I got angry too early. Impulsive. Maybe what annoyed me is how my mother brings a total stranger to inform me of all this instead of her telling me directly. Questions fill my head and it must be past mid night.

_____ The door slowly open and I step outside to go to the nearest bathroom. I think washing my face can clear up any evidence of a coward’s tears. The wooden floors creak at my every step. Unexpectedly, I see a lonely light downstairs. The fireplace is turned it off a long time ago, but someone is still downstairs. I take a towel from the bathroom, wipe my face and sneak down the staircase to investigate. The dagger I carry sheathed alongside my belt.

_____ The inn is eerie at night when Tess is sleeping, the fireplace burnt out and all of the chairs are stacked on tables for floor sweeps in the morning. I finally get a glimpse of the far counter where the small candle light is illuminating. A figure is there, with one arm on the table, like he’s waiting for the waiter.

_____ Tess’s dog is nowhere to be seen. Bog would be really useful right now. I cautiously approach, one hand holding the dagger hilt. It is a short dagger but it is the only one I have right now. The chairs are useful weapons too, I reassure myself. I even have spells memorized. My head feels groggy; maybe magic isn't very reliable at the moment. I might burn the inn.

_____ I come closer, hiding my face in the shadows of stacked chair. The figure looks like another elf and his eyes are closed. I cannot tell if his skin colour is being obscured by the dark or if it is really steel blue in colour. His hair is silvery white, brushed back. He has youthful human features and broad shoulders, built to fight. His gloved hand moves and I can tell he is skilled, with stealth armour like that he is armed. His mouth and nose are covered by a dark red scarf, something ninjas are seen with, but he is no ninja with those pointy ears and shiny white hair. Hood pulled back, his face motionless by the candlelight.

_____ “You are not the stealthy type, are you?” says the crystal clear voice from behind the red scarf. He has an accent.

_____ I don't reply instead I try to clear my mind for any enchantment. I hear a quiet laughter from him.

_____ “So…isn’t this the part when you ask me who I am and what do I want?” He massages his temple with a gloved hand.

_____ Charming. I remain where I stand which is a distance away from the pointy-eared boy. He casts me a quizzical look, making me jump. He has purple eyes, like mine.

_____“You - you're…” I stutter, incredulously. Knees weak, my free hand catches a table side.

_____“You are too,” he whispers. "But why are yours glowing?"

_____ His hand on the table lifts up, revealing a mirror. The reflection show my eyes glowing with an iridescent purple light; similar to how cats’ eyes would glow for nocturnal vision. A thousand hammers pound my head. My legs grow heavy with every step back and my lungs pump fast.

_____ Suddenly air brush from behind me and I feel the hard wooden floor hit my face hard. It is too late to get my dagger as a blue paw pressed my arm. I can feel several claws pressing me down. My head is racing.

_____ The low growling on my back is familiar. Bog, this time with four of his eyes open. The traitorous dog is on top of me, I can shake him off no problem. My body twitches to give the dog a shove but the blue six-legged hound does not budge, he is flexed to the core like foundation. My limbs are pinned by a paw and my entire body is pressed to the ground. I can hear the footsteps of the freak walking up to us.

_____ His boots stop near my face. He kneels on one leg with the candle that lit my curiosity in the first place.

_____ “Don’t you dare-” I growl. I try to conjure up a freezing spell but Bog's paws hold me down and the icicles turn to water along my palms.

_____ I manage to kick a table rattling it enough to drop a chair on the dog on top of me. Bog whines but remains firm, pinning my free leg with a clawed foot. I try to turn over but a hand gently holds my head down.

_____ “I'm not going to hurt you, damn it.” He fingers my neck and I feel a drop of candle wax. It burns the back of my neck and sleep suddenly burdens my eyelids. My headache stops and the kalestri hound pads off my back feeling confident that I would not jump on him or his master.

_____ I pull my body up using my arms to face the elf but before I can get a better look at him everything blurs, my arms suddenly wobble instantly forcing me down.

_____ "Let your mother talk to you, in the meantime, I think the drop will help you travel undetected," his voice fades. I lose consciousness and I feel gloves catch me before my face hit the floor again. I surrender to sleep.


_____ "Darling, wake up," says a familiar blur.

_____ Sunlight stream through the open window of the room and the smell of baked bread flows by my nose. It takes me a while to finally realize where I am. I am in the same room I dropped into last night after the conversation and before the encounter with - the dog. Bog's head is perched on the end of my bed with a whimpering echoic noise and a beady two-eyed expression.

_____ "Go away you mutated pooch!" I scramble, sitting up.

_____ "Now what did he do to you, Arakelle?" Mother busies herself packing up my things. She carries the bag and places it outside. A chicken-sized bright yellow creature with stubby limbs and large ears appear with a wagon.

_____ "That wouldn't do," says my mother with a cheery voice I had not heard in a long time. "Call your friends over to bring these downstairs, please."

_____ The cute creature bounces up and squeaks around the hallways. I hear more pattering on the floor and red, blue, and bright green big ears appear behind the yellow one. They carry the bag and one pulls the wagon out of the way. A whee! echoes at the stairwell as the moglins go down to the front.

_____ "Was I here sleeping on my bed the whole night?" I ask.

_____ "Yes, darling," mother replies, worriedly. "Why? What happened?"

_____ This time, I believe her. This time she carries the clueless expression I bore in my childhood. "Never mind, it must have been a dream." Uncertain of my answer, I stretch my limbs.

_____ The kalestri dog walks over to the end table of the bed and its nose points to the plate of bread. I am still angry at it from last night. It almost feels like he's acting like it never happened. Did it happen?

_____ I reach to the back of my neck where I expect a candle wax burnt mark but there is no bulge, nor scar, nor marking. Nothing. Nothing different along my arms, my muscles feel fine. No bruise on my cheek. I look around the room for anything unusual but there is only my mother and the kalestri dog padding up to the corridor.

_____ Whatever happened last night must have been a dream, however it felt real. I put my hands to my face to finally wake up. Mother walks out of the room and comes back with a large bowl of water and a towel.

_____ "I need to give you something, before we leave for Greengaurd. How Lord Pierce would put it last night, doors are going to be opened to you. I hope undoing this spell will answer many questions.”

_____ "Undoing it? You mean, you placed it on me before and never took it off?" I ask her, dazed.

_____ "I will teach you how to hide it. It was to hide your identity from everyone and it was to protect you in the first place. Now I believe the whole world is ready to finally act."

_____ "Hide what?"

_____ My mother does not answer. She places the bowl of water in front of her feet and whispers an incantation. Her hands levitate a sphere of water and it floats toward me. The blue dog calmly sits watching the sphere closing to my face. I do not resist and I let the sphere tickle the side of my right cheek. It rubs and rubs cleaning something that was never there before. Then with the twist of my mother's fingers the sphere lifts into the air and sprays mist spreading cool drops of water everywhere in the room.

_____ I feel my right cheek and for the first time I find grooves along it. Mother holds out a mirror and shows me a reflection of my face. There is a tattoo at my cheek near my nose and lip. It displays an outline shaping a side view of a limbless dragon with a curved wing, spikes along its back and a tail fashioned in an "S" shape.

_____ "This particular tattoo is a logo, a symbol, engraved on your cheek when you were born," she says. Bog could not resist a tail wag and a smile. My mother whispers something across the room that I scarcely hear. "It is the dragon symbol, from the eastern elves called the Drow."

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/28/2011 20:18:30 >
AQW  Post #: 5
8/10/2011 14:54:00   

Chapter 5: Good to Know
For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: Click Here

_____ Outside of the inn, a large tusked camel is tied to a food filled carriage. Tess is holding the reins of the beast and sees me go out the door. It seems unusually shady for a sunny day at the oasis. A sun ray hits my face then disappears enveloping me with a shadow. The sky is blocked by a large hovering sailboat.

_____ Floating above the Trader's Inn is an elegant SkyGaurd air ship possibly carrying a familiar crew on the deck. The belly gleams with blue fire from the tips of engine pipes, to keep it aloft. The sails are translucent under the sun and below the stern dorsal-fin-like rudders tilt at an angle. The ship's bow point north and from below it looks like a swordfish.

_____ The dog tags my hand with its nose and I pull my hand away. Stupid Bog, he lost my trust after last night's tackle. Had it really happened?

_____ My attention turns to Tess, I am full from the breakfast in bed but she offers me more. I mumble an answer behind the mouth mask and Tess gets the answer from my body language.

_____ Tess smiles, "Well, blessed travels, sweety."

_____ I nod to her gratefully. I am still adjusting to the new mask my mother gave me. It was to cover my nose and mouth temporarily to hide the scar on my cheek. She says she is going to teach me the spell while we're traveling and I still need an explanation as to who gave this to me.

_____ Mother waits by the front yard standing beside an enormous chain link tied to a stressed palm tree. She is dressed in her most usual clothing and I walk up to her self-conscious of my boring dark leather-trimmed outfit. I sling a sheath of arrows on my back.

_____ "Everything, here?" She asks, kindly.

_____ "Yeah. I have my arrows on my back, don't I?" I am still harsh on her after last night and now this scar on my face adds to the mix. A couple more doors are left closed.

_____ She sighs then waves to Tess goodbye. The kalestri dog licks my hand. I almost forgot it was beside me.

_____ "You can't come. You're here with Tess," I say to the blue canine. "Besides, I still hate you for what happened last night, if it did happen." I keep my voice low careful not to catch my mother's attention. She is drawing a circle in the air making a teleportation bubble to take us to the floating airship.

_____ "Stay here. I don't even know if you like heights." I have mixed feelings for this unusual dog. I must admit, I will miss him.

_____ The hound whimpers and steps out of the way, suddenly, guilt creeps up on me. My mother's hand rest on my shoulder, I wave goodbye to the innkeeper and her dog. Immediately, a blue sphere engulfs us.

_____ This teleportation portal swallows my mother and me in a see-through bubble that floats us up to the deck of the airship. I feel the vertigo of the flight that includes no seat belts, no handles, only an invisible floor and wall. My legs feel heavy and my hand seeks the bubble's walls for a handle to hold on to.

_____ "Careful darling this might pop," my mother grins.

_____ "That's not funny," I scowl.

_____ I see the kalestri dog looking up at us with its two open eyes while running around in a circle, tongue lolling out of his mouth and Tess waving at us with her camel cart of food. I wonder when we will visit them, maybe next time I'll try to talk to the crew of moglins she hired.


_____ We reach the ship's deck and Gregory greets us. He takes my mother's hand. The deck is almost empty, except for a ghoul swabbing the wooden floor, a stout person sight-seeing at the front and a dwarf by the stern screaming to no one in particular about a seagull in sight.

_____ Behind us is the door for the captain's quarters and above the stern is the quarter deck where the rudder control is located.

_____ "Would you like a tour around the ship, my lady?" Greg asks with the usual smile. The man gracefully takes his wife to his right, like they were about to dance around the deck of the ship.

_____ "Gregory," she looks at him, her saint-like features stricken with sadness. "She knows now."

_____ Greg's face turns dark. "Not everything," he says thoughtfully. Stepping aside, he opens the door to the captain's chamber. To my mistake this door opens to a hallway of three doors. One label shows 'Crew Quarters', the other 'Kitchen and Dining' and on the far right is the 'Captain's Quarters'.

_____ Mother leads me to the captain's quarters and I find myself looking at large windows opening to the sunlight.

_____ “A lady? Keep your eyes to yourself, Sneezes,” says a dark haired boy bolting right up from a lounge chair as we enter the room. A yellow-eyed short creature sitting on an antique foot stool, grunts at his exclaim.

_____ "Ah, quit makin' a scene." The creature lands on the imported rug. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Wiolina dur Gahl. I-I can't believe I am to –to help escort your daughter. Please, my name is Sneezes the Sneevil." He bows modestly.

_____ The young boy wearing a fancy blue and yellow uniform clears his throat and steps forward with swagger, hands linger at the golden cross belt across his chest. The cross belt carries two bladed swords on the back and by the looks of his form I bet he's a skilled fighter.

_____ His blue eyes wink at me, I flinch, raising a brow. He looks like a year or two older than me and has dark brown wavy hair that reaches to the back of his neck in a flamboyant brush. Handsome, but he seems to be the arrogant type.

_____ I fix my mask to hide my tight-lipped mouth. There is something inside me that wanted to leave the room.

_____ "May I introduce myself? I am," he bows like a gentleman, "the commander of this ship and a pleasure to meet you, Lady Wiolina dur Gahl. This must be your daughter, Arakelle dur Gahl. I look forward to knowing you. My name is Sir Crowe, but you can call me Elias. Elias Crowe." He holds out his hand for a handshake. I decide to play with this.

_____ "Oh, sir," I curtsy. This young man surely knows how to flirt, but I know how to bite. "Sorry, for the inconvenience but my mother and I would like it if you leave the room."

_____ Elias can't see me smile behind this mask. But he can really see my venomous eyes. He awkwardly puts his hand away and his flushed features hid behind a tuft of wavy hair.

_____ The sneevil watching us the whole time laughs his ears off. Sneezes the sneevil leaves the area and I can hear him still laughing over the walls. Elias in the fancy suit no longer feels superior. He fixes the goggles on his head and marches out of the door giving my mother a smile and a nod, keeping a distance from me like I had a force field that will burn his precious light skin. His large golden plate shoulder pads bump the doorway as he leaves the room.

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/23/2011 21:55:02 >
AQW  Post #: 6
8/13/2011 19:27:58   

Chapter 6: The Confessions of the Sorceress

For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: Click Here

_____ My mother strolls pass me as I adjust the mask over my nose. She elegantly settles to one of the red velvet chairs and invites me by the coffee table.

_____ This room smells like new fabric, with the veiled curtains and cedar cabinet drawers the whole place seems imported. I spy a hanging portrait of Elias Crowe and a man behind him, possibly his father. It hangs above a large fake fireplace a few feet from where the bed is located. Instead of settling around the lounge with my mother I lean on a bed post.

_____ “All they need is a porcelain vase to complete the room. Or maybe some roses and popuri…” I take off my mask to finally breathe. Is that lilac I smell? Yes, this room has everything.

_____ My mother straightens up firmly. “That was very rude of you darling. Everyone is being so kind.”

_____ “And I’m the one party pooping the place. I’m sorry.” Ashamed, I face the floor.

_____ “You apologize to the Captain later. What do you have against the poor boy anyways? He’s running a ship and -”

_____ “I’m curious mother, does he have a tattoo?” I check my face at a bronze-framed mirror. She can sense my pulsing anger.

_____ “What would you like me to answer first? I am finally open to every question you have. Should I start with your birthmark?” her voice softens.

_____ The mage is being serious. For the first time her eyes look different, worn and depressed. The chandelier on the ceiling lights not a saint-like facade, but a worried, exhausted expression of a grief-stricken woman. Shadows of misery and regret paint her face. Her hands clasp in front of her as she sits straight but her shoulders droop with a heavy burden.

_____ I have not seen her like this before. She had always been glowing with hope and compassion even through tough times. Now I’m looking at an exhausted stranger who fought a great battle years ago. Back at the inn I called her a coward and I regret it completely.

_____ Carefully, I sit on a chair next to her, she has taken too much of my hostility. I take off the belt around me which carried a sheath of arrows and place them on the glass coffee table, not caring about the scratches the sheath can make on the pricey piece of furniture.

_____ “Well, I was hoping you can tell me about this scar,” I murmur softly. It is hard to look at her like this; she looks so fragile and vulnerable.

_____ She begins. No lies anymore. “I've been involved in the war in the early decades, serving as a mage in the Secret Order. After losing the first few battles we never stopped fighting. I reckon you overheard many things about the Cold War, darling…

_____ "The scar is the outline of the violet dragon twisted along the sabre sword of a drow soldier. It was engraved along your right cheek by Achilles dur Gahl. He is a drow soldier and your father. Achilles is an eastern elf. Part of the Cold War and ruled by the Eastern Drow Lords, he will be executed if he leaves the mountains. Any letter from him would have been burnt if it weren’t for my spells.

_____ “When you were born almost everyone at Greengaurd expected you to be killed the next day because you are born half drow and half human. You are a rare half blood, Arakelle.

_____ "For many years, humans with the blood of elves were never a threat, but they were an old ongoing threat to the drows at the mountains. Drows were known to kill any hybrids of their kind. In history they have eliminated a couple of half drows and a few suspected to be half drow.

_____ "When Achilles and I planned to separate ways so our family can be in no danger, he asked me if he can mark you with the symbol of the drow. I was really upset at this because it will really be the key thing that might kill you in the future. But then he tells me something I will never forget…‘This mark will let her know that she is the symbol of hope and peace. Peace between drow and man.’

_____ “It was the reason that I allowed him to mark you, my child.” Tears stream down her eyes, but she smiles. Her gentle hand lifts my chin. “Your father and I are both lucky to have you. Alive and well, I’ve been sending him letters and photos of you growing up. And he replies, telling me to keep you safe and protected.

_____ "Your father longs to see you. But he cannot or else our plans will be destroyed. The Secret Order is monitoring him; he is not one of us as he is loyal to the Drow Lords. There is a strategy laid out all over the kingdom of Greengaurd. One false move and an entire decade of planning will fall. If that happens, the Drows will rule, I'm sure you know that.

_____ "I've been keeping you away from all this because I thought...I...” She chokes back tears, carefully saying her words. "I think you might go look for Achilles"

_____ Wiolina inhales slowly, leaving one more door closed. She persists.

_____ “One night, I remember you saw me putting away a wrapped broomstick you called it. Darling, it was the sword that Achilles made especially for you before you were born when I told him I was expecting you. You can’t use it yet, thought,” - she catches the twitch at the corner of my mouth – “You have not fully learned everything about a sword. And…I have not gathered all my ingredients for this, piece of cake.” My mother let out a long weary sigh.

_____ “You have an important mission in this war and you’ll know that later when the time comes.” She takes a moment to pause.

_____ “Promise me, dearest.” She stresses every word. “Never seek your father. Understand?”

_____ I nod, slightly. “I understand.” I think, it could endanger the entire mission - all laid out by the Secret Order.

_____ She gradually stands up, no longer tired. The woman’s curls bounce behind her as she flows across the room. Wiolina dur Gahl wipes her eyes dry.

_____ I could hardly speak, still stunned from the conversation. I’m confused. Relax. It is the overwhelming truth. I must relax. I start to smile, pulling back tears.

_____ My mother sighs with relief. Her gaze carries an expression I had not seen for a long time, across her face is a smile and with it are two pearly emerald eyes that blinked with relief and sparks of hope. I think this is the face my mother wore with Achilles. I remember this visage in Greg’s wedding.

_____ The door closes behind mother and I lean back on the chair, putting my feet on the coffee table. The anger towards my father dissolved during my mother’s confession and I feel a tranquil state coming up.

_____ So I am part of a big plan. I am going to be used in the future. Whatever it is, I have a feeling that I will encounter a life or death situation. In the end, what I do might save the world or end it. I'm still perplexed with my position in the war. Then my dream comes to mind. Maybe Bog just looked like the dog in my dreams, coincidentally. But who was the elf? Was he an eastern elf? I’ll talk to Greg about all this later. Right now, the only thing that matters to me is relaxation.

_____ I rest on the red velvet chair and lace my hands behind my head, putting one thing in my mind. And that is my father, the drow. I start to wonder what he looks like. I chuckle at the thought of him muscular, wearing tights and a cape like a Superman. Well, that's a start.

_____ I take in a deep breath and say his name out loud just for myself to hear. "Achilles dur Gahl,” I whisper, “I have a father named Achilles dur Gahl and he believes that I can bring peace and hope to this world."

_____ Determination wells up inside me, whatever the Secret Order wants me to do, I vow, I will do it.
AQW  Post #: 7
8/13/2011 19:48:16   

Chapter 7: Fancy That Little Miss Purple

For a DeviantArt Version of the Chapter: [link=]Click Here[/link]

_____ Streaks of yellow and orange smudge the afternoon sky. During my mother's conversation we did not feel the ship drift away from the cities of the desert. Across the flat tundra the tall pyramids look like mini triangles. Down below is sand and more sand, which means that we're heading northward. The further north the ship sails, the less and less signs of vegetation on the arid wasteland.

_____ Winds plough the barrens, rearranging dunes. I inhale the evening breeze. It is really breathtaking to fly. Throughout my life this is my first time on an airship. I have observed and studied them from books and I am finally aboard one.

_____ The higher the altitude of the ship the more uncomfortable passengers are openly on deck. However, in an airship manufactured from Skygaurd, there is a lever in the control room that conditions the oxygen circulation especially made for the crew. This is to protect lungs when you fly up to greater altitudes. I check the side of the ship and see "Sagra Leon" written in a neat longhand. Nice name for a female airship.

_____ The railing is metal, shiny and new, coated with layers of weather resists. The control room sits like an island in the center of the main deck, holding the engine pipe. Inside are controls and a trap door which leads to the boilers. In front of it is a mainmast, reinforcing the main sail. Above, there is a blue flag displaying a gold bird. I think it must be the logo of the Crowe family.

_____ On board the activity is slow and peaceful. The ghoul I met yesterday - finished swabbing the floors - is frisking around the ropes of the sails, checking the tension.

_____ He taps a metal pulley nearby.

_____ "Miss dur Gahl," he bows.

_____ "You don't have to bow, it's not like I'm royalty or anything. In fact, it's getting on my nerves."

_____ The ghoul's eyes wander pass my shoulder and seem to look out into space. "As you wish," he replies in his raspy voice.

_____ "Um," I could not find the words. "I’m just wondering who that elf was. The one who knows you. At Trader’s Inn…"

_____ He senses my stammer. "Are you going to question me of my business with Lord Pierce?"

_____ I eagerly nod.

_____ "He's an amazing man," he answers, shifting his look to the skies. He holds the rail. "Well, elf, if you must say. There is barely a difference only pointy ears. Oh, look! I think that cloud is in the shape of a tree. Do you see it?"

_____ He changes the topic so quickly. "Anything wrong talking about this Lord Pierce person...?" I ask.

_____ "Not really, I just thought that cloud looks like a tree."

_____ Funny ghoul. The cloud that interrupted our conversation does look like a tree, except something else catches my eye. Where the clouds form "tree roots" I spy a seed-shaped aircraft. It looks like another ship. I recollect the old legends about pirates.

_____ A long time ago, there were stories of a space traveling thief, who pirated the sky on a space shuttle called the Hyperium Starship. Many sailors across the sea and sky thirsted for a sight of the starship. In addition to a feared and respected captain they said the vessel carried mechanisms and weapons, treasures from galaxies through time. The man who commands the ship was a thief and a bounty hunter with a letter and a number for his name. They called him J6, the bounty hunter of the Hyperium. These were stories told a long, long time ago, now people simply take them as myths.

_____ “Oh look, the cloud tree germinated a seed,” cheers the ghoul gleefully. He sways his body from side to side, like he’s listening to music.

_____ The crow’s nest is empty. Is anyone else seeing this mysterious aircraft besides me and the bouncing ghoul?

_____ Unlike many Skygaurd airships, Sagra Leon is constructed with a short chimney pipe to filter engine fumes and curving away from it is a crescent main mast that supports a sail and a barrel called the crow's nest. I reckon airship designs have evolved over the decades, but the aesthetic appeal remained.

_____ "Hmpf. Buzzard must be sleeping," comments the ghoul, ignoring him I rush to the quarter deck to find the captain. But all I see is the familiar sneevil behind the ship’s wheel.

_____ “There’s another airship southeast from here…er…” I stop myself before I could ask where the captain is.

_____ The ghoul takes his time stepping on each stair, long arms flailing as he climbs to the stern. “Don’t worry, Sneezes, is one of the best drivers. He does not need to see where the front is pointing. He uses his sensitive hearing. I drive this thing too…sometimes.”

_____ The sneevil snorts. “Check and see, tall gremlin. The grids were beeping last time.” He takes out a spyglass from his vest and throws it at the ghoul, who catches it with ease.

_____ The ghoul offers the spyglass to me with a sharp-teethed grin, he insists me to take a close look at the sighted aircraft. Before I could take the spyglass from him someone snatches it from behind. With fast reflexes, I elbow whoever it is. I turn to see so-called Elias Crowe holding the spyglass. I suppose he dodged my elbow attack.

_____ “Too slow, Scarface,” he says with a sneer.

_____ The tattoo on my cheek is freely displayed for all to see, the ghoul and the sneevil did not say anything about it. Elias is the first to mention it.

_____ “I see you’ve met Sneezes and green-eyes here…” The captain raises a hand to the ghoul, “is Croup, representative of the ghoulish community for the Secret Order.” The ghoul waves to me as his name is mentioned. Elias mumbles to the ghoul, “Croup trim those nails, you might stab someone.”

_____ Croup gasps in shock at the sight of his ghoulish fingers - like he’s never seen them in his life.

_____ “Right,” Elias straightens himself. The fair-haired boy expertly spins the spyglass and looks out into the sunset sky at the direction of the spotted ship. “It looks fierce, orange in colour at this time of day. It’s called the sun, Little Miss Purple Pants.”

_____ My lips twitch to a scowl, I am not wearing purple pants they are actually dark blue to match my three-quarter-sleeved top, in the Skygaurd theme. Lucky for him, I’m unarmed.

_____ “Give me that.” I steal the telescope from him and pointed the spyglass to where I last saw the ship. There is nothing there. The sky is empty and it is beginning to dim. I give him the spyglass. The ghoul is sitting on the floor, oddly looking up at the clouds. Croup has seen the ship too. I keep my mouth shut. I suppose they can rely on their security radar.

_____ “Well, now that we saw the sun together,” says captain Crowe. “Get your parents up here and we’ll have ourselves a dinner on the deck. It is occasionally done. You’ll love how the food and drinks would simply fly up to our mouth.” He chuckles, brushing off the hair from his face as he puts on gold-framed goggles. “Tonight is your first night on my ship. Let’s make it special, hmm?” He winks his icy blue eyes at me.

_____ “You’re being nice to me, after what I said to you earlier?”

_____ “Surprise, surprise,” he says drawing so close that I can feel his breathe on my face. I can’t shake my head because he is annoyingly close. “What’s this? Little Miss Pink Penelope is a little concerned. Don’t worry; my kindness towards you is ice thin. It can easily shatter if you want it to. I’m all ready letting you bunk in my ship, like a gentleman. If you do anything stupid like scratch a single nail on Sagra Leon, you will regret it. Follow me and maybe I'll let you eat the key lime pie.”

_____ “You must be baby-sitting this ship for your father,” I remember the painted father-son portrait at the captain's chamber. I pull myself together and stand straight as a doornail, my face an inch away from his'. “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything stupid. I’ll just let you do that.” Though he is taller than me by a few inches, he backs off from my retort.

_____ “Your first impression is memorable, Miss Prissy Pony of Aggravation.” He takes the wheel. “I understand you have family issues.” He mumbles, “Maybe even personality issues.”

_____ “I understand you have girl issues,” I mutter, arms cross in front of me. “Maybe even vanity issues.” Elias’s shoulder tense, he politely orders Sneezes to go to the kitchen. The sneevil disappears; joining this conversation is not a good idea at the moment.

_____ Croup the ghoul feels the tension as well. He slips away and heads to the forecastle dock of the ship. He pulls up a stool and starts to play chess by himself. Elias and I are left alone by the wheel.

_____ I sigh. Earlier my mother talked about this. I should not show hostility to kind people. He’s not being kind. I suppose, he’s being spoiled, arrogant and annoying.

_____ “I’m sorry,” my mouth slips out the apology before I could clench my teeth. I do not look at him directly in the eye. I did humiliate him in front of my mother and his sneevil. Feeling ashamed, I turn away.

_____ A heavy silence follows. The bright sunset horizon is swallowed by the jaws of the night. The serene desert rests under the gradient sky. Thin mists of clouds hovers beneath the ship, making Sagra Leon look like it is truly floating on water.

_____ The silence is disturbed by Croup's grunts and hums in his game of chess across the deck. "Now your turn." I hear him say to himself.

_____ "Sorry for…?" Ignoring my presence, he stares out at the clouds before him, hands on the wheel. "Oh, I see you must be sorry for making me look like a fool in front of your dazzling mother. It is a pity that she's a really gorgeous woman who gave birth to a piece of slime."

_____ Heat rises to my head. I calm myself by taking a deep breath.

_____ "Ooh…wrong move," Croup mutters from across the deck. A sound of scrambling chess pieces follow.

_____ I roughly turn to face Elias. He flaunts a smug expression. I stomp up to him with fury, raging like a bull.

_____ "No," I say through gritted teeth, my voice rising. "I'm sorry that you're such an arrogant son of a -"

_____ "Ha!" The ghoul cries from the front castle. Elias and I hear him hum and say "Oh...that's a good one." Then a sound of scuffling fingers and chess pieces is heard again.

_____ Another heavy silence chills the air. I walk away from Elias' range to settle at the bottom of the stair beside the door to the hallway. It is beginning to freeze as a cold blanket settles in the ship.

_____ Oxygen is circulating, comforting the crew, but the sudden chill makes them jump. I'm sure they are all cozy in the cabin hold. Everyone, including my parents, is downstairs probably preparing food or conversing with one another. I am freezing up here with Elias and Croup playing chess with himself.

_____ The chilly air turns my breath into white smoke. I am not fully clothed for a cool night out on the sky. I stand up to head to the captain's quarters when Elias calls me over with another nickname.

_____ "Wait, Scary Mary!" he orders.

_____ I want to go inside but I halt under his command. The name-calling is going to turn my head into a volcano.

_____ "What is it?" I ask, flatly. "I was about to go in your room to steal myself a Red fur-line Peruvian blanket."

_____ "That won't be necessary," he responds.

_____ Elias leaves the wheel and climbs down to the main deck. He enters the control room where there ship's engine is connected to the boilers and he pulls a lever beside the oxygen switch. A vent located at the front of the control room opens its flaps. Another vent facing the poop deck opens at the same time and from these vents came a warm heating air. Heaters!

_____ Croup gets up to examine the heater near him. He hums contentedly and then refocuses on his game. Everything feels warmer but I keep my arms wrapped around my sides. I lean at the side of the warm control room, listening to the taps and slides from Croup's chess game.

_____ "Not bad eh, Princess Purple?" The young captain comes out of the control room, his goggles fogging up. He takes them off and returns to his post.

_____ The two swords on his back shine gold under the moonlight. I suppose Elias loves luxurious gold so much he carries them everywhere ostentatiously. Unconcerned of whoever might steal them. I rub my temples and slowly approach him at the wheel. I wonder if he knows anything about pirates.

_____ "If you're going to ask about dinner it will be ready when the dwarf sings," he says, sharply.

_____ I roll my eyes. He is not even with the wheel instead he's at the very end of the ship perching on the rail. He sits on the edge valiantly, like he’s done so many times. Carefree, Elias stares out into the black abyss observing the turbulence, his leather boots dangling out to the open. A path of clouds trail behind the ship and at the far distance it dissolves, leaving no signs of Sagra Leon's route.

_____ "I'm just going to interrogate you about the dwarf." I step up to the poop deck and bravely sit on the edge a distance from the captain.

_____ I wonder if I fall off, the blame is on him. I look pass my free legs and gasp at the sight. It is a plummet pass the stern’s balcony to the ground a hundred thousand feet below. I can handle wild beasts with whips, knives, and swords, but not vertigo. A sickening thought comes to mind, I swing my feet safely on deck.

_____ "On second thought, I'll be the coward tonight," I admit.

_____ “Don’t be,” says Elias, out of random.

_____ I cast him a questioning look but he doesn’t turn to me. What does he know? My back is turned to the fall of doom and I securely sit with my elbows on my knees, watching the peaceful deck. I wonder why the captain never hired so many crew men. Is this how it usually is at night? Quiet, still and at ease?

_____ "Actually, I just came over here, to apologize for my apology and for whatever happened before that," I fumble. The scarf around my neck is getting tighter at every word. I need him to forgive me, for my mother to be satisfied and for myself. “I've just been so rude lately. Even I can’t stand myself. I think, I built an empire of angst towards my mother and my father and I let it out on others. I…well…”

_____ I think about continuing. Elias pulls his legs up to rest his arms on his knees. “Don’t mind me, carry on.” He wears an unreadable expression.

_____ An awkward pause follows.

_____ "So," I say the word stressing the syllable. "Elias." A first time I say his name properly. "I'm curious to how you got promoted captain. I saw a painted portrait of you and your father. What's he like?"

_____ He chortles, "Certainly not like yours."

_____ I look away from his beam.

_____ He realizes what he said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just that my father and I rarely speak. He is a workaholic at Skygaurd, occupied by his inventions that can help the war. I visited him recently and we barely talked. He was too busy to chat. I feel like I'm one of his old projects already finished and out travelling for show."

_____ A frown appears on his face. "He was not like that back then. See, he used to be the captain of this ship when I was little. Now that the war is becoming worse I hardly ever see him. I turned fifteen and he gave me this ship to maintain. I've been taking care of her ever since. I keep hoping to sail with my father again."

_____ I am at a loss of words. I do not know what to say to him. I hear Croup cry out ‘Checkmate!’ on the other end of the deck. At the far end, the ghoul started twitching and flailing his limbs.

_____ "Let him do his happy dance. It's normal," mutters Elias. He hops back on deck.

_____ "You only have a few crewmen on board?”

_____ "My father provides a budget to keep this boat intact,” he replies, stretching. “Trust a few guys to lift barrels and I'm fine. I can sail this entirely by myself, ask anyone."

_____ Still arrogant. He must not have encountered an enemy before. "What about pirates?"

_____ "Pirates? There hasn't been an enemy ship for decades. Everyone in the sky is friendly. Maybe the rare adventurous wind creatures are to worry about, but no pirates. If there will be one that's not a problem. I will give them a run and no doubt I'll lose them. Don't underestimate the Sagra Leon, Miss Pansy."

_____ I ignore his last sentence as my thoughts linger in the fact that there has not been a pirate in the sky for decades. I start to wonder if the sky is the safest place to be or the arena for a future ambush. Mother's words flash in my mind, there is a strategy laid out all over the kingdom of Greengaurd. I shake away the thought.

_____ "So when is the dwarf going to sing?"

_____ Elias puts his hands to his waist. "Dwarves don't sing, especially the one in my boat."

_____ "You know what I mean."

_____ "Ah. Yes, dinner. About that..." The boy opens a circular compartment at the center of the rudder wheel. A computer screen appears displaying a radar and compass. There are buttons and switches aligned at the bottom with mini labels. The entire wheel is a mini control system by itself.

_____ "Don't tell me it comes with a cup holder." I jump off the rail. I take a moment to appreciate the polished wooden floor.

_____ Elias replies, with the honey-coated words."You know about that, too? You must also check out the mini menu system here. It orders food from downstairs and floats it all the way up here."

_____ He taps the screen with a finger wearing a gold and brown glove. "Nothing blinking. No threat until we reach a few miles."

_____ “A short-range radar,” I observe, “if you ask me, that isn’t so dependable. Did you spend most of your money on the luxurious décor?

_____ “Maybe I did,” he retorts, “got a problem, Girl-with-the-Dragon-Tattoo?”

_____ “Want me to give you a scar?” I scowl at him. We’re back to arguing.

_____ "And alas!" he snaps his fingers as if the idea never occurred to him before. "Hold that thought – I feel hungry - Mister Croup!" He calls the ghoul holding a mop and bucket. I reckon the ghoul's favourite thing to do on the ship is to mop and play chess.

_____ Croup steps, fourth and Elias assigns him to wake up someone named Buzzard. The ghoul salutes his captain and just like that he climbs up the ratlines that lead to the crow's nest.

_____ "Don't worry," Elias says to me, "I buzzed Paris downstairs to remind him of the evening meal."

_____ Paris? I suppose this Paris must be the cordon bleu of the ship.

_____ At that moment, the sails billow ferociously as a sudden cold wind jettisons the craft forward. The Sagra sprints, the front hull dipping for a few seconds. I hold my ground until the ship steadies again.

_____ "Queer," laughs Elias holding the wheel. “That’s what you call a head start!” A buzzing sounds from the radar. He closes the hidden control compartment and keeps his hand on the circular handle, prepared for another unsteady thrust. He is enjoying the situation but I can tell he's puzzled.

_____ “Besides the jokes, we could use a little ordering around, don’t you think?” I remind the amused captain.

_____ Buffeting winds like that are caused by turbulence from another ship or by a mage's manipulation or – I make a dreadful notion - from a wind creature. Another sudden gust follows veering us off course and then it stops. There is another one coming fast.

_____ I search myself for any dagger, whip or sword that can me hold on to the ship, but I remember leaving my arrows in the captain’s quarters. Only magic can help now. I rapidly conjure an infusion spell, a blue chain of sparks spiral around me. I do not hesitate to generate a similar shield around Elias. This will help tie us on board.

_____ A tidal wind makes the ship buck and the strong current throws off my concentration, sending me to the floor. I cough out air, as I pull myself up again. The captain hauls the rudder control like it weighs a hundred tonnes.

_____ "Talk about the winds of war," laughs Elias, unaffected by the gravity of the situation. "I see we have an intruder. Brace yourselves and buckle up!" He hollers as another jolt of wind violently shakes the ship. Elias's stomach hits the wheel, abruptly choking his laughter.

_____ "Your orders are loud and clear, Captain," I lift him back up. He takes the wheel again with an excited attitude. I bend my knees and free my arms to keep stability on the swaying ship and to quickly grab on to something in case I fly off. I’m not going to rely on my spells so I scan the deck for a rope.

_____ "Master Crowe! Help!" howls one of the crewmates. Croup's losing balance. He’s dangerously high up, clinging on the bottom plank of the crow's nest. The ghoul must have been thrown off by the acceleration. Before Elias could say an order, I run across the main deck. I was trying to find ropes when the captain throws me a heavy loop. I scowl at him, but he doesn’t see. He disappears into the control room, leaving the rudder control quivering. The wheel shakes trying to keep the ship under auto control while it waits for the driver.

_____ As I make my climb up the ratlines I hear a snoring noise in the crow's nest above. It must be someone named Buzzard, lying around the job. I level with Croup and threw one end of the rope to him. He catches it and struggles to tie it around his waist, legs clinging onto the mast.

_____ The entire ship bolts again as another gust attacks. Elias comes out of the control room and scrambles up to the wheel enjoying the rush. I curse quietly; the captain likes this violent roller coaster.

_____ An arm reaches out from the crow's nest just above Croup. I do not have another rope.

_____ "Buzzard, Miss dur Gahl! It's Buzzard!" yells Croup through the howling wind. Another gust smites us and I sway sideways clinging to the uneasy rope ladder.

_____ "Here!" I throw the other end of the rope to the ghoul, giving up my life line. "Tie yourselves to the main mast! Now!"

_____ The ghoul does not hesitate. I curl to a ball hanging onto the ratlines which I feel could snap at any moment. I try to conjure up ain infusion spell with the ship’s harness but another wind interrupts forcing the Sagra forward. I feel a pull downwards but my fingers remain gripping the rope ladder. The engines burst and rotate, lugging the entire vessel backwards breaking the acceleration. Elias has pulled the breaks in the control room.

_____ Sneezes is the first out of the cabin hold and he hangs on to a banister. I hear him call for Elias. The captain orders the sneevil to tie life lines and secure all sails. The sneevil scrambles across the deck with another sneevil I have not seen before. They trail a rope behind them and work their fingers along the pulleys that held the main sail. My muscles tense as another jet of wind tries to pull me away from the lines. Reminded, I cautiously drag myself down to safety.

_____ The sails are tied to a main pole at the front with the help of the pulley system. Sneezes and his friend hold on to the mainmast with their life lines. They see me stepping off the rope ladder and one of the sneevils throw me a line with a bewildered expression, like he’s facing a monster. I catch it ignoring his stare. The back of my neck starts to burn and my head pounds with sudden dizziness.

_____ Something slices the air almost cutting my wrist. A silver blade zooms by and hits the metal rail across from me. Like rogue training, I instinctively duck in case the enemy has more throwing daggers. My headache stops and I peer over the edge rail hoping to find an enemy aircraft. Unexpectedly, the night sky is unperturbed. Nothing. Can't be. I look deeply into the darkness to see if anything is veiled behind it. Nothing. But there is something or someone who threw a dagger at us.

_____ The sneevil beside Sneezes mutter something to him, I can barely hear. “Her eyes was a glowin’ Sneezes, Shocky sawr it! Like Shocky’s candle flames an’ light bulbs. Shocky’s scared!”

_____ Sneezes, clinging to his life line, glances at me. He flicks his friend’s head, “she’s a mage, remember?” With glowing eyes like light bulbs? I feel my neck suddenly burning with heat. My head throbs like machine guns are blasting inside it. I shriek, holding my head with both hands; now my stomach squeezes making me nauseous. Last night, the dream with the kalestri dog and the elf, flashes in my brain.

_____ A second later, I hear Elias call out but his voice is muffled by another gust of wind. The Sagra Leon lurches back to break the incoming might. My head bumps the rail and the concussion stops the throbbing inside. This time, the winds remain entombing us in a belly of air pressure. The floors quake and we feel the ship rising. The ship is rapidly gaining altitude, pushed by the ferocious storm below. I hang on to the shiny rail, which seems slippery all of a sudden.

_____ Someone calls my name. A red lighting erupts followed by a hard clashing noise of thunder. Again, I hear my name. Greg is calling me over the airstream.

_____ The lightning sprouts from my mother's deft hand movements. A continuous flush of electricity sizzled to the front atmosphere. I manage to find her target. Floating above us are two black clouds in the shape of eyes. The eyes belong to a funnel cloud, swaying its spinning body. I hear a piercing noise coming from its hollow mouth - the elemental is screaming. It pushes us further up to the atmosphere beyond.

_____ People's lungs cannot adapt at the speed of the sudden altitude change. Air pressure is beginning to suffocate our lungs. I breathe heavily with effort. We’re running out of oxygen. I need to help my mother with the storm, but I can barely speak with the air choking my voice.

_____ Half-kneeling, I create a lightning. It slithers out of my hand and sparks red, the electric serpent crouches back ready to strike. I angle my arms towards the demonic tornado and release. The bolt hits the elemental knocking it back. Unlike my mother’s continuous lightning, my serpent vanishes after its strike. Respiring with difficulty, I fall back, ignoring the outraged wind monster.

_____ Crouching low to keep her contact with the wind elemental, my mother’s red lightning chain whips the wind-manipulating monster and tangles it in a constricting grip. The monster's control weakens. Finally surrendering, it dissipates. It howls for the final time and releases the airship.

_____ For a nanosecond the airship remains calmly in mid air and the more dangerous part happens. The bow dips low and Sagra Leon plummets downward at alarming speed.

_____ The gravitational pull is immensely powerful, the sneevils are thrown back and Croup and the dwarf fly up, clinging on their lines for dear life. My mother who stood her ground hits the wall of the stern, Greg pinned behind her and I slide across the deck with the line around my waist to secure myself. I do not see Elias behind the wheel in fact the wheel is alone and frozen.

_____ Sagra Leon's weight shifts abruptly, the back stern speeds pass the bow of the ship and an explosive boom stops it from going down further. The front of the ship is no longer pointing to the earth. It levels with the horizon, steadying itself. The crew exhales with relief.

_____ A grumpy complaint is heard from the crow's nest. Croup's head pops up from the lookout and a dwarf's frizzy hair appears beside him. "Get off you green baboon. What are you doin' here?" So much for sighting trouble, the dwarf did nothing but sleep throughout the entire event.

_____ Mother lies unconscious in Greg's arms. He sees me and I give him a thumbs up to tell him I'm all right, just a little unsteady from the adrenaline rush.

_____ Everyone feels queasy after the parabolic drop, except Elias. He is nowhere. A horrible thought rushes to my mind. I remember he wore no harness to secure him to the ship. I get up only to hear a cry of relief from the control room.

_____ "Argh! Let's do that again!" cries the captain, exhilarated. He takes off his goggles and brushed beads of sweat from his dark hair. He grins at me as if nothing happened. I raise an eyebrow at him and I could not resist a smile.

_____ The ship calms quietly again until a stomping noise resonates from the kitchen.

_____ "Whoever shuffled my cooking will certainly pay!" The door bursts a stout man in a white chef suit with a wooden spoon appears.

_____ “Where is it?” Furious, he waves the wooden spoon in rage. “Where is it?”

_____ I step out of his way, his face and apron filthy from the mess made by the ship's activity. His mood changes seeing my mother in Greg's arms, his lips pout and his shoulders droop."I am really sorry, Sir Sabor, but -" he surveys the mess "-dinner is delayed."

_____ At that moment, almost everyone's shoulders droop in unison.

< Message edited by AgentLyre -- 8/30/2011 21:15:34 >
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