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nice to see all the lag gone

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8/10/2011 6:23:12   

he he


Epic  Post #: 1
8/10/2011 6:52:01   
Ice wolf X

Well, it is better then before tho i still have a little bit


Post #: 2
8/10/2011 7:03:34   

So..,Whats The Point On this Thread?
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/10/2011 7:21:50   

Good to know...That u have a supercomputer.
Also Fay, do they serve battle beer at the battle bar? I have a craving for it....

< Message edited by T29060 -- 8/10/2011 9:05:22 >


San tou ryu
Lemme guess, you dont know where its from
Gomu gomu fruit
Lemme guess, you don't know where it's from
Black leg style
Lemme guess, you're searching it on google right now

AQW Epic  Post #: 4
8/10/2011 7:29:40   
Fay Beeee

Sorry but I have massive lag now?

I just do not understand how any more.
Yes I have tried different servers
Yes I have tried different providers
Yes I have defragged
Yes I have cleared my cache.
I have tried different armours.
Taken off bike.

What else can I do?

Just a thought, do all the new players know about the battle bar and graphics settings.
Epic  Post #: 5
8/10/2011 7:31:26   


Just a thought, do all the new players know about the battle bar and graphics settings.

That might be the greatest issue.

BTW I still have a bit of lag too. Maybe my beard is lagging.


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 6
8/10/2011 8:19:09   


Just a thought, do all the new players know about the battle bar and graphics settings.

Wait, I don't know about the battle bar? Is it a dance club or just drinks and bar food? Is there a cover charge? What is the dress code, armor only? How come no one tells me about these things any more? No wonder there is so much lag, if everyone is drinking I would think the lag would be terrible......
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
8/10/2011 10:09:20   

hell no the lags are still there in 2v2 the game ain about 1v1ing and npcing only so the lags are still there and they r not gone.
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
8/10/2011 10:14:49   

Actullay this game lag again, today I frizzed 2 times and I disconnected 6 times. I'm wondering how long We must play on this way? After the delta up date We have seen a progressive degrade of ED, if I was in the shoes of ED Team I'll already posted a road map to fix all bugs definitely or otherwise give a chance to be refund money coz this game it become very not playable and pleasant. At last We pay with real money and not with beta or delta dollars. Seriously I'm waiting a clear answer by ED Team about the state of works, not simply some excuses.

Every time more angry
Epic  Post #: 9
8/10/2011 10:14:58   

@Sparticus : Battle Bar = The Battles animation in the settings to make u attack faster if u have fast comp or smoother if u have slower one ?

Epic  Post #: 10
8/10/2011 10:22:38   

hi guys i have the same problem harlock has right too many disconnected and lag for us but i want see new improvements like new bots thx all and please titan try to fix better this lag ;-)
Post #: 11
8/10/2011 10:48:48   

The Battle bar is the bar that shows the exile and legion kills. i think

< Message edited by raymanpwner -- 8/10/2011 10:52:09 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
8/10/2011 10:51:10   
SouL Prisoner


lag juzz got started for me "today"

neva had b4 ...this :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
8/10/2011 10:58:36   
Epic Pwnser

Exile seems for me to be the one with most lag.
Legion is lag-free for me.
And Epic is always epically lag-free (sarcasm) because it's epic.

I just did my npc's without a huge hint of lag, when my internet is usually very laggy.


Epic  Post #: 14
8/10/2011 11:05:50   

yea i was watching a vid then when i pause the video i enter on epicduel homepage i click play and then my internet got laggy. :/
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
8/10/2011 11:15:54   

There is a lil lag , but ED is alright now , all what we need is more weapons Including ( Aux\gun\Bikes\bots).

I hope devs can do those things.....



Epic  Post #: 16
8/10/2011 12:39:05   


Wait, I don't know about the battle bar? Is it a dance club or just drinks and bar food? Is there a cover charge? What is the dress code, armor only? How come no one tells me about these things any more? No wonder there is so much lag, if everyone is drinking I would think the lag would be terrible......

Nope you're all confused, the battle bar is this cool new club that opened up for players who are Emperor level or higher where you can go and hang out. There is no lag there, the matches are always fair and without any luck involved and the credits and tokens are tripled all day long.

For those of you who attempted to explain to me what the battle bar is here is the definition of Facetious.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
8/10/2011 12:47:36   

LAG is more terrible than ever...
Post #: 18
8/10/2011 12:57:12   
Fay Beeee


You are bad. LOL
but funny
Epic  Post #: 19
8/10/2011 13:52:46   

sometimes i still have lag


Epic  Post #: 20
8/10/2011 14:13:18   

sparticus in the battle bar is it the gin and tonic or the real ale causing the problem

Please only use your sig once per page. ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 8/10/2011 19:00:59 >
Epic  Post #: 21
8/10/2011 14:17:31   
Sugar Lion

Massive lag
Epic  Post #: 22
8/10/2011 16:01:38   
Chosen 0ne

Just got a soda from the battle bar. Ill spill it, only members of the ponian club can enter. See page 5 on pony vs pony thread in ED to see what im talking about here. It could also be page 4. Cant remember lol.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
8/10/2011 16:11:31   

There doesn't seem to be anything to discuss here. The ED Staff is doing their best to deal with the remaining lag issues, though the worst seems to be over. If you are still having problems, please report them here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=332&p=&tmode=1&smode=1

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
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