Legion Slicer Silencer
Congratz on being a Archknight, who knew fish would take over a GD Forum thread! Haha thanks! 1. How many fish do you currently have. all of the fishies in the sea! 2. What would you rather have, a fish, a cookie, or a fish cookie. Fish cookie that way I get two in one!/color] 3. I like my fish fried >:D what about you? Same! 4. How do you feel when there is a oil spill in a ocean and millions of fish die? very sad :/ shame things like that happen 5. Fish are friends, not food, where did I get that from? finding Nemo! 6. Whats your favorite kind of fish? I like Salmon. Shark! 7. What would you do if you became a fish. probably go on an epic adventure! 8. How many fish are in the sea? A lot :P! 9. Favorite moment in AQW history. mmm tough one I would say when I found out that Necromancer was going to be Non-mem Hey! That was my fish, give it back! Q_Q sorry! Well, hope to talk to you again soon, congratz again. Haha thanks again!
< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:09:02 >