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RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD!

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8/14/2011 14:00:47   

Hey there!
Do you have any fish I can have? :3
Take all the ones you want..... except for the ones with the chicken heads those are dangerous!
And a serious question...
Dun Dun Dun!
If all fish weapons are water element and you fight a war with enemies resistant to water, how are you going to kill them with a fish weapon?
hmmm I'll have to kick it up a notch and take out my trusty Bane of Nuglath!
I hate to do this, but the spoiler below has something important in it that I want you to know...

You just wasted 1 second of your life reading this. :)

I have no life Q_Q only shackles!
That's all I can ask. :/
Aww :/
Well, I guess I'll post again later...
Haha Yay!
See ya around!
Seeya and nice meeting you!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:21:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
8/14/2011 14:04:51   

Grats on aka-ship Chisagen!
Haha thanks!
just congratulating no question for me
aww man maybe next time :)
See ya
Later and nice meeting you!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:22:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 27
8/14/2011 14:09:56   

Hello, Chisagen!
Hey there, Yeadudes!
I have a feeling I've met you in AQW. You're Swordfish__ right?
Haha nope, but I carry around a swordfish!
Is the plural of the word fish "fish", "fishes", or "fishies"?
I say fishies but it's probably fishes!
Do you read Bleach? If so, what chapter are you on? If you're up-to-date, can you tell me how Barragan in his "Old Age" form is defeated? He seems invincible..
I'm on chapter 400 something and they defeat him by pretty much disinagreting him!
'Tis all.
Cya around, Mighty Fish Lord Chisagen!
Cya around!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:29:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 28
8/14/2011 14:10:02   

Haha thanks!
Did you get your name changed and free membership on an alternate account, yet?
mmmm nope,but I'm thinking of buying membership for the third upholder event!
See you around!
later hope to see ya around!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:30:55 >
AQW  Post #: 29
8/14/2011 14:14:21   
Boa Baron


yeadudes: I have a feeling I've met you in AQW. You're Swordfish__ right?

He's not __SwordFish__, that would be No Brainer here.
awww haha nice name for sure!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:31:35 >
Post #: 30
8/14/2011 14:43:59   

Ohai Chisagen!
Hey there Tokijin!
First off congratulations!
Haha thanks!
If your a fishmonger, I'm a carrotmonger. Who will win?
hmmm tie!
Paper of plastic?
What happens when an unstoppable force, collides with an immovable object?
THEY KERSPLODE like in the movies!
Did you know gold fish can see ultra-violet and infra-red colors?!
:o oh wow that's cool!
Unbelievable right?
tell me about it :P!
Well, than I think my work here is done.
:o you dare work!!
Have a nice day Chisagen, and keep on AKing!
Haha thanks and have a nice day as well!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:33:22 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 31
8/14/2011 14:50:48   

Hi Chisagen!
Hey there, Sam!
Just came here to say Welcome and Congrats!

Haha thanks!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:38:33 >
AQW  Post #: 32
8/14/2011 15:06:00   

Mkay, hows it going?
great thanks for asking an yourself?
I have like never seen you before, anywhere.
post in the DF section most of the time, but I play AQW daily
I like monkeys.
I like turtles I mean fish >.>
I can't think of stuff.
(Insert question here.)
>insert generic answer here<
^That was the worst answer, EVAR.
bloop bloop
^You should be.
Haha thanks!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 8:40:33 >
DF AQW  Post #: 33
8/14/2011 15:23:10   

I smell something fishy around here...
must be Twig >.> I tell that guy to take a shower, but he doesn't listen!
don't flounder me with your excuses!
Haha nice!
well, bye! see you later AK.

Haha nice meeting you!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 9:36:34 >


Teamwork is always a great idea. it gives other people
to shoot at~COD4

AQW  Post #: 34
8/14/2011 16:06:05   
Jet Silver

You're a AK in the AQW GD now too?!
But you and I already knew that.
seems so my friend
Should I say congrats?
only if you want to although I would appreciate some ice cream :)
Nah, I won't and you won't know why...
hmmm no not really
What is with the fishy blades?
well they make the enemy stink for weeks :D
I know someone with a more ridiculous weapon.
hmm wonder who that could be :P
Yergen's Duck Fart Gun. It's silent, but deadly.
Also, tell Mritha I took resurrection and un-death into account when I made that contract. >:D MUAHAHA!
Will do wait what o_0
Now for my FINAL question.
Dun dun dun
Which side are you on?
The good side!
Ponies, Moglins, or Pony eating Piranhas/Fishes that have befriended Moglins and don't eat Moglins?
Hmmm moglins and fish
There are only two right answers.
hmmm make it three and I'll throw in a fish!
I will judge your answer on the next page, if you answer my questions before Page 4.
Jet Gold/Silver, AWAY! (That means "Later Fishmonger.")
Haha Later Jet!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 9:42:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
8/14/2011 16:16:36   

Haha thanks!
All from me :)
Hope to see ya around!!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 9:49:35 >
AQW  Post #: 36
8/14/2011 16:17:58   
Master JM

Why fish and not donkeys?
HahaI actually like donkeys as well!
Did you know fish can swim?
Do you like asparagus?
hmm never ate it to tell ya the truth
Did you know asparagus is green?
I knew celery was green :P
That is all from me.
later and thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 9:51:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 37
8/14/2011 16:48:23   

Kitties are way better for fighting thatn fishes, so why not fight kitties?
:P because I would have PETA suing me :P
Do you like rock, like heavy metal and such? Im a fan of the yells in heavy metal
I like some heavy metal although I don't listen to it much
What do MtAK stands for? LOL, really I need to know
Meet the ArchKnight!
Do you play EpicDuel? If you do, I will challenge you one of this days
I actually do play ED hmmm should probably link it :P
Are you a rare collector item?
Sorta if it has kinda like a sentimental value to me I'll keep it!
Do you play any instrument or have a awesome hobby?
haha not really all I do is tell jokes and swim :P
Have you play all AE games?
let's see I've played DF,AQW,AQ,MQ,ED,HS, and BH so yup!
You will play new game that will be release in sept, Pony vs Pony? xD
hmmm I dunno only if there is a pony slayer class >.>

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 9:56:04 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 38
8/14/2011 17:56:20   
OAS Spartan

Ummm Hello...
Haha Hiya!
I guess I should start asking questions...
only if you want to ;)
Yep just got orders from ONI
1. When was it you decided to be a Fishmonger?
during the Popsprocket war in Dragonfable!
2. What makes you different from other Fishmongers?
didn't know there was more then me :P!
3. Have you ever played Halo?
played once or twice at my friend's house
4. What's your favorite, Halo, Call of Duty, of Gears of War?
hmmm I would say Halo
5. If you played Halo, what's your favorite land and air vehicle?
don't know what it's called, but it's like a plane that shoots lazers I think
6. So many questions...
so much time!
7. What's your favorite AE game?
8. In that game, what is your favorite armor?
hmm going to have to go with Holiday caster followed by J5
9. Weapon?
bane of Nuglath or fish
10. Who is your favorite artist? Dage, Nulgath, Mennace, or J6?
I like them all what I love is how each has a unique style, so don't think I can pick one.
11. Did you get anything from the O.M.G.?
hmmm I got the L.O.L.
12. There are How many people on earth?
think like 6 billion or something around that
13. Why did i ask that?
no clue you were possessed!
And now for my MOST ASKED MTAK
I feel special ^-^
14. What's your favorite Dinosaur?
15. Why'd you pick that Dinosaur?
cuz he goes RAWR!!
Time for me to go... maybe...
Haha thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:02:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 39
8/14/2011 18:00:38   
G Man

Nothing to ask, just saying 'gratz.
Haha thanks hope to see ya around!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:02:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 40
8/14/2011 18:05:29   

Hey chisagen. ok heres some questions until i think of DbR (death by randomness) methods.
Haha sounds good to me
1: favorite soup?
Soup that my Grandma makes!
2: favorite cartoon?
guess Anime falls into this section so I would say bleach if anime doesn't count Ben 10
3: favorite comic?
4: favorate far
hmm I'm thinking you mean fart so I love loud farts they are pretty funny :)
5: potatofish = epictacosauce?
Potatopfish=inside my stomach ;)

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:04:58 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
8/14/2011 18:17:00   

Congratz on becoming an AK
Haha thanks!
One question: So i heard you like fish, is that true? LOL
Haha I actually like fish..... a lot!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:06:20 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 42
8/14/2011 18:19:15   
Legion Slicer Silencer

Congratz on being a Archknight, who knew fish would take over a GD Forum thread!
Haha thanks!
1. How many fish do you currently have.
all of the fishies in the sea!
2. What would you rather have, a fish, a cookie, or a fish cookie.
Fish cookie that way I get two in one!/color]
3. I like my fish fried >:D what about you?
4. How do you feel when there is a oil spill in a ocean and millions of fish die?
very sad :/ shame things like that happen
5. Fish are friends, not food, where did I get that from?
finding Nemo!
6. Whats your favorite kind of fish? I like Salmon.
7. What would you do if you became a fish.
probably go on an epic adventure!
8. How many fish are in the sea?
A lot :P!
9. Favorite moment in AQW history.
mmm tough one I would say when I found out that Necromancer was going to be Non-mem
Hey! That was my fish, give it back!
Q_Q sorry!
Well, hope to talk to you again soon, congratz again.
Haha thanks again!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:09:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
8/14/2011 20:38:40   

Turn that frown upside down!
we are mortal enemies, i am wind, you are water. Now just wait till my eagles eat your fish army :D MWAHAHAHAHAHA
:o oh noez seems like a job for da SHARKS!
3....2....1.. BLAST OFF!
Fav. aqw class?
fav. Aqw pet? (im assuming the fish from drudgen)
don't really know many pets, so I'll have to say the bunny that you get during Easter!
fave. member?
mmmmm actually don't think I have a fave member :p
alteon or seppy
Seppy because he pwns
Fav fish?
Swimming of skiing?
Skiing because I've never tried it before!
thats all, bye. See you tommorow after i overthrow your army of fish :D

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:12:09 >


Post #: 44
8/14/2011 22:18:37   

Hiyas Chisagen, Welcome to the AQW GD!
Haha thanks!

OMG Another AK again. O.o

It's a conspiracy >.>
So, What's your favourite NPC in AQW?
Hmmm going to have to say Artix :D

What do you do after the new release? I mean in AQW? ;D
depends sometimes I'll farm to lvl up and sometimes I'll just chill in Yulgars talking to people :P

Well I think that's it.
Haha thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:14:05 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
8/15/2011 0:46:22   

Gratz Chisa-san. :D
Haha thanks!
Saw you on the DF Q&A way before I saw this...
Haha Yup!
Mugetsu?! >:D
Oh noez I'm going to lose all of my powa! that attack sure was awesome though!
*Steals Fish*
*eats a cookie*
'Kay, so see ya.
Haha Later!
WAIT. *Pulls eaten fish out of stomach, dry-cleans it, and gives it back*
XD looks like it's dinner for Twig!
Ok. Bye now. D:
Haha seeya later!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:16:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 46
8/15/2011 0:52:54   

OMG an ak that like fish a bunch! i had a dream about that XD now to the ?'s
:O you have powers!
ok so do you know what GB's stands for?
General barnyard?
HaHa! i think your wrong! oh wait no...YES you are wrong oh wait...
I was right!
did you know that fish are adictid to water!? little wateraholics...*mumble mumble*
tsk tsk tsk it's horrible on their skin!
do you kare if mes spellin iz badz?
nu not realy bruh I haz da spel stuff
...oh yea! um..what was i gunna ask..meh i forgot but sumthin cool about sumthin downthere...heheheheh...o.O
hmmm maybe it would help if you stood upside down!
OMG! my dog just jumped on me! what do i do FL! (fishy lord) oh i like FL heh cool name
you should give your dog lots of love! and haha I like Fish lord as well!!
wanna join the GB's clan? (thatd be rad!) BTW ima the leader as you can see in my sigy
haha thanks,but I'm already in a clan thanks for the offer though :D
howmany questions has it been?
20 kajillion and counting
isnt pink awsome (yes ima boy and i like pink...int manly)
hmm Pink is alright I suppose don't use it often though
ok weel mes baad apelin annd mez gots to go (cuz i dont know how manyy questi-
oh i can see up there DUUUHHHHH
...oh ye my sig! bye FL hope you said yes to my offor on the GB's pace! (peace in hoohaa language)
OK FL i hope u said yes to my offor on joining thr GB's peace!
haha later!!
...oh ye my sig!
The plot revolves!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:20:55 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 47
8/15/2011 1:14:15   
PockeyChew Master

Gratz on being an AK in this section of the forums.
Haha thanks!
I only came to congratulate you. I hope you have fun in the AQW GD!
Haha thanks again and hope to see ya around!!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:22:07 >
AQW  Post #: 48
8/15/2011 1:41:37   

Ohai, and congratulations on becoming an AK!
Haha thanks!
What's better, Cold Fish or Warm Fish?
I think cold fish since it stings more when you slap someone with it!!
Do you listen to Coldplay? ;)
OMG I love Coldplay! my favorite song is Viva La Vida can't stop listening to it!
I like pie, do you like it too?
I love pie!
Like my siggy? :P
looks great :D
What country are you from?
United States!!
haha not really if anything I'm the stalker!
Becoming... too... lazy... to... type... gonna... go... ask... more... questions... tomorrow... (Maybe)... :P
Haha hope to see you post again soon!

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:24:31 >


"Politicians hide themselves away,
they only started the war.
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor.
Post #: 49
8/15/2011 1:47:04   
mr meerka

1. Boo.
2. Welcome to the AQWGD.
Haha thanks!
3. What's your cell like?
small and very very fishy :P
4. Are you happy about the Pony V Pony thing?
meh it's alright I guess although I'm hoping for a pony slayer class :D
5. Whats your favorite wep in AQW?
Bane of Nuglath and Fish
6. Congratulations.
Haha thanks again!
14. Beware of the evil troll Helen Keller, she will kill you.
8. Can i have some fish?
take all you want!
9. Want some chocolate?
I would love some!
10. Here, have a truck full of cookies.
11. So I herd u liek mudlukz?
Nah Bruh it's all about da charmanderz
12. Have you brought some chicken for us to eat?
can never forget the chicken!/color]
13. Favorite song?
hmmm probably Viva La Vida by Coldplay either that or Bloody Sunday by U2
7: Notice i switched 7 and 14 around?
very clever indeed *takes notes*/color]
15: Favorite food?

< Message edited by chisagen -- 8/15/2011 10:28:24 >


The reason Cysero never left the circle in the Golden Onslaught War.
AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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