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RE: What if... everyone was OP?

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8/21/2011 19:53:11   

If we were all OPed, no one would be.
But seeing as this IS the real world we're in, we'd have the tag "tactical mercenary" as our class.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 8/21/2011 19:54:02 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
8/21/2011 19:54:41   

Then everything would be balanced??

Epic  Post #: 27
8/21/2011 22:56:36   

@Sparticus: Yes, thank you for clearing my doubt about what does being OP mean. Although when i was referring to being OP was more in "being OMFGHAX strong".

Yeah. Everyone kinda got what i meant...

Both greenrain13 and The ND Mallet Guy really shot what is true.
There might be some overpowered builds that are stronger than another, so basically "everyone being OP" or like i said before "being OMFGHAX strong" doesn't mean everyone is balanced. (yeah i know... "thanks for the obvious captain obvious!").

So, basically.... the only difference from our current way of balancing which is by nerfing and not doing anything at all is that : By doing nothing at all (aka not having any nerf) gives some actual freedom in making builds, new builds... Possible new "op" ones that can counter the stronger builds.

Right now, by changing the most little thing in a class, might actuality ruin the other or making it stronger by far too much.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
8/21/2011 23:17:30   

A little requirement nerf in any skill can destroyed any build veneria, supercharge 42's requirement is simple patethic, and the other classes have almost the same requirements but in different stats, I think they need to be lower since they require a lot of energy, they have a lot of invested skills for them to make them effective and their high requirements is the unique that breaks out most of the builds.
On topic: They will always be a most oped class than others, no matter how oped they make all classes, one will have more chances, to said that way, to win a battle against all the classes. This wouldn't do nothing, it will stay the same, currently the balance update was awesome but bh were nerf to much so I had said a buff for massacre?

< Message edited by cyberbakio ryugan -- 8/21/2011 23:20:05 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
8/21/2011 23:58:47   

There would be no Oped ness if everyone became tact mercs.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
8/22/2011 0:02:11   

Variums would stay OP?
AQW  Post #: 31
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