If your waiting on the LQS then I suggest keeping an eye on the developers twitters, it may not be 100% accurate, but it's the best option. That's the one thing I find Unacceptable, having a LQS without knowing what time it will be released... A lot of players aren't from the States so they take ' Naps ' before the update so they have a shot at getting it... You can't expect players that have work and etc to stay up all night for a ' Possible ' release. Today, we got the message ' working on a saturday ', no info about what hour the LQS will be, no mentioning if the LQS will be restocked at all... For a normal release, I do not care, but LQS items are a bigger issue due to limited quantity hence an Estimated Hour being needed... Ready O'Clock works for everything Except LQS...
< Message edited by andy123 -- 8/27/2011 20:02:37 >
Having a Signature is too mainstream