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RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE!

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8/27/2011 8:02:36   

imma just take a guess on the new npc and say its yulgar.
i mean look at the beard lol.

and ED staff take ya time with the update.
its betta to take ya time and have a great update,
then to hurry up and have a pile of bugs and problems
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 151
8/27/2011 8:08:17   

Ha I knew it it was gonna get delayed
and I think we should change the name of this game
to Delayed Duel
Epic  Post #: 152
8/27/2011 8:17:05   
Goosy the Boomer


Wiseman i may not find your post harsh but neither do i find it reasonable

This past five weeks has been a disaster i been thinking that maybe the game become too much of reponsability to Titan and Nighwraith and maybe they are trying to destroy was is left of it. Seriously the "Adobe" excuse is been put like a Trojan Virus or something. while it maybe true that releasing content while the game is unstable maybe be bad im PRETTY SURE that A LOT PLAYERS would have prefer that them having the delay, really most of the problem was with Google Chrome anyway it was really not that much of a reason to delay the update as well as the other update were many "TESTER" claim that they weren't ready even though they make official announcement in the design note. we player has been treat as the bad guys because we ask for what is put on a OFFICIAL DESIGN NOTE like really this past five week has been a disaster i bought a 50$ pack like 2 or 3 weeks a go and the only thing i bought was the new armor them last week when they delay the Friday update i was so mad that i sold of my stuff i had like over 14000 varuim left and like 330000 credit left, you know what i did with it wasted on class class,name change,retrain,faction war weapons. I quit rage i gave this a lot opportunity and they fail me every single time.



< Message edited by Goosy the Boomer -- 8/27/2011 8:23:34 >
Post #: 153
8/27/2011 8:25:05   

@ Red

Good one, Blood and sweat that gets postponed that is

Sweat and blood <<<<< Money

Plz don't try to flame...
He has his opinion just like we have ours

< Message edited by andy123 -- 8/27/2011 8:27:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 154
8/27/2011 8:38:52   
Goosy the Boomer



guess i need to drink some water

it just really bother me when "players" whether they PAY or not defended the Developer for a their lack of communication and behavior is just outrageous
Post #: 155
8/27/2011 9:11:54   


Pls do the thing i will say to stop this ridiculous stuation.
How updates should done:

1)Dont set a date before you are sure you can update 100% , you can give pics - details about update but dont give time like Friday 9-10 EST
2)When Update is ready dont release it in the second you finish, wait and set a date and announce it in Design Notes , 1 day after is perfect time.

The problems if you dont do this way (which is the part i most annoy and get sick of):

When you give time about the update , you force us to wait till that hour maybe there can be no problem doing different things while waiting update in US time zone but when you say 9-10 EST + Limited Items , it makes huge problem for me , first , at 9-10 EST (which is 4-5 AM at my country) I cant watch tv , read book or go outside , i just need to wait the update because there is no specific time when Devs gonna release they can release it in any seconds which is ridiculous and can cause me to not buy limited items.

Second , Devs make me wait till 4-5AM and still there is no update , after 18:00 in US Devs shouldnt release anything , there is alot ppl playing this game in Europe and Middle East at after 18:00 at US it become too late for us there is alot of young players playing this game and cant stand awake til 4-5 AM , so if the update is not ready at 18:00 at US just send a small tweet that saying you delayed the update to next day or next week so we can go to our beds and have a good sleep.

< Message edited by TurkishIncubus -- 8/27/2011 9:16:28 >


Epic  Post #: 156
8/27/2011 9:27:02   
Xx. Christian .xX

wow no update ive been online for fkn 8 hours straight no rest just for the update this game is getting worst!!! aqw is getting better and better!!!!
Post #: 157
8/27/2011 9:54:05   

least they did not blame the cheese or use the reason my dog ate the programs and coding. Simple way to reduce the rage in the Epicduel community is to use a surgical strike always works for me XD. do hope the update would be gr8. cause the long wait is really annoying.


AQW Epic  Post #: 158
8/27/2011 9:54:31   
Always a Princess

I'm sorry about the lack of communication. Obviously, I can't release info until I am authorized to do so (and at some points yesterday, Night and I were also working on storyline stuff).

Things were built, but not tested, and things are still broken. I'm not going to ask for empathy (I learned from another topic that asking for empathy is a lost cause) but understanding that nobody wants to delay updates, but sometimes it's unavoidable. And I didn't have the D*Con info to make the new DNs earlier (that and I haven't been on much lately, since school is starting Monday for me)

@Turkish- I understand your frustration, and updates aren't always the friendliest to our international players. They aren't always the friendliest to our US/Canada players either.
Post #: 159
8/27/2011 9:57:14   


Nice to see you again! :D
AQW Epic  Post #: 160
8/27/2011 9:59:48   


nobody wants to delay updates, but sometimes it's unavoidable.

We get that it can happen sometimes...
But this has been happening every time, something we don't get.

anyway, I knew it would happen, concentrating back to Balancing BM and BH now
allready had a few ideas
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 161
8/27/2011 10:00:31   


This is how it will go:
Cindy will come, appologizing towards us for the delay.
We will rage
LB will come warning us
LB will ban us
and next week with another delay same thing will happen

Step 1 check

hmm i do hope step 2 does not happen.
AQW Epic  Post #: 162
8/27/2011 10:01:52   

@Cindy: I wish i could say noone blames anything on you, unfortunately, i can't.
in my honest oppinion, the people who do blame you are wrong, nevertheless, they do it.

i just wish i could use a big tuna to slap some sence into them :/

don't feel bad because of some players who have their finger pointed, for there are always several other players with his thumb pointed up for each of them

< Message edited by Basicball -- 8/27/2011 10:03:06 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 163
8/27/2011 10:02:01   


Its just a case of "Bad Luck". xD

But I like to make MY own luck. :P


Uhh, why do you want that to happen?
AQW Epic  Post #: 164
8/27/2011 10:03:49   

@ drakadh


hmm i do hope step 2 does NOT happen.

AQW Epic  Post #: 165
8/27/2011 10:11:10   

Step 2 allready happend
and Step 4 kind off happend ( 2 banned but by who, we do not know )
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 166
8/27/2011 10:11:12   


Ow Sorry xD Same here
AQW Epic  Post #: 167
8/27/2011 10:14:45   

Awwww man. Delayed. Surprise!
AQW Epic  Post #: 168
8/27/2011 10:20:44   

for now im getting kurz Gun it have awsome Stats :D.
AQW Epic  Post #: 169
8/27/2011 10:22:19   

all that remains is step 3 and the deleting and remaking of this thread hmm lets hope that does not happen XD.
AQW Epic  Post #: 170
8/27/2011 10:24:48   

I saw someone mentioned balance in the update, or rather the lack thereof. This update has almost no balance changes, the only one that is confirmed for this update (and already tested) is a change to massacre. The requirements for massacre where lowered to be consistent to other Ultimate skills capping out at 42 support, the percents where slightly buffed as well.

We are currently working on some balance changes to address heal looping TLMs (and heal looping in general), as well a few small changes (things like level requirements for consumables). There are a few bigger changes being considered, that involve new Ultimate and AoE skills for the evolved classes, but so far nothing has been fully confirmed. There's also a change to hybrid on the discussion table, that may or may not make it into the next balance update.

I cannot say more than that right now because currently no numbers have been decided for anything other then the massacre change, but I hope that gives some insight for anyone curious.

Keep in mind that most of these are not confirmed changes yet, and may not be added to the game at all, these are mostly just in consideration.

< Message edited by Wiseman -- 8/27/2011 10:27:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 171
8/27/2011 10:25:18   
Chosen 0ne

Thanks for the pics wiseman! We like knowing whats going on.

Edit: For those of you who wanna know where wiseman posted, it was on the 6th page.

< Message edited by Chosen 0ne -- 8/27/2011 10:32:13 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 172
8/27/2011 10:28:50   

AoE skills?


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 173
8/27/2011 10:30:16   

great Wiseman

Just from your point of view and opinion
Do you think removing Sup requirement on Deadly Aim and Shadow Arts it would OP
the other 4 classes??
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 174
8/27/2011 10:36:36   
Digital X
Beep Beep!



Area of effect (or AoE) is a term used in many role-playing and strategy games to describe attacks or spells that affect multiple targets within a specified area.

From Wikipedia, but that's correct.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 175
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