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RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE!

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8/27/2011 10:36:59   

@Basicball: Area of Effect (Multis)


@andy123: Sorry but at this time the requirements are needed on those skills, we are actually considering eventually standardizing requirements based on tier. However that's also being discussed, requirements are a subject nobody likes, but they are necessary, sadly a lot of balance changes are like that. One thing to keep in mind when it comes to balance, you may not like it, but that doesn't mean its not necessary, always keep an open mind about the subject. With that said, it IS possible that eventually we could lower/remove some requirements, but It's highly unlikely, so don't get your hopes up.

< Message edited by Wiseman -- 8/27/2011 10:39:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 176
8/27/2011 10:41:08   

@ Wiseman

I don't see how it would break balance really

Tech Mages are using mostly Sup builds, so the requirement has no impact on them
BloodMages need to invest to much in Sup to make eather High str, pathetic defence build
or high Dex pathetic Str build.

Tact mercs might not have Deadly Aim or BloodLust, but due to the fact they don't need to train Sup
they can keep their Sup at base ( 21 Sup ) which allows them to train a lot more in Str and Dex.

So this would actualy work in my mind that is... seeing Gun has a 2 turn cooldown
and tact mercs actualy beat me just by clicking attack.


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 177
8/27/2011 10:47:56   

@andy123: Problem is removing the requirement on deadly aim would most likely cause issues with Strength builds (especially in blood mage). We could take a look at it to see if the requirements are too high, or perhaps change which stat it requires, however I don't see it being removed.

Anyway I'm gonna get some sleep (been up for over 24 hours), have a good night/day everyone.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 178
8/27/2011 10:54:18   

Isn't that the point Wiseman??

Aren't BloodMages suppost to be the ' High Damagers '??
because the way it is now, I get outdamaged easely by Tact mercs

goodnight man
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 179
8/27/2011 11:12:21   

Am I the only one who wants the staff to take their time? The reason ballance is "broken" is because we rushed the devs. I think they should stop announcing things and update the game when it's done, but tell us what's in development.


When a prince turns into a frog, he just sits around and waits for a princess to come and kiss him. When Glenn turns into a frog, he cuts a freaking mountain in half.
Epic  Post #: 180
8/27/2011 11:22:45   
Xx. Christian .xX

^ take their time

we give them time they give us nothing is that fair?
Post #: 181
8/27/2011 11:27:40   

new multi and ultimate huh? this might get interesting ;)


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 182
8/27/2011 11:46:15   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

I'd just like to thank everyone who understands where we stand etc. - We had been testing all night, and the Devs have been working very very hard to get this release ready.

For everyone else - Whether you think the 'excuse' is real or not, it doesn't change anything. Anyone who had the latest version of Flash will have experienced a lot more graphical lag than normal, and adobe said themselves that it was a problem on their side.

Titan started on a huge change to improve performance, and to fix this issue with the latest flash, after being told by Adobe what was causing the problems. Adobe beat Titan to it, and as you can see they released an update just for us. None the less, now Titan's started, it is literally impossible to release until it is done - Unless you're happy with some main features of the game not working, because they've not been finished?

We've also acquired 3 new testers, who are definitly proving themselves. They both stayed up till 4 in the morning dedicated to the release just for you, as a team we all stayed up, no matter what time zone we were in. At one point though, you do have to call it a day, and get some rest, so no silly mistakes are made.

Something not many of you will know is that Titan and NightWraith had been working over 20 hours straight on the release this morning, they definitely deserved a rest, whether you think so or not. They have been working approximately 2-4 hours extra every day of this week to get it all ready, and if that for you is not good enough, then I deeply apologies if you feel that way - because for me, and most people, that shows extreme dedication.

Now for others saying that you're paying customers, so you deserve these updates on time. I don't think that's an argument at all. If this game ran on membership - I'd completely understand, because this would mean you get less for from your membership, and therefore less for your money. But that is NOT the case. You purchase Varium, which doesn't change at all with time. Whether the update is this week, next week, next month, the amount of Varium you have does NOT change, unless you want to spend it, which is your choice. When ever the release is, it's the same for everyone, you still get exactly the same out of it.

< Message edited by Rainaka -- 8/27/2011 12:02:06 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 183
8/27/2011 12:00:15   


Now for others saying that you're paying customers, so you deserve these updates on time. I don't think that's an argument at all. If this game ran on membership - I'd completely understand, because this would mean you get less for from your membership, and therefore less for your money. But that is NOT the case. You purchase Varium, which doesn't change at all with time. Whether the update is this week, next week, next month, the amount of Varium you have does NOT change, unless you want to spend it, which is your choice. When ever the release is, it's the same for everyone, you still get exactly the same out of it.


When your charging $49.95 for 10k packages , you might as well call that membership, heck that's near a years worth of membership for some games.

So, I'm gonna disagree with that statement. Not mention when you look a the varium prices for armors,weapon, "enhancements", that var can go away quickly.

< Message edited by PowerMega -- 8/27/2011 12:01:45 >
Post #: 184
8/27/2011 12:07:27   
Runehawk Master

Epicduel is free (Unless unlike me you can afford varium) So you should be just appy that you will actually be getting any releases at all.
Would you rather have a release thats smooth and cool but a bit late, or one with loads of bugs so the game is ruined and it has to be shut down constantly to fix it?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 185
8/27/2011 12:09:03   



When your charging $49.95 for 10k packages , you might as well call that membership, heck that's near a years worth of membership for some games.

So, I'm gonna disagree with that statement.

what he means is, if you pay for 1 year membership in AQW, you expect 52 updates, when they keep delaying them, and only release 30 in a year, each update costed you about double the money as expected.
therefore, you were 'ripped off'. (please note this was just an imaginairy example)

now, if you buy 10K Varium, it's diferent, you pay for x weapons, enhancements, armors, etc., if an update is delayed, you don't lose any varium (while in AQW, you DO lose that week of membership).
In ED, you can still use your varium the next update.

in short: membership gives you an advantage for a set time, currency for a set amount of updates, time isn't a factor with currency.

I hope i made sence
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 186
8/27/2011 12:10:19   

@ Rune Hawk.

They should be happy they let us play before the official release xD
AQW Epic  Post #: 187
8/27/2011 12:10:23   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

@PowerMega: You've missed my point completely. Yes you pay the same, but what I'm saying is when you pay for membership, you pay for time as a member. So therefore complaining about late releases, and delayed releases would be fair, because it'd be wasting your time as member.

Here though, you have a set amount of Varium that you spend at will. Late releases won't effect the amount of Varium you have left, where as late releases with membership would waste your days. Varium is something that will stay the same, unless you choose to spend it, so releasing slightly later won't effect your Varium and therefore does not effect in anyway the money you spent on the game, nor what you get out of it - if anything it means that you get more for your money in the releases, because at the end of the day, more will have been done.

Yes, you're paying members, and we are very very grateful for that, but the above still stands.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 188
8/27/2011 12:13:20   

Im not disagreeing about a smooth release. Im just explaining how the prices for varium are equivalent to membership for a game in rectrospective to prices of valuables in games.

Yes you have a set amount of varium, but that set amount of varium is still equivalent to membership because it is an investment.

Though I think the main point has gotten across in which that we want consistency in that we shouldnt be told an update is coming at a designated time without being positive it can be done. Though if they say they will work on it and they stay true to their words, then I'm satisfied.


@ Rainka

I didnt miss your point, I fine with your other arguments "except" for the one on varium.

< Message edited by PowerMega -- 8/27/2011 12:17:20 >
Post #: 189
8/27/2011 12:39:25   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

@PowerMega: My point is the prices are the same, but you're getting quite different things - but your opinion is your opinion, and I accept that :)
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 190
8/27/2011 12:40:11   

The release delayed again? GREAT!
AQW Epic  Post #: 191
8/27/2011 12:44:31   


It is not delayed till next week. NW and Titan are going to work today to hopefully get the release out. At least it shows that their taking this update seriously and the players seriously because they don't want this delayed till next week. Don't worry. Its likely the release will be today or tomorrow.
AQW Epic  Post #: 192
8/27/2011 12:48:53   

well, they should be starting to work again in 0-4 hours from now i think, sooooooooooo i'm expecting the release in 6-10 hours
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 193
8/27/2011 13:23:47   

Hoping its a bit earlier than that to be honest. 6-10 hours is like 4am for me again :P
AQ DF  Post #: 194
8/27/2011 13:27:51   

6-10 hours is 1-5AM for me
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 195
8/27/2011 13:31:54   


Nightwraith_EpD Nightwraith
Stick wa-wa-wah workin' on a Saturdaaaaaay-yay. I don't think that's a real song.
14 minutes ago

Twitter update! Lets hope it gets released soon...
AQ DF  Post #: 196
8/27/2011 14:00:27   

People need to take a chill pill... They'll get it done when they get it done.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 197
8/27/2011 15:32:28   

Wait, so your telling me that Titan actually took a part the entire game, without duplicating it! /facepalm As far as I know, Titan didn't have to change any code in the end, Adobe did that for him, so why would it take him hours to reassemble the game? Please tell me the the developers made a back up of there game while they were tearing it ap...wait a second, what do you think we are playing on now? The game is already assembled isn't it? If we can play on it then its already assembled, and if theres no lag, that means adobe fixed it. So....

AM I making a point here or what?

Epic  Post #: 198
8/27/2011 15:35:31   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Now, regarding the gun and aux we have seen so far (if you haven't, check the Staff Information Thread as it should all be in there) i'd really looking forward to see what else is in store for us, we're getting more items than i expected which is great. As for the delays, i am not too bothered by it in all honesty, if they need more time to get things straight and sorted out properly for the release, then so be it :) I'd like a release that is bug free and double checked for faults rather than one that may require server restarts several times as that has been the case before.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 199
8/27/2011 15:37:20   

That has been the case before after waiting a month Digital X....
Epic  Post #: 200
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