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RE: =MtAK= Craze [Might blow this place up]

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9/1/2011 22:55:18   

ello you crazy bommin' obssesd blue nub :D
Hello and thanks for the compliment!
so... um... you likin' da ak powars?
Very much
do you like tacos?
I do not.
you better do cuz i be damned if they aint bloody awesome >:D
Pizza wins!
can i omnomonom you so that your sploodin' blueness tickles my tummy?
You may not, I quite like not being in your stomach.
you sure?
alright :o
So we're cool now right?
hi!! how is you?
Hello again! I'm great!
fluffy! i choose you!! use self destruct on craze!!
*godmodes it and tosses a nuke at you*
bye newb nice to met cha oak dawg :)
edit: i am daz rulerz of tha second page!! yea!! (this aint no question)
I are ruler of thread. I win!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 8:27:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
9/1/2011 23:12:58   
Wolf Rider

New page, new fun. *insert evil smile*
So it seems, *smirk*, watcha got for meh?
Well, since I could neither irritate you nor could I waste your time, I'm going to try to make you go 'what?' before being able to answer a question.
You can't do either, my time is often spent trying to find ways to waste time and it takes way more thaan questions to annoy me. I do hope I'll have that reaction.
That work?
Too bad.
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get me one of these days.
Now to decide what to ask...
*cricket chirps*
(Un)Fortunately for you, I have a question written out already. So here goes.
Good luck with that.
If the answer to life, the universe, and everything is 42, and the question is 'What do you get when you multiply six times nine?' then what is the point of an elephant?
54! And I'm not sure that last one was a real question. But I can't go wrong in answering it with 42.
Okay, that was my random question of the day. Now for a real question.
Aye, it was truly, very random.
What is your favorite book?
The Everworld series. Which I'm still far from finishing.
Okay, that's all for this page. Maybe I'll have another question or two next page.
Alright then, seeya there.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 8:45:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 27
9/1/2011 23:16:12   

Ohaidere Craze!
Congrats on promo! Are you going to ban me? :O
Thank you! Yes, slowly and horribly.
You had that blue moglin as your previous avatar right?...
Yes I did, he's the coolest moglin around.
Whenever they get around to givin' me it, yes. But I've survived this long without it, the wait is no problem.
Are you going to use it all da time or are you going to switch weps?
I'm going to switch them up since it can't switch between every element.
Do you get free DCs? XD
No. But that'd be AWESOME if I could!
That's all for now, see you around!
K seeya!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 8:54:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
9/1/2011 23:22:04   
King Desoato

I'm back to destroy ask your mind some questions. «_«
Page two just got a lot weirder didn't it?

Last time was nothing compared to this one. Can't you see it?
I can, but you won't confuse me!

If I was right in front of you, but right behind you as well, where am I?
I have eyes in the back of my head, so they way I see it, everything is in front of and behind me. Which makes telling left from right much harder.

Up, down, right, left, left, left, up, down. Sorry, you have lost the game. Correct?
I stopped playing the game after losing a two year streak a few years back. So nope.

What is the meaning of..... ˒?
There is none, its all an illusion.

Has your mind been blown yet?
Has yours?! *MINDFREAK*

Do you like kids?
I'm not sure how much I like them, but they seem to like me for some odd reason.

I don't.. They're mean to me ≥_≥
Well stop getting into fights with children. It may help.

I will become your favorite person. Because I said so. *hands grenade*
We'll see about that. *hands grenade back without the pin*

And you agree to my above statement, also because I have said so. Right?
Not a chance. But I can say I don't not like you.

Are all these colors confusing you? Does me.. I'm dyslexic.
Nope, but they may confuse others so I had someone help me with that.

Till next time, my pet!
We shall meet again, delusional one.

- Post edited to darken some colors so they are more readable to Craze and other players

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 9:19:09 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 29
9/1/2011 23:28:29   

hahaha I'm back!
I know you now!
I knew you'd be back, they always come back for more of meh. They crave The Craze.
Ok... Let's see...

Thank you for showing me mudkipz, now why does everyone like them?
Cuz they're cuddly and snuggly and oh so meme-able.
How old are you?
Lets just say I've aged of exactly one week ago.
Are you a guy? I'm a guy...
I too happen to be a dude. What were the chances?!
I've never tried it and probably never will. Not because of refusing to eat it, but because I'll probably just never see it.
What is your deepest darkest secret?
That I don't actually own any real grenades or explosives. But that has a whole story to go along with it that I'm not going to talk about.
Do you read a lot of books?
Not often.
Do you enjoy reading?
Depends on the book.
WHY do we exist?
To party! *music starts out of nowhere*
Do you like living?
I do prefer it.
By the way I just planted a powerful nano bomb in your body.
Oh well, I'll just reform after you blow me up.
I can haz cheesebuger?
U can haz chiken sammich and u will liek it!
What is the scouts power level?
WHAT? 9000?! Impossible!
Nushing ish imposhibibble.
Ok buddy, goodnight.
Its mornin' now. Had to get me sleep before doing page two.

< Message edited by Clyde -- 9/10/2011 22:27:47 >


"No! Try not... Do, or do not. There is no try..."

As a child I had the dream to fly on a dragons back, I think I am living that dream.

Fear the power of the Green Pineapple Burrito! Wyker & PoD"
DF  Post #: 30
9/1/2011 23:29:54   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Bring 'em on over here. And thank you.
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
skydrite and whoever else was in on the decision.
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I am neither. My job is to escort souls to the Underworld. I take what/who needs to be taken without the thought of Good or Evil. Then I blow something up. Or I just travel Lore in my almost eternal free time.
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best I can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Good luck with your pedia work. That pedia helped me get here. An honor?! But I'm just some dude.
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Returning to the Underworld/Deaths Realm. That seems to get me out of tough situations.
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Yes, nothing undead should bigger than bones and possibly some decay.
Does it make you look fat?
No, ma fat makes meh look fat! (I'm actually not fat so that was weird)
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I failed at sleeping for most of that night .
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I accidently blew up my lock phrase...
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive! MAY THE BOH........crumble under my fins!
Just wait until the day I go mad with power, you'll all know faer (madness kills grammar and spelling)! Mwahahaha- Kay I'm back now.
I look forward to dealing with your brand of chaos and destruction.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 10:11:49 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
9/1/2011 23:47:35   

*Looks at the posts before me*
..... I must be so late!
Better late than never!
Anyways.... Hey Craze and Gratz on the MtAK! /end cliched statements
Thanks! /end generic response
Make sure to leave all the Purple in this forum clean and not Blown up!!!! Or else *Glare*
I make no promises.
Why do you like Blowing things up?
If you have to ask then you don't need to know.
Do you Like Anime?
If you do like Anime, what are the ones you watch?
I watch too many for me to want to name them all.
What's the meaning of Life?
I swear I answered that one already. So,NO ANSWER FOR YOU!
Join the Pony Army! and face the Nyan Pony! Umm... what else.. er.... [AWKWARD]
Ponies, and ponies, and ponies, and ponies...
*Grabs all of Craze's bombing tools and Throws them in an unescapable container thing of some sort* HA!
*throws you in that container and tosses his last grenade in* Words can't describe the explosion.
Well, this is it for me, G'bye Now! :)
Bye then.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 10:25:52 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 32
9/2/2011 0:49:51   

Hey look? Your thread got to page 2?
I know its awesome right!?
I have some questions to ask you? Should I start.
You already tried to, although I think you mixed them up.
What AE game do you play the most. I play DF?
Dragonfable, no doubt.
I have another question to ask? How are you doing.
I'm doing fine. A lot of answers left to give though, that might be trouble.
Do you like ponies. I like ponies?
I like ponies, or at least mine.
I hear you like blue? Do you like purple.
I do like blue, purple is... meh.
This is a statement?
Hmm... You've somehow made it a question and a statement. kudos.
Is this a question.
This is a question?
I hope THIS has annoyed you a lot? If it hasn't, should I try harder.
Not at all, its been fun answering your questions?

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 13:07:23 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 33
9/2/2011 0:58:27   

Right... I'm here.
And so am I
1.) Do you know what this means?
No, but you're probably going to tell me.
If you guessed wrong. Well... something very unpleasent will happen.
(I suspect that something unpleasent is about to happen)
2.) Do you have Spam-Bombs?
Didn't know about them, strange. But I can bomb-spam.
Because I have countless... I don't use them much though. :P
I'll take them all of yer hands
Okay, now onto the serious (lolwhut?) questionz!
"Why so serious?"
3.) Have you ever played Megaman?
Not many, but I have played a few.
4.) Favorite Platformer Game?
Final Fantasy
5.) Favorite Non-AE RPG?
See above.^
6.) Awe yoo ah weezird?
I think my class would be something of a Rogue-Mage kind of mix.
7.) Are you a brony?
I don't think I fit into that category. Yet...
8.) Have you ever watched My Little Ponies: FIM?
I've thought about it very hard.
It's just... so... manly. *fandude squeels*
+5,000 man points for you then!
9.) Do you think I'm gonna spam-nuke your MTaK, like the others before?
Yes, but its all in good fun. And all explosions are welcome.
10.) Have you ever played a N64 game? If so... what's your favorite.
Super Smash Bros.! Or for something more 1-player, Star Fox 64.
I got nuffin' surprisin'ly. Wow...
Looks like a new page is comin' up. If you have any more questions thats the place to go.
EL aterz, MAYBE I will test the Nuclear Gratz Firecracker.
Good luck with that and don't hurt yourself!
Dew eet.
HELLO! *cough* EL aterz.


< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 13:49:37 >
DF AQW  Post #: 34
9/2/2011 3:23:03   
Orange Squire

Hello again.
Yo! (again)
So, im back, with some more questions.
I knew you would be.
You must really like your shackles, if you didn't, im sure you would have blown them up by now.
Its not my first time being chained to stuff. And it won't be my last.
How do you make your grenades?
They just kind of... appear, then I store them. When I run out I just create a ball of unstable mana and use it.
Can i have some?
They're free for everyone!
What level are you in DF?
Do you play any other AE Games?
I'm a bit behind in pretty much all of them right now, but I hope to catch up. Though I've stopped playing AQ and HS and never played ED.
Im guessing you play Mechquest since y'know....Explosions?
Yep, its where I started showing my maniacal love of explosions.
Do you just have grenades, or do you have nukes?
I have many different types. Nukes, yes.
If you have Nukes, can i have some?
You may. But only if you promise not to blow me up.
I can use them to rid the world of purple evil!
And I'll watch you try.
I would use them responsibly [/Ends sarcasm]
Yes, always use explosives responsibly [/Don'tDoWhatISay]
Am i annoying you yet?
I bet you'd like to think you are -.-
Do you think you will get bored having to answer 10 pages of this?
I'm slightly tired already.
Im going to come every single page to torture you ask you questions.

have i asked you more than 10 questions yet?
Counting all question marks, this makes ten I believe.

I choozes not to answer teh rest!
I haven't been counting.

How about now?

Im really just trying to waste your time now.

I must of asked 10 questions now, right?

No? How about Now?

Meh, i think i have harassed you enough, cyaz! :)
I'm sure you'll harass me more later. Meanie!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 14:05:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
9/2/2011 5:17:37   
San Robin

I'm back :D
Welcome back!
You happy?
Always happy to have another post here. I was worried I wouldn't make it past 1 page.
somehow I dont believe you...
I didn't ask ya to.
anyways time for the next question :D
*More silence*
Why did the chicken cross the road, why didnt you blow it up?
I planted a minefield on the other side, wanted t see how long til he blew up. About 8 seconds btw.
now its time for a math question.
7- Wait, too early.
what's C4 divided by grenade?
Me minus 1 shed. Funny story...
hmmm interesting...
The neighbors didn't think so.
last question:

What is your opinion on cheese?
I approve of cheese, especially parmesian.
that's all :D
Kay then,
Cya next page
seeya there!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 14:34:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 36
9/2/2011 6:27:44   

Congrats Craze on the AK-ship!
Thank you!
What are your thoughts, if I paint your entire thread with pink? :3
You can make a completely new thread out of everything here and make it pink. I'm not against pink but I'd like to keep this thread in its original colors.
*Search for the paintfairy*
*Paintfairy - exhausted* Oh no!
*starts clapping*
So, what makes you feel like being an AK?
Abuse of power! I'm not sure, I was made an offer that I couldn't refuse.
Which kind of grenades do you usually use?
The average, nothing-too-special kind. Pull, toss, *BOOM!*
(Random question) What will you do if you're given a planet-sized grenade? *hint* Final 13th war *hint*
First I keep it away from my dragon, the planet destroyer. Then I hold Lore for ransom. Then I do nothing no matter what happens.
Do you like pancakes and cookies? (I made them everyday!)
I like waffle and cookies.
Are you fond of machinery games? (which is the reason you like grenades so much?)
I actually don't remember playing too many games which main focus was machinery.
That's all from me. Enjoy your time!
Nice seeing ya here. I definitely plan on enjoying myself.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 14:52:17 >
DF AQW  Post #: 37
9/2/2011 6:30:03   
Shadows Morgenstern

Peeekaboo again! ^.^ Oh lookie I see it made it to page two!
I'm definitely gonna have some questions this time
It'd be weirder if you didn't
*hands craze the BIG RED BUTTON for all bombs* What do now?
*presses button after only reading the words "big red button"*
Really? D:
You know it!
Hrmm....*throws 6 PokeBalls* Electorbs use explosion on Craze! *Its not very effective*
*catches one* Right back at ya. *sends you blasting off*
If you were a Pokemon what type would you be?
Are you really crazy or just joyfully insane?
I prefer delightfully mad.
Well that's all! (for now) Ill be torturing/asking more questions later!
I was hoping there'd be more
*points up* What's that? *Teleports craze to the top of a cloud* Bainow! *waves*


< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 15:05:32 >


Your signature has been removed because Photobucket replaced it
with a third-party hosting notice that was too large for the forums.
DF  Post #: 38
9/2/2011 8:18:47   
Silver Xoven

You deserved it.
I did? Awesome!
No questions from me.
Oh well, it was nice seein' ya.
Enjoy your AKnessness.
I plan on it.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 15:09:02 >
DF  Post #: 39
9/2/2011 8:26:56   

Congratulations and haidere, you mad grenadier.
Thank you and helloooo~
Rock and roll, eh?
I prefer rolling rocks, big ones.
Am I getting too personal?
Not yet.
Zinc can't explode, by the way.
It can't? We'll just have to change that.
Eh, did you saw something odd about this post?
Nope, I'm sure I'll catch it late as usual though
OK, no more odd posts.
But I like oddness.
I'd really want to freeze you to oblivion, but I might need your help in an upcoming war.
Being frozen is a treat, ice is beautiful. I'll help myself first, but if your option is fun enough...
*glares and zaps you*
*is zapped* Did someone just pinch me?
...su nioj, su nioj, su nioJ
yvan eht niojheheh...Simpsons. I will never join you!
I'm off. *disappears in the mist*
*throws anti-mist grenade* Ruined your exit!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 15:21:38 >
DF  Post #: 40
9/2/2011 8:46:04   

You just had to make it while I was gone huh Q_Q
I didn't wanna, but -they- bugged and begged me.
Oh well no reason to get mad now
I don't believe I've seen you mad, whats it like?
Congrats on the AKship my AK brother!
Thanks bruh.
*gives you the fish of the AKs*
I shall use this wisely!
Don't really have any questions for now just wanted to stop by and say congrats!
Come up with some and get back at me.
So congrats and good luck and talk to you later!
Well thanks, and yeah, seeya later.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 15:26:35 >


AQ DF AQW  Post #: 41
9/2/2011 10:24:24   

We meet again Craze. I fear you can't blow me up as you already did last time.
I won't do it this time anyway

What is your favorite drink?
Which word becomes shorter even if you add 2 more letters to it?
From which 7 letter word, if you take out 4 letters, you will have one left?
Letters. Take out the letter E, T, R, and L and you are left with S.
Do you want me to sing you a song? I know a song that never ever ends,never ever ends, never ever ends....
Noooo...Nuu...Nuh-uh. My brother used to do that...
I have another challenge for you, if you win you get to blow up Melissa4Bella. Challenge is to watch this video and finish it: ITS OVER 9000!! Do you accept?
I made it to the word "count."
Did you watch that entire video?
So what kind of grenades do you use?
The kind that hurt!
What's you favorite type of explosion?
The giant ball of fire kind.
I know everything about you, I have been watching you since you were born. Everything that has happened in your life is thanks to me. Does that worry you?
Nope, I'm fine.
Why did it take you so long to make this?
*shifty eyes* Reasons.

That's just round 2. I can't wait until round 3.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 15:53:02 >
DF MQ  Post #: 42
9/2/2011 10:52:10   

Heyla craze!
Play AQ?
I stopped playing AQ after DF was released.
You waited for a long time to become an AK right? Just how long exactly?
I wasn't actually trying. It sounded interesting, yes, but me being one seemed like an impossible dream.
Got any posts deleted during your time as a member?
At the start, it happened quite often. I recieved quite a lot of warnings.
For what reasons?
Mostly mini-modding and sig overuse (most of the sig violations were accidents).
Do you believe that 2012 will be the end of this planet?
Do you watch smosh?
Have you watched their latest vid?
No idea who they are.
Congratulations and have a good one!
Thank you.
Have fun being an AK, it might be your last. /AVADA KEDAVRA

< Message edited by UltraGuy -- 9/10/2011 22:24:00 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 43
9/2/2011 11:47:17   

Heya Craze!
Congrats on becoming an AK! lol
Thank you!
Who is your favorite character in DF? lol

What instruments do you play? lol
I have no talent in music at all.
Do you think purple ROCKS? lol
I like my rocks blue...
Okay I'll tell you a long long long long long long story. Here goes. "I have a long long story. I have to sit, that's it.".......heheheheh...weird huh? lol
So long I stopped paying attention halfway through.
How do you spell the letter A? lol
Hmm... ... ... L!
Did I annoy you with to much LOL's?
Didn't even notice them, I rarely pay attention to "lol"'s when they aren't the entire post.
Uhh...for the last weird question...do you like pants?
I don't wear them, just walk around in ma boxers all day
That's it for now...until the next page!
I'll see you there!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 16:39:05 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 44
9/2/2011 12:07:48   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

*looks around*
*sees target*
Who's the target?!
*loads gun*
Say whut?
*your gun was hexed and thus exploded in your face*
Wait I was the shooter?! 0_0
you are unconcious so now we can do it
Apparently my memory of this moment was also shot.
*shackles blue handcuffs on craze*
Much better
That was all very strange.
btw, go to bellisimo's shop next door if you want any custom designs on it
I don't trust that Bellisimo.
keep on having fun, and don't forget to be a member of the forums every now and then.
I intend on doing both of those.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 16:45:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 45
9/2/2011 12:17:03   

Congratulations! Have fun and good luck! :D
Thank you!

Yay a short post!

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 16:47:07 >
Post #: 46
9/2/2011 12:37:53   

Hey Craze!
So...I have a riddle for you.
I already chucked the woodchuck...
How many Crazes does it take to set up a bomb?
None. I don't even need to be involved for me to make a bomb. Ponder upon that.
Congratz on AKShip!
Thank you.

Here's a grenade and a cookie. *Offers both*
*blows up cookie and collects the leftover chocolate chips*

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 16:55:54 >


AQ DF  Post #: 47
9/2/2011 12:39:18   
Baron Dante

Xan or Vaal?
Woops, sorry. Every time someone says Vaal or I see someone that looks like him I punch on reflex. I choose Xan as my favorite of the two.

Somehow forgot to color it...

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 17:01:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 48
9/2/2011 12:42:18   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*A shadow stirs, slowly it slides towards your back and suddenly a cloaked figure stands before you.*
*blank stare* -.-
Congratulations on your ArchKnighthood, crazed grenadier.
Thank you.
Do you know who I am?
Do you know of my legacy?
Who is your favourite villain?
Nivalis, he wants to make the world icy.
Who is your nemesis?
All undead and those who raise them. (Except for baby drocolich's, they're cool). Oh yeah and demons and other abominations. Not quite one, but my life is a vague one.
May your grenades be as plentiful as the years of your ArchKnighthood.
Aye, they will be plentiful...and accurate(ish).
*The cloaked figure vanishes and a yellow cat jumps into your arms.*
Hmm... awkward. *pets kitty* *tosses* I can't be getting distracted right now.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 17:53:17 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 49
9/2/2011 12:51:54   
Jet Silver

Congrats Craze.
So, have you ever heard of Slender Man?
I know, you want to wear a tuxedo now. Don't you?
Every day of my life.
I wish I had a tuxedo.
And was skinny.
You can do something about that.
And was incredibly tall.
Can't help ya there.
And had no face.
Strangely enough you can do something about that too.
And had tentacles.
That too... will be a hard process to even begin, but ya...
And ate children.
I recomend not doing that.
My security doesn't seem to like that site...
Well, see you next war Craze! If you're alive...
I was dead a long time ago.

< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 18:06:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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