King Desoato
I'm back to destroy ask your mind some questions. «_« Page two just got a lot weirder didn't it? Last time was nothing compared to this one. Can't you see it? I can, but you won't confuse me! If I was right in front of you, but right behind you as well, where am I? I have eyes in the back of my head, so they way I see it, everything is in front of and behind me. Which makes telling left from right much harder. Up, down, right, left, left, left, up, down. Sorry, you have lost the game. Correct? I stopped playing the game after losing a two year streak a few years back. So nope. What is the meaning of..... ╦Æ? There is none, its all an illusion. Has your mind been blown yet? Has yours?! *MINDFREAK* Do you like kids? I'm not sure how much I like them, but they seem to like me for some odd reason. I don't.. They're mean to me ≥_≥ Well stop getting into fights with children. It may help. I will become your favorite person. Because I said so. *hands grenade* We'll see about that. *hands grenade back without the pin* And you agree to my above statement, also because I have said so. Right? Not a chance. But I can say I don't not like you. Are all these colors confusing you? Does me.. I'm dyslexic. Nope, but they may confuse others so I had someone help me with that. Till next time, my pet! We shall meet again, delusional one. - Post edited to darken some colors so they are more readable to Craze and other players M4B
< Message edited by Craze -- 9/2/2011 9:19:09 >