Hello, I'm new (greetings from Equestria Daily) but I absolutely love this game. There's just something about the animations and dress-up virtual doll sort of shopping that just makes it 20% cuter. It's a nice change from the point-and-click RPGs that I used to come to the sites for. My little princess has been dominating everything so far. The bosses pose no challenge and all I have in the way of a boost is the popsicle pet. But I'm confused about something. Is it just me or is the level requirement steeply climbing up in comparison to the EXP you get for each fight? Understandable since there's a level cap, but I'm more confused about the battle sparkle gems. Are they supposed to respawn after x number of hours or do I have to pay for more? I'm asking this because they have not refreshed or added as far as I can tell... It'd be great for an explanation. Er, to be honest I tried to read the whole thread for such information but a mixture of general exhaustion from real life stuff and the overall length of the topic just made it too difficult. Sorry... Anyway, nice to meet you guys! :3 Edit: Ow, sorry to see that, Dreamer. *wince* So close...
< Message edited by SladeJT -- 9/26/2011 20:28:22 >
PVP: Lady Pink Starlight, 51185-7B8A