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RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony

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9/26/2011 10:45:48   
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I don't think I like the idea of getting anything for your board locking. Its a big enough bonus getting a fresh board. Most of the time the new board gives you a distinct advantage since the previous board offered little or no options to attack or defend. Simply getting a fresh board is its own reward.

I'm glad the 2x orb is back in play and happy to see player suggestions making into the game so quickly. Its refreshing considering I was playing ED for the last 2 years.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 226
9/26/2011 12:31:59   
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Yay! xD
AQW  Post #: 227
9/26/2011 12:54:40   
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Gotta say I like the new x2 orbs. They add a nice new layer of depth to the game, which is nice since the other day I was thinking battles were taking too long because health was scaling and damage wasn't.
I wouldn't go higher than x2 though. x3 would be too much damage if you ask me. Maybe it's different at level 20, but at 15 x2 is just fine.

However, I can see x2 orbs being dangerous (or overpowered) at lower health levels, since you could get easily two-shot by them if the lineup is just right. Perhaps have x2 orbs become unlocked at a reasonable level? Then you can even have x3 orbs at level 20 if x2 orbs aren't doing enough damage.

Anyway, just my thoughts over the past few days. I just now made a forum account.
Friend code is 5962-8CCA if anyone's interested. Level 15 and counting.
Post #: 228
9/26/2011 12:59:31   
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LOL, your have a blue + white pony
Your opponent has a Red + Black pony!
Post #: 229
9/26/2011 13:26:27   
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welcome to the forums cfady!

Locking down parts of the enemy's board is an interesting idea, but with the board being so small it could be very hard to balance. maybe just lock one block on "good" chians. Make it not- select-able but still valid. Actually, that'd be a fun, mana expensive pet that would be a game changer :)
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 230
9/26/2011 14:04:37   
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That sounds like a cool idea. Maybe have the pet cost 8-10 and lock a random orb that the enemy has the most of for 10 seconds or so? Probably could adjust the numbers some, but it seems like it could really mess your enemy up if you're lucky.
Post #: 231
9/26/2011 14:12:52   
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@Rolith - we desperately need some serious improvement in the enemy-generator thingie...
I am level 17 and 90% of my random enemies are level 4 >_<
I want to see level 10+ opponents!
AQW  Post #: 232
9/26/2011 14:20:12   
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Add some friends that are higher level, or fight some bosses. You don't just get xp from the random fights.
Post #: 233
9/26/2011 15:00:38   
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I know I can get XP by fighting bosses, and high level friends. Still, i want the game to be more interesting. I believe, a more effective Enemy-generator can improve the game and make it more fun and playable :)
AQW  Post #: 234
9/26/2011 15:15:05   
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enemy finder is basing it's selection on your speed, not level... suppose i could make it do both
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 235
9/26/2011 15:26:04   
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Pirate King

@Rolith - None of the random battle options I have are anywhere near my speed, though. I'd love for it to generate only ponies of our level or higher.


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 236
9/26/2011 15:27:17   
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I almost never battle using the battle button because I can never find a suitable opponent of the correct level. I would think at this point with more high level players in the AI pool it would be reasonable to make the finder choose solely based on level. I don't think I ever see a high level opponent with a low cupcake level but if they do exist then they would be considered easy fights. That's why there are 3 opponents to choose from, if your looking for an easy fight then one should be available and if your looking for a challenge then that, too, should be available.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 237
9/26/2011 15:45:46   
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That would be awesome. Right now I'm just constantly grinding on a level 20 friend for max xp. I do alternate between that and the current highest-level boss depending on what I see as being faster though. Maybe if we had more pages to the Battle menu, with it being sortable by level and/or cupcake level? I did think the Battle menu would eventually be expanded to have more pages anyway, since it says Page 1/1 at the bottom of it.
Post #: 238
9/26/2011 16:43:00   
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A Dreamer

@Rolith - When does it get hard? i've got enemies doing one orb every two seconds, it's getting really annoying <_>

also, friend meh! i have no freinds on PvP atm. FC - 13725-71C1
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 239
9/26/2011 17:47:14   
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@A Dreamer
Cupcake level determines difficulty. Regular level just determines health and xp gained from winning. For a challenge try to win against someone with a 120 cupcake level.
Post #: 240
9/26/2011 17:52:50   
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@Minidragon: Nice run! Here is my best thus far.


Locking down parts of the enemy's board is an interesting idea, but with the board being so small it could be very hard to balance. maybe just lock one block on "good" chains. Make it not- select-able but still valid. Actually, that'd be a fun, mana expensive pet that would be a game changer :)

I'd like that. I think making pets that do interesting things is better then adding too many confusing features to the board. If you want a feature, purchase the pet, arm it and go. I was thinking the perfect pet for that feature might perhaps be a green, asparagus faced fellow with the oddly familiar sounding name "Asparticus"!

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 9/26/2011 17:57:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 241
9/26/2011 19:55:27   
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A Dreamer

@Cfedey - How? the highest i've seen is 100, i'm at 110
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 242
9/26/2011 20:06:52   
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@A Dreamer: Congratulations but that was with the 2x stacking multiplier which has been eliminated so 100-110's are gone forever. Minidragon managed to run the board with all yellow orbs but no 2x orbs and I managed to run the board with a 2x orb post update. I'm not sure you can do much better then all yellow orbs on a board so I congratulated Minidragon on his board run and posted mine. I know its a lot to keep up with but updates happen.

Emily Litella said it best, "never mind".

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 9/26/2011 21:34:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 243
9/26/2011 20:24:55   
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A Dreamer

so close... so close! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/199/unledlw.png/
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 244
9/26/2011 20:27:26   
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Hello, I'm new (greetings from Equestria Daily) but I absolutely love this game. There's just something about the animations and dress-up virtual doll sort of shopping that just makes it 20% cuter. It's a nice change from the point-and-click RPGs that I used to come to the sites for. My little princess has been dominating everything so far. The bosses pose no challenge and all I have in the way of a boost is the popsicle pet.

But I'm confused about something. Is it just me or is the level requirement steeply climbing up in comparison to the EXP you get for each fight? Understandable since there's a level cap, but I'm more confused about the battle sparkle gems. Are they supposed to respawn after x number of hours or do I have to pay for more? I'm asking this because they have not refreshed or added as far as I can tell... It'd be great for an explanation.

Er, to be honest I tried to read the whole thread for such information but a mixture of general exhaustion from real life stuff and the overall length of the topic just made it too difficult. Sorry...

Anyway, nice to meet you guys! :3

Edit: Ow, sorry to see that, Dreamer. *wince* So close...

< Message edited by SladeJT -- 9/26/2011 20:28:22 >


PVP: Lady Pink Starlight, 51185-7B8A
Post #: 245
9/26/2011 20:49:07   
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I think he's talking about Cupcake level. Not damage from stacked multipliers.

@A Dreamer
Haha, no one can defeat Marshmallow Blueberry Lord!

The experience required to level is YourCurrentLevel^3. It does get kinda daunting at higher levels.
Your 5 sparkle gem battles "respawn" when you log in for the first time each day. I think a new day starts at 12 midnight EST. If you buy an upgrade package you get an additional 100 per day per upgrade. (105 per day for 1 upgrade, 205 for 2, etc.)
Post #: 246
9/26/2011 21:07:57   
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A Dreamer

I beat him after that :D
it was a glorious moment for ponies everywhere!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 247
9/26/2011 21:10:09   
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@A Dreamer
Not for me. That's my pony. =(
Post #: 248
9/26/2011 21:10:52   
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Thanks! ... wait a second. To the third power? *goes and does the math* That... is extremely daunting. Level 20 alone would require four-hundred fights with just level 20 opponents!

Midnight EST? Okay, thanks. ... only five? Yeesh, that's a cunningly evil ploy to get people to buy the upgrade, considering the later fights. But is the package's gem battle upgrade lifetime or limited? Presumably the sooner you buy it, the most you'd get from it. However, it would also mean the sooner you buy, the quicker you'd be left with nothing to do but fight to splurge for clothes with nothing remaining for you to do in the end...

Heh heh. My reaction was pretty much "wait what".


PVP: Lady Pink Starlight, 51185-7B8A
Post #: 249
9/26/2011 21:15:37   
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A Dreamer

@cfedey - well, for me anyways :3
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 250
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