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RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony

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9/22/2011 12:42:02   


I actually find the 100% attack pets to be extremely OP over confuse pets. There's really no reason to use anything else when you can essentially double your damage output with em since it only costs 1 mp to launch an attack. So you pretty much have 2 equal sources to launch attacks with, and can easily drain away the opponent's defense and hp. The confuse/heal pets are useless against opponents who can launch aggressive attacks faster than you can, so you're pretty much screwed. A pet's attack should never equal your main pony's attack unless you have a high penalty such as lower hp for doing so.
Post #: 176
9/22/2011 12:50:56   


I agree the 100% pet are overpowered, and my purposed solution is to make confuse MP 2+ and totally rewrite heal pet (like i mentioned previous page)

< Message edited by gormans -- 9/23/2011 4:14:26 >
Post #: 177
9/23/2011 9:16:06   

Ponies. <3 Am looking forward to the updating of pet information as well.

P.S. This is my poneh~
AQW  Post #: 178
9/24/2011 15:37:19   

Very brief pet explanations are available on the test realm server. All the pets that are available to you will have their information included at the bottom of their descriptions now. Even if you don't intend on playing on the test realm server you can go there and check out the pet info prior to purchasing expensive pets. Hope that helps.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 179
9/24/2011 21:11:01   

Is it just me or are all the attack 100% pets bugged? They say it only takes 1 mp but for both the Wildberry Toasted Pastry and Frosty the Polar Bear, it still takes 4..
AQW  Post #: 180
9/25/2011 2:06:46   


It's just you. The 100% attack pets are working as intended for me, only takes 1 mp to launch the attack.
Post #: 181
9/25/2011 6:03:36   

Unless by 4 you mean you need 4 gems for the pet to start attacking

i.e a chain of 8 orb being
X X X 1 2 3 4 5
Post #: 182
9/25/2011 8:08:56   

Crit Orbs! >_<
AQW  Post #: 183
9/25/2011 10:19:43   

Test realm has 2x multiplier orbs now which give ridiculous amounts of boosts. I'm not sure this is a good thing but it sure it interesting.

+56 orb damage.
+ 80 damage

I armed a 100% damage pet and did serious damage with it and a few blue 2x orb combos.

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 9/25/2011 10:32:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 184
9/25/2011 11:44:51   

I made a complain, the 2x is ridiculous, especially noting the fact that on numerous occasions, the AI just avoids the 2x....
Post #: 185
9/25/2011 12:22:57   

Uh... I can understand 2 Orbs at once but x2???
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 186
9/25/2011 12:32:16   

I would say that for a person who is level 20 there is little reason for this feature but for a level substantially lower who would be farming you from their friends list, this feature would all but guarantee wins. I suppose your complaint is that its easier for them to level up then it was for you, correct? Since I have no one on my friends list higher in level then me I can't test this out but perhaps a level 10 player might load a 100% attack pet and go to town on me to test this out. I have no problem allowing lower level players to farm me for XP, in fact I encouraged that very thing from the start.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 187
9/25/2011 13:03:48   

Hey Sparticus, I fought your AI... Your pony gained 56 red points :o

I can win vs level 16 most of the times, sometimes with like 6 or 3 HP... I'm level 15 :P

Lol 2x is fun xD
AQW  Post #: 188
9/25/2011 13:38:51   

Not exactly Spar

At level 20, the game is pretty much about farming gems etc and dressing yourself
The challenge was to face AI who is actually fast and takes some concentration to beat.
(Yes, it was a bit hard for me to beat level 15 with 100% pet at first, until i realised the full potential of Confuse pets)

This on the other hand makes the game so easy
I won my last 50 battle without dropping over 10hp.... (against level 15-20 opponents)
What is the fun of a game when its simply way too easy.
Post #: 189
9/25/2011 13:52:32   

Disarm your pet, avoid the test realm server and have fun your way. For the rest of you who are still trying to level up and have little concern for your dress color or hair style use a 100% attack pet and the test realm server and have at it. Its burger king at the moment, have it your way. I, for one, refuse to ruin an opportunity for the rest of the players to level faster just to amuse myself. Good luck everyone, I am disarming my pet for the rest of the day. Enjoy.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 190
9/25/2011 14:50:28   


Disarm your pet, avoid the test realm server and have fun your way. For the rest of you who are still trying to level up and have little concern for your dress color or hair style use a 100% attack pet and the test realm server and have at it. Its burger king at the moment, have it your way. I, for one, refuse to ruin an opportunity for the rest of the players to level faster just to amuse myself. Good luck everyone, I am disarming my pet for the rest of the day. Enjoy.

Thank you!
I enjoy the new 2x bubbles. They make the game a lot faster and more dynamic.
It goes both ways though. Sometimes I get killed in a few turns, some times I kill my enemy in a few turn.



King Mango Sunbeam 435-6CE3

Post #: 191
9/25/2011 15:11:07   

+80 on a single attack? Seriously what the hell...

Well I'm done with this game. The changes to it are becoming ridiculous, and making the game a snooze fest. The only reason I played this was for the customizable pony, but I could have easily done that without much effort and more options with other applications. This game is only temporary anyways until Fighting is Magic comes out. That game will have actual multiplayer, and will be an actual fighting game with our favorite ponies from the show this is based on. I'm sure someone out there will make a pony puzzle game that will surpass this in many ways in the future. I definitely feel like a fool for spending $10 on this travesty.
Post #: 192
9/25/2011 15:24:27   

@megavegeta32: Bye, I hope you have better luck with your future endeavors.

@Lohlaris: I think too much of a good thing isn't so good so I would say less 2x orbs should pop up and they should pop up less frequently but I like the idea that they are available occasionally to add something interesting to the game. It takes some thinking to work the best combos to get +56 and +80 attacks, they don't just happen by accident, you have to angle for them. (hint, hint)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 193
9/25/2011 15:31:01   
Tristar Nexus

Sorry, does anyone know if its possible to change a pony's name?
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 194
9/25/2011 15:39:56   

okay, so double points is a bit crazy, I'll lower the rate they spawn, and make them worth 2 points instead of doubling your score.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 195
9/25/2011 15:44:14   

Ponies are not laptop-friendly. I have found this out, much to my chagrin, after failing to complete any combos while attempting to drag my finger over the touch pad while keeping it firmly clicked with the same finger. Let this be a warning.

Game reminds me of Boggle.
DF MQ  Post #: 196
9/25/2011 15:48:35   

I think that is a much better solution, having a +2 instead of a x2

Perhaps you're being so nice to try to help everyone, and you don't have to care about anything...
But i am trying to go for a view with a more acceptable game balance here...
Winning without having to loose much, if at all, any, HP is just a little ridiculous here...
Post #: 197
9/25/2011 15:50:41   


okay, so double points is a bit crazy, I'll lower the rate they spawn, and make them worth 2 points instead of doubling your score.

Nooooooo D:

The 2x is awesome!


But i am trying to go for a view with a more acceptable slow and boring game balance here...

Fixed. Sorry Gormans :(

< Message edited by minidragon -- 9/25/2011 16:03:59 >
AQW  Post #: 198
9/25/2011 16:00:16   

@Rolith: the 2x orbs were not the problem, making them stack was the major problem. Doubling your score was cool but when you get 2 or 3 in a row the stacking made the numbers ridiculous. Making some orbs worth 2 instead of 1 seems lame. I would like to make an alternate suggestion. Just let an orb double your score once per turn, no stacking and make them appear less often. That would make things fair for the players who seem to think things are too easy and fair for the players who believe things are bland and too difficult the old way. I see no reason to scrap a good idea because it was not implemented properly, the 2x orb idea is a great one. It just needed some taming.

@minidragon: Gormans is entitled to his opinion, if he believes that it was too easy for him to win as a level 20 against other players then that is his opinion. He is not able to battle against anyone higher in level then himself and is thus unable to understand what we are talking about. Its not his fault so there is no need to press the point. I agree, the game is more interesting with the 2x feature and I would hope a better compromise is possible rather then scrapping a good idea after its first test run and a few very vocal minority opinions against it.

< Message edited by Sparticus -- 9/25/2011 16:42:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 199
9/25/2011 16:14:59   

I agree with Sparticus and Minidragon.

2x made the game more fun, the only ridiculous thing about them was when you'd stack three and hit like 104 damage. Making the 2x only count once and not letting them stack seems like a much better solution.
Making them 2+ instead and then making them appear less pretty much makes that game then same as it was before.
Post #: 200
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