Legendary AdventureGuide!
@Above: Theoretically you could, but the whole skill would have to be changed, because when the game queries the Data Base, it'll do so by the skill name. If it sends a message saying 'Malfunction' is being used, then of course it'll then use Malfunction, but if there were more than one 'Malfunction's in the DB, then the game wouldn't work, because it wouldn't know which it was referring to. So if a skill needed changing, as far as I know, (I just Moderate and test, I'm not a programmer, I just know this from what Titan's said in the past), then it would have to have a different name and naturally a different image, and be coded as a new skill. This may sound like it was badly thought out, but it's for two reasons. Firstly as the above states, Data Bases can't really handle things being named the same thing, because like a human, if it was told to do something, and there were two things with the same name, it would just get confused. Secondly, as stated in my above post, it would be very very confusing if classes had a few skills that are the same, but they act differently! :P
< Message edited by Rainaka -- 10/9/2011 14:35:53 >