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RE: =ED= DN 13/10/2011

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10/17/2011 21:06:06   


@Hypedxlord I will assume that I have free speech just like you: You are immature.

Who the hell are you to call me immature? I'm damn older than you! We know what we're doing.

If your interested I'm sure the reason your not banned yet is because the mods are working on a release.

Let me be blunt. You don't know programing, so shut the heck up. Let's see you do a hundredth of what the devs are doing.

you don't deserve a release.


I program games for fun hurr durr. Let's see you code in JAVA, C++, Perl, and Python. Can't? Thought so.
AQW Epic  Post #: 301
10/17/2011 21:06:43   

@Sageofpeace, Yes, this is true I have never disputed this fact. All I'm saying is that it started to get a little heated over infinitesimally small matters.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 302
10/17/2011 21:06:49   

Well, just keep at the bug thing & release it when you can. I'm in not rush. I'm off work till next monday so, I'm coolio.

Fay is BARMY! =)

@Cindy, Ello.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 303
10/17/2011 21:07:30   

Oh yeah, I can't wait for Titan and Hudelf to come troll me saying
"Java? C++? Easy compared to the likes of ActionScript lol"

Yay! I get my own month! What promos do you think will be released during that time? I predict flaming weps. Yup, flaming weps.

Edit from Cinderella: posts merged. Please don't double-post
lol got it. too exuberant from typing just like harbaugh /49ers

< Message edited by hypedxlord -- 10/17/2011 21:10:40 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 304
10/17/2011 21:08:41   
Always a Princess

@hypedxlord- please leave the personal attacks on Fay Beee out of this.

AQW's team is many times larger than ours. They have several full-time programmers, as well as programming interns. We JUST got a second programmer (who has some bugs in his first major feature in the game- give him time). I hate harping on this fact, and in fact have not brought it up in quite a while, but it's not a fair comparison.

And we have updated on time, and even updated early a couple times.
Post #: 305
10/17/2011 21:09:03   


All we have is your word, and pretty much 100% of the time your "word" as to when a release is going to occur is false. Should we believe anything else you say? Not saying the developers are lazy (I personally don't think they are), but just saying that we should trust "your word" isn't a whole lot to back anything by at this point. In fact your word (not your word specifically of course) is the most inconsistent thing in this game.

I feel like everyone is taking you way to seriously. It started with the martini's and then Cpt. Obvious. C'mon people, don't you have a sense of humor...


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 10/17/2011 21:19:48 >
Epic  Post #: 306
10/17/2011 21:09:43   

@Cinderella, Any news on an update happening tonight? Or is it for sure postponed to tomorrow?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 307
10/17/2011 21:09:58   

why is everybody hating on hyperlord he is only complaining for the endless delaying that the devs keep making is only FAIR SINCE THE PAY TO PLAY
Post #: 308
10/17/2011 21:10:35   
One Winged Angel1357

Guys stop with the fighting until any of you can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have created a game as successful as any of the AE games, yes ED is successful because there are days when every server is open even during the school year which is notoriously slow in the gaming world, then we are all not as skilled as Titan, Artix, or for that matter Hudelf the new guy onto the seen who is putting his head on the chopping block real early

Now onto the update like i said Hudelf really is sticking his neck out here jumping right into Retrain revamp which if it doesn't work some of us could hold a grudge while some of us will love him if he pulls this off because it has been on the to too list for a year
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 309
10/17/2011 21:12:06   
Unleashed Gorilla

So release won't be til Wendsday or Friday I'm guessing?
Post #: 310
10/17/2011 21:12:54   

@Gorilla, Well, technically they said it should release tomorrow but who knows it could possibly get delayed.

< Message edited by Darkoake445 -- 10/17/2011 21:13:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 311
10/17/2011 21:13:54   
Xx. Christian .xX

@cinderella, i believe you and will you please tell titan that i can help you guys (but im only 14 but im good in computer) i can help you guys for free, just tell me anything i am bored at home cant go outside and i have nothingn to do so i will be happy to help you guys

~~~ jan hardy
Post #: 312
10/17/2011 21:14:41   

@Practel, Not trying to troll but I believe it was brought out in an earlier post by someone that this is a company and many companies work all nighters to get something finished on the deadline.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 313
10/17/2011 21:14:47   
Unleashed Gorilla

Ha I don't know who to believe any more whatsoever. First it was Friday then today. I'm not mad at all, I just wish that they would tell us when the release was truly going to happen(without it being postponed) Next time they release an update they should finish it first. Then say they will release it in a couple days..
Post #: 314
10/17/2011 21:15:45   

Alright, it's time to compare servers on ED.

Current status of ED:
Epic - 810
Exile - 417

Current status of AQW:
Twilly - 814
Twig - 29
Cysero - 913
Artix - 616
Minimal - 681
Evil Ser Ver - 487
Galanoth - 664
Alina - 520
Samba - 544
Zorbak - 1425
Truffle - 1221
Safiria - 1134
Sir Ver - 720
Zhoom - 777
Nythera - 723
Zazul - 569
Espada - 744

Let's total them up, shall we?
ED: 1227
AQW: 12581.
Lol, almost 6x ED.

Just putting things into comparison.

If you really want to code for them, I suggest you take tutorials online. Unless you're good with ActionScript, I doubt they'll let you do anything, besides, Titan has his "special" style of coding.

< Message edited by hypedxlord -- 10/17/2011 21:17:35 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 315
10/17/2011 21:16:23   
One Winged Angel1357

@Practel while that is 100% true the Devs have pulled all nighter and cracked out an update in the wee hour of the day(shortly after midnight to 2AM) so in this game anything and everything is possible

@Cindy now that i have finally read that comment i think that if you guys just had a camera running on like a filing cabinet or something that can view most of the room for an entire week(like the always loved Christmas updates) just so we can see what you guys do that would be rather enjoyable
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 316
10/17/2011 21:16:33   

if im not mistaking i think the train revamp release was suppose to be done 3 weeks ago yet it looks like it will be 4 if not 5
Post #: 317
10/17/2011 21:16:53   

@Hyped, That's over 10x as much not almost 6.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 318
10/17/2011 21:17:54   


6x1227=7362 nowhere near 12k
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 319
10/17/2011 21:18:15   

Oh. My bad then. Just makes ED look worse.

This was suggested years ago. So technically this took three years. And it still hasn't been released.

That's not to hard to cheat. All you have to do is program the camera to constantly run a streaming loop of them sitting in the office. That way, it looks like they're actually continually working. Unless they do a livestream, it's virtually impossible to know for sure what they're actually doing right now.

< Message edited by hypedxlord -- 10/17/2011 21:20:08 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 320
10/17/2011 21:21:02   

Wait.. so is there still any chance of an update within the next few hours? Or have the devs given up for the time being?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 321
10/17/2011 21:21:25   


and yet they told us to stay calm and act towards us like we were crazy
Post #: 322
10/17/2011 21:25:55   

Alright, now I will weigh in.


You need to get a larger team cause your losing your player base here (or at least some of it). If you think releasing 3 weeks late and then apologizing is a good business model you are wrong. Its survival of the fittest (yes, damn right I'm bringing Darwin into this) and your at the bottom of the food chain. If your upsetting you players, you won't last long. Seriously, I have no idea why you neglect the fact that a good amount of your players are not happy with the way this game is run! You disappoint every week, and when you actually release, we usually don't even get what we were promised. Its not fun for any of us, but we put money into a game we thought would be good, and it isn't...at all. So all of you need to stop giving us excuses, and start producing results. If you don't have a big enough team, get a bigger one, because some of us have been waiting around for 2 years now and have seen just how bad this business model has become. Its the absolute truth. Fix it or be forgotten. There are so many better games out there, with "better" (bigger) teams, that offer so much more, and don't use the "postpone and then apologize" scheme. Its so tiring. Also, don't go telling me I should find another game or not play this one if I don't like it. I did like it, and now I don't. While I liked it, I put money into it, and so I want my moneys worth.

/tired of excuses, wants results, and could really use a Martini
Epic  Post #: 323
10/17/2011 21:27:18   

Can't agree with you more than that. Glad to have someone on the team. Besides Nexus/Prophet of course :3

So basically, Practel was essentially saying that they don't really have "all-nighters". Because that's just a big lie that Practel has finally helped us uncover

. I mean honestly, do you think they honestly want to stay up till 4 in the morning trying to get a release ready for you guys? Doubt it.

Lol martinis. I still want a margarita though.

@Lord Sinastr
Herp derp no durr 'cause that's in Alpha. Same for the Xperia version. If you try the PC version, you would say differently. At least, I think so. Because the PC version is near full completion (as an official game). And you should see their forums. Full of positive remarks, with very few guys who diss the game. Because the game is run with a same sized team as ED, and yet they manage to attract a player base nearly , well, let's see.....
3,825,559 / 2000 = 1912.7795 times larger than ED's playerbase. No wonder Notch is a millionaire. And no wonder Nightwraith isn't.

< Message edited by hypedxlord -- 10/17/2011 21:33:25 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 324
10/17/2011 21:29:24   
Always a Princess

@Darkoake- looking like tomorrow.

@Nexus- if you don't trust me, I've failed at everything. I have failed you. It's completely me.

@HypedXLord- It appears you know two of the languages I know- I can't say I'm as comfortable with AS3 as I am with Java. I've also programmed games for fun- I really like programming AI- which gives me an appreciation for how time-consuming it is, and how small typos can cause devastating bugs. If you think you're better and faster than Titan and Hudelf, prove it. Here's the link to contact the company. Send your resume to the PO Box address listed, and a programming sample to Galanoth's Battleon.com email address.

@Nexus- I wish it was that easy. Take that up with Artix.

< Message edited by Cinderella -- 10/17/2011 21:31:50 >
Post #: 325
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