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RE: =ED= DN 13/10/2011

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10/15/2011 20:44:35   

@Basic Hey, how's it going?

And yes it is very true that this is one of the AE games that is catered towards more mature audiences. Who made that quote btw?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 151
10/15/2011 20:46:49   
Always a Princess

I'm sorry. I can't say that enough, but we don't want to present you with a product with a game-breaking bug. We were hoping to release on Friday, but we did not guarantee it, just in case the retrain revamp wasn't ready yet. It was looking good, and the fact that we put it in the dev server should be strongly indicative of how close we were to releasing!
Post #: 152
10/15/2011 20:49:20   

@Cinderella That's great sounds like it's going good! Could we have a preview?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 153
10/15/2011 20:50:22   

Thought it would of been released by now....
Dev's been playing AQW release or something?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 154
10/15/2011 20:57:25   


The game isn't broken? Every class besides TLM would surely disagree with you .... lol.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 155
10/15/2011 20:59:14   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@frogbones Broken as in you can't play as in you can't log in. You can still play it if it's imbalanced but it won't be as fun. Better than just sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting a whole year for your delayed pre order game.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 156
10/15/2011 21:06:54   

@dark fine, you?

@frogbones teen buy their own stuff these days ya'know...

but i won't discuss this anymore, as it's pointless, and off-topic


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 157
10/15/2011 21:16:43   

to be honest, if you play ED with other ae games, all sparingly, it works out well. then focus on one when u see something u like (like vindicator of they set in aqw O_O)
-and btw I've earned like 150,000+ artix points for free over my lifetime...with an email address lol. Teens can afford that ^_^

< Message edited by Hotairballoons -- 10/15/2011 21:17:41 >
MQ  Post #: 158
10/15/2011 22:15:16   

Congratz on getting so many artix points -_-
No point trying to get points when you are a teen and there are no offers that work, right?
AQW  Post #: 159
10/15/2011 22:35:30   

Ya, a lot of the offers don't work, that's why you complain and send proof ^_^. And I'm still waiting for that *most Artix Points earned* medal :P....
-ON-topic: I'm 18, college student, and nowadays I have a lot less time for games. So what's best for me is daily token quests in AQW, check up on stuff in mq once in a while (same goes for AQ), and fill the rest of my allotted game time to epicduel and Dead Island (a must play on x-box ^_^). So when ED doesn't update, I can always do something else, or perhaps hang out with friends and play tennis...or homework :O. I'm just waiting and waiting for a 10k varium package deal besides just delta weapons, and it seems one won't come out this time. This is rather problematic since it's such a good deal to do the 10k package. I could always spend 10 bucks for a weapon (1250 varium), but I'd prefer not to. Until I get my hands on some better varium gear (mine's rather outdated), the best thing to do is npc farm at lvl 33...which gets boring. So I hope I'm wrong and I hope that sometime soon there will be another 10k varium package deal...
MQ  Post #: 160
10/15/2011 22:49:33   

Are we getting birthday presents in the new release? :O so cool.
Post #: 161
10/15/2011 23:36:26   


To all those who think the devs don't owe us anything:

You people are stagnating this game and accomplishing nothing except slowing down progress.

Stop being pushovers.

If you can't, then please just sit back quietly in the background and let us "complainers" move this game forward.

You'll thank us later. (Oh wait, no you won't. You'll thank the devs.)

You "complainers" are called "complainers" for a reason. Because you are complaining. There is a difference between complaining, and giving constructive criticism.

The difference?

Constructive criticism, as the name suggests, is constructive, while on the other hand, complaining is not. Basically, by complaining, you are NOT HELPING. You are:

1. Making the devs feel bad, because despite their hard work, you are complaining.

2. Convincing other players that the devs dont do anything.

Also, you ARE NOT HELPING the game by complaining, and ranting, and flaming, and pretty much bringing down the community by going on and on and on and on about the same things. Things that the devs don't necesarily control.

Not only that, but you are accusing the devs of doing things that you dont actually know they are doing. For example, how do YOU know they arent working hard, or are PURPOSELY trying rip us all off? Can you read minds? And regarding that second point, they make salaries. Meaning they dont take all the money, pay for the servers, and split it four ways.

You call people who support the devs "pushovers". This is just so you can look good, and get the rest of the community on your side.

Look at it this way. Making fun of and putting down those who support the game and those who make it is like being a spoiled child. When you dont get your way you will do everything to get it. You threaten others (like a small child threatening his/her parent to "do something, OR ELSE").

Not only that, but you are claiming to


move this game forward

Frankly, it sounds like you are:

moving this game in the direction you want it to move

You want all the benefits, all the power.



You'll thank us later. (Oh wait, no you won't. You'll thank the devs)

lol? Now you're claiming to be some sort of revolutionary?

Some people have no appreciation for this game, and those who work hard to make it.
DF Epic  Post #: 162
10/15/2011 23:55:23   

I do disagree with the devs owe us , but I feel the pushover part is right.


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 163
10/16/2011 0:24:56   

@Tigura: I had been building to a post like that for a few days, was waiting for Frog Bones to change his tune, but it doesn't look like happening. great post.
Post #: 164
10/16/2011 9:56:00   

oh yea and can i ask, when does the promo change and are there new stuff?
Post #: 165
10/16/2011 10:00:04   
Hun Kingq

The new armor will change your sex so guys will become girls and girls will become guys that is including the hair style.
Epic  Post #: 166
10/16/2011 10:52:27   

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 167
10/16/2011 11:02:55   

ew...wtf! how do u know?!?! have ubeen "peeking"?!?! O_O
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 168
10/16/2011 11:22:25   

he just made it up bro ;)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 169
10/16/2011 11:25:52   

then he's gotta a NAAAAAAAAAAASTEHHHH mind! D:
perhaps he isnt straight...
hun kiqq, stop with ur made up nonsense and frogbones, if u reading this, please dont ever post again.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 170
10/16/2011 12:17:51   

@Tigura, beautiful post you took what i was going to say to frogbones
but you made it *appropriate* so thank you for probably saving me from being banned lol.
Epic  Post #: 171
10/16/2011 13:07:22   
Hun Kingq

No it is called the ultimate trick or treat. The treat new armor the trick change of sex, that would be the bug that tops all bugs. They did say mutating armor but did not say into what.

They could make it where when it changes the male a pretty pink bow is put on top of their head.
Epic  Post #: 172
10/16/2011 13:13:20   

'mutating' means it changes class with you
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 173
10/16/2011 13:16:26   

@basic like founders,right?

I'm soooom xcited,can we haze a preview of new weapons, pweeeeeease :3

Catface should do the trick

~black spidey
Epic  Post #: 174
10/16/2011 13:18:50   

^like founders, and the draconic weapons

quote from sept 2nd DN (ED Delta 1.3.1b)

mutating weapons (by which I mean they change class with you, not that they cause point changes in your DNA)

pretty sure class changing is class changing, and changes in DNA = gender change :^)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 175
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